Ozark Folklife and Folklore Periodicals

Rayburn's Arcadian Life, A Journal of the Well-Flavored Earth, published by Otto Ernest Rayburn, 1934 (Arkansas Collection)
- Arkansas Folklore
- 1950-1958 (v.1-8). A publication of the Ozark Folklore Society. Vance Randolph and Mary Celestia Parler were founding members of the Society (1950) and the publication was created on the recommendation of Mary Celestia Parler. The two served on the board of the society in various positions over the years. Contents pertain to both the academic and popular views of Ozark folklife.
- Arkansas Folklore
- 1977-1979 (Oct. 1977, Jan., July 1978, Jan. Apr. 1979). Continues Arkansas Folklore; published by the Arkansas Folklore Society, 1950-1958.
- Mid-South Folklore
- 1973-1978 (v.1-6). A scholarly journal of the folklife of the Southern states and Middle West. Mid-South Folklore vol. 3, no. 3, is entitled "Special Issue for Vance Randolph."
- Mid-America Folklore
- 1979- (v.7- ). A former publication of Ozark States Folklore Society and the English Department, Southwest Missouri State University and the Regional Culture Center, Arkansas College (1979-1982); issues for Fall 1990-1998 were published by the Mid-America Folklore Society and Lyon College, Batesville, Arkansas, and the Kansas Folklore Society. Currently a publication of Center for Arkansas and Regional Studies, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Mid-America Folklore is a continuation of Mid-South Folklore.
- Missouri Folklore Society Journal
- 1979- (v.1- ). A scholarly journal of the folklife of Missouri and the Ozark regional culture. V.4 1982 is a special issue devoted to the work of Vance Randolph and Mary Celestia Parler-Randolph, containing the recollections of Max Hunter, for whom the Randolphs served as mentors.
- Arcadian Life: A Monthly Magazine of Folklore and Homespun Philosophy
- 1933-1938 (v. 1-34). A publication of Otto Ernest Rayburn: Sulphur Springs, Texas. Content dedicated to the Ozark Mountain region.
- Rayburn's Arcadian Life: A Journal of the Well-Flavored Earth
- 1934-1936 (v. 1-23). A publication of Otto Ernest Rayburn: Sulphur Springs, Texas.
*The title changed from Arcadian Life to Rayburn's Arcadian Life (1934), then back to Arcadian Life (1936). - Arcadian Life Magazine
- 1938-1943 (v. 35-55). A publication of Otto Ernest Rayburn: Caddo Gap, Arkansas. A continuation of Arcadian Life.
- Rayburn's Ozark Guide
- 1943-1960 (v.1-66). A publication of Otto Ernest Rayburn: Lonsdale, Arkansas. "Everything about the Ozarks of Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Oklahoma." Published quarterly, July/Sept. 1944-1966; bimonthly, July/Aug. 1943-May/June 1944.
- Ozark Guide Yearbook
- 1961-1966. A publication of Gerald H. Pipes: Reed Spring, Missouri. A continuation of Rayburn's Ozark Guide.
- The Ozarks Mountaineer
- 1954- (v. 3- ). Devoted to the culture of the Ozark Mountains region.
- OzarksWatch
- 1987- (v. 1-). Published by the Center for Ozarks Studies at Southwest Missouri State University.