Arkansas Folk and Traditional Arts (AFTA) is a department of University of Arkansas Libraries Special Collections Division dedicated to the land grant mission of the University of Arkansas. AFTA's work is supported, in part, by grants from the Arkansas Arts Council and National Endowment for the Arts and working in partnership with stakeholder organizations and individuals, such as Arkansas State University and Mid-America Arts Alliance.

AFTA is dedicated to documenting, presenting, and sustaining Arkansas' living traditional arts and folklife. AFTA develops and supports projects and programming in collaboration with Arkansas citizens, with an emphasis on including rural and underrepresented artistic traditions.

Arkansas Folk and Traditional Arts
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Latest AFTA News

Virginia Siegel
Virginia Siegel
Folk Arts Coordinator

Contact Us

Arkansas Folk and Traditional Arts
Mullins Library 214O
University of Arkansas Libraries
365 N. McIlroy Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002