Release Time to Attend Classes Policy

Release time during regular working hours (includes meal and break periods) to attend class is a privilege, not a right. It is the general policy of the University Libraries to support the continuing education of an employee by granting release time whenever possible. For new employees, the following stipulations apply:

Release time may be granted for undergraduate or graduate courses. The privilege of release time shall be recommended at the discretion of the supervisor and shall be approved by the division head. Many factors will be considered prior to granting release time, including, but not limited to: the employee's overall performance record, the effect of release time on maintenance of office hours and functions for serving patrons, length of employment, etc.

Release time shall be limited to one course in the fall semester, one in the spring (includes January intersession), and one in the entire summer (includes May and August intersessions). Generally, the per-week amount of release time granted shall be limited to the number of hours that a class meets. More specifically, however, release time

Time spent in attendance at class activities exceeding the weekly class meeting time (e.g., field trips) may be charged to annual leave or may be made up at the discretion of the supervisor. Requests for release time to attend class during an irregular session (e.g., three- or four-week session) will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The form entitled "Request for Release Time to Attend Class" (below) must be filled out and signed by the immediate supervisor, the department head, and division head.

Request for Release Time to Attend Class
This form is in Microsoft Excel Format. It may take a few moments to load. Once you have input your information, you will be prompted to SAVE or SAVE AS the worksheet to your computer. You will need to print out the completed form to pass on to your supervisor for approval.