Understanding the interactions of theranostic gold-based nanostructures with complex biological environment

by Chen, Jingyi

Gold-based nanostructures as drug delivery, bio-imaging and therapeutic agents are typically introduced to biol. systems through i.v. administration. However, the potential for agglomeration of nanoparticles in biol. systems could dramatically affect their pharmacokinetic profile and toxic potential. Development of rapid screening methods to evaluate agglomeration is urgently needed to monitor the phys. nature of nanoparticles as they are introduced into blood. In this presentation, I will discuss the novel methods we established using darkfield microscopy with hyperspectral detection, single particle inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and confocal Raman microscopy to discriminate gold nanoparticles and their agglomerates in blood. I will also discuss the behaviors of the drug-polymer delivery system we developed in serum mimetic environment and in vesicles that model human cell membranes. These studies provide rapid detn. methods of the agglomeration status of nanoparticles in blood, as well as insight of action and release kinetics of non-covalent drug delivery system in the biol. environment.