Library Annex FAQs
How do I request an item from the Library Annex?
1. Sign in to OneSearch with your UARK username and password. If you are not a current student, faculty, or staff member but have a library borrowing account, then login with your last name and UA ID number.
2. Click the "Request this item" link in the OneSearch item record.
3. Choose the pickup location for your item.
4. Click SEND REQUEST. You will receive an email as soon as the item is available for pickup at the location you designated.
You can log in to "My Library Account" at any time to see your outstanding requests and holds, current checkouts, to renew items, or to save lists of records or past checkouts.
Scanned copies of print journal articles, book chapters, and other similar items are transmitted electronically to the requestor within 1 business day. Books and other physical materials are delivered to a campus library within 1 business day. Microfilm or fragile items with special handling needs may take slightly longer for retrieval.
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How can I request a book for pick up?
You can request that we retrieve an item from the circulating collections and hold it for you. To request items, use the ”Request this item” link in OneSearch.
How to place a request
Use the Request this Item link to
- request that materials be retrieved from the Library Annex
- request that items be pulled and held for you at a service desk
- request RUSH cataloging on items that are in process
- be notified when items that are on order have been received
Pickup Locations
You must specify the pickup location for your items.
- Most users will choose Mullins Library Help Desk as their pickup location.
- Distant users should contact us about having items sent to them.
You will be notified by email when your item is available for pick up.
Item Checked Out?
You have two options for requesting checked out items.
In a rush?
Depending on the item due date, choosing to request the book from another library may be the fastest way to get it. Use the link "Checked out? Request on ILLiad" to send your request to our Interlibrary Loan Department.
Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad or ILL) is a service that is fast, convenient, and free to you. Most items will be delivered to the main service desk within 5 working days; articles and chapters delivered electronically can take as little as a few hours. See our help videos linked below on using ILLiad for more information.
Not in a rush?
Simply request the item to be the next person in line to check out the item. You will be notified when the item is available for you to check out.
Request an Article Scan
Use this link to request a copy of an article from a journal in our collection. Your article request will be delivered through the ILLiad interlibrary loan / document delivery system.
Request a Chapter Scan
Use this link to request a copy of a book chapter from an item in our collection. Your chapter request will be delivered through the ILLiad interlibrary loan / document delivery system. Due to copyright restrictions, chapter requests are limited to 10% of the total volume or up to 50 pages.
Need Help?
For help with requests and holds contact:
Mullins Help Desk
For help with Interlibrary Loan and Scan requests, contact:
Interlibrary Loan
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How can I request scans of library items?
Requesting Scans of Chapters and Articles
Use the Request a Chapter Scan or Request an Article Scan buttons to have portions of an item scanned and emailed to you through Interlibrary Loan.
- Make sure that you are signed into OneSearch.
- Click the Request a Chapter Scan or Request an Article Scan button on the full record for the item. Click on the title of the item in the OneSearch results list to reach the full record screen.
- You will be prompted to log in to your Interlibrary Loan account. Don't have an account? After you sign in you will be prompted to complete a one-time registration.
- The OneSearch Link automatically fills out details for you, such as book or journal title and call number. You may be asked to provide details about the chapter or article that you need scanned, such as volume and issue, pages, article/chapter author, and chapter/article title. Click Submit.
That's it! You will receive an email as soon as the scan is available in your Interlibrary Loan account.
What does it mean when the location says Library Annex?
Items with a location of Library Annex are housed in the libraries off-site storage facility. Most items can be retrieved within a few hours of requesting the item during regular library hours. Information on requesting materials from our high-density Library Annex can be found in the FAQ linked below.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions:
text: 479-385-0803
phone: 479-575-4104
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Where are the books in Mullins Library?
Book Locations by Call Number
Level 3:
- Main collection call numbers A - PS 3562
Level 4:
- Main collection call numbers PS 3563 - U
- Government Reference Collection
- Reference Collection
- Test Prep Collection
- Children's Literature Collection
- Razorback Yearbooks / UARK Budgets
- Music books and scores and Music Reference
- Microfilm viewing and Music Listenning
See a detailed list of Call Number locations in Mullins Library linked below.
Tip: Use the Map It! button in the library catalog to show a stack map location for that item.
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I am visiting the library and would like to look at materials from the Library Annex. How do I do that if I am not affiliated with the UofA?
Visitors are always welcome at the University Libraries and to use our materials on site. Since many of our materials are located in the Library Annex, we recommend searching OneSearch before you visit to ensure the resources you want to use are located in one of the central campus libraries, or so that you can put in a request for materials from the Library Annex so they will be on hand when you arrive. To place a request for materials from the Annex (before your visit) or to check on the availability of any Libraries’ materials, please call or email User Services at 479-575-4104 or
Same-day requests are generally available Monday - Thursday, Requests must be placed before 12:00pm for same-day use.
Items requested after 12pm Friday - Sunday will be delivered on Monday. There are no deliveries on Saturdays, Sundays, or during University holidays.
When you are here in the library, please make your request by coming to the Help desk at Mullins Library.
To use materials from our Special Collections, please schedule a research appointment (see link below) to learn more about scheduling a visit and requesting these collections.
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What is cross-laminated timber, and how was it used to make the Library Annex more environmentally friendly?
Cross-laminated timber (CLT) originated in Germany and Austria in the 1990s, and is a cost-competitive, sustainable, and environmentally friendly alternative to concrete, masonry and steel construction. A CLT panel is constructed of timber planks that are stacked, glued, and laminated in perpendicular layers under heavy pressure. The panels are pre-fabricated according to the builder's specifications, then shipped to the building site and assembled, greatly reducing the construction time and eliminating construction waste.
CLT panels offer many advantages over traditional construction methods and materials, including improved dimensional stability to wide and tall construction. In addition to providing a higher fire resistance and a higher building hardening rating on the Fujita tornado scale, CLT panels are lighter and thinner than steel and concrete construction, allowing for less massive foundations, structural supports, and roof, all of which make the building more cost effective to build. They also offer sound insulation, long-term structural integrity and durability, and are even rated against earthquakes. They warm more quickly and hold warmth longer than concrete and steel.
Related Links
Where is the Library Annex located?
The Library Annex is located at 659 W. Praxis Lane, off Hill Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard in south Fayetteville.
Can community borrowers and guest patrons request items from the Library Annex (LINX)?
Yes, community borrowers have the ability to request items from the Library Annex. Steps on how to do so can be found on the Library's FAQ linked below.
Patrons that are not affiliated with the library or university may request items from the Library Annex as a guest. Steps for that process are outlined in the FAQ linked below.
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What is the Library Annex?
The Library Annex is a high-density, off-site facility designed to house materials owned by the University of Arkansas Libraries. The facility also has a preservation and conservation area where materials are cleaned, repaired, and restored; a digitization and work space area for staff; an area for maps and microforms; and a large, climate-controlled storage space where books and other materials are housed. The 27,000-foot storage facility will hold approximately 1.8 million volumes when filled to capacity.
Related Links
Who designed the Library Annex? Who constructed it?
Perry Dean Rogers | Partners Architects were the design architecture firm for the Library Annex; Miller, Boskus, Lack Architects were the architect of record; and ConReal was the general contractor.
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Whom do I contact if I have questions about the high-density library annex?
Contact Kelvin Summerville, Library Annex Facility Supervisor, at or 479-718-1299 with any questions regarding the Library Annex.
Where can I pick up items requested from the Library Annex?
You can specify from which campus library location you would like to pick up the material ordered from the Library Annex from the "Request this item" form in the catalog record using the drop-down menu "Pickup Location." Staff at the Library Annex will email scanned copies of journal articles, book chapters, and other similar items.
How much did the Library Annex cost?
The Library Annex construction budget was $11.4 million, which was paid in part by the Facilities Fee.
Can researchers get on-site access to the Library Annex?
For maximum efficiency and to maintain climate control of the materials, the high-density library annex stacks are not accessible to the public. In keeping our annex closed to the public, our goal is to not limit or prohibit access, but to maximize the use of space while providing the best environment possible for our collections. A robust virtual browse tool can be found at the bottom of an item record in OneSearch (see below link). You can also learn more about the Browse search in OneSearch through the FAQ linked below.
Related Links
When did construction start and end for the Library Annex?
Groundbreaking for the high-density Library Annex was July 2017. Construction lasted approximately one year, and the Library Annex was move-in ready in July 2018.
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What services do staff at the high-density library annex provide?
The Library Annex houses books, journals, maps, microforms, artwork, and Special Collections materials in a climate-controlled area, and Library Annex staff provide scanned copies of print journal articles, book chapters, and other similar items and deliver the scans via email by request to researchers. A courier service retrieves requested items and brings them to the main campus area several times a day during the week.
Why did the University Libraries need a high-density library annex?
The Libraries’ previous annex (LISA) was nearing capacity, and a high-density library annex was the solution to a few problems.
- At a time when print use is declining and demand for space is at a premium, the Libraries used the opportunity to free up space and resources in the heart of campus by prudently managing physical collections, thereby enabling the renovation of Mullins Library to create more study and collaborative work spaces for faculty and students.
- Changes in educational technology have altered the way students learn and how research is conducted. The Libraries’ ability to adapt to meet user needs is limited by the lack of space.
- The mechanical systems in the original Mullins Library (west side), which was opened in 1968, were failing. However, asbestos remediation was needed before systems could be replaced or updated. As a precaution, entire areas were sealed off during remediation to minimize contamination risks.
- High-density library facilities can be built and operated for about a quarter of the cost of conventional library space. Their modular plan means additional storage can be added at a lower cost when needed.
- The high-density library annex's carefully controlled environment will extend the life of collections up to seven times, ensuring their availability to future generations of students and scholars.
- Mullins Library was last expanded in 1997, when the student population was around 15,000. The student population in Fall 2018 was 28,000 and is projected to continue to rise. The increase in students has resulted in higher demand for study space, collaborative space, and creative workspace.
How long will it take to get an item from LINX, the library annex?
Scanned copies of print journal articles, book chapters, and other similar items requested from the Library Annex are transmitted electronically to the requestor within one business day. Books and other physical materials requested from the Library Annex are delivered to a campus library within one business day, weather permitting.
What collections are housed in LINX, the library annex?
LINX, the Library Annex, is primarily meant for the most infrequently used materials, as well as materials that will benefit from the facility’s optimal environment and security. Library Annex materials include:
- Low-use, last-copy monographs, serials, series and unique archival holdings that have projected future low use.
- Physical copies of texts that may reliably be found online (especially journals and indexes).
- Runs of rarely used serials.
- Backfile print journals archived in partnership with The California Digital Library Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST) repository program serving research libraries, college and university libraries, and library consortia in the Western Region of the United States.
The Library Annex is a dynamic collection, which means that volumes may be returned to campus libraries in response to high demand, and volumes will continue to be transferred to the library annex from Mullins Library and the branches as collections grow.