Introduction / Sources / History / Binational Programs / Board of Foreign Scholarships / Cooperating Agencies / Anniversaries / Grantees
"My experience as a Rhodes scholar was the dominant influence in the creation of the Fulbright awards. . . . That experience, together with the devastation of the second World War and the existence of large uncollectible foreign credits, resulted in the bill creating the scholarships. . . . The recipients of these awards may be considered as grandchildren of Cecil Rhodes, scattered throughout the world."Senator Fulbright, May 6, 1955,
in a letter to Dr. Frank Aydelotte, long-time secretary
of the Association of American Rhodes Scholars.
First Oxford Fulbright scholars meet with the Rhodes Trust at Rhodes House, November
26, 1949. Front row (left to right): Mrs. W. A. Binkley;
Prof. K. C. Wheare;
Mrs. Jensen; Dr. John Lowe, vice-chancellor of Oxford University; Rt. Hon. L. S. Amery; and
Mrs. C. K. Allen. Second row (left to right): Prof. W. A.
Binkley; Sir Edward
Peacock; Mrs. R. S. Miller, Lord Elton; and Prof. M. Jensen. Third
row (left to right): Mrs. E. B. Wilson; Prof. E. B. Wilson; R. S.
Miller; and A. Pifer.
Photograph courtesy of Oxford Mail, November 28,