Expansion in Europe

"The Fulbright Program is many things to many fortunate people. For me, the Fulbright experience clearly shaped the broad framework of my life."

Harrison H. Schmitt, a scientist-astronaut,
studied in Norway in 1957-58.
He later served as a U.S. senator from New Mexico.


Italian student and researcher grantees meet with American grantees as part of their orientation in 1961 before leaving for the United States. The orientation course consisted of a three-week session held at the Villa Falconieri in Frascati, near Rome. First row (left to right, backs to camera): Giuseppe Lombardi, Romano Cerrone, Adriana Amici; second row: Gabriella Bergamini, Mary Maughelli, Grazia Dorello-Ferrara, Gastone Ferrara, Guiduccio Rosselli Del Turco, Emilio Vanze, and Carlo Perone-Pacifico.


Senator Fulbright observes the signing of the Fulbright agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom on September 22, 1948. Signing for the United Kingdom is Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin (left), and for the United States, Chargé d'Affaires Don Bliss (right).


Wayne Wilcox, chairman of the United States-United Kingdom Educational Commission (left), presents gifts to Congressman Wayne Hays and Senator Fulbright at the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of the establishment of the program with the United Kingdom. Mrs. Fulbright and Dr. Frank Thistlethwaite, vice-chancellor of the University of East Anglia and ranking member of the commission, look on.


Senator Fulbright observes the 1950 signing of the Fulbright agreement between the United States and Austria. Signing for the United States in Secretary of State Dean Acheson (left), and for Austria, Ambassador Ludwig Kleinwaechter (right).

Photo: J. S. Wright. Department of State Photograph.


Walter Johnson, chairman of the Board of Foreign Scholarships (second from left), and Francis J. Colligan, executive secretary of the board (fourth from left), meet with the U.S. Educational Commission in Austria in December 1952, at the Hotel Sacher in Vienna. The painting in the background is Market in Cracow by Lipinsky.

USIS Staff Photo Vienna (Maier).

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