Library Employee Awards Program Policies and Procedures
The purpose of the Library Employee Awards Program is to recognize and honor the achievements and outstanding work of worthy employees each calendar year on behalf of the University Libraries. Five award categories are available, and certain unique criteria apply to each individual category. It is possible that the Awards Committee will decide that no award will be conferred in a given category.
What Awards can Employees be nominated for?
- Rookie of the Year Award
- Extra Mile Award
- Keystone Award
- Outstanding Support Service Award
- Team Project Award
Past Winners
When the Awards Are Given
Library employee awards will be conferred on Reading Day during the spring semester. This year, Reading Day is Friday, May 3, 2024.
The deadline for submitting nominations is Thursday, April 11, 2024. No nominations will be accepted after this date.
Who is Eligible
With the exception of the "Outstanding Support Service Award," all appointed personnel, regardless of category, are eligible for the program awards.
Current members of the Awards Committee are ineligible for all awards except the "Team Projects Award." Members of the Awards Committee who nominate a person for an award will recuse themselves from all discussions and voting related to that award.
The dean and associate/assistant deans are not eligible for an award.
How Nominations Should Be Made
An online Award Nomination Form must be filled out for each person nominated. Nominations for people in the "Team Project Award" require only one form that includes the names of all the people who contributed significantly to the project. The form is submitted electronically.
All nominations should be made for achievements accomplished in the calendar year previous to the calendar year the awards are actually conferred.
Regarding nominations for the "Team Project Award," the projects must be completed in the calendar year previous to the calendar year the awards are actually conferred.
All time limits specified in "years" within the award descriptions refer to calendar years before the calendar year that awards are actually conferred.
All nominations will be received and evaluated by the Awards Committee, and the awards themselves will be decided upon by the Awards Committee. The quality, and not the quantity, of nominations will be the deciding factor in the Committee's final recommendations.
Nature of the Awards
Each award recipient will receive a certificate and a check. Each award amount is $250, but the individual recipient's check will have applicable taxes withheld from the award amount.