
We meet you where you are: Virtual Services

Using the Libraries

Finding Resources

Get strategies for finding resources by format.

Group Study and Collaboration Rooms

Find and reserve spaces in Mullins Library


Learn about library check out privileges and policies.

Requests / Holds

Request that items be pulled and held for you. Students enrolled in online programs and living at least 15 miles from the U of A Fayetteville campus may request that items be mailed to them.

Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery / Campus Faculty Delivery

Sign up for an ILLiad account to request materials from other libraries or article and chapter scans from our print collections.

Course Reserves

Find items by course or instructor.

Computing, Scanning, & Printing

Learn about hardware, software, and IT support available in the libraries.

Distance Learning

Find help, tips, and contacts for U of A students enrolled primarily in online programs.

Remote Access

Get help with connecting to library resources remotely, through OpenAthens or the campus VPN for complete access.

Your Library Account

Use your university login to request holds, see your checkouts and fines, and save your library catalog searches.