
  • Name
  • Title
  • Departments
  • Contact
Jason Battles

Jason Battles

Dean of Libraries

  • Dean's Office
  • jasonjb@uark.edu
Amy Allen

Amy Allen

University Archivist

  • Special Collections
  • ala005@uark.edu
  • 479-575-6370
Martha Anderson

Martha Anderson

Director of Organizational Development and Head of Digital Services

  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Digital Services
  • map012@uark.edu
  • 479-575-2032
Sara Barclay

Sara Barclay

Exhibits and Engagement Archivist

  • Special Collections
  • sbarclay@uark.edu
  • 479-575-6797
Molly Boyd

Molly Boyd

English, Communication, & Journalism Librarian

  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • mdboyd@uark.edu
  • 479-575-2962
Linde Brocato

Linde Brocato

Metadata Librarian

  • Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Metadata and Preservation Services
  • lbrocato@uark.edu
  • 479-718-1204
Kariah Brust

Kariah Brust

Agriculture Librarian

  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • kariahb@uark.edu
  • 479-575-3184
Katharine Chandler

Katharine Chandler

Special Collections and Serials Cataloger

  • Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Metadata and Preservation Services
  • kc093@uark.edu
  • 479-575-6898
Anna Clymer

Anna Clymer

Business and Entrepreneurship Librarian

  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • clymer@uark.edu
  • 479-575-4810
Mary Gilbertson

Mary Gilbertson

Head of Acquisitions, Librarian / Professor

  • Acquisitions
  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • mag@uark.edu
  • 479-575-5417
Adriana Gonzalez

Adriana Gonzalez

Senior Associate Dean for Research and Learning

  • Dean's Office
  • Research and Learning
  • ag131@uark.edu
  • 479-575-3638
Cody Hackett

Cody Hackett

Electronic Resources Librarian

  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Electronic Resources
  • chacket@uark.edu
  • 479-575-4103
Melody Herr

Melody Herr

Head of Office of Scholarly Communications

  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Open Education, Data, and Publishing Services
  • Scholarly Communications
  • herr@uark.edu
  • 479-575-4233
Normastel Johnson

Normastel Johnson

Adjunct Assoc Librarian

  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • njohns@uark.edu
  • 479-575-3498
Phillip Jones

Phillip Jones

Director of the Fine Arts Library

  • Fine Arts Library
  • Research and Learning
  • pjj01@uark.edu
  • 479-575-3081
Beth Juhl

Beth Juhl

Web Services Librarian

  • Information Systems and Technology
  • Web Services
  • bjuhl@uark.edu
  • 479-575-4665
Hannah King

Hannah King

Humanities & Social Sciences Librarian

  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • hk033@uark.edu
  • 5754239
Deborah Kulczak

Deborah Kulczak

Director of Metadata and Preservation Services

  • Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Metadata and Preservation Services
  • dkulczak@uark.edu
  • 479-575-4811
Kimberly Larsen

Kimberly Larsen

Undergraduate Engagement Librarian

  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • kiml@uark.edu
  • 479-575-3538
Lora Lennertz

Lora Lennertz

Director of Open Education, Data, and Publishing Services

  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Data Services
  • Open Education, Data, and Publishing Services
  • Open Educational Resources
  • lennertz@uark.edu
  • 479-575-7197
Jay McAllister

Jay McAllister

Engineering Librarian

  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • jtmcalli@uark.edu
  • 479-575-2480
Kelsey Molseed

Kelsey Molseed

Health Sciences Librarian

  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • kmolseed@uark.edu
  • 479-575-6283
Jessica Morales

Jessica Morales

Associate Dean for Collections and Open Initiatives

  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Dean's Office
  • jmorale8@uark.edu
  • 479-575-3212
Stephanie Pierce

Stephanie Pierce

Director of Experiential Learning and Physics Library

  • Experiential Learning
  • Physics Library
  • Research and Learning
  • sjpierc@uark.edu
  • 479-575-4483
Michele Reilly

Michele Reilly

Digital Projects Coordinator

  • Information Systems and Technology
  • Web Services
  • reilly@uark.edu
  • 479-387-3927
Christine Rickabaugh

Christine Rickabaugh

Open Education Librarian

  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Open Education, Data, and Publishing Services
  • cr097@uark.edu
  • 479-575-8698
Judy Robinson

Judy Robinson

Head of Monographs Cataloging

  • Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Metadata and Preservation Services
  • jr055@uark.edu
  • 479-575-2567
Robin Roggio

Robin Roggio

Director of Resource Sharing and Interlibrary Loan

  • Resource Sharing
  • Research and Learning
  • rroggio@uark.edu
  • 479-387-9118
Luti Salisbury

Luti Salisbury

Distinguished Professor, Director of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Library

  • Chemistry and Biochemistry Library
  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • lsalisbu@uark.edu
  • 479-575-8418
Virginia Siegel

Virginia Siegel

Director of Arkansas Folk and Traditional Arts

  • Arkansas Folk Arts
  • Special Collections
  • vdsiegel@uark.edu
  • 479-575-7115
Mandi Smith

Mandi Smith

Head of Collection Development Strategies

  • Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Collections and Open Initiatives
  • Metadata and Preservation Services
  • ms054@uark.edu
  • 479-575-4812
Ellen Urton

Ellen Urton

Director of Research and Instruction

  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • eurton@uark.edu
  • 479-575-2437
Katrina Windon

Katrina Windon

Collections Management and Processing Unit Head

  • Special Collections
  • windon@uark.edu
  • 479-575-3867


Education Librarian

  • Research and Instruction Services
  • Research and Learning
  • mayork@uark.edu
  • 479-575-4937
Joshua Youngblood

Joshua Youngblood

Interim Associate Dean for Special Collections

  • Special Collections
  • jcyoungb@uark.edu
  • 479-575-7251

Jason Battles

  • Master of Library Science, 1995
    The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
  • Master of Arts, History, 1993
    The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
  • Bachelor of Arts, Majors: History and Political Science, Minor: English, 1991
    Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama



  • Jason J. Battles, Sean Watkins, and Rachel Vacek. “Streamlining Data for Cross-Platform Web Delivery.” Journal of Web Librarianship, 7:1 (2013): 95-108.
  • Jason J. Battles, Lindley C. Shedd, and Valerie D. Glenn. “Rethinking the Library Game: Creating an Alternate Reality with Social Media.” Journal of Web Librarianship, 5:2 (2011): 114-131.
  • Jason J. Battles. “Designing and Building a Collaborative Intranet for All.” Journal of Web Librarianship, 4:2-3 (2010): 251-263.
  • Jason J. Battles. “Racial Politics and the 1966 Alabama Gubernatorial Election.” The Alabama Review, XLIX (April 1996): 108-122.


  • Battles, Jason J. and Joseph (Jody) D. Combs. "Building a Web-Based Laboratory so Users Can Experiment with New Services." Computers in Libraries January 2008: 12-14, 44.

Book Chapters

  • Jason J. Battles. “Law, Labor, and the Freedmen’s Bureau in Alabama, 1865-1867.” in Kenneth Noe (Ed.), The Yellowhammer War: The Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: The University of Alabama Press, 2014.
  • Jason J. Battles. “Beyond the Board: Alternate Reality Games in Libraries.” in Breanne Kirsch (Ed.), Making and Using Games in Libraries. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2014.
  • Jason J. Battles. “Designing and Building a Collaborative Library Intranet for All.” in Nina McHale (Ed.), Designing and Developing Library Intranets. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2013.

Other Publications

Book Reviews

  • Jack Bass and Walter De Vries. The Transformation of Southern Politics: Social Change and Political Consequence Since 1945. In Southern Historian 18 (Spring 1997): 82-84.
  • Harvey H. Jackson III, Rivers of History: Life on the Coosa, Tallapoosa, Cahaba, and Alabama. In Southern Historian 17 (Spring 1996): 100-101.



  • Jason J. Battles and Gina Costello. “Evolving Statewide Digital Libraries.” Coalition for Networked Information Spring 2019 Membership Meeting. April 9, 2019. St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Jason J. Battles. “Usable Accessibility in Library Web Design.” Library Information Technology Association 2013 National Forum. November 9, 2013. Louisville, Kentucky.
  • Jason J. Battles. “HTML5: Power, Promise, Pitfalls.” Internet Librarian 2012. October 24, 2012. Monterey, California.
  • Jason J. Battles. “Human Factors in Library Resource Discovery Systems: A Study of Information Seeking Patterns in a Modern Academic Environment.” Library Information Technology Association 2012 National Forum. October 5, 2012. Columbus, Ohio.
  • Jason J. Battles, Nina McHale, and Rachel Vacek. “Building a Single User Experience.” Internet Librarian 2011. October 18, 2011. Monterey, California.
  • Jason J. Battles, Rachel Vacek, and Sean Watkins. “Streamlining Data for Cross-Platform Web Delivery.” Preconference workshop. Internet Librarian 2011. October 16, 2011. Monterey, California.
  • Jason J. Battles, Shawn M. Averkamp, and Thomas C. Wilson. “Building a Habitat for the Digital Humanities.” Library Information Technology Association 2011 National Forum. October 1, 2011. St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Jason J. Battles, Catherine Baird, Nina McHale, and Rachel Vacek. “Migrating to Drupal: Open Source Library Intranets.” Preconference workshop. Internet Librarian 2010. October 23, 2010. Monterey, California.
  • Jason J. Battles, Valerie Glenn, and Lindley Shedd. “Rethinking the Library Game: Creating an Alternate Reality with Social Media.” Library Information Technology Association 2010 National Forum. October 1, 2010. Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Jason J. Battles, Valerie Glenn, and Lindley Shedd. “A New Approach to the Library Game: Creating an Alternate Reality with Social Media.” Poster session. EDUCAUSE Southeast Regional Conference. June 3, 2010. Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Jason J. Battles, Lisa Campbell, Jill E. Grogg, Michael Pearce, and Marliese Thomas. “How to Select Discovery Interfaces.” Preconference. Alabama Library Association 2010 Annual Convention. April 13, 2010. Huntsville, Alabama.
  • Jason J. Battles. “Building Environments and Tools to Engage Library Users.” SOLINET Annual Membership Meeting 2009. May 15, 2009. Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Jason J. Battles and Joseph (Jody) D. Combs. “Building a Web-Based Laboratory for Library Users.” Library Information Technology Association 2008 National Forum. October 18, 2008. Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Jason J. Battles and Dale Poulter. “Hacking Web 2.0: Protecting wikis, blogs, and SQL databases.” Library Information Technology Association 2008 National Forum. October 18, 2008. Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Jason J. Battles, Jim Blansett, Dickie Cox, and Thomas C. Wilson. “Open Source Solutions for 21st Century Libraries.” Alabama Library Association 2008 Annual Convention. April 24, 2008. Birmingham, Alabama.
  • Jason J. Battles. “Carl Elliott and the 1966 Alabama Gubernatorial Election.” Alabama Historical Association 1995 Annual Meeting. April 22, 1995. Auburn, Alabama.


  • Jason J. Battles, Madeleine Casad, Gina Costello, Don Gilstrap, Holly Mercer, and Tom Wilson. “Sustaining Digital Humanities Centers.” Digitorium Conference 2018. October 4, 2018. Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
  • Jason J. Battles. “The Freedmen’s Bureau in Alabama, 1865-1867.” ArchTreats: Food for Thought - Alabama History Lectures Sponsored by the Friends of the Alabama Archives. July 16, 2015. Montgomery, Alabama.
  • Jason J. Battles. “Alternate Reality, Social Media, and Library Game Making.” Library Information Technology Association Game Making Interest Group (American Library Association Annual Conference). June 24, 2012. Anaheim, California.
  • Jason J. Battles. “Leveraging Librarians: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries.” Association of Research Libraries Leadership Symposium (American Library Association Midwinter Meeting). January 21, 2012. Dallas, Texas.
  • Jason J. Battles, Chris Evjy, Monique Sendze, Steve Teeri, and Rachel Vacek. “Drupal FAIL Panel.” American Library Association Annual Conference. June 27, 2011. New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Jason J. Battles. “The Online Library Environment: Projects and Challenges at the University of Alabama Libraries.” ASERL ITDIIG Webinar. July 21, 2010.
  • Jason J. Battles. “A New Approach to the Library Game.” LYRASIS Alabama Member Meeting 2009. December 11, 2009. Montevallo, Alabama.


Deputy University Librarian

December 2014 to August 2021
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

  • Administrative responsibility for the following areas:
    • Library Technology Support – desktop, network, and software support
    • Cataloging Department
    • Digital Library of Georgia
    • Digital stewardship and preservation
    • Facilities and security for Main, Science, and Carnegie libraries
    • GALILEO Development – programming and system administration for state initiative used by academic institutions, public libraries, and K-12
    • GIL Technology Support – manages ILS for 28 institutions in Georgia
    • Map and Government Information Library
    • Marketing and communications
    • Research Data Management (associated position projected Summer 2021)
    • Research facilities – librarians at UGA's Griffin and Tifton campuses
    • Willson Center Digital Humanities Lab
  • Responsible for all faculty and staff in these areas (70 FTE total, 9 FTE reports).
  • Sole senior administrator with involvement in budgets, facilities, personnel, collections, and overall strategic direction of the University of Georgia Libraries.
    • Directing UGA Libraries' 2027 Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Planning
    • Directed process and creation of UGA Libraries' 2025 Strategic Plan
    • Planned approach to resumption of operations during COVID-19 pandemic
    • Directing participation in Google Books digitization project
    • Involved in hiring of all library faculty members
    • Involved in all major aspects of annual budget planning and development
    • Substantial involvement in several significant library renovations
  • Serve as backup for the University Librarian and represent the organization as needed at campus, state, regional, and national conferences and meetings.

Associate Dean, Library Technology Planning and Policy

January 2013 to November 2014
The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

  • Administrative responsibility for the following areas:
    • Area Computing Services – desktop, network, and software support
    • Digital Services – digitization and digital preservation
    • Infrastructure and Application Development – software programming
    • Integrated Library Systems and E-Resources Management
    • Web Services – web presence creation, design, and management
  • Responsible for all faculty and staff in these areas (22 FTE total, 8 FTE reports).
  • Administer and manage development of the open source Acumen digital repository discovery application.
  • Manage the University Libraries' technology budget.
  • Work with the campus Office of Information Technology on infrastructure planning.
  • Member of the Libraries Executive Committee (senior administrative team).

Director, Office of Library Technology and Associate Professor

July 2011 to December 2012
The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

  • Responsible for core technologies, applications, and web sites.
  • Assist the University Libraries' administration with technology planning.
  • Set priorities and goals in supervising the management of Area Computing Services (ACS). ACS staff (6 FTEs) was responsible for installing and maintaining over 800 desktop and laptop computers for students, faculty, and library staff. ACS also provides network, software, and server support for key applications and software training for library staff.
  • Primary backup for the Associate Dean of Library Technology
  • Continued responsibilities as Head of the Web Services Department.

Head, Web Services Department and Assistant Professor

July 2007 to July 2011
The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

  • Responsible for the development, maintenance, and strategic vision of the University Libraries' web presence.
  • Establish goals, milestones, and deadlines for web projects of varying sizes and degrees of complexity for 5 FTEs (web developers, librarians, and programmer).
  • Collaborate with library administration, departments, and units in providing hardware and software solutions and/or developing web services and applications that advance user accessibility to library resources, improve internal workflows, and help provide a cohesive user experience for all.
  • Develop and maintain the software infrastructure for the University Libraries' production and development web servers. Providing a platform to build web tools, services, and online applications using JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, XHTML, XML, etc.
  • Responsible for the implementation, maintenance, and administration the University Libraries' discovery applications providing integrated searching of resources.
  • Administer and manage development of the open source Acumen digital repository discovery application.
  • Understand web site usage and users' needs through analyzing web statistics and gathering user feedback through sustained, focused usability testing and direct engagement of students and faculty from across campus.

Systems Librarian/Systems Administrator

January 2005 to July 2007
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee

  • Responsible for the development, enhancement and maintenance of most of the library's web database applications and other local web services. These projects reside on Windows and UNIX servers, run via Apache and IIS web servers and utilize scripting languages including JavaScript, Perl, and PHP as well as markup languages HTML, XML, and CSS.
  • Perform UNIX system administration including hardware maintenance, operating system updates and software installations. Responsible for proxy server management.
  • Work extensively in the Integrated Library System (ILS) administration and maintenance. This included software upgrades, catalog index maintenance, and the resolution of staff and patron problems.
  • Managed a project team in developing and maintaining an innovative site designed to provide early user access to proposed library services. The database driven site used a newsfeed for new content and a dynamic user feedback system.

Software Configuration Manager/UNIX System Administrator/Software Developer

January 2000 to January 2005
Chandra X-Ray Observatory Offline System<
Computer Sciences Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama

  • Responsible for maintaining the integrity of NASA's Chandra Offline System software throughout the development cycle. Implemented the UNIX open-source CVS code management tool and developed procedures for its use. Configured, tested and delivered twelve major software releases.
  • System administrator for UNIX and Microsoft Windows networks. Responsible for conducting backups/restores; upgrading operating systems, compilers, hardware; and maintaining all servers and workstations.
  • Participated in application design and implementation. Developed UNIX shell and Perl scripts and made updates to C and FORTRAN source code.
  • Supported the Chandra Offline System project manager by assessing hardware and software needs in keeping with budget limitations; by participating in customer status meetings to outline the progress of software development; and by directing the technical staff's tasks, monitoring progress on specific assignments, and providing assistance as needed to maintain the delivery schedule.

Product Specialist/Software Configuration Manager

August 1998 to January 2000
SIRSI Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama

  • Worked with designers and programmers to develop and deliver four major releases of SIRSI's Unicorn software for libraries. Responsible for application testing and source code verification to ensure that all enhancements and fixes were in the delivered product. Responsible for the final port and compilation of the software to nine UNIX platforms and assembling the resulting product for the delivery staff.
  • Co-directed seminars in the United States and Canada demonstrating the latest software features and providing customers guidance in upgrading their library systems.
  • Authored technical documentation for installing and configuring software upgrades.

Adjunct Professor

August 1997 to December 1998
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, Alabama

February 1997 to August 1997
Birmingham-Southern College
Birmingham, Alabama

  • Defined objectives and organized course plans for four Western Civilization (Alabama-Huntsville) and two American History (Birmingham-Southern) classes. Created and presented lectures. Developed and evaluated all assignments and examinations. Managed students' progress and worked with them to achieve outlined goals.

Research Associate

August 1992 to August 1995
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama

  • Assisted the editor of The Alabama Review, a quarterly history journal, in evaluating and editing prospective articles and reviews. Contributed “Book Notes” section to each issue, providing synopses of recent and forthcoming works.

Honors and Awards

  • 2011 Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) Top 20 Article for "Rethinking the Library Game" published in the Journal of Web Librarianship.
  • 2009 University of Alabama Library Leadership Board Faculty Award


  • Co-Principal Investigator, "Southern and Western American Sacred Music and Influential Sources (SWASMIS) Research Database." National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), $326,440, Proposal submitted.
  • Senior Personnel, "Digitizing the Septimus D. Cabaniss Papers." National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), $35,758, 2009-2011.
  • Co-Principal Investigator, "A Study of User Information Searching Behaviors in The University of Alabama Community." University Libraries Innovation Grant, $500, 2008.

Amy Allen

University Archivist

M.L.I.S., Library and Information Studies, University of Alabama

B.A., English, University of Arkansas


Certified Archivist (CA), Academy of Certified Archivists

Digital Archives Specialist (DAS), Society of American Archivists

Research Interest

Digital archiving; methods for providing access to archival materials; history of the University of Arkansas



Allen, Amy Leigh and Timothy G. Nutt. University of Arkansas. Charleston, South Carolina: Arcadia Press, 2015.

Refereed Articles

Windon, Katrina and Amy L. Allen 2021. “Move to Improve: Increasing Intellectual Control During a Physical Move.” Archival Issues, 41 (1): 29-43.

Allen, Amy Leigh 2019. “KUAF.” Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture.

Allen, Amy Leigh. 2017. “Lessons Learned in Partnerships and Practice: Adopting Open Source Institutional Repository Software.” Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 5(1).

Allen, Amy Leigh, Deborah E. Kulczak, and Mary A. Gilbertson. 2017. “From Digital Repositories to the Library Catalogue: Two Workflows for Transforming Metadata.” Journal of Digital Media Management, 6(1): 95-110.

Allen, Amy Leigh. “Black American for Democracy.” Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and
Culture, 2015.

Allen, Amy Leigh and Joshua C. Youngblood. “BAD Times and Good Stuff at the University of Arkansas: University Archives, Student Access, and Promoting Diversity in the Special Collections.” Archival Practice 1, no. 2 (2014).

Book Chapters

Allen, Amy L., Dylan Hurd, Deborah Kulczak, and Lora Lennertz.2023. “Going Where the Music Takes You: Navigating the Changing World of Digital Institutional Recordings” Managing Institutional Recordings, edited by Beth Thompson and Liza Weisbrod, 66-78. Middleton, WI: Music Library Association and A-R Editions, Inc.

Allen, Amy Leigh. 2020. Testing Institutional Repository Software. The Complete Guide to Institutional Repositories. Chicago, IL: American Library Association (ALA Editions).



Allen, Amy and Virginia Siegel, “Changing Philosophies, Increasing Opportunities.” Society of American Archivists Electronic Records Section and Oral History Section (SAA ERS/OHS) Meeting (virtual conference), August 2, 2022.

Allen, Amy and Lori Birrell. “Rethinking How We Build Communities: The Future of Flexible Work.” Presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries New England Chapter and New England Library Instruction Group (ACRL NEC and NELIG) Annual Meeting (virtual conference), June 2, 2022.

Windon, Katrina and Amy Allen. “From Pilot to Production: Artefactual’s Assessment Package as a Stepping Stone to Full Implementation.” Presented at ArchivematicaCon, virtual conference, November 18, 2021.

Gentry, L., K. Topham, Adam Strohm, J. Corrin, Amy Allen. “Rethinking Repositories for Digital Scholarship: A Novel Approach to Ensuring Accessibility, Sustainability, and Serviceability” Presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries, Digital Scholarship Section Professional Development Series, Online presentation, October 28, 2020.

Allen, Amy and Katrina Windon, “Moving On and Moving Up: CMT Implementation as Part of an Off-site Storage Move” Presented at the Collection Management Tools Section of the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists, Austin, TX, August 2019.

Allen, Amy and Joshua C. Youngblood, “Teaching with University Archives” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Southwest Archivists, Tucson, AZ, May 2019.

Skeem, Dainan, Amy Leigh Allen, Ruth Bryan, Cory Nimer, and Christine Weideman.
“Faculty Papers.” Presented at the College and University Archives Section meeting of the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists, Portland, OR, July 2017.

Youngblood, Joshua, Linda C. Jones, Amy L. Allen, Janet Parsch, “Travelling Native Routes Toward Discovery: Digital Humanities and University of Arkansas Campus Collaborations with Special Collections Materials”
Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Southwest Archivists, Oklahoma City, OK, May 2016

Kamotsky, Irene, Lacy Wolfe, Amy Allen, “How to Get Started with an Institutional Repository”
Presented at the annual meeting of the Arkansas Library Association, Little Rock, AR, October 2015.

Allen, Amy Leigh and Timothy G. Nutt. “Improving Lives of Women and Children: Extension Homemakers and 4-H Clubs in Arkansas, 1914-1964.” Paper presented at Scholarly Symposium & Extension Exhibition on the Centennial of the Smith-Lever Act of 1914, Morgantown, WV, September 2014.

Allen, Amy L. and Timothy G. Nutt. “Not Quite from Scratch: Starting a University Archives.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Arkansas Library Association, Hot Springs, AR, October 2013.
Invited Presentations

Allen, Amy L. and Joshua Youngblood. “Basic Archival Principles.” Paper presented at the Municipal Clerks Institute, Fayetteville, AR, September 2012.

Poster Sessions

Allen, Amy Leigh, Mary A. Gilbertson, Deborah E. Kulczak, “Connecting Access from Metadata to MARC”
Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists, Atlanta, GA, August 2016.


University Archivist, University of Arkansas, February 2010-

Library Technician, University of Arkansas, August 2008-January 2010

Project Assistant, Publishers Bindings Online, 1815-1930: The Art of Books, University of Alabama, May-Sept 2007; Nov 2007-May 2008

Graduate Assistant, Hoole Special Collections Library, University of Alabama, Jan 2007-May 2008

Martha Anderson

Director of Organizational Development and Head of Digital Services

Martha Anderson's work experience encompasses eighteen years as an executive manager with successful leadership experience, five years as an educator, and nine years of service as a digital librarian at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, her alma mater.
She is the Head of the Digital Services Department at the UA Libraries.

  • BA, Management, Queens University of Charlotte, Charlotte
  • MLIS, Libraries, University of North Carolina @ Greensbor, Greensboro
  • Masters (Inactive), Spanish, University Of Arkansas Main Campus

Research Interest

  • DEIA, digital preservation, digital forensics, digital collections' creation, and people management.

Teaching Interest

  • Spanish literature and information science with an emphasis on digital preservation and digital collections' creation.



Stankus, T., & Parker, M. A. (April 01, 2012). The anatomy of nursing lib guides. Science and Technology Libraries, 31, 2, 242-255.


Anderson, Martha; Eckard, Max; Griffin Melanie; Hastings, Emiko; Kulczak, Deb; Powell, Chris; Virakhovskaya, Olga; Wells, Caitlin; & Windon, Katrina (2021). Facilitating Seamless Access Through Collaborative Workflows, Advocacy, and Communication. In Mark A. Matienzo and Dinah Handel, eds. 2021. The Lighting the Way Handbook: Case Studies, Guidelines, and Emergent Futures for Archival Discovery and Delivery. (pp. 39-52) Stanford, CA: Stanford University Libraries. https://doi.org/10.25740/gg453cv6438. Print.

Anderson, Martha A. Sesquicentennial Celebrations: The Power of Community-Driven Digital Collections. Archival Outlook. Chicago: Society of American Archivists. (September/October 2020): 8-9, & 27.  Print.

Anderson, Martha A. The One-Time Request Digital Gallery. Archival Outlook. Chicago: Society of American Archivists. (March/April 2020): 9 & 18. Print.

Book Chapters         

Anantachai, T., Booker, L., Lazzaro, A., & Parker, M. (2016). Establishing a Communal               Network for Professional Advancement Among Librarians of Color. In Hankins, R. & Juárez, M. (Eds.), Where Are All the Librarians of Color? The Experiences of People of Color in Academia (pp. 31-53). Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press.

Other Works

Anantachai, T. Booker, L. , Lazzaro, A., & Parker, M. (2014).  ACRL’s Diversity Standards Toolkit.  Association of College and Research Libraries.  https://acrl.libguides.com/diversity/standardstoolkit

Banks, J., &  Parker, M. (October 31, 2012).  ACRL’s Diversity Standards for Academic Libraries video.  Association of College and Research Libraries, Diversity Committee. http://www.ala.org/acrl/aboutacrl/directoryofleadership/committees/acr-raed. Motion Picture.



Anderson, Martha. AI and the Creation of Artificial Cultures. 2021 Association for Information Science and Technology’s Workshop, AI in Information Research and Practice: Fostering Interconnected Communities. Virtual. October 30, 2021.

Anantachai, Tarida; Garcia, Kenny, Parker, Martha; & Watson, Megan. “Resteering the Standards: Revisiting ACRL Diversity Standards & Cultural Competencies.” Association of College & Research Libraries Virtual . March 24, 2017.

Anantachai, Tarida; Booker, Latrice; Garcia, Kenny; Lazzaro, Althea; & Parker, Martha. ACRL Diversity Standards Revisited: Intersectional Approach to Cultural Competency. 2016 National Diversity in Libraries Conference. Los Angeles, CA. August 11, 2016.

Anantachai, Tarida; Booker, Latrice; Garcia, Kenny; Lazzaro, Althea; Parker, Martha; & Watson, Megan. Collaboration Among Librarians of Color: Creating Communal Networks for Career Advancement.  2015 ACRL Conference. Portland, Oregon. March 26, 2015.

Parker, Martha. Diversity Dialog- Now that we have a standard what are we going to do with it?  2013 Association of College and Research Libraries conference. Indianapolis, IN.  April 11,  2013.

Anantachai, Tarida; Arnold-Garza, Sara; Im, Suzanne; Lee, Hannah; Parker, Martha; & Reynolds, Latisha. The Minority Report: An open discussion on the recent “Diversity Counts” study and how to foster momentum towards inclusion in our libraries. 2013 Association of College and Research Libraries conference.  April 12, 2013.


Anderson, Martha. Paradigm Shift: The New Normal. 2021 Open Education Arkansas.  Arkansas Department of Higher Education and University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Libraries.  Virtual presentation. March 5, 2021.

Anderson, Martha; Birrell, Lori; & Kulczak, Deborah. Getting the Party Started: Creating Content for Open Education Resources. 2018 Open Education Southern Symposium. University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Libraries. Fayetteville, Arkansas. October 2, 2018.

Arnold-Garza, Sara; Anantachai, Tarida; Blass, Nataly; Duffus, Orlando; & Parker, Martha. Diversity in a Flash: A Lightning Showcase of Residency Initiatives. 2015 ALA Conference. Los Angeles, CA. June 28, 2015.

Garcia, Kenny; & Parker, Martha. ACRL’s Diversity Standards for Academic Libraries and its Toolkit. 2015 REFORMA National Conference. San Diego, CA. April 3,  2015.

  Garcia, Kenny; & Parker, Martha. America by the Numbers: Do you know your library users? 2015 REFORMA National    Conference. San Diego, CA. April 2,  2015.

Banks, Jeff; Falkowitz, Staci; Guevara, Beatriz; & Parker, Martha. Make it Happen: DIVERSITY in your library. 2013 Annual American Library Association conference. Chicago, IL. June 30, 2013.

Garcia, Kenny; & Parker, Martha. Libraries Building Bridges: Best Practices and Advice for Serving Your Latino Communities. 2013 Annual American Library Association conference. Chicago, IL. June 29, 2013.

Anantachai, Tarida, Booker, Latrice; Lazzaro, Althea; & Parker, Martha. Another look at the ACRL’s Diversity Standards: Where from here? 2013 Midwinter American Library Association Conference.  Seattle, WA. January 26, 2013.

Booker, Latrice; & Parker, Martha. 2012 Diversity Standards for Academic Libraries. Library 2.0: The Future of Libraries in the Digital Age. Virtual Conference. October 4, 2012.


Anantachai, Tarida & Anderson, Martha. Mentoring and Support for BIPOC Staff. Society of American Archivists Online Education.  Instructors. August 19, 2021.

Anderson, Martha. A Former UNCG Scholar: Martha Anderson’s Guidelines for Interviewing Virtually During the Pandemic. 2021 University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s Library and Information Science Career Day. Virtual presentation. March 27, 2021.

Anderson, Martha; Grana, Gabriel; and Ruffin, Ingrid. Setting the Stage Before the Hire. 2021 Cora Paul Bomar Summit. University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s Library and Information Science School. Virtual presentation. Facilitator role. March 19, 2021.

Anderson, Martha. A Perfect Mashup: CONTENTdm and the Internet Archives. OCLC’s CONTENTdm Users Group Meeting/ Community Insights. Virtual presentation.  February 16, 2021.

Amanatidou, Elsa; Friedman, Amelia; Parker, Martha; & Saviano, Katie. Campus-wide collaboration: Students, faculty, and librarians unite for global marketability. Webinar. ACRL & Mango Services. November 20, 2014.

Parker, Martha. John Ames/ Humphrey/OCLC/Forrest Press Award. 2014 American Library Association Annual Conference, International Librarians Reception. Las Vegas, NV.  June 30, 2014.

Honors and Awards

2020-21 Association of Research Libraries Leadership and Career Development Program (LCDP) Fellowship, Washington, DC, March 2020 – October 2021

2021 IDEA Institute on Artificial Intelligence Fellowship, Knoxville, TN, July 2021.

2019 POWRR (Preserving Digital Objects with Restricted Resources) Institute, Chicago, IL, April 2019.

2017 National Digital Stewardship Symposium, Washington, DC, February 2017.

Beta Phi Mu was elected for membership in April 2012. 

ACE (Academic and Cultural Enrichment) Scholar at UNC-Greensboro, 2009-2011, Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the UNCG-LIS department.


Anderson, Martha; Herbaugh, Rachel;& Parker-Gibson, Necia. CERES  VI, Special Report Award.  Center for Research Libraries. Project Ceres Cooperative Preservation and Digitization Program. $12,606, August 2021.

Anderson, Martha; Herbaugh, Rachel;& Parker-Gibson, Necia. CERES V, Mimeograph Series Award.  Center for Research Libraries. Project Ceres Cooperative Preservation and Digitization Program. $7,500, April 2021.

Anderson, Martha; Kulczak, Deb; & Parker-Gibson, Necia. CERES IV, Annual Reports, Bulletin Award. Center for Research Libraries. Project Ceres Cooperative Preservation and Digitization Program. $4,664, April 2019.

Kulczak, Deb; Parker, Martha; & Parker-Gibson, Necia. CERES III, Arkansas Extension Miscellaneous Publications Award. Center for Research Libraries. Project Ceres Cooperative Preservation and Digitization Program. $9,539, June 2017.

Fritz, Angela; Kulczak, Deb; Parker, Martha; & Parker-Gibson, Necia. CERES II, Arkansas Extension Bulletins Award. Center for Research Libraries. Project Ceres Cooperative Preservation and Digitization Program. $10,077, June 2016.

Kulczak, Deb; Nutt, Tim; Parker, Martha; & Parker-Gibson, Necia. CERES I, Arkansas Extension Circulars Award. Center for Research Libraries. Project Ceres Cooperative Preservation and Digitization Program. $7,690, June 2015.

Licensures and Certifications

Society of American Archivists’ Digital Archives Specialist (DAS), April 2016 & September 2021

Society of American Archivists’ Arrangement and Description Certificate (A&D), October 2017

North Carolina Public Libraries Certificate, July 11, 2011.

Professional Membership

  • American Library Association
  • Arkansas Library Association
  • Association of Colleges & Research Libraries
  • National Digital Stewardship Alliance, Infrastructure Interest Group
  • Society of American Archivists

Sara Barclay

Exhibits and Engagement Archivist

Bachelor of Arts in History and Museum Studies from Juniata College

Master of Library and Information Science from the University of North Carolina

Molly Boyd

English, Communication, & Journalism Librarian

Molly Boyd is a native Arkansian from Bigelow, Perry County. She has two adult sons, Joe and Tristan.

Ph. D., University of South Carolina, May 2000

M.A., University of Arkansas, May 1991

B.S., University of Arkansas, May 1987

Research Interest

Literature of the American South

Cinema and Film

Korean Drama and Film

Bollywood Film

American Gothic


"Our Faculty Outreach: Celebrating Tenure." Marketing Library Services, March / April 2015: cover. "A Writing Life: A Teaching Life." Research Frontiers Fall 2008: 26-29.

"Palindromist Pens Book." Research Frontiers Spring 2005: 28-29.

"Don't Throw Away Grandma's Recipe Cards Yet!" Research Frontiers Fall 2004: 28-29.

"'The Fall of the House of Usher,' 'Castle Dismal,' and The Scarlet Letter: Literary Interconnections," Studies in the Novel 35:2 (Summer 2003): 231-242.

"The Southern American Adam: Simms's Alternative Myth," Southern Quarterly 41:2 (Winter 2003):73-83. "Southern Gothic" and "Grotesque," The Companion to Southern Literature, Lucinda Mackeathen and Joseph Flora, eds., Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 2001.

"Southwestern Humor in W. Gilmore Simms's The Wigwam and the Cabin," John Guilds and Caroline Collins, eds., William Gilmore Simms and the American Frontier: Papers of the Inaugural Simms Society Symposium, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1997.

"William Faulkner's 'Doctor Martino,'" Southern Quarterly, 34:2 (Winter 1996): 39-49.

"Urban-Rural Conflicts in Mark Steadman's McAfee County: A Chronicle, and Angel Child: Allegories of the Changing South," Studies in the Literary Imagination 27: 2 (Fall, 1994).


“Uncanny House on Needless Street.” The Uncanny in Language, Literature and Culture International Conference, 17 August 2024, London, England.

“Identity in Extra-Ordinary You.” Congreso Internacional de Investigació sobre Cómic: Perspectivas desde la Cultura Visual, 16 November 2023, Alcala de Henares, Spain.

“Extra-Ordinary Onion: Layers of Meaning in Extra-Ordinary You.” Popular Culture Association in the South and American Culture Association in the South Conference, 28 September 2023, New Orleans, Louisiana. Presentation.

"Planning and Promoting a Value-Added Exhibit: A Practical Guide." Library Communications Conference, 4 November 2015, Dallas, Texas.

"Celebrating Promotion and Tenure through the Libraries." Library Communications Conference, 6 October 2014, Mount Laurel, New Jersey.

"Stress and Change in the Workplace: Communication Styles for Success." Association of Library Communication andOutreach Professionals Conference 7 October 2013, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Keynote Address.

"Making Email Work for the Busy Professional: A Primer for Composing Emails." Arkansas Libraries Paraprofessionals Association Conference 17 May 2012, Little Rock, Arkansas.

"The Sins of the Fathers, Honor, and Gentlemen Saviors in William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” and William Gilmore Simms’ Woodcraft," Simms Society Symposium 17 April 2002, Columbia, South Carolina.

"The Southern American Adam: Heroes and Their Quests in Simms, Faulkner, and Percy," Society for the Study of Southern Literature Conference, 18 April 1998, Charleston, South Carolina. 

"'The Fall of the House of Usher,' 'Castle Dismal,' and The Scarlet Letter: Literary Interconnections," Simms- Faulkner Conference, 13 December, 1997, New Orleans.

"Recovering the Past Through Memory: Katherine Anne Porter's The Old Order and Eudora Welty's The Optimist's Daughter." Southern Women Writers Conference, 14 April 1996, Rome, Georgia.

"The Southern American Adam: Simms's Alternative Myth," Simms Society Symposium, 14 April 1995, Starkville, Mississippi.

"Bobbie Ann Mason's Shiloh and Other Stories: A Sociological Record," Society for the Study of Southern Literature Conference, 25 March 1994, New Orleans.

"Urban-Rural Conflicts in Mark Steadman's McAfee County: A Chronicle, and Angel Child," Modern Language Association Convention, 30 December 1993, Toronto.

"Southwestern Humor in William Gilmore Simms's The Wigwam and the Cabin," Simms Society Symposium, 16 April 1993, Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Panel Mediator, "Women in Poetry," Second Annual Conference on Women, 10 March 1990, Fayetteville, Arkansas.


University Perspectives (UNIV 1001)

Freshman Composition (ENGL 1013)

World Literature to 1650 (ENGL 2013)

World Literature from 1650 (ENGL 2013)

Advanced Composition (ENGL 2003)

Survey of English Literature from the Beginning through the Seventeenth Century (ENGL 2303)

Intermediate Composition (ENGL 3003)


ENGLISH, COMMUNICATION, & JOURNALISM LIBRARIAN, University of Arkansas Libraries, 2020 to present. As librarian assigned to the English, Communication, Theatre, & Journalism Departments, promotes academic engagement with faculty, staff, and students in those departments, supports teaching and learning by partnering with faculty to design and deliver high-quality instructional experiences, provides specialized research services for the university community, selects information resources for purchase, participates in outreach programs and development, builds subject and course guides and digital learning objects.

PROVOST'S LECTURER, University of Arkansas, 2013 to present. University Perspectives (UNIV 1001). A first-year "student success" course, this hybrid class has both an online component and classroom activities to introduce students to skills needed for successful management of college life.

ADJUNCT FACULTY, Northwest Arkansas Community College, 1996 to present. Freshman Composition (ENGL 1013); Composition and Literature (ENGL 1023); World Literature to 1650 (ENGL 2013); World Literature from 1650 (ENGL 2023). Teach online classes since 2005; open educational resources (OER) since 2016.

ASSISTANT TO THE DEAN, University of Arkansas Libraries, 2011 to 2020. Assists the dean with all projects, programs, meetings, organizations, and writing of correspondence, reports, grants, and supporting documents. Organizes and executes special projects, exhibits, special events and lectures. Writing, design, and layout of annual report and other publications.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS, UARK Federal Credit Union, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Board Treasurer and Chair, Assets and Liabilities Committee, 2010 – present

VENUE MANAGER, Bentonville Film Festival, CineTransformers, Bentonville, Arkansas, 2016-present; volunteer, 2015-2016.

PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR, University of Arkansas Libraries, 2003 to 2011. As the public relations liaison with other libraries and departments, promotes the Libraries' services and collections through the writing and development of promotional materials such as newsletters, brochures, press releases, posters, information packets and Web pages; the planning and directing of special events such as public receptions, lectures, exhibits and other events; the assisting the Director of Development in fundraising and development activities; and the planning and designing in-service and outreach programs.

INSTRUCTOR, University of Arkansas English Department, 2008 to 2011 Freshman Composition (ENGL 1013). Introduction to World Literature (WLIT 1023). Advanced Composition (ENGL 2003). Survey of English Literature from the Beginning through the Seventeenth Century (ENGL 2303)

GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANT, University of South Carolina, 1992. Assisted Professor James B. Meriwether by compiling a bibliography of current publications concerning William Faulkner.

GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANT, University of South Carolina, 1991-1994 Composition (ENGL 101). First-semester freshman course stressing the close interaction of critical reading/thinking skill and writing essays, with emphasis on the process of writing and methods of generation, organization, and argumentation. Composition and Literature (ENGL 102). Second semester freshman course offering an introduction to literary analysis through the investigation of three levels of reading literature (experience, interpretation, and evaluation) in fiction, non-fictional essays, poetry, and drama.

GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANT, University of Arkansas, 1989-1991 Composition (ENGL 1013). First-semester freshman course combining critical reading/thinking skills and fundamentals of the writing process with an intensive study of grammar. Intermediate Composition (ENGL 3003). Junior-level composition course required of students across the disciplines combining advanced composition techniques and library research with practical business writing applications, such as resume, letter, and memo writing, and formulating project proposals. Introduction to World Literature (WLIT 1123). Second-semester introductory course offering a survey of poetry, drama, and fiction of the Western World from the Neoclassical through modern eras. Introduction to World Literature, honors (WLIT 1123h). Intensive second-semester introductory survey as above, stressing advanced literary research and analysis and limited to exceptional students of the honors college.

Honors and Awards

Not-So-New Faculty Award, University of Arkansas, 2024.

Keystone Award. University of Arkansas Libraries, 2015.

Best Student Paper, Simms-Faulkner Conference, New Orleans, 1997.

James A. Morris Carolina Fellow, 1991-1992.

C. C. Royal Fellow, 1992-1993.

Professional Membership

American Libraries Association (ALA)

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

Arkansas Libraries Association

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Popular Culture Association of the South (PCAS)


Linde Brocato

Metadata Librarian

Kariah Brust

Agriculture Librarian

Kariah Brust serves as the Agriculture Librarian at Mullins Library, specializing in enriching the educational experience for Dale Bumpers College Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences. through a variety of supportive services. She is dedicated to offering engagement opportunities, research consultations, and collection development, as well as tailoring instruction sessions to align with course objectives. By equipping students with strong research skills and personalized learning experiences, Kariah is dedicated to fostering academic excellence and success within the University of Arkansas community, while also creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all students.

Research Interest

  • Outreach & Engagement
  • Experiential Learning
  • Embedded Librarianship
  • Skills-based Learning


  • Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art - Collections Access Librarian
  • Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art - Interim Librarian
  • Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art - Archivist
  • Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art - Reference Assistant
  • Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art - Library and Archives Intern
  • New York Public Library - Library Volunteer

Licensures and Certifications

  • Archival Studies, Graduate Certificate, The University of Oklahoma

Professional Membership

  • United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN)
  • Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)

Katharine Chandler

Anna Clymer

Anna Clymer is the Business and Entrepreneurship Librarian at Mullins Library where she specializes in providing library instruction, support, and research assistance for the Sam M. Walton College of Business. Her professional journey encompasses a wide range of experiences, including public libraries, academic advising, eLearning resources, and academic library services. By creating dynamic partnerships and curating valuable resources, Anna excels in enhancing library integration within business education through innovative digital learning tools and engaging content creation. Passionate about promoting student-centered learning and building a supportive and inclusive community of learners and innovators, she is committed to connecting individuals with the resources they need, exemplifying her dedication to the evolving landscape of library science and business education.

  • MLIS, Valdosta State University

  • BS Marketing Management, Missouri State University


  • Bates, L., Clymer, A., Evans, M., Fox, S. (2024, January 10). Engaging Minds, Opening Worlds: Open Pedagogy & Student-Centered Learning. Celebrate Learning, NorthWest Arkansas Community College.
  • Clymer, A., and Thorup, S. (2023, November 30). Transformative Teaching: Strategies for Integrating AI in Next-Gen Lesson Planning & Information Literacy One-Shots. Amigos Library Services, Online Conference
  • Bates, L., Clymer, A., Connior, M., Evans, M., Fox, S. (2023, August 16). Understanding and Finding OER for Your Class. Celebrate Learning, NorthWest Arkansas Community College.
  • Clymer, A., Connior, M., Evans, M., Fox, S., Vinzant, G. (2023, January 11). Open Educational Resources: An NWACC Faculty Panel on the Adoption of OERs. Celebrate Learning, NorthWest Arkansas Community College.


Mullins Library, University of Arkansas - Business and Entrepreneurship Librarian

Pauline Whitaker Library, NorthWest Arkansas Community College - eLearning Librarian

Business Advisement Center, Missouri State University - Academic Advisor and Retention Specialist

The Library Station, Springfield-Greene County Library District - Circulation Assistant | Reference Assistant

Meyer Library, Missouri State University - Research Help Assistant 

Joplin Public Library - Page | Shelving Assistant

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Student in the Marketing Management Option, Missouri State University | 2018
  • College of Business Outstanding Academic Advisor, Missouri State University | 2022


Mary Gilbertson

Head of Acquisitions, Librarian / Professor



December 1997  Master of Library Science



May 1995  Bachelor of Arts in History, Minor in Psychology



May 1993  Associate of Arts     


  • Zou, Tim, and Gilbertson, Mary.  “Usage Analysis and Assessment of Streaming Video Acquisitions” ALA Editions: Guide to Streaming Video Acquisitions, Chapter 7; p. 55 -75.  2019. (Refereed) – published in August 2018.
  • Gilbertson, Mary.  Streaming Video Budgeting. American Library Association, Midwinter.  ALCTS Collection Development Issues for the Practitioner Interest Group.  February 10, 2018.
  • Gilbertson, Mary, Jaber, Baheya.  Internships: A Mutually Beneficial Experience. American Library Association, Midwinter. Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group.  January 20, 2017. (Presented by Mary Gilbertson)
  • Allen, Amy Leigh, Gilbertson, Mary, Kulczak, Deborah. “From Digital Repositories to the Library Catalogue: Two Workflows for Transforming Metadata” Journal of Media Management, vol. 6, no. 1, 2017, pp. 95-110.  (Invited Article) (Refereed)
  • Allen, Amy Leigh, Gilbertson, Mary A., Kulczak, Deborah E. “Connecting Access from Metadata to MARC” Society of American Archivists, Poster for Society of American Archivists Conference, Atlanta, GA held July 31-August 6, 2016 http://scholarworks.uark.edu/libpub/20/   (Refereed)
  • Middleton, Cedar C., Dean, Jason W., and Gilbertson, Mary A.  2015.  A process for the original cataloging of theses and dissertations. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly (12/22; 2015/01): 1-13.  (Refereed)
  • Zou, Tim, and Gilbertson, Mary.  Streaming Media at the University of Arkansas.  National Media Market, Albuquerque, New Mexico.  October 14, 2015.
  • Gilbertson, Mary, Elizabeth Chadbourn McKee, and Lutishoor Salisbury.  2014. Just in case or just in time? Outcomes of a 15-month patron-driven acquisitions of E-Books at the University of Arkansas Libraries.  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services (06/04; 2015/01): 1-11.  (Refereed)
  • Gilbertson, Mary A., and Juhl, Beth.  Ebrary dda and III at the University of Arkansas Libraries.  Arkansas Innovative Users Group Meeting. August, 2014.  
  • Gilbertson, Mary A., Salisbury, Luti, McKee, Elizabeth, Demand-Driven Acquisition at the University of Arkansas, Arkansas Library Association. Hot Springs, Arkansas. October 7, 2013.
  • Gilbertson, Mary A. “DDA Using YBP”, American Library Association, Catalog Management Interest Group. Anaheim, CA. 23 June 2012.  Panel Presentation.
  • Black, Angela & Gilbertson, Mary A. “Cataloging and MARC: a Brief Overview”.  Presented at the Arkansas Library Paraprofessional’s Meeting.  May 20, 2011. Written by Mary Gilbertson, presented by Angela Black.
  • Walker, Mary A. and McKee, Elizabeth Chadbourn.  “Evolution of a State Periodical Index: Converting an In-House Index to a MARC-Based Database on the Web” The Serials Librarian.  Vol.55 no. 1 / 2, (2008): 184-209.  (Refereed)
  • McKee, Elizabeth Chadbourn and Walker, Mary A. Librarians as Indexers: Taking the Arkansas Publications Index from State Periodical Index in Card Files to Online Database” in Smallwood, Carol, editor.  Thinking Outside the Book:  Essays for Innovative Librarians.  Jefferson, Conn.: McFarland, (June 2008).  (Refereed)
  • Walker, Mary A. and Kulczak, Deb “Shelf-Ready Books Using PromptCat and YBP: Issues to Consider (An Analysis of Errors at the University of Arkansas)” Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services. Vol. 31 Issue 2, (June 2007): 61-84: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lcats.2007.07.016  (Refereed)
  • Walker, Mary and Contant, Elaine. “Regular Expressions,” Arkansas Innovative Users Group Presentation, Little Rock, Arkansas (June 2007).
  • Walker, Mary A. Arkansas Libraries Fall Conference entitled “Getting Blood Out of a Turnip,” Fayetteville, Arkansas, (October 2006). Panel Presentation.
  • Walker, Mary.  “Unlocking the Mysteries of Cataloging: A Workbook of Examples (book review)” Reference & User Services Quarterly, Winter 2005, Vol. 45, Issue 2, p. 179.
  • Walker, Mary, “YBP, OCLC Promptcat, and III: Our Experience at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,” Arkansas Innovative Users Group Presentation, Fayetteville, Arkansas (June 2005).
  • Walker, Mary and Juhl, Beth, “ContentDM: the Razorback Experience,” Amigos Spring Conference Presentation, Dallas, Texas (May 6, 2004).
  • White, Mary “OCLC Promptcat and YBP at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,” Arkansas Libraries 60:6 (December 2003): 38-40.
  • White, Mary and Kluttz, Kate “OCLC Connexion: the Good the Bad and the Ugly,” Arkansas Libraries 60:4 (August 2003): 23-26.
  • White, Mary “Subject Access in Electronic Resources” Arkansas Library Association Presentation, Little Rock, Arkansas, (September, 2002). 
  • White, Mary and White, Eva, “Going for the Green II: Public Library Funding in Arkansas” Arkansas Libraries 59:3 (June 2002): 4-7.
  • White, Mary, “For Better or for Worse: Issues Facing Government Documents Departments in the Age of the Internet” Arkansas Libraries 57:4 (August 2000): 4-7.


Monographs Unit Head, Cataloging and Acquisitions; 2003-Present 



Monographs Cataloging Unit Head; 2001-2003



Cataloging Librarian; 2000-2001



Government Documents/ Microforms Librarian; 1998- 2000



Graduate Assistant; Reference Desk, 1997



             Interim Library Manager; 1995-1996



Reference Desk; Student Assistant, 1994-1995




Adriana Gonzalez

Cody Hackett

Electronic Resources Librarian

Melody Herr

Head of Office of Scholarly Communications

Melody Herr is committed to assisting scholars and researchers from diverse disciplines with publishing and promoting their work.

  • Expertise in assisting researchers with disseminating research to diverse audiences through traditional and multimedia forms of communication
  • Extensive experience as a publisher, consultant, author, manuscript and book reviewer, editorial board member, and scholarly communications librarian
  • Familiarity with the principles and applications of research integrity and compliance
  • Conversant with the research, concepts, and methods of the sciences, humanities, and social sciences 


PhD, Johns Hopkins University, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, 5/00

BA, Millersville University of Pennsylvania, Biology with History minor, 12/92

Research Interest

  • Publishing, intellectual property, scholarly communications, research integrity



Copyright and Publishing

Writing and Publishing Your Book: A Guide for Experts in Every Field, Greenwood, 2017 [book]

"Understanding the Rights Provisions of a Book Contract," Kraemer Copyright Conference, virtual, 6/23

"Abusive Copyright Litigation, Proposed Solutions, and the Implications for Creative Commons Licenses,'' The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 48 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2021.102475

"The Interpretation of Creative Commons Licenses by US Federal Courts," The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102227

                *Related blog: "Creative Commons in Court,'' Scholarly Kitchen, 14 October 2020

"The Rights Provisions of a Book Publishing Contract," Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 6(1) (2018); http://doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.2273

Research Integrity and Compliance

"Research Integrity for Library Professionals," two-part workshop, co-presenter, hosted by the Texas Digital Library, 2/21

"Research Misconduct: Definitions, Causes, and Response Strategies,'' hosted by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, 9/19

"Responding to Research Misconduct," Science & Technology Libraries 38(3) (2019): 272-87; https://doi.org/10.1080/0194262X.2019.1644268

Nonspecialists and Young Readers

Reviews of books related to science, technology, and medicine for Choice, 1/19 - present

Citizen Scientists: Advancing Research Together from Backyards to Labs,” Arkansas News, 24 June 2021

Sitting for Equal Service: Lunch Counter Sit-Ins, Lerner, 2010; nonfiction for high school readers


SERVICE (Selected)

Steering committee, University of Arkansas Humanities Center, 11/23 - present

Publications Coordinating Committee, Association of College and Research Libraries, 7/19 - 6/21


University of Arkansas Fayetteville, 04/2016 to present

Head, Office of Scholarly Communications

University of Michigan Press, University of Michigan, 12/2007 to 02/2016

Senior Acquiring Editor for Politics and Government

Northern Illinois University Press, Northern Illinois University, 08/2003 to 11/2007

Acquisitions Editor

Normastel Johnson

Adjunct Assoc Librarian

B. A., Vanderbilt University, 1983

M.L.S., Simmons College, 1985

Phillip Jones

Director of the Fine Arts Library

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

M.S., library and information science

University of California, Irvine

M.A., history

University of California, Santa Barbara

B.A., history

Research Interest

Librarianship in the humanities; administration and management of academic libraries, particularly the role of accountability and authority; critical theory


Refereed Articles

Jones, Phillip J., and James T. McAllister III. “More Than Yea or Nay?: Accountability of Peers in Promotion and Tenure.” Journal of Library Administration 65, no. 1 (2025): 58–78.

Lennertz, Lora L., and Phillip J. Jones. “A Question of Time: Sociotemporality in Academic Libraries.” College and Research Libraries 81, no. 4 (May 2020): 701–20.

Jones, Phillip J., and James D. Stivers. “Good Fences Make Bad Neighbors: Rethinking Binary Constructions of Employment in Academic Libraries.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 4 (Jan. 2004): 85–104.

Ochola, John N., and Phillip J. Jones. “Assessment of the Liaison Program at Baylor University.” Collection Management 26, no. 4 (2001): 29–41.

Jones, Phillip J. “Academic Graduate Work in Academic Librarianship: Historicizing ACRL’s Terminal Degree Statement.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 24 (Nov. 1998): 437–43.

Non-refereed Articles

Jones, Phillip J., Janet H. Parsch, and Vijith M. Varghese. “Graduate Assistants at the University of Arkansas Libraries: Past, Future, and Significance, Part II.” Arkansas Libraries 62 (Summer 2005): 6­–11.

Jones, Phillip J., Vijith M. Varghese, and Janet H. Parsch. “Graduate Assistants at the University of Arkansas Libraries: Past, Future, and Significance, Part I.” Arkansas Libraries 61 (Winter 2004): 6–10.

Jones, Phillip J. “Rethinking Library Development.” College and Research Libraries News 63 (Sept. 2002): 584–85.

Goolsby, Mary Koehler, Carol L. Schuetz, and Phillip J. Jones. “From Funeral to Christening: OPAC Rites of Passage.” Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances 13, no. 1 (2000): 34–36.

Jones, Phillip J. “Individual Authority and Individual Accountability: The Missing Links.” Library Administration and Management 14 (Summer 2000): 135–45.

Refereed Chapters in Proceedings

Jones, Phillip. “Spending Miss Alice’s Money: Practical Applications for Evolving Libraries.” In Brick & Click: An Academic Library Conference Proceedings, edited by Frank Baudino et al., 28–35. Maryville, MO: Northwest Missouri State University, 2019. Paper available at https://www.nwmissouri.edu/library/brickandclick/publication.htm.

Jones, Phillip J., and George J. Fowler. “The Limits of Democracy in Academic Libraries in a Revolutionary Age.” In A Declaration of Interdependence: Proceedings of the ACRL 2011 Conference, edited by Dawn M. Mueller, 305–12. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2011.

Jones, Phillip J., and Tim Zou. “The Process and Promise of Consolidating Public Service Desks: You Can’t Hurry Love.” In Brick and Click Libraries: Proceedings of an Academic Library Symposium, edited by Connie Jo Ury, Frank Baudino, and Sarah G. Park, 4–14. Maryville, MO: Northwest Missouri State University, 2009.

Jones, Phillip J., and Kristine K. Stacy-Bates. “Establishing Virtual Reference through Partnership: The GWLA Model.” In Brick and Click Libraries: Proceedings of an Academic Library Symposium, edited by Frank Baudino and Connie Jo Ury, 94–99. Maryville, MO: Northwest Missouri State University, 2006.


Stine, Courtney, Miriam Intrator, Michele Jennings, Phillip Jones, Courtney Hunt, and Patricia Gimenez. “No Limits: Transforming Restricted Access Collections in Art Libraries.” Panel presented at Fifty-First Annual Conference of the Art Libraries Society of North America, Mexico City, Mexico, Apr. 2023.

Jones, Phillip. “The Lives of the Other(s): The Instability of Foreignness in Deutschland 83.” Paper presented at the Forty-Eighth National Conference of the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association, Indianapolis, IN, Mar. 2018. Paper available at https://scholarworks.uark.edu/libpub/25/.

Jones, Phillip, Lora Lennertz, Jeff Steely, and Sha Towers. “How Many Hands Are Needed on Deck? Mooring Staffing to ACRL’s Value of Academic Libraries (VAL).” Panel presented at the ACRL 2017 Conference, Baltimore, MD, Mar. 2017.

Jones, Phillip. “He Is(n’t) One of Us: Liminality and the Sons-in-Law in Downton Abbey.” Paper presented at the Forty-Fourth Annual Popular Culture Association-American Culture Association National Conference, Chicago, IL, Apr. 2014. Paper available at https://scholarworks.uark.edu/libpub/6/.

Poster Sessions (at ALA Annual Conferences)

Jones, Phillip, and Lora Lennertz, “Time Is on My Side? Time in the Library Workplace.” Orlando, FL, June 2016.

Walton, Ethel, Phillip Jones, and Sinai Wood. “Job Shadow Day with a Multicultural Twist: The Baylor University Experience.” Atlanta, GA, June 2002.

Goolsby, Mary, Carol Schuetz, and Phillip Jones. “From Funeral to Christening: OPAC Rites of Passage as Effective Public Relations.” New Orleans, LA, June 1999.

Jones, Phillip J., and David R. Rodgers. “Regional Variations in Membership: Is ALA a National Organization?” Washington, DC, June 1998.


University of Arkansas, Associate Librarian, 04/03–

Baylor University, Assistant Professor, 08/00–04/03

Baylor University, Instructor, 09/04–07/00

Honors and Awards

Regents' Fellow, University of California, Irvine, 1990–91

Beth Juhl

Web Services Librarian

Beth Juhl arrived at the University of Arkansas in 1993, having previously served at Columbia University and New York Public Library Research Division. After 7 years as Head of Reference, Juhl transitioned to a role in web development and electronic resource and remote access support while still serving as a history and humanities subject specialist.

In 2013, she added the role of library integrated system administrator and oversaw the transition from Millennium to Sierra software and then migration to hosted Sierra in 2018. Most recently, she led the migration to the Alma / Primo library services platform in 2022.   

A long-time contributor to Choice, Juhl has published in-depth bibliographic essays on electronic resources for various humanities fields. She is currently at work on a collaborative project to make  available online county-level election data for the state of Arkansas, covering 1836-1980 as well as a history of a local Fayettteville women's club. 

  • BA, magna cum laude, Greek, University of Texas at Austin
  • MLS, Libraries, Columbia Univ in New York, New York

Research Interest

  • Arkansas Votes, An effort to collect and present county-level Arkansas election data.

Teaching Interest

Subject liaison to Classical Studies program. 

Workshops on using the Zotero citation manager. 

Data, Software, and Library Carpentries certified. 


Book Chapters

Juhl, B., "P Col 251 (P Oxy 358)," pp. 8-16 in Columbia Papyri X American Studies in Papyrology v.34 ed. Roger Bagnall and Dirk Obbink.  Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1996

Section Editor for Literature and Language, Guide to Reference Books, supplement to the Tenth Edition.  Chicago: ALA, 1992


Journal Articles


Juhl, Beth and Anita Lowry, "The CD ROM 'Revolution' at Columbia," Serials Librarian 17:3/4 (1989): pp. 69-80. Also published in The Serials Partnership: Teamwork, Technology, and Trends : Proceedings of the North American Serials Interest Group, Inc, 4th Annual Conference, June 3-6, 1989, Scripps College, Claremont, California. https://bit.ly/2ltXdDR


Juhl, Beth, “Measure for Measure: Altmetrics (Bibliographic Essay),” Choice 54:10 (June 2017): 1453 - 1463. https://scholarworks.uark.edu/libpub/31/

Juhl, Beth, "A Parliament of URLS: Medieval Resources on the Web (Bibliographic Essay)," Choice 45:11 (July 2008): 1885-1897.  http://scholarworks.uark.edu/libpub/30

Juhl. Beth, “Desk Set: Ready Reference Resources on the Web (Bibliographic Essay),” Choice 38:8 (April 2001): 1383-1407.  http://scholarworks.uark.edu/libpub/32

Juhl, Beth, “Red, White, and Boolean: Electronic Resources for American History (Bibliographic Essay),” Choice 35:8 (April, 1998): 1313-1326. http://scholarworks.uark.edu/libpub/34

Juhl, Beth, “Ex Machina: Electronic Resources for the Classics (Bibliographic Essay), Choice 33:8 (April, 1995): 1249-1261. 

Conference Papers Published

Juhl, Beth, “Everything that’s Reference Must Converge: Reference Publishing from the Reference Desk, p. 131-137 in Is Bigger Better? 2000 Charleston Conference Proceedings, ed. Rosann Bazirjian and Vicky Speck.


  • (with Pam Childers and Denise Gehring) “Making the Move to OpenAthens," Innovative Users Group Annual Meeting, virtual, March 25, 2021.
  • (with Jeremy Goldstein) “Joining the Idea Lab Team,” Innovative Users Group Annual Meeting, Phoenix, May 6 and 8, 2019
  • (with Jeremy Goldstein and Gwyneth Jelinek) “IUG Enhancements Forum,” Innovative Users Group Annual Meeting, Phoenix, May 7, 2019.
  • "Managing Loan Rules," Arkansas Innovative Users Group, Little Rock, October 5, 2018.
  •  (with Gwyneth Jelinek), "Idea Lab," Arkansas Innovative Users Group, Little Rock, October 5, 2018.
  •  (with Joel Tonyan), "WAM Proxy: Consider the Alternatives," Innovative Users Group Annual Meeting, Orlando, April 25, 2018.
  • "Getting Started with Idea Lab," Innovative Users Group Annual Meeting, Orlando, April 25, 2018.
  • (with Joe Montibello and Kathie Brown), IUG Enhancements Forum, Innovative Users Group Annual Meeting, Orlando, April 25, 2018.
  • (with Mary Gilbertson, Cody Hackett, Lisa Lindsey Headstream, and Amy McGohan), “New Tools for Tech Services Workflow:  Springshare, Slack, and Beyond,” Arkansas Library Association Annual Meeting, Little Rock, November 14, 2016.
  • “IUG Conference Report,” Arkansas IUG Annual Meeting, Little Rock, August 7, 2015.
  • “IUG Conference Report,” Arkansas IUG Annual Meeting, Little Rock, August 22, 2014
  • (with Joshua Youngblood and Sarah Spiegel), "Usability Testing on Another Dime (and $100),” Arkansas Library Association Annual Meeting, Springdale, AR, October 15, 2012.
  • "ERM Implementation at UAF," Arkansas Innovative Users' Group (IUG), Little Rock, May 25, 2012.
  • (with Deborah Kulczak), “Expose your Collections with Custom Search Forms,” Arkansas Innovative Users Group Spring Meeting, Little Rock, AR, June 18, 2010.
  • “Audubon in Arkansas,” Arkansas Historical Association Annual Meeting, Jonesboro, AR, April 16, 2010.
  • (with Lora Lennertz Jetton), "Web Usability on a Dime (and $100)," Arkansas Libraries Annual Meeting, Hot Springs, AR, October 25, 2009.
  • (with Mary Walker), "CONTENTdm: The Razorback Experience," Amigos Member Meeting, Dallas, TX, May 6, 2004.
  • Moderator, Panel on Bibliography, Southeastern Medieval Association Annual Conference, Fayetteville, AR, October 23, 2003.
  • (with Kate Kluttz and Deborah Kulczak), "Live Aggregator Wrestling," Arkansas Library Association, Arkansas Library Association, Little Rock, AR, October 22, 2001. 
  • “Everything’s that Reference Must Converge: The State of Reference Publishing,” Charleston Conference, Charleston, November 2, 2000.        
  • “Overdrawn at the Databank?” RUSA/CODES Panel on Database Overlap, American Library Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, July 9, 2000.
  • “Evaluative Criteria for Electronic Resources,” RUSA/CODES (Reference and User Services Association/Collection Development and Evaluation Section) Preconference/workshop on Reference Materials Reviewing held at the ALA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, June 25, 1999. 
  • Panel on consortia and overview of E-Text Project, Arkansas Library Association College and University Division Spring Meeting, April 23-24, 1998. 
  • Research Libraries Group Conference on Machine Readable Texts in the Humanities, Columbia University, May 1990.
  • Panel on new technologies and access, ACRL/New England Spring Conference, Wellesley, MA. March 1990.
  • Panel on CD ROMs, North American Serials Interest Group Annual Conference, Claremont, CA, June 1989.


University of Arkansas

Web Services Librarian, University of Arkansas Libraries, 2001-

Head of Reference, University of Arkansas Libraries, 1993-2000

Columbia University Libraries

Undergraduate Services Librarian, 1992-1992

Deputy Head of Reference, 1991-1992

Acting Head, Butler Library Circulation, 1991

Reference Librarian, 1987 - 1992

New York Public Library, General Research Division

Reference Librarian,  1986-1987

Honors and Awards

Innovative Users Group Beacon Award , 2022

This award, given annually since 2002 to a single individual, was created by the international organization to "to honor exceptional service to the Innovative Users Community through presentations, collaboration, selfless dedication to libraries as a whole and sage advice to others."

University Libraries Keystone Award  2008, 2014, 2019

The Keystone Award recognizes staff “who make the Libraries, the campus, or the community a better place.”

Arts and Humanities Collaboration Grant   2017-2019

$5000 from the University of Arkansas Office of Research and Innovation for “Arkansas Votes,” a pilot project to make Arkansas election results freely available to all.

University of Arkansas Baum Teaching Grant 1997

$850 towards 5-year license of Thesaurus Linguae Graecae corpus of ancient Greek literature for support of teaching and research in Classical Studies. 



Licensures and Certifications

Certificate in JSON, 2023
Library Juice Academy

Carpentries Instructor Training, 2022
Library, Data, and Software Carptentries

Alma Administrator and Primo Administrator Certification, 2022
As well as advanced training in system management and analytics. 

Certificate in Git / GitHub, 2021
Library Juice Academy

Tableau Desktop, 2019-2020

A series of self-paced classes leading to Desktop Certification

Certificate in XML and RDF-Based Systems, 2017

Library Juice Academy

A six-month series of weekly classes and assignments, covering XML, XSLT, XQuery, RDF, Linked Data, and SPARQL

Professional Membership

American Libraries Association; ACRL, European Studies Section; Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Discussion Group, Library History Round Table

Arkansas Historical Association

Arkansas Library Association

Hannah King

Humanities & Social Sciences Librarian

MLIS, Library and Information Science - University of North Texas

BA, English and Linguistics - Baylor University

Research Interest

Primary source instruction

Library engagement

Book and printing history

Deborah Kulczak

Director of Metadata and Preservation Services

M.L.S., School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 1987

B.A., Political Science, Kent State University, 1983

Research Interest

Authority work, metadata quality control, music metadata


Refereed Articles

  • Allen, Amy Leigh, Deborah E. Kulczak, and Mary A. Gilbertson. “From Digital Repositories to the Library Catalogue: Two Workflows for Transforming Metadata.” Journal of Digital Media Management 6, no. 1 (Autumn/Fall 2017): 95-110. http://scholarworks.uark.edu/libpub/29.
  • Newcomer, Nara L., Rebecca Belford, Deb Kulczak, Kimmy Szeto, Jennifer Matthews, and Misti Shaw. “Anforderungen an Musik-Discovery-Systeme.” Forum Musikbibliothek 34, no. 2 (July 2013): 14-22. https://journals.qucosa.de/ejournals/fmb/article/view/169.
  • Newcomer, Nara L., Rebecca Belford, Deb Kulczak, Kimmy Szeto, Jennifer Matthews, and Misti Shaw. “Music Discovery Requirements: A Guide to Optimizing Interfaces.” Notes 69, no. 3 (March 2013): 494-524. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23358781.
  • Kulczak, Deborah E., and Lora Lennertz Jetton. “Lexicon of Love”: Genre Description of Popular Music Is Not as Simple as ABC.” Music Reference Services Quarterly 14, issue 4 (2011): 210-238.   http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10588167.2011.621798
  • Walker, Mary, and Deb Kulczak. “Shelf-Ready Books Using PromptCat and YBP: Issues to Consider (An Analysis of Errors at the University of Arkansas).” Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 31, issue 2 (June 2007): 61-84. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649055.2007.10766150.
  • Kulczak, Deborah E., and Cathy Reineka. “Marcive GPO Records and Authority Control: An Evaluation of Name and Subject Headings at the University of Arkansas Libraries.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 38, no. 1 (2004): 87-103. https://doi.org/10.1300/J104v38n01_08.
  • Kulczak, Deborah E. “Name Authority Work for OCLC Copy Cataloging: Is It Worth the Effort?” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 28, no. 1 (1999): 69-81. https://doi.org/10.1300/J104v28n01_07.
  • Kulczak, Deb, and Lora Lennertz. “A Decade of Disaster: A Selected Bibliography of Disaster Literature, 1985-1995.” Library & Archival Security 15, no. 1 (1999): 7-66. https://doi.org/10.1300/J114v15n01_03.
  • Kulczak, Deb, and Lora L. Lennertz. “Smart and Smarter: How to Raise the IQ of Your Barcodes.” Co-author with Lora Lennertz. College & Undergraduate Libraries 6, no. 1 (1999): 81-94 https://doi.org/10.1300/J106v06n01_09.

Other Articles and Publications

  • Newcomer, Nara L., Rebecca Belford, Deb Kulczak, Kimmy Szeto, Jennifer Matthews, and Misti Shaw. “Music Discovery Requirements.” Music Library Association, Emerging Technologies Committee, 2012.  http://committees.musiclibraryassoc.org/ETSC/MDR.
  • Typo of the Day for Librarians blog, ( http://librarytypos.blogspot.com/). Contributor (non-refereed), 2009-2016.
  • Kulczak, Deb. Review of MARC/AACR2/Authority Control Tagging: A Blitz Cataloging Workbook, 2nd ed., by Bobby Ferguson. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 2005. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 45 issue 2 (Winter 2005): 178-79.
  • Parker-Gibson, Necia, Sherryl Robinson, and Deb Kulczak. “Food, Fun and Festivals in Fayetteville and Farther: An Eclectic Guide.” Arkansas Libraries 57, no. 4 (August 2000): 13-14.
  • Kulczak, Deb. “Planning for Tape Loads and Loader Programs.” Meeting summary published in the in the proceedings of the 1995 Innovative Users Group Annual Conference, 1995.
  • Kulczak, Deb. “Introduction” and “User Guide.” Arkansas Union List of Newspapers. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Libraries, 1993.
  • Wappel, Anthony J., and Deb Kulczak. “Newspapers Wanted: The Older the Better.” Flashback 42, no. 4 (November 1992): 1-4.
  • Wappel, Anthony J., and Deb Kulczak. “An Appeal for Newspapers: The Arkansas Newspaper Recording Project.” Searcy County Ancestor Information Exchange 1, no. 3 (December 1991): 2-4.
  • Kulczak, Deb. “Join the Search for Old Newspapers.” Flashback 39, no. 1 (February 1989): 14-15.
  • Kulczak, Deb. “Statewide Newspaper Project Underway.” Books and Letters 2, no. 2 (Fall 1988): 1, 5

Presentations and Posters

  • Anderson, Martha, Lori Birrell, and Deb Kulczak. “Getting the Party Started: Creating Content for Open Educational Resources.” Presentation at the Open Education Southern Symposium, Fayetteville, Arkansas, October 2, 2018.
  • Allen, Amy Leigh, Mary A. Gilbertson, and Deborah E. Kulczak. “Connecting Access from Metadata to MARC”. Poster presented (by Allen) at “ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2016,” the annual conference of the Society of American Archivists, Atlanta, Georgia, August 4, 2016. http://scholarworks.uark.edu/libpub/20/.
  • Kulczak, Deb, and Lora Lennertz. “The Bronc that Wouldn’t Bust, or, Other Tales of an Online Audio Collection.” Presentation at the Arkansas Library Association Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, October 6, 2015.
  • Dean, Jason, and Deb Kulczak. “Best Practices for Complex Diacritics Handling in CONTENTdm.” Poster presented (by Dean) at “Metadata Intersections: Bridging the Archipelago of Cultural Memory,” the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Austin, Texas, October 2014. http://dcevents.dublincore.org/public/dc-docs/2014-Master.pdf.
  • Kulczak, Deb, and Lora Lennertz Jetton. “’Digital Love’: The Description of ‘Pop Muzik’ in Online Resources.” Poster presented at the Music Library Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 11, 2011.  http://mla2011.musiclibraryassoc.org/files.
  • Juhl, Beth, and Deb Kulczak. “Expose Your Collections with Custom Search Forms.” Presentation at Arkansas Innovative Users Group, Little Rock, Arkansas, June 18, 2010.
  • Juhl, Beth, Kate Kluttz, and Deb Kulczak. “Live Aggregator Wrestling: Creating OPAC Records for Electronic Journals.” Presentation at the Arkansas Library Association Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, October 22, 2001.
  • Lennertz, Lora, and Deb Kulczak. “Armageddon Nervous: Disaster Planning for the New Millennium.” Presentation at the Arkansas Library Association Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, October 11, 1999.
  • Kulczak, Deb, Anthony J. Wappel, and Cary Cox. “The Arkansas Newspaper Project.” Slide presentation at the United States Newspaper Program Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, May 1, 1992.
  • Kulczak, Deb. “Cataloging Incomplete Newspapers.” Presented at the United States Newspaper Program Annual Meeting, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., May 31, 1989.


Head of Technical Services and Database Maintenance Librarian, July 2016 to present.

Interim Head of Technical Services and Database Maintenance Librarian, July 2014-June 2016

Database Maintenance Librarian/Music Cataloger, July 1994-June 2014

Database Maintenance Librarian, October 1992-June 1994

Arkansas Newspaper Project Cataloger, March 1988-September 1992

Selector, German Language and Literature, 2002 to present.

Non-MARC Metadata Coordinator, 2010 to present.

Kimberly Larsen

Undergraduate Engagement Librarian

Kim Larsen graduated from the University of Illinois with her MSLIS and previously graduated from Illinois State University with a BS in English and Publishing Studies. She also attended the University of Iowa Summer Writers Workshop in 2018. 

Masters of Science in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois

Bachelors of Science in English Publishing Studies with a minor in Writing from Illinois State University 

Research Interest

  • Information Literacy Instruction 
  • Student Engagement
  • Accessibility 
  • Outreach & Engagement
  • E-Learning and Tutorials
  • The First Year Experience
  • Trauma Informed Librarianship 

Teaching Interest

  • Information Literacy 
  • First Year Experience Seminars
  • E-Learning and Tutorials


Larsen, K. (2016). Perceptions. Euphemism, 12(1), 53. https://english.illinoisstate.edu/euphemism/12-1/

Larsen, K. (2017). The Five Stages of Loss, Euphemism, 12(2), 43-54.



Larsen, Kimberly and Payne, Ashton. Book Clubs for Student Engagement. Presentation at the Annual Conference on the First Year Experience. 2024.

Larsen, Kimberly and Settje, Jack. Building Library Partnerships: Crossing Institutional Divides to Shine Light in the Darkness. Presentation at the Arkansas Library Association and Southeastern Library Association Joint Conference. 2023.

Larsen, Kimberly and Rike, Victoria. Book Clubs for Student Engagement. Presentation at the Arkansas Library Association and Southeastern Library Association Joint Conference. 2023. 

Shearer, Janis, and Larsen, Kimberly. Hacking the Algorithm: Tik Tok and Outreach for Science Libraries. Presentation at the United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) 2022 biennial Meeting. 


  • UNIV 1001 (Spring 2023)
  • UNIV 1001 (Fall 2023)
  • UNIV 1001 (Spring 2024)


  • Library Graduate Assistant, Funk ACES Library (University of Illinois) 
  • Circulation Assistant, White Oak Library District

Honors and Awards

  • New Faculty Commendation for Teaching Commitment

Licensures and Certifications

  • Certificate in the Foundations of Teaching from the University of Illinois

Professional Membership

  • American Library Association (ALA)
  • Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
  • Arkansas Library Association (ArLA)
  • Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)

Lora Lennertz

Director of Open Education, Data, and Publishing Services

Master of Information Systems, Walton School of Business, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, December 2005.

Certification in Preservation Management, Rutgers University, September 2003.

MS in Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 1991.

BA in Teaching of Speech, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 1982


Research Interest

Research Data activities including:

  • Management plans
  • Repository identification
  • Curation activities including metadata creation
  • Visualization tools and methods
  • Data literacy skills
  • Locating data sources
  • Data sharing
  • Reproducible research principles and methods


Books / Book Chapters

Allen, Amy, Debra Kulczak, Lora Lennertz and Dylan Hurd. “Going Where the Music Takes You: Navigating the Changing World of Digital Institutional Recordings” Managing Institutional Recordings: Technical Reports and Monographs in Music Librarianship, v.40. A-R Editions, Music Library Association: pgs. 66-78 August 2023.

Lehman, Kathleen and Lora Lennertz. Profiles of Academic Library Storage Management Strategies.  New York: Primary Research Group, 2019. ISBN 978-1-57440-581-1.

Bailey, Alberta S., and Lora L. Lennertz. "The role of the access services manager in policy formation." In Access Services in libraries: new solutions for collection management. Ed. Gregg Sapp. New York: Routledge, 1993.Published Papers

Journal Publications

Smith, Mandi and Lora Lennertz. "Overlap Analysis: A Case Study." Serials Review, doi: 10.1080/00987913.2023.2235665  July 2023

McAllister, Jay, Lora Lennertz, and Zayuris Atencio Mojica. “A guide to using VOSviewer for bibliometric and visual analysis.”  Science and Technology Libraries. Fall 2021. doi: 10.1080/0194262X.2021.1991547

Lennertz, Lora and Phil Jones. “ A Question of Time: Sociotemporality in Academic Libraries.” College and Research Libraries. May 2020.  doi: https://doi.org/10.5860/crl.81.4.701 .

Nielsen, J. M. and  Lora Lennertz Jetton. Assessing the effectiveness of collaborative subject-specific library instruction.  Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. March 2014, 343-350.

Laskowski, M. S., Ford, C. Z., Friedland, N. E., Fritz, J., Holmes, J., Jetton, L. L., Stewart, M. C., Williams, J. M. Guidelines for   Media Resources in Academic Libraries (2012).

Kulczak, Deb and Lora Lennertz Jetton. ”’Lexicon of Love’: Genre Description of Popular Music Is Not as Simple as ABC.; Music Reference Services Quarterly, 14 no.4 (2011): 210-238.

“All the World is a Stage: The Interdisciplinary Characteristics of Journal Use in Theatre Research.” Proceedings of the 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference of Arts and Humanities. Honolulu HI. January 13-16, 2010.

Jetton, Lora Lennertz, and Alberta S. Bailey. "The role of the access services manager in the virtual library." Journal of Access Services 7, no. 2 (2010): 121-131

Selecting and Using Technology for Student Training.” Technical Services Quarterly, 26, no.1 (2009): 21-35.

Kulczak, Deb and Lora Lennertz.  “A Decade of Disaster: A Selected Bibliography of Disaster Literature, 1985-1995.” Library and Archival Security, 15, no. 1 (1999): 7-67.

Lennertz, Lora L., and Cheryl L. Conway. "Implementing a serials barcoding project." Information Technology and Libraries 16, no. 2 (1997): 82.

“Because I CARE: Preservation Options for the Small Library”, Arkansas Libraries, 53, no.3 (June 1996), 13-17.

Bailey, Alberta S., and Lora L. Lennertz. "The role of the access services manager in policy formation." Collection management 17, no. 1-2 (1993): 119-132.




Lennertz, Lora and Kathleen Lehman.  “Reshaping Collections: Impacts of a Storage Project on a Libraries’ Data Story.” Poster presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries, Cleveland, OH. April 2019.

Jones, Phillip and Lora Lennertz. “Time Is on My Side? Time in the Library Workplace.” Poster presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 25, 2016.

Lennertz Jetton, Lora. “Inspire Your Workforce to Learn: Using Interactive Tutorials and Simple Games to Train Your Staff in Reference Service.” Poster presented at Association of College and Research Libraries, Indianapolis, IN. April 2013.

Kulczak, Deb and Lora Lennertz Jetton. “ ‘Digital Love’: The Description of ‘Pop Muzik’ in Online Resources.” Poster presented at the Music Library Association Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 10, 2011.

Dixon, Jan, Lora Lennertz Jetton, Anne Marie Candido, and Molly Boyd.  “Packaging Your Resources to Go? Meet Hogworthy, the Research Paper Wizard.”  Poster presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries Conference, Seattle, Washington, March 13, 2009.

“Navigating a Sea of Information:  Tools for Training Student Assistants.” Poster presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries Conference. Baltimore, MD, March, 2007. 




Lennertz, Lora, Kathleen Lehman, Katrina Windon “Transforming a collection through implementing high density storage.” Presentation at the Arkansas Library Association Conference, Rogers, Arkansas, Sept. 25, 2018.

Jones, Phillip, Lora Lennertz, Jeff Steely, and Sha Towers. “How Many Hands are Needed on Deck?  Mooring Staffing to ACRL’s Value of Academic Librarias (VAL).” Panel discussion for Association of College and Research Libraries, Baltimore, MD, March 24, 2017.

Kulczak, Deb and Lora Lennertz. “The Bronc that Wouldn’t Bust or Other Tales of an Online Audio Collection.” Presentation at the Arkansas Library Association Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, October 6, 2015.

Nielsen, J. M. and  Lora Lennertz Jetton. “Assessing the effectiveness of collaborative subject-specific library instruction.”  5th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference. Rome Italy. 4 June, 2013. Abstract available in Book of Abstracts of the 5th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (2013), 41.

Lennertz Jetton, Lora.  “Parler songs: Folklore surrounding a folk music collection.” Presentation at the Southeast Music Library Association Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL. October 2012.

Juhl, Beth and Lora Lennertz Jetton, “Usability Testing on a Dime… and $100.” Presentation at the Arkansas Library Association Conference, Hot Springs, Arkansas, October 25, 2009.

Parker-Gibson, Necia and Lora Lennertz Jetton.  “Outwit, Out-teach, Out-train: Just in Time Tutorials in an Academic Library.”  Presentation at the annual meeting of the Arkansas Library Paraprofessional Association, May 13, 2008.

Lennertz Jetton, Lora and Necia Parker-Gibson.  “Lights, Camtasia, Action!  Cooperative Development of Online Tutorials in an Academic Library.”  Presentation at the annual meeting of the Arkansas State Library Association, September, 2007.

  “Disaster Preparedness in the Post-Katrina World.”  Presentation at the annual meeting of the Arkansas State      Library Association, October 8, 2006.

“Access Issues in the Digital World.”  Presentation at the Mary Parler Conference, University of Arkansas Libraries. November 12, 2005

“Binding Contracts.” Presented within Library Binding Workshop, sponsored by Greater Western Library Alliance, ALA-ALCTS.  Kansas City, MO – April 29, 2004; Salt Lake City, UT—May 13, 2004.

“Preservation on a Shoestring.”  Presentation at the annual meeting of the Arkansas State Library Association, September 2003.

Kulczak, Deb and Lora Lennertz.  “Armageddon Nervous.”  Presentation at the annual meeting of the Arkansas State Library Association, October 1999.

"From the Root Cellar to the Main Floor."  Paper presented as part of the program "Why Me? Integrating Preservation into Your Library's Operations" at the annual meeting of the American Library Association, Chicago, IL. 23-28, June 1995.




Fritz Angela and Lora Lennertz.  Ozark Folksong Collection: A Conversation with Angela Fritz and Lora Lennertz.  Choice June 1 2016 http://www.choice360.org/blog/ozark-folksong-collection .


Honors and Awards

PCA/ACA Best Electronic Reference Site, 2016 (Ozark Folksong Collection).

Jay McAllister

Engineering Librarian

Although Jay is from the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW), Texas, he was raised at an early age to cheer on the Razorbacks since both of his parents are from the state of Arkansas. After graduating from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in History, Jay worked for a time at a transportation company that brokered freight. His next career path led to working for a electrical supply company that delivered materials to jobsites in the DFW area. A few years later, Jay decided to pursue a career in librarianship where he attended the University of North Texas (UNT) and graduated with a Master of Science in Library Science. While a student at UNT, Jay's first job in libraries started with working the evening shifts at the Willis Library. With some experience in tow, Jay became a circulation assistant for the Eugene McDermott Library at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). After completing his library studies, Jay applied and accepted a position of Instruction Librarian at UTD and taught information literacy and library research skills to students. Beginning 2018, Jay accepted the postion of Engineering Librarian from the University of Arkansas. As of fall 2021, Jay requested and accepted the additional role of being the Honors College Librarian. His publications have focused data visualization, bibliometric analysis of open education, and the tenure and promotion process in academic libraries. His continuing research interests are the future of academic libraries, data visualization, and the integration of emerging technologies and makerspace tech like VR/AR, 3d printing and Arduino into libraries. Jay is heavily interested in the future scope and opportunity libraries have and how data and technology can be incorporated into library services. Jay seeks active collaborators who want to integrate library objectives or assignments with coursework, have interest in incorporating emerging tech in libraries, as well as data network visualization of research publications. 

Master of Library Science, 2014

University of North Texas 

Bachelor of Arts in History, 2008

University of Oklahoma

Research Interest

The future of academic libraries, 21st century libraries, engineering librarianship, and incorporating emerging and immersive technologies into libraries.

Teaching Interest

21st century libraries. Information Literacy.


Jones, P.J., & McAllister III, J.T. (2024). More Than Yea or Nay? Accountability of Peers in Promotion and Tenure. Journal of Library Administration, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2024.2432229.

Kwame, S., McAllister III, J.T. (2024). Next-Gen Engineering: Virtual Reality for Soft Skills Development and Enhanced Work Efficiency in Educational Contexts. Paper presented at ASEE 2024 Midwest Section Conference, Lawrence, Kansas. September 8-10, 2024. https://peer.asee.org/49377.

Schultz, A., McAllister, J. (2023). A Comparison of Coverage and Subject Areas in Compendex, Inspec, and the Web of Science Core Collection for use as an Engineering Database. ASEE 2023 Midwest Section Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. September 10-12, 2023. https://peer.asee.org/46384

Schultz, A., McAllister, J. (2022) Using Web of Science to Analyze Research and Collaborations within the University of Arkansas College of Engineering via Microsoft Excel and VBA Programming. ASEE 2022 Midwest Section Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma. September 11-13, 2022. https://peer.asee.org/45197

McAllister III, J.T. (2022). Introducing Arduino Tech Kits for Checkout. ASEE 2022 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 26-29, 2022. https://peer.asee.org/40785

Over, S., McAllister, J., Morrow, D., Jones, S., Pixton, D., Prosser, E., ... & Magid, A. (2022). Conference Rubric Development for STEM Librarians’ Publications. Science & Technology Libraries, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1080/0194262X.2022.2067931

McAllister III, J.T., & Torres, J. (2022) Discovering open access trends in engineering: A bibliometric analysis of open access publications at a large research university. Science & Technology Libraries, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/0194262X.2022.2032535

McAllister III, J.T., Lennertz, L., Mojica, Z.A. (2021). Mapping a Discipline: A guide to using VOSviewer for bibliometric and visual analysis. Science & Technology Libraries, 1-30. https://doi.org/10/1080/0194262X.2021.19991547

McAllister, C.T. & McAllister III, J.T. (2020). Troop Train No. 571 Wreck of 1918. Encyclopedia of Arkansas. https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/troop-train-no-571-wreck-of-1918-14621/

McAllister III, J. T., & Diaz, N. S. (2020). Hosting Inspec on Engineering Village or Web of Science. Reference Services Review, Vol. 48. No. 2, pp. 307-317. https://doi.org/10.1108/RSR-08-2019-0050

Clausen, E. & McAllister, J. (2018) Connecting with students in large classrooms. 2018 ASEE Midwest Section Conference: Putting Engineering Education in Practice, Kansas City, Missouri, September 16-18, 2018. 


Kwame, S. & McAllister, J.T. (2024). Next-Gen Engineering: Virtual Reality for Soft Skills Development and Enhanced Work Efficiency in Educational Contexts. ASEE 2024 Midwest Section Conference, Lawrence, Kansas. September 8-10, 2024. 10.18260/1-2-020.1132-49377

Schultz, A., III McAllister, J.T. (2023). A Comparison of Coverage and Subject Areas in Compendex, Inspec, and the Web of Science Core Collection for use as an Engineering Database. ASEE 2023 Midwest Section Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. September 10-12, 2023. 10.18260/1-2-660.1122-46384

McAllister III, J.T. (2023). Requesting Standards for use through TechStreet. ASEE 2023 Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. June 25-28, 2023.

"Lib Crawl: Reflections on visiting peer libraries", (Co-presenters Stephanie Brown, Cole Hudson, and Stephanie Pierce), STEM Librarians South 2023, Virtual, June 14, 2023.

Schultz, A. L., III McAllister, J.T. (2022). Using Web of Science to Analyze Research and Collaborations within the University of Arkansas College of Engineering via Microsoft Excel and VBA Programming Paper. 2022 ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma. 10.18260/1-2-1153-45197.

McAllister III, J.T. (2022). Introducing Arduino Tech Kits for Checkout. ASEE 2022 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 26-29, 2022. https://peer.asee.org/40785

"Discovering open access trends in engineering: A bibliometric analysis of open access publications at a large research university." ALA STS Forum and Membership Breakfast, Virtual, June 15, 2022.

“Libraries and Engineering Processes”, 2020 STEM Librarians South Conference, Virtual, July 16, 2020.

“Partnership with Industrial Engineering Students in Identifying Library Processes”, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference 2020, Engineering Libraries Division, Virtual, June 22-26, 2020.

“Does your Strategic Plan tell a Story?”, (Co-presenter with J. Thornton), ArLA Annual Conference 2018, Rogers Arkansas, April 22-25, 2018.

“From Online to Hybrid: Transforming a Course”, Cross Timbers Library Collaborative 2017, Denton, Texas, August 4, 2017.

“New RefWorks Survey”, Poster, Cross Timbers Library Collaborative 2017, Denton, Texas August 4, 2017.


HNRC 300VH Honors Forum 21st Century Libraries - Spring 2023 

One hour course examines the current state of American libraries and ask students to imagine what comes next for these public institutions.The 21st century library employs people with talent and interest across a broad range of disciplines, and skills such as teaching, marketing, digital design, architecture, handling finances, immersive technologies, and building community relations, which can make one a valuable member of a library’s team.This forum will provide you with an opportunity to see how interests and skills can combine with modern libraries and provide hands-on experience with real-world challenges.

UNIV 1001 University Perspectives - Fall 2019 and Fall 2023.

One hour freshman level course designed to promote and enhance student success. A variety of speakers and topics are addressed based on current events, time management, academic integrity, health, diversity/inclusion, and other valuable areas. 


Honors and Awards

American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Librarians Division 2022 Best Poster Award - "Introducing Arduino Library Kits for Checkout."

Faculty Research Mentoring Award 2022. 


Biggadike Innovation Grant (2022) Exploring Innovation in the Classroom through AR and VR Technologies. In collaboration with Dr. Michelle Barry of Civil Engineering. Awarded $12,500.

Honors College Faculty Equipment and Technology Grant (2022) Support, advance, and promote undergraduate research and honors student researchers. Awarded $7,000.

Professional Membership

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

  • Engineering Librarians Division (ELD)
    • Publications Committee
    • Accreditation and Standards Committee

American Libraries Association (ALA)

  • Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
  • Science and Technology Section (STS)


Kelsey Molseed

Health Sciences Librarian

Jessica Morales

Associate Dean for Collections and Open Initiatives

Stephanie Pierce

Director of Experiential Learning and Physics Library

Master of Library and Information Sciences, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA

B.A. in History, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR

Research Interest

  • Academic Librarianship
  • Management/Leadership
  • Whole Person & Social Emotional Librarianship
  • Mental Health in Libraries
  • Open Education
  • Assessment



  • Cameron, L., Pierce, S., & Conroy, J. (2020). Occupational stress measures of tenure-track librarians. Journal of Library and Information Sciences, 53(4), 551-558. DOI: doi.org/10.1177/0961000620967736
  • Pierce, S., & Schilling, A. (2019). Removing the invisibility cloak: Using space design to influence patron behavior and increase service desk usage. Journal of Access Services, 16(2-3), 56-77. DOI: 10.1080/15367967.2019.1614930


  • Pierce, S. (2021). “Gathering around the table: Promoting community and relationship building in STEM disciplines.” In E. Filgo & S. Towers (Eds.), Liaison Engagement: A Practical Guide for Librarians. Rowen & Littlefield. https://www.liaisonengagementsuccess.com/
  • Thornton, E., & Pierce, S. (2020). Open educational resources in the time of COVID:  Awareness, advocacy, and advancement. Arkansas Libraries, 77(3-4), 16-21.
  • Pierce, S. (2019). “Tenure-track, institutional supports, and occupational stress.(Abstract)” In ACRL in Washington, D.C.: ACRL programs at the ALA Annual Conference. College & Research Libraries News, 80(8), 458. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.80.8.458
  • Pierce, S. (2019). Open Education Event Planning: Guidebook & Toolkit.  http://bit.ly/2TvFevI



  • Pierce, S., Ruth, R., Shackelford, P.,Tinerella, S., & Vanlandigham, T. (2022, October). The State of OER in Arkanas. Panel Presentation at the Arkansas Libraries Association Annual Conference, Fort Smith, AR.
  • Pierce, S., Griffin, M., & Lennertz, L. (2021, November). Creating Community: Laying the Foundation for an Assessment Program. Presentation at the Southeastern Library Assessment Conference, Virtual.
  • Hootman, J., Gay, A., Pierce, S., James, H., Schultz, T., Anderson, T., Hartsell-Gundy, A., Lach, P., & Scates Kettler, H. (2021, April). DSS EDI Toolkit. Presentation at the 2021 ACRL Conference, Virtual.
  • Bell, S., Cumming-Sauls, R., Coolidge, A., Pierce, S., & Bloom, M. (2020, November). Reimagining State and Regional OER Conferences. Panel at the Open Education Conference, Virtual.
  • Pierce, S. (2019, October). Small but Powerful: How Regional and Small-Scale Open Ed Conferences Can Promote Equity and Inclusion Within the Professional Development Landscape. Presentation at the 16the Annual Open Education Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Maynard, J., Farrally-Plourde, E., Rodriguez, J., Dimsdale, D., Hollister, C., Yancey, M., Gits, C., & Pierce, S. (2019, October). SPARC Open Education Leadership Program. Poster session at the 16th Annual Open Education Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Mortenson, A., Shackelford, P., Lakshmana, N., Cooke, K., Pierce, S., & Ruth, R. (2019, September). Open Educational Resources in Arkansas: Progress and Lessons Learned. Panel Presentation at the Arkansas Libraries Association and Southeastern Libraries Association Joint Conference, Hot Springs, AR.
  • Cameron, L. & Pierce, S. (2019, June). Mental Health and Tenure: Examining the Intersection between Institutional Supports and Work-Related Stress. Presentation at the 2019 ALA Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
  • Halpern, R., Galoozis, E., Blas, N., Jones, K., Pierce, S., & Versluis, A. (2019, April). Reconceptualizing the Conference Experience: Employing Grassroots Efforts in Conference Planning to Promote Inclusivity and Accessibility. Panel Presentation at the ACRL 2019 Conference, Cleveland, OH.
  • Pierce, S. & Thornton, E. (2019, April). Elevator Pitches for OER: What’s Yours? Roundtable Presentation at the ACRL 2019 Conference, Cleveland, OH.
  • Pierce, S. (2018, October). Text-Mining Open Textbooks for Diversity and Inclusion. Presentation at the 2018 annual meeting of the Digital Libraries Forum, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Pierce, S. (2018, October). Text-Mining Open Textbooks for Diversity and Inclusion. Presentation at the 15th Annual Open Education Conference, Niagara Falls, NY.
  • Pierce, S. & Thornton, E. (2018, October). Elevator Pitch. Roundtable Presentation at the 15th Annual Open Education Conference, Niagara Falls, NY.
  • Pierce, S. (2018, September). Removing the Invisibility Cloak from the Service Desk. Presentation at the Arkansas Library Association Annual Conference, Rogers, AR.
  • Pierce, S., & Thornton, E. (2018, August). Reflection on OER Program. Presentation at the GWLA/CO Alliance OER: Vision into Action conference, Denver, CO.
  • Pierce, S. (2018, July). Removing the Invisibility Cloak from the Service Desk. Presentation at the STEM Librarians South Conference, Houston, TX.
  • Pierce, S. & Schilling, A. (2018, January). Removing the Invisibility Cloak from the Service Desk. Presentation at the Re-Think It 2018 conference, Austin, TX.
  • Gibeault, M., & Pierce, S. (2017, October). Grassroots Advocacy for Access: Digital Equity and Inclusion. Lighting Talk Presentation at the 2017 annual meeting of the Digital Libraries Forum, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Gibeault, M. & Pierce, S. (2016, November). Lose the Zero, Get with the Hero: What Zero Ratings Mean for Digital Libraries. Presentation at the 2016 annual meeting of the Digital Libraries Forum, Milwaukee, WI. https://osf.io/x84xp/


  • Herr, M., & Pierce, S. (2018, October). Navigating the Scholarly Communication and Publishing Landscape. Presentation for the physics department weekly colloquia series, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.
  • Gibeault, M., & Pierce, S. (2017, July). Zero Ratings. Presentation for Net Neutrality Day of Action, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.
  • Pierce, S. (2017, March). Electronic Notebooks – What’s the Deal? Presentation at University of Arkansas Libraries Open Education Week, Fayetteville, AR.


University of Arkansas
Director User Services & Physics Library, 2021 - Present
Head of the Physics Library, 2016 - 2021

Huston-Tillotson University
Technical Services and Systems Librarian, 2015 - 2016

Pulaski Technical College
Reference and Instruction Librarian, 2014 - 2015

Arkansas State Library
Senior Librarian, 2011 - 2014

Honors and Awards

  • UA Engage Women's Leadership Exploration Program (2024)
  • UARK Leaders Program, Cohort 4 (2023 - 2024)
  • SPARC Open Education Leadership Program, Fellow (2018 - 2019)


Grants Received

  • Cameron, L., & Pierce, S. (2021). Supporting Campus Child Caregivers at the University Libraries. Sponsored by Women’s Giving Circle. Grant was fully funded at $7,867.
    • This grant funded the purchase of books, educational activities, and furniture to support student and other campus child caregivers in the University Libraries through the creation of a more welcoming and inclusive space. This grant was awarded in fall 2021, but funds were dispersed for use in 2022.

Licensures and Certifications

  • Carpentries Certified Instructor

Michele Reilly

Digital Projects Coordinator

Humbolt University, Berlin, Germany.
Ph.D. Library and Information Science. 2021

Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.                                      
MLS, Library Science. 2005

Washington State University, Pullman, Washington.                      
B.S., Social Science (minor in History). 2004

Teaching Interest

Fall 2012 - Guest lecturer, Crowdsourcing UH Digital Library materials. Part of the University of Houston, Center for Public History seminar course given by Dr. M. Young.

Fall 2012 - Guest lecturer, Researching Digital Archives.  Part of the University of Houston, Center for the Americas.

Fall 2011 - Guest lecturer, Researching the Digital Archive.  Part of the University of Houston, Center for the Americas: Latin American Studies grant award $21,500.

Fall 2011 - Instructor, Digital History 6383. Graduate level course in Digital History through the Public History department at the University of Houston.

Fall 2010 - Guest lecturer, Researching the Digital Archive. Part of the University of Houston, Center for the Americas: Latin American Studies grant award $21,500.



Reilly, M., and Santi Thompson (2019). Understanding Data Management Planning and Sharing: Perspectives for the Social Scientist. Anthropological Data in the Digital Age; New Possibilities - New Challenges. Chapter 2. Palgrave Macmillan. Cham Switzerland.

Thompson, Santi and Michele Reilly. “’Everyone’s a Curator’: Identifying the Everyday Curator.” The International Journal of the Image, 10(2)

Thompson, Santi and Michele Reilly (2018). “Embedded Metadata Patterns Across Web Sharing Environments.” International Journal of Digital Curation 13(1). http://www.ijdc.net/article/view/607.

Thompson, S., & Reilly, M. (2017). “A picture is worth a thousand words”: Reverse image lookup and digital library assessment. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(9), 2264-2266.

Reilly, Michele, and Santi Thompson (2016). "Reverse Image Lookup: Assessing Digital Library Users and Reuses." Journal of Web Librarianship 11(1), 56-68.

Reilly, M & S. Thompson, (2014) Understanding Ultimate use Data and Its Implication for Digital Library management: A Case Study. Journal of Web Librarianship. May 5, 2014. DOI: 10.1080/19322909.2014.901211

Reilly, M & A. Dryden, (2013) Building an Online Data Management Tool. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 1(3):eP1066. http://dx.doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.1066

Reilly, M.(producer, writer, director, editor), Brosnan, K. A. (producer, writer), Peredes, L.(research, writer), (2013). University of Houston, War and Growth, 1939-1950. Video Documentary. To be aired; Spring 2013 KUHT-TV, Houston, TX.

Crowder, J., M. Reilly and J. Marion, (2013) Organization & Storage (Where’s my stuff?). In A concise introduction to Visual Research. Chapter 8. Berg. February 2013.

Crowder, J., M. Reilly and J. Marion, (2013). Exploring Images. In A Concise Introduction to Visual Research. Chapter 9, Berg. February 2013.

Elder. D., Westbrook, R.N., & Reilly, M. (2011) Wikipedia Lover, Not a Hater: Harnessing Wikipedia to Increase the Discoverability of Library Resources. Journal of Web Librarianship 6(1).

Reilly, M & Westbrook, RN (2011): Growing a mutually-beneficial digital curation internship program that is sustainable and low cost, Archiving 2011: Preservation Strategies and Imaging Technologies for Cultural Heritage Institutions and Memory Organizations. Conference proceedings, pages 21-25, 2011.

Reilly, M. & Chen, M. (2011). Implementing METS, MIX and DC for sustaining digital preservation at the University of Houston Libraries. Journal of Library Metadata. manuscript. 11:2, 83-99.

Reilly, M. (producer), & Buehner, K. (producer). (2011).The Great Bank Heist. [video]. United States.; University of Houston Digital Library. UH Libraries YouTube Channel. http://youtu.be/V3qSA5qUfmc

Reilly, M. & Buehner, K. (2010). Honoring the vision. Southwestern Archivist. 34 (3).

Reilly, M. (Producer), & Buehner, K. (Producer). (2010). Birth of an Idea. [video]. United States.; University of Houston Digital Library. UH Libraries YouTube Channel.  http://youtu.be/Myvngwuo9XY

Reilly, M. (producer), & Buehner, K. (producer). (2010). Birth of an Idea, part B. [video]. United States; University of Houston Digital Library. UH Libraries YouTube Channel. http://youtu.be/Ua9gjnjltj4

Presentations, Panels, and Workshops

Thompson, Santi and Michele Reilly. (2018 November) “Get Ready, Get Set, Curate: Understanding the ‘Everyday Curator.’” The Ninth International Conference on the Image, Hong Kong, November 3, 2018

Thompson, Santi and Michele Reilly. (2017 June) “The “Pros” and “Cons” of Reverse Image Lookup as an Assessment Tool for Digitized Cultural Heritage Images.” The 12th International Conference on Open Repositories, Brisbane, Australia, June 29, 2017. https://uh-ir.tdl.org/uh-ir/handle/10657/1963.

Reilly, M., Thompson, S. (2016 June.) Acknowledging the Personal among Digital Library Users and Reuses. LIDA – Libraries in the Digital Age. Zadar, Croatia.

Reilly, M., Thompson, S., Beaudoin, J., Matusiak, K., (2014 Sept.) Moving beyond ‘if we build it they will come’: the invisible user in digital library development. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. London, UK.

Reilly, M & Thompson, S. (2014 April) Finding Roots, Gems, and Inspiration: Understanding the Ultimate Uses of Digital Materials. Texas Conference on Digital Libraries. University of Texas. Austin, TX.

Reilly, M & Thompson, S. (2014 April) Finding Roots, Gems, and Inspiration: Understanding the Ultimate Uses of Digital Materials. Personal digital Archiving 2014. Indianapolis, IN.

Reilly, M. (2013 November). We built it now what? Exploring uses of University of Houston Digital Library content. International Conference on Digital Libraries. New Delhi, IN.

Reilly, M. (2013 September) Reuse, Recycle, and Reimagine; video storytelling at the University of Houston. Digital Frontiers 2013. University of North Texas. Denton, TX.

Reilly, M and del la Cruz Gutierrez , M. (2013 May) Online Metadata Generator for Research Data. Texas Digital Library Conference System, TCDL. Austin, TX.

Reilly, M and Dryden, A. (2013 April) Creation of an In-House DMP tool at the University of Houston Libraries. ACRL Digital Interest Group. Webinar.

Reilly, M, Roberts, B, and Gould, M. (2013 February) Implementing an ETD Program at a  Decentralized University; Tricky but Doable. TXETDA 2013. College Station, TX.

Reilly, M. (2013 July) Implementing an ETD Program at a Decentralized University; Tricky but Doable. USETDA 2013. Clarmont, CA.

Reilly, M (2012 October) Introduction to ETD management with Vireo. Texas Digital Library. University of Houston. Houston, TX.

Reilly, M (2012 September). UH Memories Project: using digital materials to chronicle the history of a university. Digital Frontiers 2012. University of North Texas. Denton, TX.

Reilly, M. (2012 September). Data Management Planning. Academic Library Symposium. Rice University, Houston, TX.

Reilly, M. (2012 March). Data Management Plan Online Tools for Researchers. Scholarly Communications Group. Rice University. Houston, TX.

Reilly, M. (2012 January). Library Resources for the Digital Humanities at the University of Houston. The Digital Humanities: A Revolution in Research and Funding. Houston, TX.

Reilly, M (2012 January). Managing University Born-Digital Archives. ALA Mid-Winter Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX.

Reilly, M. (2011 November). Digital Preservation. Pre-conference, Southwest CONTENTDM User Group Annual Meeting. Houston, TX.

Reilly, M. and Buehner, K. (2011 November). The Birth of an Idea: (Re) Telling Public Histories Using Emerging Technologies. Southwest CONTENTDM User Group Annual Meeting. Houston, TX.

Reilly, M. and Buehner, K. (2011 September). The Birth of an Idea: (Re) Telling Public Histories Using Emerging Technologies. The Public History of Science and Technology conference, Columbia, SC.

Reilly, M. (2011 June). Want to increase your visibility? Make some friends. CONTENTdm User Group Meeting, American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Reilly, M. (2011 June) Designing Policies and Rules within a Multi-Member Organization. Panelist: Preservation policy-based Infrastructure for digital library research environments. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Reilly, M. and Westbrook, R.N. (2011 May). Growing a Mutually-Beneficial Digital Curation Internship Program that is Sustainable and Low Cost. Society for Imaging, Science and Technology, Archiving Annual Conference, 2011. Salt Lake, UT.

Elder, D., Westbrook, R.N. and Reilly, M. (2011 March). Wikipedia Lover, Not a Hater: Harnessing Wikipedia to Increase the Discoverability of Library Resources. Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Reilly, M. and Westbrook, R.N. (2011 April). What’s in a Name? Best Practices for Digital File Naming. Texas Library Association Annual Conference, Austin, TX.

Reilly, M. and Westbrook, R.N. (2010 November). Even Great Collections Don’t Promote Themselves. Digital Library Federation Fall Forum, 2010. Palo Alto, CA.

Reilly, M. and Getz, K. (2010 November). Digital Solution to a Digital Acquisitions Problem. Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.

Reilly, M. and Getz, K. (2010 May). Digital Solution to a Digital Acquisitions Problem. Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, Austin, TX.

Reilly, M. (2010 April). Open Access.  Panelist.  All School Day. University of North Texas-Department of Library and Information Sciences, Houston, TX.

Reilly, M. (2010 February). Sharing and Workflow for the New Client. Amigos Library Services Online Conference.

Reilly, M. (2009 October). Content Management for Digital Materials.  Association of Earth Science Editors, Houston, TX.

Reilly, M. (2009 March). Using Emerging Technologies to Promote Your Digital Collections. Keynote. Midwest CONTENTdm User Group Meeting, West Lafayette, IN.

Reilly, M. (2008 March). Web 2.0 for Document Librarians. Spring Federal Regional Depository Librarians Meeting. Kansas City, KS.

Reilly, M. ( 2008 April). Web 2.0 for Document Librarians. Arizona Federal Regional Depository Librarians. Phoenix, AZ.

Reilly, M. (2008 May). Using Page2RSS API as a Collection Tool. Best Practices Exchange 2008. Helena, MT.

Reilly, M. (2007 May). Tracking the Publication Schedule of Born Digital Documents Published by State Agencies. Best Practices Exchanges 2007. Chandler, AZ

Reilly, M. (2007 May). State Agency Outreach Idea Exchange. Best Practices Exchange 2007. Chandler, AZ.



Reilly, M. (2021 January) Assessing Users and Reuses for LDL Practitioners. Louisiana Digital Library Online Speakers Series. Data Speaker Series Collections as Data: Part to Whole. https://collectionsasdata.github.io/part2whole/  

Thompson, S. and M. Reilly. (2018 November) "Get Ready, Get Set, Curate: Understanding the 'Everyday Curator.'” The Ninth International Conference on the Image, Hong Kong, November 3, 2018

Thompson, S. and M. Reilly. (2017 June) “The “Pros” and “Cons” of Reverse Image Lookup as an Assessment Tool for Digitized Cultural Heritage Images.” The 12th International Conference on Open Repositories, Brisbane, Australia, June 29, 2017. https://uh-ir.tdl.org/uh-ir/handle/10657/1963. 

Reilly, M., Thompson, S. (2016 June.) Acknowledging the Personal among Digital Library Users and Reuses. LIDA – Libraries in the Digital Age. Zadar, Croatia.

Reilly, M., Thompson, S., Beaudoin, J., Matusiak, K., (2014 Sept.) Moving beyond ‘if we build it, they will come’: the invisible user in digital library development. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. London, UK.


University of Arkansas Libraries, Fayetteville, AR, July 2017 - Present
Digital Projects Coordinator - Alma Implementation Lead
Associate Dean of Libraries (Director for Resource Management Services) - Professor

Central Washington University Library, Ellensburg, WA, August 2013 - July 2017
Associate Dean of Libraries - Professor

University of Houston Libraries. Houston, TX   April 2009 - August 2013
Head of Digital Services.

Arizona State Library Archives and Public Records. Phoenix, AZ, 2006 - 2009.
Digital Repository Coordinator-Arizona Memory Project
State Publications Librarian - Librarian. (Concurrent with the Digital Repository Coordinator position)

Indiana University Library. Bloomington, IN, 2005 - 2006
Library Assistant III.



Licensures and Certifications

EDUCAUSE Managers Institute. Online. 

Essential Leadership Skills for Academic Deans. Academic Impressions. Seattle, WA.

Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians. Boston, MA


Christine Rickabaugh

Open Education Librarian

Christine Rickabaugh graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with her MLIS and previously graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stout with a BS in Early Childhood Education. She spend more than a decade in the classroom, teaching primarily kindergarten. She's been an Instruction and Open Education Librarian at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Golda Meir Library, a Reference and Instruction Librarian at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee at Washington County, and a Youth Services Librarian and a Reference Librarian at the North Shore Public Library. She's staffed reference desks, taught information literacy sessions, led Lego Club, conducted toddler art times, and conducted reference consultations with students and faculty. She's excited to see how she can support and serve the U of A community developing engaging course materials and textbooks that don't add to students' financial burdens.


  • Library and Information Science, Public Library Concentration
    • Master of Science degree, December 2021
    • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Early Childhood Education, English Literature Minor
    • Bachelor of Science degree, May 2006
    • University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie Wisconsin

Research Interest

  • Open Education
  • Textbook Affordability
  • Student Success
  • Open Pedagogy


  • Rickabaugh, C. Using Visual Literacy Skills to Identify Fake News. Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries 2021 Annual Conference. Lighting Presentation. (April 2021)
  • Rickabaugh C. The Value of Graphic Novels. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies Research Day. Second Place Winner. (April 2021)
  • Rickabaugh, C. Using Openly Licensed Resources in Authentic Assessment. Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries 2022 Annual Conference. Poster Presentation. (April 2022)
  • Archer, M., Rickabaugh, C., Woodward, K. There’s Room on the Shelf: Expanding from Open to Affordable When the Goal is Student Success. “E”ffordability Summit 2023. Presentation. (April 2023).
  • Archer, M., Rickabaugh C., Woodward, K. Interdepartmental Collaboration: Expanding from Open to Affordable With the Goal of Student Success. SUNY OER Summit 2023. Presentation. (September 2023).
  • Rickabaugh, C. “Open”ing the Door to Student Success: Using OER in Online Courses. Better Online Learning Together Conference. Presentation (October 2023).

Honors and Awards

  • The Mary McAndrews Scholarship awarded by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies.  (Fall 2021)
  • The Vida Cummins Stanton Scholarship awarded by the Wisconsin Library Association (Fall 2021)
  • Member, Beta Phi Mu Honor Society. (Nominated November 2021)

Professional Membership

  • American Library Association
  • Association of College and Research Libraries
  • Wisconsin Library Association

Judy Robinson

Head of Monographs Cataloging

Robin Roggio

Director of Resource Sharing and Interlibrary Loan

Master of Library and Information Science 2012
Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Bachelor of Science Geology 1995
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Additional Coursework Completed
Master of Science Program in Geology 1996 – 1998
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas


• Steele, Kenneth; Vendrell, P F; Nelson, M A; Roggio, R G; and McNew, R. (2001). Pastureland
impacts on water quality of two small streams, Ozark Region, USA. In David Moody and Faye Anderson, (Eds.), Globalization and Water Resources: The Changing Value of Water, (p. 7). American Water Resources Association.
• Roggio, Robin G; Steele, K F; Vendrell, P F; Nelson, M. A. (1998). Effects of agricultural practices
on water quality and nutrient transport in two small watersheds, northwestern Arkansas
Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 30(3), 30.
• Roggio, R. G., Steele, K. F., Vendrell, P. F., & Nelson, M. A. (1998). Effects of agricultural practices on nutrient concentrations and loads in two small watersheds, northwestern Arkansas. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science, 52, 85–91. https://scholarworks.uark.edu/jaas/vol52/iss1/15/
• Roggio, Robin G; Ford, G L; Brahana, J. V. (1996). Hydrogeologic controls of the springs in northern Arkansas. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 28(1), 61.


• Roggio, Robin (2019). The Role of Interlibrary Loan in Disaster Recovery: Floods, Fires, Hurricanes…Oh My
Professional Development Certificate Program (PDCP), University of Arkansas.
• Roggio, Robin; Rhoades, Christina (2018). Just in Time: Serving your Patrons with Interlibrary Loan
Arkansas Libraries Paraprofessionals (ALPS) Fall Conference, Rogers, AR, Arkansas Library Association.

Luti Salisbury

Distinguished Professor, Director of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Library

Research Interest

  • Information literacy in science and technology; bibliometrics; scholarly metrics; open access; patent information; information seeking behavior, collection assessment; evaluation of information systems

Teaching Interest

  • Information literacy in science and engineering; scholarly metrics; science information; chemical information; collection assessment and evaluation; evaluation of information systems


Publicaltions: orcid.org/0000-0003-1365-3679

Lutishoor Salisbury. (2019). Elsevier’s Engineering Village and Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science. Charleston Advisor, v20(3), p5-13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5260/chara.20.3.5

Lutishoor Salisbury,  (2018). Technology use for non-educational purposes during library instruction: effects on students learning and retention of Information. Science & Technology Libraries,  v37(3), p272-289.  DOI:10.1080/0194262X.2018.1456391 (Abayomi Omotola Omolewu & Jeremy J. Smith)

Lutishoor Salisbury. (2018). Usability of CAB Abstracts on Three Platforms: CAB Direct,  EBSCOhost and Clarivate Analytics. Charleston Advisor. v20 (1), p5-13.

Lutishoor Salisbury. (2017). Faculty Publications from a Research University: The Scholarly Impact of  Open Access versus Non-Open Access. Science & Technology Libraries Vol. 36(2), p187-199.  https://doi.org/10.1080/0194262X.2016.1273815 (Anuradha Rai Chowdhury & Jeremy J. Smith)

Lutishoor Salisbury. 2017. Identifying Full-Text Resources in Agriculture, Food and Life Sciences: A Research Study. Journal of Agricultural & Food Information.  18(2), p136-144.  https://doi.org/10.1080/10496505.2017.1300537 (Abayomi Omotola Omolewu & Jeremy Joseph   Smith).

Salisbury, Lutishoor. 2016. Early exposure to the Scientific Research Process through Collaboration with Chemistry Faculty and the Science Librarian. Science and Technology Libraries. 35(2), http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0194262X.2016.1162118. DOI:10.1080/0194262X.2016.1162118

Salisbury, Lutishoor. 2016. Science and Technology Librarians: User Engagement and Outreach Activities in the Area of Scholarly Communication.  Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, Winter. http://www.istl.org/16-winter/refereed4.html DOI:10.5062/F45X26ZR (with Julie Speer)

Salisbury, Lutishoor. 2015. Undergraduate Ownership of Small Mobile Devices: Engagement and Use in an Academic Environment.” Science & Technology Libraries, 34(1), 91-107 (with Jozef Laincz and Jeremy J. Smith).

Salisbury, Lutishoor. 2015. Assessment of Marketing Faculty Publications at a Major Research University to Satisfy Information Needs.”  Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 20(4): 1-16 (with Brittany A. Travernaro).

Salisbury, Lutishoor. 2014. “Building the AgNIC Resource Database Using Semi-Automatic Indexing of Material.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Information, 15(3), 159-179 (with Jeremy J. Smith)

Salisbury, Lutishoor. 2014.  “Just in Case or Just in Time?  Outcomes of a 15-Month Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA) of E-Books at the University of Arkansas Libraries”.  Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 38(1), 10-20 (with Mary Gilbertson and Elizabeth McKee,. 

Salisbury, Lutishoor. 2013. “CABI Leisure and Tourism Abstracts and EBSCOHost Hospitality and Tourism Index.”  The Charleston Advisor, 14(4), 5-11. (refereed section)

Salisbury, L. (2012). “A Comparative Evaluation of FSTA on EBSCOHost, Web of Knowledge, and on OvidSP Platforms.” The Charleston Advisor, 14, 5-15. (refereed section)

Salisbury, L.(2012). “Science and Technology Undergraduate Students' Use of the Internet, Cell Phones and Social Networking Sites to Access Library Information.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. http://www.istl.org/12-spring/refereed3.html. (with  J. Laincz, J., & J.J. Smith). DOI:10.5062/F4SB43PD

Salisbury, L. (2012). “Students Preferences in Selecting Information Resources Used to Find Scholarly information: A comparative Study Between Undergraduate and Graduate Students.” Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 13, 250-266. (J. Laincz, J. and J.J. Smith).

Salisbury, L. (2011). “CAB Abstracts on CAB Direct, EBSCOHost, and Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge: Comparing the Platforms and their Searching and Retrieval Capabilities.” The Charleston Advisor, 12, 5-14. (refereed section).

Salisbury, L. (2010). “There a Future for the Conventional Abstracting and Indexing Services?” Agricultural Information Worldwide, 3(2), 78-82.

Salisbury, L. (2010). “The Use of Web of Knowledge to Study Publishing and Citation Use for Local Researchers at the Campus Level.” Collection Management, 35(2), 69-82. (with J.J. Smith)

Salisbury, L. (2009). “Web of Science and Scopus: A Comparative Review of Content and Searching Capabilities.” The Charleston Advisor, 11(1), 5-18. (refereed section)

Salisbury, L. (2009). “Analysis of BioOne Journal Collections: Their quality, Indexing Coverage, and Scholarly Content.” Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 10(2), 113-123. (with C. Mills)

Salisbury, L. (2008). “Inspec on InspecDirect and on Engineering Village.” The Charleston Advisor, 9(4), 5-11. (refereed section)

Salisbury, L. (2007). “Enhancing Rice Content in AgNIC: Methodology for Evidence-based Identification of Resources.” Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 8(2), 49-56.

Salisbury, L. (2007). “University of Arkansas Food Science Faculty Publications and the Characteristics of Their Cited References: A Bibliometric Study. “Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 8(4), 21-33. (with V. Bajwa and S.L. Dillon).

Salisbury, L. (2006). “Information Seeking Pattern and Googlization of Information: The issues Facing Libraries.” Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2006), 412-417 (with Usha Gupta).

Salisbury, L (2006). “Where are Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Research Information Published and Indexed? A Comparison of Coverage in Web of Knowledge, CAB abstracts, EconLit, and Google Scholar.” Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 7(2/3), 126-143 (with A. Tekawade).

Salisbury, L. (2005). “A Comparative Evaluation of Food Science and Technology Abstracts on OVID's WebSPIRS 5.0 and on FSTA Direct. The Charleston Advisor, 7, 5-11. (refereed section)

Salisbury, L.(2005). “Current Awareness Delivery Options in Food Science and Technology: Their Coverage, Timeliness and Characteristics. Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 6, 37-51. (with V. Bajwa).

Salisbury, L.  (2004). “A Comparative Review of INSPEC on EBSCOHost, Engineering Village (EV2), and Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).” The Charleston Advisor, 6, 5-11 (with Usha Gupta, 70 percent contribution). (refereed section)

Salisbury, L., (2004). “Evidence-based Services at the University of Arkansas libraries: Results of a Faculty Survey to Assess the Usefulness of Electronic Resources.” Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists, 49, 36-40. (T. Vaughn and V. Bajwa).

Salisbury, L.(2003). “Faculty Publications as a Source of Information for Identifying and Satisfying Users' Needs: A Case Study at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.” Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, 5,11-25 (with V. Bajwa).

Salisbury, Lutishoor. (2002). “Coverage and Duplication of Journals in Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) Bioengineering Database and Other Science and Technology Databases.”  Electronic Journal of   Academic and   Special Librarianship.Vol.3(3), Summer.  6p.http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/ejasl/2002/v03n03/index.html (with E. Noguera).

Salisbury, L. (2003). “Usability of E-journals and Preference for the Virtual Periodicals Room: A survey of Mathematics Faculty and Graduate Students.”  Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship, 4(2-3), 10p. (http://southernlibrarianship.icaap.org/content/v04n03/Salisbury_l01.htm) (with E. Noguera)

Salisbury, L. (2002). “Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) on OVID's WebSPIRS 5.0 and through Cambridge Science Abstracts (CSA) interface.” The Charleston Advisor, 4, 5-11. (refereed section).

Salisbury, L. (2002). “CAB Abstracts on SilverPlatter's WebSPIRS 5.0 and Through CABDirect.” The Charleston Advisor, 3(3), 9-15. (refereed section)

Salisbury, L.(2000). “Full-text Resources for Undergraduates: An Analysis of PA research II and WilsonSelect.” College & Undergraduate Libraries, 7(2), 25-50. (with B.H. Davidson and A.S. Bailey).

Salisbury, L., (2000). “Undergraduate Full-text Databases: Bell and Howell Medical Complete and InfoTrac Health Reference Center-Academic”. The Journal of Southern Academic and Special Librarianship, 2(1-2), 16p. (http://southernlibrarianship.icaap.org/content/v02n01/salisbury_l01.html). (with B.H. Davidson and A.S. Bailey).

Salisbury, L.(1999).” Inspec on FirstSearch: An Evaluation and Tutorial for Effective Searching.” Journal of Southern Academic and Special Librarianship, 1(2),13p.  (http://southernlibrarianship.icaap.org/content/v01n02/salisbury_l01.html) (with Usha Gupta).

Salisbury, L. (1997). “Agricola on Firstsearch: Searching Tips and Tricks.” Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists, 42(1), 5-9.

Salisbury, L. (1997). “Evaluation of UnCover  REVEAL E-mail Alerting Service as a Source for Current Awareness: Case Study at the University of Arkansas”. Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists, 42(3/4), 260-269 (with A.S. Bailey).

Salisbury, L (1997). “Directory Assistance on FirstSearch: Prospects and Potential.” Information Technology and Libraries, 16(1), 38-43. (with D. Batson).

Salisbury, L. (1996). “The Ten Most Effective Ways to Search WorldCat on FirstSearch: A Practical Guide for Scholars and Practitioners.” RQ, 35, 505-518 (with S. Perry).

 Salisbury, L. (1995). “Access to Information in both CitaDel and FirstSearch: A Comparative Study of Dissertation Coverage.” Information Technology and Libraries, 14(March), 17-29 (with S. Perry).

Salisbury, L. (1995). “SuperService: Reshaping Information Services for Graduate Students.” Research Strategies. 13(4):209-218. (with U. Gupta and A.S. Bailey).

Salisbury, L. (1994). “AGRIN Package and Micro CDS/ISIS Software.” Journal of Agriculture and Food Information.  2(1): 61-71.

Salisbury, L. (1993). “Industry-University Cooperation 1987-1993: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography.” International Journal of Technology Management, 8(6/7/8), 812-836.

Salisbury, L. (1992).  “FirstSearch: Potential and Search Characteristic.”  OCLC Micro. 8(4):20-25 (with U. Gupta,)

Salisbury, L.   (1989). “Structured Analysis and Design in a Library  Environment.”  International Library Review, 21: 231- 238.

Salisbury, L. (1987). “Nuclear Winter: the Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War: An Annotated Bibliography.”    IEEE Technology and Society, 6(1): 21-28. 

Salisbury, L.  (1985). “On-line Information Retrieval and its Role in the Provision of Information in Trinidad and Tobago.”  International Library Review, 17: 425-433.

Salisbury, L. 1984.  “Some Considerations for Automation of Serials Control in Libraries.” In Automation and information in the Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad, May 6-12, 1984: 45-57. (with D. Beckles, H. Francis, J. Kochhar and B. Persaud).

Salisbury, L.  1984. “Automated Circulation System: Its Advantages and Potential for the Provision of Management Information. “ In Automation and information in the Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad, May 6-12, 1984:31-33.   

Salisbury, L.  (1984). “Informal Communication Among Scientists: its Characteristics and its Formal Analogs.”  Interciencia  9(3): 159-163.

Salisbury, L. 1982.  “The Importance of Standardization in Scientific and Technological Information Work.”   Guyana Association of Professional Engineers Magazine. 13(1):26-34.

Virginia Siegel

Director of Arkansas Folk and Traditional Arts

  • M.A. Folk Studies, Western Kentucky University
  • B.F.A. Historic Preservation, Savannah College of Art and Design

Research Interest

  • Arkansas folklore, folk art, folklife
  • Trauma-informed oral history interviewing


  • Siegel, Virginia. 2021. "Foreword." In Ozark Folk Magic: Plants, Prayers & Healing by Brandon Weston. Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications.
  • Husic, Senida and Virginia Siegel. 2020. “Bosnian Coffee in Bowling Green.” Kentucky Folklife Magazine. https://kyfolklifemag.org/bosnian-coffee-in-bowling-green-2/ (accessed January 1, 2021).
  • Siegel, Virginia. 2019. Review of Folkstreams (folkstreams.net). Journal of Folklore and Education 6: 153-154.
  • Williams, Michael Ann (Wei Meian) and Virginia Siegel (Su Jiya). 2017. "Folklife and Historical Building Preservation: Traditional Cultural Sites and Casita Rincon Criollo." Journal of Cultural Heritage (Nanjing University) 2017:06. Translated to Mandarin Chinese by Chen Xi.
  • Siegel, Virginia and Michael Ann Williams. 2017. "Folklife and Historic Preservation." In Folklife and Museums: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives, eds. C. Kurt Dewhurst, Patricia Hall, and Charlie Seemann. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Björkman, Brent and Virginia Siegel. 2016. "The Kentucky Folklife Program and the Kentucky Museum at Western Kentucky University." Journal of Folklore and Education 3:113-118.

Professional Membership

  • American Folklore Society, Media and Public Outreach Committee Member (2019-present)
  • International Society for Contemporary Legend Research, Secretary (2021-2024)
  • Oral History Association

Mandi Smith

Head of Collection Development Strategies

Ellen Urton

Director of Research and Instruction

Katrina Windon

Collections Management and Processing Unit Head

Katrina Windon is an Associate Librarian and the Collections Management and Processing Unit Head for the University of Arkansas Special Collections. She has worked in the Libraries since 2016. Her work includes archival accessioning, processing, and collection development.

Master of Science in Information Studies, University of Texas at Austin

Bachelor of Arts in English and Spanish, University of Alabama


Refereed Articles

Windon, Katrina and Lydia Tang. "Archival Discretion: A Survey on the Theory and Practice of Archival Restrictions." Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies 9.11 (2022): 1-17. https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/jcas/vol9/iss1/11/

Windon, Katrina and Amy Allen. "Move to Improve: Increasing Intellectual Control During a Physical Move." Archival Issues 41.1 (2021): 29-43. https://www.iastatedigitalpress.com/archivalissues/article/id/13205/

Windon, Katrina. The Right to Decay with Dignity: Documentation and the Negotiation between an Artist’s Sanction and the Cultural Interest.” Art Documentation (Fall 2012): 142-157. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdfplus/10.1086/668108

Wittman, Emily, and Katrina Windon. “Twisted Tongues, Tied Hands: Translation Studies and the English Major.” College English, 72.5 (May 2010): 449-469. https://www.jstor.org/stable/20749292

Book Chapters

Windon, Katrina and Joshua Youngblood.  “Privacy Considerations in Archival Practice and Research.” In Human Privacy in Virtual and Physical Worlds: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Mary Lacity and Lynda Coon. Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. Pages 205-234.

Windon, Katrina. "'Cut Off from Fair Play': Representing Labor Issues in the Context of the Elaine Massacre." Where Are the Workers?: Labor's Stories at Museums and Historic Sites. Edited by Robert Forrant and Mary Jane Trasciatti. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press (2022): 113-123.

Windon, Katrina and Lori Birrell. "Signed, Sealed, Delivered (with Clarity, Context, and Patience: Ethical Considerations for Deeds of Gift and Transfer Agreements." Archives and Special Collections as Sites of Contestation. Edited by Mary Kandiuk. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press (2020): 471-195.


Selected Presentations

"Creative Collections: Artist Archives in Academic Libraries" panel presentation with Joshua Youngblood, Kara Flynn, Jan Gosnell, Lawrence Sumulong, and Lori Birrell at the 2022 Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Conference, April 2022.

Estimation, Extrapolation, and Other Related Techniques: The Imprecise Art of Collection-Level Description in Accessioning” presentation as part of “Making the Invisible Accessible: The Complex Labor of Archival Accessioning” panel session at 2018 Society of American Archivists Annual Conference, August 2018.

“Robots.txt” presentation as part of “The Right to Be Forgotten” panel session at the National Forum on Ethics and Archiving the Web, March 2018.

“Consulting with Artists: Creating, Describing and Disseminating the Visual Arts” workshop, co-hosted at the 2018 Art Libraries Society of North American (ARLIS/NA) Conference, February 2018.


University of Arkansas, Collections Management and Processing Unit Head, 2018-

University of Arkansas, Accessioning and Processing Archivist, 2016-2017

University of Nevada, Photograph Archivist, 2013-2016

Portland State University/Pacific University/Western Oregon University, Project Archivist, 2012-2013

Honors and Awards

  • Arkansas Historical Association Walter L. Brown Award for Best Family History in a County or Local Journal, 2023
  • Lessie Stringfellow Read Prize, Washington County Historical Society, 2022
  • Rookie of the Year Award, University of Arkansas Libraries, 2018
  • Gerd Muehsam Award, Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA), 2012


Education Librarian

Master of Library & Information Studies, 2021

  • University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK
  • Focus Areas: Reference & Users/School Librarianship

BAEd, Social Studies Education, 2015

  • Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Research Interest

  • Evidence-Based Practice & Systematic Reviews
  • Research Self-Efficacy
  • Whole Person Librarianship
  • Children's Literature

Teaching Interest

  • Critical Information Literacy
  • Evidence-Based Practice


Presenter, "Developing the Research Question"

Office of Medical Student Research, Research Workshop Series, OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation


Research Services Librarian

OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation | Tahlequah, OK | June 2022 - September 2023

Middle School Geography Teacher

Locust Grove Public Schools | Locust Grove, OK | August 2021 - May 2022

Access Services Assistant

Northeastern State University | Tahlequah, OK | February 2021 - July 2021

Honors and Awards

  • Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL), 2024-2025

Licensures and Certifications

  • Systematic Review Services Specialization: Level I (2023 - 2026) | Medical Library Association
  • Arkansas Educator License (2022 - 2026)
    • Library Media PK-12
    • Social Studies 5-12
  • Oklahoma Educator License (2022 - 2024)
    • Library Media Specialist PK-12
    • World/US/OK History, Geography, American Goverment, Economics 5-12

Professional Membership

  • American Library Association (ALA)
  • Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
  • Arkansas Library Association (ArLA)
  • American Indian Library Association (AILA)
  • South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association (SCC/MLA)
  • Northwest Arkansas Library Association (NWALA)

Joshua Youngblood

Interim Associate Dean for Special Collections

Joshua Youngblood serves the Instruction and Outreach Unit Head and as Rare Books Librarian for the Special Collections Division of the University of Arkansas Libraries. From 2011 until 2018 he served as the Research and Outreach Services librarian and supervised the research services unit. Joshua also serves as the Libraries’ Arkansas subject specialist and history librarian. He studied history and archives at Florida State University. A certified archivist, Joshua is an active member of several professional organizations and is a recognized leader in the areas of archival outreach and instruction. He has been elected to leadership positions of the Society of American Archivists and is the immediate past president of the Society of Southwest Archivists. Committed to local and history public history, Joshua advises on numerous research projects in Arkansas each year and is a current board member of the Washington County Historical Society. He has previously served on the Historic District Committee for the City of Fayetteville as well as commemoration committees related to local history. In addition to numerous conference presentations, Joshua has published on archival curation of digital exhibits, undergraduate research with primary sources, and the history of Arkansas and the American South including early 20th century activism and the history of lynching and the anti-lynching movement. Before coming to Arkansas, Joshua served as Archives Historian responsible for digital outreach and content development for the Florida Memory Project of the State Archives of Florida, as the public relations officer for the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, and as the program assistant for the Florida Main Street Program.