Your Library Account and Library Privileges

Login to your Library Account

View your current checkouts, renew items, or request that items be pulled and held for your through My Library Account. Most current students, faculty and staff will login usering their email address and password.

How to login to OneSearch with your account

Community Borrowers may login to their library account with their email address and a password set up by the library.

How to login as a community borrower

Who is Eligible for Privileges?

To be eligible for library privileges and remote access to library resources, students must be enrolled in at least one hour of credit or be pre-registered for the following semester.

Students who wish to retain library privileges for a short time while they complete theses or other academic requirements may be granted "Affiliate" status in the UAConnect student information system by their college or the Graduate School. Read more

This includes emeritus faculty and retirees.

Part-time or hourly employees may need to complete an Application for Library Privileges so that our records are complete. Read more

Faculty, staff and graduate students who wish to authorize others to check out or pick up materials, please visit our Proxy Sponsor Request Form for more information.

Other User Categories

Borrowing Periods and Annual Costs

Table of borrowing periods
User Type Loan period
(most items)*
Number of renewals Item limit Holds / retrieval requests? Interlibrary Loan? Remote access to databases? Annual cost
UA Affiliates
graduate / undergraduate
16 weeks** 2





includes affiliated and emeritus faculty
16 weeks 2 500 Yes Yes Yes none
includes affiliated staff and retirees
16 weeks 2 100 Yes


Yes none
Non-UA Affiliates

Community Borrowers

 4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No $40

Dependent / Spouse

4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No  none


4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No  none

Arkansas Alumni Association Member

4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No  none

High School Students

4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No $15

Corporate Borrowers

4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No $100

*Note that policies may vary by item format or location. 

**16 weeks or until the student's registration expires. 

See our Borrowing Policies page for information on loan periods, renewals, and other checkout policies.  

Borrowing Policies

What are the fines for overdue or lost materials?

We Just Want Our Books Back

Our goal is to have books returned, not to charge fines. 

Therefore, for most items that check out for 16 weeks to students, faculty and staff, no overdue fees are charged. We will bill for replacement costs if a book is long overdue and deemed lost. 

Are Your Items Overdue?

Courtesy overdue reminder notices are sent to all patrons via campus email.

The status of checked out items is always available for review online by using My Library Account or by calling the Mullins Help Desk 479-575-4104.

Overdue Fines for Short-Term Loans

For Course Reserves and other short-term loans that are in high demand, overdue fines are generally

Bills for Lost Items

When materials are thirty days overdue, they are considered lost and a bill is generated. The amount of the bill is the replacement cost of the item. Replacement costs may vary by subject area and are based on average costs in each discipline; the default is $150.

Overdue reserve materials may be fined up to thirty dollars ($30.00), and overdue recalled items may accrue a fine of up to thirty dollars ($30.00).

Invoices must be paid to the Treasurer's Office. If books that have been billed are returned, an adjustment notice will be sent to the Treasurer's Office. No refunds or adjustments for paid invoices are processed after one year.

Frequently Asked Questions about Library Privileges

Congratulations! Anyone, whether alumnus or visitor, is welcome to come to the library and use our materials on site. 

Borrowing Privileges and Interlibrary Loan

If you want to check out materials or use the Interlibrary Loan service, you will need to obtain library privileges. There are two ways to do so:

  1. Members of the Arkansas Alumni Association have library privileges with no fee. To apply for alumni borrowing privileges, complete our application form or contact User Services at 479-575-4104 (local), 866-818-8115 (toll free), or email:
  2. If you are not a member of the Alumni Association, you can pay a yearly fee as a community borrower.  Find out more on our community borrowers page.

Database Access

Remote access to library databases, e-journals, and e-books is generally only licensed for current students, faculty, and staff.  Recent graduates will retain remote access while their UARK email account is still active. 

While Alumni do not have remote access to library databases, electronic journals or electronic books, you are welcome to visit the library and access these materials through the campus network. Most online resources allow walk-in use by campus visitors. 

We also encourage you to explore our growing collection of open databases freely available to all

Check our Alumni Services page for alumni and open access databases. 

Related Links


Anyone may visit the campus libraries and use materials on site.

An appointment is recommended to visit Special Collections. Read more about researching in Special Collections at the link provided below.


Researchers and community members who are not currently enrolled students or full-time appointed faculty and staff of the University of Arkansas may apply for community borrower privileges. Depending on user status (for example: alumnus, visiting faculty, continuing graduate student), some charges may apply.

Note that community borrowing privileges do not include remote access to library databases, electronic journals, or electronic books.

To apply for library privileges, please print out and complete our Application for Library Privileges form. Please include any appropriate fees (check or credit/debit card only) and a copy of a photo ID, such as a state-issued driver's license or student ID card, and EITHER submit the form with payment in person to the Main Service  Desk, OR mail it with payment (check ONLY) to:

User Services
University of Arkansas Libraries
365 N. McIlroy Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002

Online Access

Most online resources can be accessed on campus by visitors when a computer is available.

Many online library resources may also be accessed via a personal laptop when connected to the campus wifi system.

Remote access to subscription online sources is limited to faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students. You may wish to view our list of freely available databases.

Related Links

Most Experiment Station researchers automatically receive a account.  If you have not received one, contact the central UADA IT department in Little Rock. 

Your Library Account

You will need to use your email account to log into library resources. Most Experiment Station researchers automatically receive a account and UARK 9 digit ID number.

 If you need help confirming that you are in the library database of affiliated faculty and staff, you can contact us at 479-575-4104 or send email to 

Affiliate Privileges

Your email account and ID number will entitle you to:

  • borrow print library materials
  • access electronic resources
  • sign up for Interlibrary Loan service (ILLiad) to request document delivery and materials from other libraries. 


You can contact us by sending email to User Services at

Related Links

Yes! We will gladly take a copy of the exact book to cover the replacement fee. The book may still be subject to a fine of up to $15 as an overdue/processing charge. Here are the guidelines:

  • Must match the item lost (exception: replacement copy can be a newer edition of the same item)
  • Can be a used copy, but must be in "very good," "excellent," or "like new" condition
  • Must be free of highlighting or other writing
  • Cannot be a former library copy

Search the Library Catalog (OneSearch) if you need the specifics including the date, publisher, or the ISBN.

If you are unsure if a specific copy meets the requirements above, please check with one of the User Services Supervisors or with the User Services Manager before purchasing a particular copy.

User Services Operations Manager: Matthew Kelly

  • 479-575-2440

Related Links

Your library checkout privilege will expire shortly after your last semester of enrollment. Your remote access to library databases, ebooks, and ejournals will expire with your account.

To be eligible for library privileges and retain remote access to library resources, students must be enrolled in at least one hour of credit or be pre-registered for the following semester.

If you need to retain library privileges for a short time while you complete theses or other academic requirements, you can ask your college or the Graduate School to grant you "Affiliate" status in the UAConnect student information system. Extensions and length of time granted are determined by academic departments, colleges, and the Graduate School, not by the library.

Related Links

If your college or program wishes to provide campus privileges to a visiting researcher, your HR partner will need to create a record for them as a contingent worker in Workday.

A contingent worker record will generate a UARK email account, which will allow for database and interlibrary loan access and a campus ID card with a 9-digit UARK ID number, which will allow library checkouts. 

After the record is created in Workday, the Libraries should receive the new record within a few days. Library accounts can be verified by logging into My Library Account with email and password.

For questions, please contact User Services. Email us at


Related Links

Researchers associated with the Arkansas Archeological Survey usually have a UARK email account and a library account. 

Your UARK email account provides access to library databases, e-journals, and e-books. 

Your library account provides borrowing privileges and Interlibrary Loan privileges.

Remote users may request that materials in the University of Arkansas Fayetteville Libraries be sent to them by using an Interlibrary Loan request (see below link).

If you need help confirming that you are in the library database of affiliated faculty and staff, you can contact us at 479-575-4104 (local), 866-818-8115 (toll-free) or send email to the User Services Department.

Related Links

Please note that, due to licensing restrictions, only currently-enrolled students, faculty, and staff are able to access library resources remotely. Not all library users who have library borrowing privileges also have privileges to access databases remotely.

Alumni, Community Borrowers, and others are welcome to use most databases, e-journals, and e-books while on campus.

If you need help confirming that you should have remote access, you can contact us at 479-575-4104 or send an email through the link below.

Need help retrieving your UARK email and password? Please visit the Password Manager page linked below.

Related Links

To apply for library borrowing privileges as a community member, please print out and complete our Application For Library Privileges form. Please include any appropriate fees (check or credit/debit card only) and a copy of a photo ID, such as a state-issued driver's license or student ID card, and EITHER submit the form with payment in person to the Main Service  Desk, OR mail it with payment (check ONLY) to:

Mullins Help Desk Supervisor
University of Arkansas Libraries
365 N. McIlroy Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002

Please note that community borrower privileges do not include remote access to online resources. 

Related Links

Students at the Clinton School of Public Service (CSPS) can be cross-registered with the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (UARK), allowing them access to library resources. CSPS students must first activate your UARK email address by going to the New User Page for our campus. Note: You will need your university ID number to activate your account. 

Once you have activated your UARK username and password, you should be able to get into our electronic databases and journals remotely. If you can't get access, contact the Fulbright College office at 479-575-4801 or

For questions regarding activating your UARK account, please contact the UA-ITS help desk.

For questions regarding your university ID number, please contact the Graduate School admissions office at

Related Links

Your UARK email account should allow access to library databases, e-journals, and e-books.  

To borrow books or use interlibrary Loan, please visit our Mullins Help Desk or complete this library privileges form (link below) and email it to along with a photocopy of your UARK ID card.  

Related Links

The libraries have instituted an auto-renewal policy where your checked out items will be automatically renewed as long as there are no holds on the item. For most print book items, the loan period is 16 weeks, and two renewals are allowed. NOTE: Some items, including some periodicals and course reserve items, have varying loan periods and are not eligible for automatic renewals. Interlibrary Loan items' loan periods are set by the owning library and in general one renewal is allowed; however, that privilege is at the discretion of the lending library.

Patrons in some special categories (ArkLink members, community borrowers, high school students) may have shorter loan periods and are not eligible for auto-renewals. Please sign in to your library account on OneSearch to make renewals, or contact our Help Desk for assistance. 

After the two renewals, if the items are still needed, you will need to return them to the library to be checked in and then checked back out to you.

Please note that loan periods may be adjusted depending on your enrollment in upcoming terms. 

Related Links

Table of borrowing periods
User Type Loan period
(most items)*
Number of renewals Item limit Holds / retrieval requests? Interlibrary Loan? Remote access to databases? Annual cost
UA Affiliates
graduate / undergraduate
16 weeks** 2





includes affiliated and emeritus faculty
16 weeks 2 500 Yes Yes Yes none
includes affiliated staff and retirees
16 weeks 2 100 Yes


Yes none
Non-UA Affiliates

Community Borrowers

 4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No $40

Dependent / Spouse

4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No  none


4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No  none

Arkansas Alumni Association Member

4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No  none

High School Students

4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No $15

Corporate Borrowers

4 weeks 2 10 Yes Yes No $100

*Note that policies may vary by item format or location. 

**16 weeks or until the student's registration expires. 

See our Borrowing Policies page for information on loan periods, renewals, and other checkout policies.  

Related Links

The University of Arkansas Libraries, Fayetteville, participate in the ARKLink Reciprocal Borrowing Program, whereby students from participating college and university libraries may check out materials at the U of A campus in Fayetteville. 

Before visiting Mullins Library, you must request an ARKLink card from your home library. This card will grant borrowing privileges at University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Libraries under the following guidelines:

  • Individuals must present an ARKLink card issued by their home library and a photo ID. Email authorization will be accepted only if received Monday-Friday between 8am-5pm. Photo identification and the ARKLink card must be presented in order to check out materials.
  • Privileges will be granted on a semester basis for students, and on a yearly basis for faculty and staff.
  • Individuals must complete the University of Arkansas "Registration for Reciprocal Circulation Privileges" form at the Help Desk in Mullins Library in order for a patron record to be created to allow checkout of material.

ARKLink Card Loan Policies

  • 28 days (faculty, staff, and students)
  • Maximum of 10 items, limited to books only
  • One renewal
  • Ineligible to recall or place holds on materials
  • Item checked out to ARKLink borrower which are needed by UAF patrons may be recalled after two weeks. 
  • Recalled items must be returned within 7 days. Failure to return materials recalled will result in a block of privileges. A fee of $150.00 per item will be charged if items are not returned.

Need more information?

  • For more information on the  ARKLink Reciprocal Borrowing Program, visit the ARKLink website.
  • For more information on borrowing privileges, please contact 

Related Links

We Just Want Our Books Back

Our goal is to have books returned, not to charge fines. 

Therefore, for most items that check out for 16 weeks to students, faculty and staff, no overdue fees are charged. We will bill for replacement costs if a book is long overdue and deemed lost. 

Are Your Items Overdue?

Courtesy overdue reminder notices are sent to all patrons via campus email.

The status of checked out items is always available for review online by using My Library Account or by calling the Mullins Help Desk 479-575-4104.

Overdue Fines for Short-Term Loans

For Course Reserves and other short-term loans that are in high demand, overdue fines are generally

  • $3.00 per hour with a 1 hour grace period for hourly loans up to a maximum of $30.00
  • $3.00 per day with a 1 day grace period for daily loans up to a maximum of $30.00

Bills for Lost Items

When materials are thirty days overdue, they are considered lost and a bill is generated. The amount of the bill is the replacement cost of the item. Replacement costs may vary by subject area and are based on average costs in each discipline; the default is $150.

Overdue reserve materials may be fined up to thirty dollars ($30.00), and overdue recalled items may accrue a fine of up to thirty dollars ($30.00).

Invoices must be paid to the Treasurer's Office. If books that have been billed are returned, an adjustment notice will be sent to the Treasurer's Office. No refunds or adjustments for paid invoices are processed after one year.

Related Links

Requesting Affiliate Access

To receive library privileges, you will need to request an affiliate account with a email address and ID number.

  1. Complete the UADA UARK request form for your UADA IT staff.
  2. Your account and ID number will be created.  This may take several days.
  3. Once you receive information about your credentials, activate your email by going to the UARK Account Activation Page.
  4. After you have activated your email account, please contact us at the library using the  Library Academic Affiliate Privileges Request Form.

The library will contact you using your email address when your account is ready.

Affiliate Privileges

Your email account and ID number will entitle you to:

  • borrow print library materials
  • access electronic resources
  • sign up for Interlibrary Loan service (ILLiad) to request document delivery and materials from other libraries.


You can contact us by sending email to User Services at

Related Links

Type of Fee Description Fine Amount Grace Period Maximum Fine When Billed Eligible for Refund?
Overdue fines - hourly loans Only applied to short-term loans, high-use items such as course reserves $3.00 per hour 1 hour $30.00 when item is returned or at the end of 30 days No
Overdue fines - daily loans Only applied to short-term loans, high-use items such as course reserves $3.00 per day 1 day $30.00 when item is returned or at the end of 30 days No
Lost items - students and staff Items more than 30 days late Replacement cost varies; default is $150 None Replacement cost 30 days overdue Patrons may bring the item back up to 365 days after billing for a refund
Lost items - faculty items more than 60 days late Replacement cost varies; default is $150 None Replacement cost 60 days overdue Patrons may bring the item back up to 365 days after billing for a refund


University of Arkansas faculty, staff, and graduate students with valid University of Arkansas Libraries privileges may request to sponsor a proxy to pick up items on their behalf. Up to two people may be selected to act as proxies. Exceptions will be considered for other active borrowers with unusual circumstances or a documented need for accommodation.

Complete the Proxy Sponsor Form (linked below) to begin the process to add a proxy borrower to your account. 

Proxy privileges expire each year on June 1  and must be requested annually. 

Related Links

University of Arkansas faculty, staff, and graduate students with valid University of Arkansas Libraries privileges may request to sponsor a proxy to pick up items on their behalf. Up to two people may be selected to act as proxies. Exceptions will be considered for other active borrowers with unusual circumstances or a documented need for accommodation.

To be eligible to serve as a proxy

  1. The Proxy Sponsor should trust the proxy to act on the sponsor’s behalf.
  2. To act as a proxy, affiliation with the University of Arkansas or library privileges are not required.
  3. The proxy should be 18 or older and have a valid photo ID.

Proxy Sponsor Responsibilities

  1. The Proxy Sponsor must use the library catalog hold request feature or submit Inter-Library Loan requests to obtain all items for proxy pickup.
  2. The Proxy Sponsor is responsible for all materials borrowed and overdue fines and charges incurred through Proxies.
  3. The Proxy Sponsor should monitor the inventory of items checked out and work with Proxies to ensure timely return and renewal of library materials.
  4. Overdue, Recall, Notice of Fine or Fee, and Statement of Fines and Fees notices for items picked up by Proxies are sent to the Proxy Sponsor.

Where Accepted?

  1. The Proxy service is available at all University of Arkansas libraries.

Privileges Granted

  1. Proxy-only patrons (proxy borrowers with without affiliation with the university) will be allowed to pick up Hold Requests and Interlibrary Loan Materials for their proxy sponsor. Proxy-only patrons will not be granted any other library privileges.
  2. ⁠Affiliated proxy designees will keep their regular library privileges and will now be able to collect materials on behalf of their proxy sponsors.

 Proxy Responsibilities

  1. Proxies will agree to use the Proxy Service on behalf of the Proxy Sponsor and not for personal use.
  2. Proxy users must present one of the following each time they pick up items: a current University of Arkansas ID, a valid government-issued photo ID, or a Proxy ID card issued by the University of Arkansas Libraries

Duration of Proxy Privileges

  1. Proxy Privileges will expire on June 1st of each year.
  2. Proxy Sponsors must reapply each year to continue with the Proxy service.
  3. Proxy Sponsor may change Proxy by submitting a new Proxy Sponsor form and withdrawing Proxy privileges by emailing  (Please remember that you are responsible for all items picked up by your Proxy, even if you withdraw their Proxy privileges. You are limited to no more than two Proxies at one time).  

Related Links

Returning Materials

You may return borrowed items to any service desk or to our book drops.

Contact Us

User Services