Research and Learning

Under the direction of the Senior Associate Dean, Adriana Gonzalez, the Research and Learning Division provides support and services to our campus community and beyond. Check in often as we develop exciting new services and spaces in the renovated Mullins Library.

Research and Instruction

Class sessions and individual research consultations, guides, and support by email, chat, or in person

User Services

Study spaces, course reserves, media, and checkout of library materials

Resource Sharing

Borrow from anywhere and request document scans

Experiential Learning

The University Libraries' Experiential Learning department strives to ignite the creative exploration of UARK faculty, students, and researchers through the offering of specialized spaces, low and high-tech equipment, and curricular collaborations.

Chemistry and Biochemistry Library

Materials and assistance with research in chemistry

Fine Arts Library

Materials and assistance with research in art, architecture, and design

Physics Library

Materials and assistance with physics and astronomy