Arkansas Nutrition Conference
New Volume Discovery: The student journal of Dale Bumpers College of Agriculture, Food and Life Sciences
New issue available: Journal of Research on the College President
Arkansas Law Review | New volume available now!
New Volume: Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science
University of Arkansas Concert Recordings Collection -- Hear them now!
New issue accessible now! The Diamond Line Undergraduate Literary Magazine
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Scholarly Communications showcases U of A research and creative achievements by making them globally accessible in ScholarWorks@UARK. We also offer information about publishing, author's rights, and open access. Located in Mullins Library, the Office of Scholarly Communications is sponsored by the University Libraries.

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Putting you on the path to success with workshops, online guides, and personal consultation

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Contact Us

Scholarly Communications and Institutional Repository
225 Mullins Library
University of Arkansas Libraries
365 N. McIlroy Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002
Melody Herr

Melody Herr
Head of Office of Scholarly Communications
MULN 413

Jessica Kelly

Jessica Kelly
Scholarly Communications Assistant
MULN 411

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