Service Locations

Mullins Library

Mullins Library is the main library on campus, where the majority of the University Libraries' collections, study space, and central services are found.

During renovation, the Mullins Library Main Help Desk is located on level 4, along with a small computer lab, printing and scanning stations, and instruction and group study rooms.

At the Main Help Desk, you can check out course reserves, holds and Interlibrary Loan requests.

Mullins Library is open today until 2am.

Resource Sharing

Temporarily located on the fourth floor of Mullins Library, the Resource Sharing Department borrows materials from other libraries for the use of University of Arkansas students, faculty, and staff through the use of the ILLiad service. Through the RazorRush document delivery service, students, faculty, and staff can request chapter or article scans from paper collections. Many requests are scanned and sent to your ILLiad account, You may pick up hard copy materials at the main help desk in Mullins Library.

Resource Sharing is open today until 5pm.

Special Collections

Located on the 3rd floor of Mullins Library, Special Collections acquires, preserves, and provides access to historical manuscripts, archives, maps, photographs, and published materials covering Arkansas and the world.  Special Collections include manuscripts and archives, the Arkansas Collection, the University Archives, rare books, photographs, broadsides, and maps. Read more about the collections.

By appointment only, 9 am - 12 pm; 1 pm - 4 pm

Chemistry and Biochemistry Library

The Chemistry and Biochemistry Library provides access to and research support for the areas of chemistry, biochemistry and related disciplines.  Services include providing access to online research databases, course reserves,  reference and research consultations, user instruction, study and collaboration space, as well as access to related print monographs, journals and current faculty publications.

Chemistry and Biochemistry Library is open today until 7pm.

Fine Arts Library

The Fine Arts Library is temporarily closed for renovation.

Fine Arts collections are currently hoursed on the fourth floor of Mulins Library, as are Fine Arts course reserves.

The Fine Arts Library offers traditional print resources on the visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, and photography), architecture, and landscape architecture. Types of materials include books, exhibition catalogs, reference books, and periodicals. Electronic resources supporting the art, architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design programs may be accessed at any time online. The Fine Arts Library also maintains course reserves for faculty wishing to place materials on reserve for their classes.

Physics Library

The Physics Library,offers information and research support for physics, math, planetary science, and related disciplines in a variety of formats. Services include providing access to online research databases, course reserves,  reference and research consultations, user instruction, and study and collaboration space, as well as access to print material including discipline related monographs and journals.

Physics Library is open today until 7pm.

Young Law Library

Young Law Library hours and contact information