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Author: Salamo, Gregory J.

Temperature dependent optical properties of ultrathin InAs quantum wellJOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE2025
High-Quality Single-Step Growth of GaAs on C-Plane Sapphire by Molecular BeamCRYSTALS2024
Modeling Study of Si3N4 Waveguides on a Sapphire Platform for Photonic Integration ApplicationsMATERIALS2024
Effect of temperature on the stability and performance of III-nitride HEMT magnetic field sensorsAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2024
The growth of Ge and direct bandgap Ge1-xSnx on GaAs (001) by molecular beam epitaxyRSC ADVANCES2024
Luminescence efficiency and carrier dynamics for InGaAs/GaAs surface quantum dots in coupled heterostructuresJournal of Luminescence2024
Improved Quality of InN Thin Films Using a Thin InGaN Compressive Strain Gradient LayerCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2024
Development of aspect ratio trapping growth of GeSn on Si for midwave infrared applicationsJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B2024
A DC to 25 MHz Current Sensing Interface for Hall-Effect SensorIEEE SENSORS JOURNAL2024
Algorithm-Based Linearly Graded Compositions of GeSn on GaAs (001) via Molecular Beam EpitaxyNANOMATERIALS2024
The Epitaxial Growth of Ge and GeSn Semiconductor Thin Films on C-Plane SapphireCRYSTALS2024
Spatially correlated stress-photoluminescence evolution in GaN/AlN multi-quantum wellsSurfaces amd Omterfaces2024
Epitaxial growth and characterization of GaAs (111) on 4H-SiCJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology A2024
Effects of ion implantation with arsenic and boron in germanium-tin layersJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B2024
Temperature, Sensitivity, and Frequency Response of AlN/GaN Heterostructure Micro-Hall Effect SensorIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES2024
Comprehensive material study of Ge grown by aspect ratio trapping on Si substrateJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2024
Sensitivity of Novel Micro-AlN/GaN/AlN Quantum Well Hall SensorsIEEE SENSORS JOURNAL2024
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature PhotoluminescenceCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023
Temperature dependent correlation of Hall effect and optical measurements of electron concentration in degenerate InN thin filmJOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B2023
Photoconductivity of GeSn thin films with up to 15% Sn contentPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2023
Strain-driven anomalous elastic properties of GeSn thin filmsAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2023
Photoluminescence characterization of interlayer carrier injection from InGaAs quantum well to InGaAs surface quantum dots with respect to GaAs spacer thicknessAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE2023
Temperature dependent behavior of sub-monolayer quantum dot based solar cellSOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS2023
Epitaxial growth of Ge1-xSnx on c-Plane sapphire substrate by molecular beam epitaxyJOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH2023
Role of dislocations on Sn diffusion during low temperature annealing of GeSn layersJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B2023
Growth of Germanium Thin Films on Sapphire Using Molecular Beam EpitaxyCRYSTALS2023
Strain-Mediated Sn Incorporation and Segregation in Compositionally Graded Ge1-x Sn x Epilayers Grown by MBE at Different TemperaturesCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023
Thermal stability study of gallium nitride based magnetic field sensorJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS2023
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature PhotoluminescenceCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023
GaAs layer on c-plane sapphire for light emitting sourcesAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE2021
Quantitative Correlation Study of Dislocation Generation, Strain Relief, and Sn Outdiffusion in Thermally Annealed GeSn EpilayersCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2021
Effect of indium accumulation on the growth and properties of ultrathin In(Ga)N/GaN quantum wells2020
Type-II GaSb quantum dots grown on InAlAs/InP (001) by droplet epitaxyNANOTECHNOLOGY2020
Evolution of InAs quantum dots and wetting layer on GaAs (001): Peculiar photoluminescence near onset of quantum dot formationJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS2020
Investigation of the Structural and Optical Properties of Compositionally V-Graded Strained InxGa1-xN LayersPHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS2020
Heteroepitaxy of GaP on silicon for efficient and cost-effective photoelectrochemical water splittingJournal of Materials Chemistry A2019
Local Strain and Crystalline Defects in GaN/AIGaN/GaN(0001) Heterostructures Induced by Compositionally Graded AIGaN Buried LayersCrystal Growth & Design2019
Crystalline GaAs Thin Film Growth on a c-Plane Sapphire SubstrateCrystal Growth & Design2019
Comparative study of photoluminescence for type-I InAs/GaAs0.89Sb0.11 and type-II InAs/GaAs0.85Sb0.15 quantum dotsOPTICAL MATERIALS2019
Abnormal photoluminescence for GaAs/Al0.2Ga0.8As quantum dot-ring hybrid nanostructure grown by droplet epitaxyJOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE2018
Polarization Effects in Graded AlGaN Nanolayers Revealed by Current-Sensing and Kelvin Probe MicroscopyACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES2018
Demonstration of InAs/InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots-in-a-Well Mid-Wave Infrared Photodetectors Grown on Silicon SubstrateJournal of Lightwave Technology2018
Add to Marked List 4 of 129 AlGaN/GaN Micro-Hall Effect Devices for Simultaneous Current and Temperature Measurements From Line CurrentsIEEE Sensors Journal2018
Observing Inquiry-Based Learning Environments Using the Scholastic Inquiry Observation InstrumentINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION2018
Kinetically controlled indium surface coverage effects on PAMBE-growth of InN/GaN(0001) quantum well structuresJournal of Applied Physics2018
Two-colour In0.5Ga0.5As quantum dot infrared photodetectors on siliconSemionductor Science and Technology2018
Interplay Effect of Temperature and Excitation Intensity on the Photoluminescence Characteristics of InGaAs/GaAs Surface Quantum DotsNanoscale Research Letters2018
Excitation intensity and thickness dependent emission mechanism from an ultrathin InAs layer in GaAs matrixJournal of Applied Physics2018
Carrier dynamics in hybrid nanostructure with electronic coupling from an InGaAs quantum well to InAs quantum dotsJournal of Luminescence2018
Strain relaxation in GaN/AlN superlattices on GaN(0001) substrate: Combined superlattice-to-substrate lattice misfit and thickness-dependent effectsMATERIALS & DESIGN2018
AlGaN/GaN Micro-Hall Effect Devices for Simultaneous Current and Temperature Measurements From Line CurrentsIEEE Sensors Journal2018
High temperature capacitors using AlN grown by MBE as the dielectricJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2018
Exfoliation energy, quasiparticle band structure, and excitonic properties of selenium and tellurium atomic chainsPhysical Review B2018
Toward Single Atom Chains with Exfoliated TelluriumNanoscale Research Letters2017
Infrared Reflectance Analysis of Epitaxial n-Type Doped GaN Layers Grown on SapphireNanoscale Research Letters2017
PL of low-density InAs/GaAs quantum dots with different bimodal populationsMicro and Nano Letters2017
Fabrication of ultralow-density quantum dots by droplet etching epitaxyJournal of Materials Research2017
Adhesive force between graphene nanoscale flakes and living biological cellsJournal of Applied Toxicology2017
Physicochemical characteristics of pristine and functionalized grapheneJournal of Applied Toxicology2017
Carrier dynamics of InAs quantum dots with GaAs1-xSbx barrier layersApplied Physics Letters2017
Photoconductivity Relaxation Mechanisms of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Chain StructuresNanoscale Research Letters2017
Near Infrared Quantum Cutting Luminescence of Er3+/Tm3+ Ion Pairs in a Telluride GlassScientific Reports2017
Photoluminescence Study of the Interface Fluctuation Effect for InGaAs/InAlAs/InP Single Quantum Well with Different ThicknessNanoscale Research Letters2017
Effect of well/barrier thickness ratio on strain relaxation in GaN/AlN superlattices grown on GaN/sapphire templateJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B2017
InAs/InGaP quantum dot solar cells with an AlGaAs interlayerSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells2016
Surface effects of vapour-liquid-solid driven Bi surface droplets formed during molecular-beam-epitaxy of GaAsBiScientific Reports2016
Interplay Effect of Excitation and Temperature on Carrier Transfer between Vertically Aligned InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot PairsCrystals2016
The continuum state in photoluminescence of type-II In0.46Al0.54As/Al0.54Ga0.46As quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2016
Comparative study of photoluminescence from In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs surface and buried quantum dotsNanotechnology2016
Formation of self-assembled Ga-rich droplet chains on GaAs (100) patterned by focused ion beamApplied Physics Letters2016
Si-Doped InAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Solar Cell With AlAs Cap LayersIEEE Journal of Photovoltaics2016
Optical Properties of a Quantum Dot-Ring System Grown Using Droplet EpitaxyNanoscale Research Letters2016
Two-photon, three-photon, and four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence of an Er3+ activator in tellurium glass phosphorApplied Optics2016
Defect-Free Self-Catalyzed GaAs/GaAsP Nanowire Quantum Dots Grown on Silicon SubstrateNano Letters2016
Monolithically Integrated InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Mid-Infrared Photodetectors on Silicon SubstratesACS Photonics2016
Intensity-dependent nonlinearity of the lateral photoconductivity in InGaAs/GaAs dot-chain structuresJournal of Applied Physics2016
Nanoparticles to Nanoholes: Fabrication of Porous GaN with Precisely Controlled Dimension via the Enhanced GaN Decomposition by Au NanoparticlesCrystal Growth & Design2016
The Peculiarities of Strain Relaxation in GaN/AlN Superlattices Grown on Vicinal GaN (0001) Substrate: Comparative XRD and AFM StudyNanoscale Research Letters2016
Effect of strain-polarization fields on optical transitions in AlGaN/GaN multi-quantum well structuresPhysica E2016
Precise control of configuration, size and density of self-assembled Au nanostructures on 4H-SiC (0001) by systematic variation of deposition amount, annealing temperature and durationCRYSTENGCOMM2016
Generation-recombination processes in InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with one-dimensional nanostructuresProceedings of the SPIE2015
Mechanism of periodic height variations along self-aligned VLS-grown planar nanostructuresNanoscale2015
Energy Demand Analysis of Photovoltaic Device - Material and Nanomanufacturing Process DiscoveryProcedia Manufacturing2015
Long-Wavelength InAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Light Emitting Sources Monolithically Grown on Si SubstratePhotonics2015
Optimisation of the dislocation filter layers in 1.3-μm InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers monolithically grown on Si substratesIET Optoelectronics2015
Two-photon, three-photon, and four-photon excellent near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence of Tm3+ ion activator emerged in Tm3+:YNbO4 powder phosphor one material simultaneouslyPhysica B2015
Coexistence of type-I and type-II band alignments in In0.46Al0.54As/Ga0.46Al0.54As self-assembled quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2015
Sensitized intense near-infrared downconversion quantum cutting three-photon luminescence phenomena of the Tm3+ ion activator in Tm3+ Bi3+:YNbO4 powder phosphorOptics Express2015
Optimisation of the dislocation filter layers in 1.3-mum InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers monolithically grown on Si substratesIET Optoelectronics2015
Electronic Coupling in Nanoscale InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Pairs Separated by a Thin Ga(Al)As SpacerNanoscale Research Letters2015
Carrier transfer in vertically stacked quantum ring-quantum dot chainsJournal of Applied Physics2015
Nanoscale Electrostructural Characterization of Compositionally Graded AlxGa1–xN Heterostructures on GaN/Sapphire (0001) SubstrateACS applied materials & interfaces2015
Quantum Beats in Hybrid Metal–Semiconductor NanostructuresACS Photonics2015
Diamagnetic and paramagnetic shifts in self-assembled InAs lateral quantum dot moleculesPhysical Review B2015
Rapid thermal annealing effect on GaAsBi/GaAs single quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Vacuum Sience & Technology B2014
Structural and magnetic confinement of holes in the spin-polarized emission of coupled quantum ring-quantum dot chainsPhysical Review B2014
Origin of nanohole formation by etching based on droplet epitaxyNanoscale2014
Effects of AlGaAs cladding layers on the luminescence of GaAs/GaAs1-xBix/GaAs heterostructuresNanotechnology2014
Giant Up-Conversion Efficiency of InGaAs Quantum Dots in a Planar MicrocavityScientific Reports2014
Self-Assembly of Multiple Stacked Nanorings by Vertically Correlated Droplet EpitaxyAdvanced Functional Materials2014
Low temperature magneto-photoluminescence of GaAsBi/GaAs quantum well heterostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2014
Temperature driven three-dimensional ordering of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot superlattices grown under As_2 gas fluxApplied Surface Science2014
Mechanism of strain-influenced quantum well thickness reduction in GaN/AlN short-period superlatticesNanotechnology2014
1.3-mu m InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers monolithically grown on Si substrates using InAlAs/GaAs dislocation filter layersOptics Express2014
Raman scattering reveals strong LO-phonon-hole-plasmon coupling in nominally undoped GaAsBi: optical determination of carrier concentrationOptics Express2014
Deep level centers and their role in photoconductivity transients of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot chainsJournal of Applied Physics2014
InAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Superluminescent Light-Emitting Diode Monolithically Grown on a Si SubstrateACS Photonics2014
Excitation intensity dependence of lateral photocurrent in InGaAs/GaAs dot-chain structuresPhysics Letters A2014
Band filling effects on temperature performance of intermediate band quantum wire solar cellsJournal of Applied Physics2014
Measuring the depth profiles of strain/composition in AlGaN-graded layer by high-resolution x-ray diffractionJournal of Applied Physics2014
Voltage recovery in charged InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cellsNano Energy2014
Tensile GaAs(111) quantum dashes with tunable luminescence below the bulk bandgapApplied Physics Letters2014
1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs quantum-dot laser monolithically grown on Si substrates operating over 100 degrees CElectronics Letters2014
Dynamic configurational resonances caused by optical nonlinearities in ultra-fast near-field microscopyJournal of Optics2013
Tuning Quantum Dot Luminescence Below the Bulk Band Gap Using Tensile StrainACS Nano2013
Effects of rapid thermal annealing on the optical properties of strain-free quantum ring solar cellsNanoscale Research Letters2013
Effect of tunneling transfer on thermal redistribution of carriers in hybrid dot-well nanostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2013
Effects of spatial confinement and layer disorder in photoluminescence of GaAs1-xBix/GaAs heterostructuresJournal of Physics D2013
Strong passivation effects on the properties of an InAs surface quantum dot hybrid structureNanotechnology2013
A model for the hysteresis observed in gating of lysenin channelsBiophysical Chemistry2013
Depth profiling of strain and carrier concentration by cleaved surface scanning of GaN Gunn-diode: confocal Raman microscopySemiconductor Science and Technology2013
Multiphoton near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence phenomena of Tm3+ ion in (Y1-xTmx)(3)Al5O12 powder phosphorOptics Express2013
Step Bunching Formation on GaAs(001) Introduced by Surface ReconstructionJournal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics2013
Electron transport in quantum dot chains: Dimensionality effects and hopping conductanceJournal of Applied Physics2013
MBE grown GaAsBi/GaAs double quantum well separate confinement heterostructuresJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2013
Multiphoton near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence of Yb3+ ion cooperative energy transferred from the oxyfluoride vitroceramics phosphor matrixOptics Letters2013
Bismuth surfactant mediated growth of InAs quantum dots by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Materials Science - Materials in Electronics2013
Effect of resonant tunneling on exciton dynamics in coupled dot-well nanostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2013
Strong excitation intensity dependence of the photoluminescence line shape in GaAs1-xBix single quantum well samplesJournal of Applied Physics2013
Site-controlled formation of InGaAs quantum nanostructures-Tailoring the dimensionality and the quantum confinementNano Research2013
Coulomb interaction signatures in self-assembled lateral quantum dot moleculesPhysical Review B2013
Erratum: “Polarization induced pn-junction without dopant in graded AlGaN coherently strained on GaN” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 122103 (2012)]Applied Physics Letters2013
Molecular beam epitaxial growth of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 topological insulators on GaAs (111) substrates: a potential route to fabricate topological insulator p-n junctionAIP Advances2013
Magnetic and Mossbauer studies of Mn 0.679-xZn 0.258Ti xFe 2.066O 4 spinel ferrites: effect of cation distributionIEEE Transactions on Magnetics2013
Polarization doping: Reservoir effects of the substrate in AlGaN graded layersJournal of Applied Physics2012
State filling dependent luminescence in hybrid tunnel coupled dot-well structuresNanoscale2012
Analysis of confinement potential fluctuation and band-gap renormalization effects on excitonic transition in GaAs/AlGaAs multiquantum wells grown on (100) and (311)A GaAs surfacesPhysica B-Condensed Matter2012
InGaAs quantum wire intermediate band solar cellApplied Physics Letters2012
Strain-free ring-shaped nanostructures by droplet epitaxy for photovoltaic applicationApplied Physics Letters2012
Ordered quantum-ring chains grown on a quantum-dot superlattice templateJournal of Nanoparticle Research2012
Formation of Ga droplets on patterned GaAs (100) by molecular beam epitaxyNanoscale Research Letters2012
Coexistence of type-I and type-II band alignments in antimony-incorporated InAsSb quantum dot nanostructuresApplied Physics Letters2012
Effect of dimensionality and morphology on polarized photoluminescence in quantum dot-chain structuresJournal of Applied Physics2012
Enhancement of thermal conductivity of hydrogenated silicon film by microcrystalline structure growthJournal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics2012
Self-Assembled InGaAs Quantum Dot Clusters with Controlled Spatial and Spectral PropertiesNano Letters2012
Experiments and analysis of infrared quantum cutting luminescence phenomena of Ho3+/Yb3+ codoped nanophase oxyfluoride vitroceramicsOptics Communications2012
Molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaAsBi/GaAs/AlGaAs separate confinement heterostructuresApplied Physics Letters2012
Photoconductivity peculiarities in InGaAs quantum wire heterostructures: anisotropy and high photoresponsivity at room temperatureSemiconductor Science and Technology2012
Substrate effects on the strain relaxation in GaN/AlN short-period superlatticesNanoscale Research Letters2012
Generation of exciton-polaritons in ZnO microcrystallines using second-harmonic generationNew Journal of Physics2012
Polarization induced pn-junction without dopant in graded AlGaN coherently strained on GaNApplied Physics Letters2012
Thermal etching process of microscale pits on the GaAs(001) surfacePhysica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters2012
Ordered SrTiO3 Nanoripples Induced by Focused Ion BeamNano-Micro Letters2012
Sharp contrast of the density and size of Ga metal droplets on photolithographically patterned GaAs (100) by droplet epitaxy under an identical growth environmentPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2012
Uniform Thickness and Colloidal-Stable CdS Quantum Disks with Tunable Thickness: Synthesis and PropertiesNano Research2012
Observation of Ga Metal Droplet Formation on Photolithographically Patterned GaAs (100) Surface by Droplet EpitaxyIEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology2012
In-plane mapping of buried InGaAs quantum rings and hybridization effects on the electronic structureJournal of Applied Physics2012
Novel Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Renewable-Resource Based Carbon-Magnetite NanocompositesJournal of Wood Chemistry and Technology2012
Structural, morphological, and magnetic characterization of In1-xMnxAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Applied Physics2012
Laterally aligned quantum rings: From one-dimensional chains to two-dimensional arraysApplied Physics Letters2012
Critical size of self-propelled motion of droplets on GaAs (100) surfaceJournal of Applied Physics2012
Influence of Ga coverage on the sizes of GaAs quantum dash pairs grown by high temperature droplet epitaxyPhysica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters2012
On the Secondary Droplets of Self-Running Gallium Droplets on GaAs SurfaceACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2011
Origins of 1/f noise in nanostructure inclusion polymorphous silicon filmsNanoscale Research Letters2011
Optical evidence of a quantum well channel in low temperature molecular beam epitaxy grown Ga(AsBi)/GaAs nanostructureNanotechnology2011
Low-Density Quantum Dot Molecules by Selective Etching Using in Droplet as a MaskIeee Transactions on Nanotechnology2011
Near infrared broadband emission of In(0.35)Ga(0.65)As quantum dots on high index GaAs surfacesNanoscale2011
Nanoscale Footprints of Self-Running Gallium Droplets on GaAs SurfacePlos One2011
Excited state coherent resonant electronic tunneling in quantum well-quantum dot hybrid structuresApplied Physics Letters2011
Evolution of Self-Assembled InGaAs Tandem Nanostructures Consisting a Hole and Pyramid on Type-A High-Index GaAs Substrates by Droplet EpitaxyIeee Transactions on Nanotechnology2011
Anisotropic Confinement, Electronic Coupling and Strain Induced Effects Detected by Valence-Band Anisotropy in Self-Assembled Quantum DotsNanoscale Research Letters2011
In(x)Ga(1-x)As quantum wire network-like and ordered checker board-like nanostructures on GaAs (311) by low In composition multi-layer stackingPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2011
Confocal Raman depth-profile analysis of the electrical and structural properties in III-nitride structuresPhysica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 8, no 7-82011
Confocal Raman depth-scanning spectroscopic study of phonon-plasmon modes in GaN epilayersJournal of Applied Physics2011
A comparison of the low frequency noise in InSb grown on GaAs and Si by MBEJournal of Crystal Growth2011
Alignment and optical polarization of InGaAs quantum wires on GaAs high index surfacesMaterials Letters2011
Carrier transfer in the optical recombination of quantum dotsPhysical Review B2011
Bismuth nano-droplets for group-V based molecular-beam droplet epitaxyApplied Physics Letters2011
Bi-stability, hysteresis, and memory of voltage-gated lysenin channelsBiochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes2011
Electronic states and light absorption in quantum dot moleculeApplied Physics Letters2011
Effect of Interface Defect States on Photoelectric Properties of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs Heterostructures with Quantum DotsUkrainian Journal Physics2011
Effect of structure variation on thermal conductivity of hydrogenated silicon filmApplied Surface Science2011
Second harmonic generation in AlGaAs photonic wires using low power continuous wave lightOptics Express2011
Photovoltaic devices based on high density boron-doped single-walled carbon nanotube/n-Si heterojunctions RID A-8507-2010Journal of Applied Physics2011
Polarization induced doping in graded AlGaN filmsPhysica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 8, no 7-82011
Photoluminescence plasmonic enhancement in InAs quantum dots coupled to gold nanoparticlesMaterials Letters2011
Spectroscopic signature of strain-induced quantum dots created by buried InAs quantum dots in an InGaAs quantum wellJournal of Applied Physics2011
Potential analytical applications of lysenin channels for detection of multivalent ionsAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry2011
Spectroscopic signatures of many-body interactions and delocalized states in self-assembled lateral quantum dot moleculesPhysical Review B2011
InGaAs quantum dot molecules during selective etching using an In droplet mask RID B-4640-2010Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics2011
In(Ga)As/GaAs(001) quantum dot molecules probed by nanofocus high resolution x-ray diffraction with 100 nm resolutionApplied Physics Letters2011
Insight into optical properties of strain-free quantum dot pairsJournal of Nanoparticle Research2011
Influence of template type and buffer strain on structural properties of GaN multilayer quantum wells grown by PAMBE, an x-ray studyJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2011
Isotropic Hall effect and "freeze-in" of carriers in the InGaAs self-assembled quantum wiresJournal of Applied Physics2011
Formation of GaAs Double Rings Through Gallium Migration and NanodrillingJournal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics2011
Improvement in the calculation of anti-Stokes energy transfer and experimental justification based on Er(0.01)Yb(x)Y(1-0.01-x)VO(4) crystalChinese Physics B2010
Intersublevel Infrared Photodetector with Strain-Free GaAs Quantum Dot Pairs Grown by High-Temperature Droplet EpitaxyNano Letters2010
InGaAs Quantum Well Grown on High-Index Surfaces for Superluminescent Diode ApplicationsNanoscale Research Letters2010
Interface roughness scattering in laterally coupled InGaAs quantum wiresApplied Physics Letters2010
Surface mediated control of droplet density and morphology on GaAs and AlAs surfacesPhysica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters2010
Theoretical Simulation on a Nonlinear Photonics Process of Er(1%)Yb(8%):FOV Oxyfluoride Nanophase VitroceramicsCommunications in Computational Physics2010
Strongly confined excitons in self-assembled InGaAs quantum dot clusters produced by a hybrid growth methodJournal of Applied Physics2010
Polymer functionalized n-type single wall carbon nanotube photovoltaic devices RID A-8507-2010Applied Physics Letters2010
Tunneling-barrier controlled excitation transfer in hybrid quantum dot-quantum well nanostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2010
Various Quantum- and Nano-Structures by III-V Droplet Epitaxy on GaAs SubstratesNanoscale Research Letters2010
Self-assembled InGaAs tandem nanostructures consisting of a hole and pyramid on GaAs (311)A by droplet epitaxyPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2010
Effects of AlGaAs energy barriers on InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cellsJournal of Applied Physics2010
Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Neutral Excitons: Effects of Built-In Electric FieldsPhysical Review Letters2010
Cooperative Effects in the Photoluminescence of (In,Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Dot Chain StructuresNanoscale Research Letters2010
Aqueous-phase synthesis of monodisperse plasmonic gold nanocrystals using shortened single-walled carbon nanotubesChemical Communications2010
Carbon-covered magnetic nanomaterials and their application for the thermolysis of cancer cells RID C-4517-2011International Journal of Nanomedicine2010
Band Alignment Tailoring of InAs(1-x)Sb(x)/GaAs Quantum Dots: Control of Type I to Type II Transition RID B-9049-2011Nano Letters2010
Atomic scale characterization of Mn doped InAs/GaAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2010
Contrasting LH-HH subband splitting of strained quantum wells grown along [001] and [113] directionsPhysical Review B2010
Controlled Gating of Lysenin PoresBiophysical chemistry2010
Controlled growth of Zn-polar ZnO film on MgAl(2)O(4) (111) substrate using MgO buffer layerJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2010
Evolution of Various Nanostructures and Preservation of Self-Assembled InAs Quantum Dots During GaAs CappingIeee Transactions on Nanotechnology2010
Multivalent ions control the transport through lysenin channelsBiophysical chemistry2010
Measurement of coherent tunneling between InGaAs quantum wells and InAs quantum dots using photoluminescence spectroscopyPhysical Review B2010
Low frequency noise in InSb/GaAs and InSb/Si channelsApplied Physics Letters2010
Nonlinear refraction and absorption: mechanisms and magnitudesAdvances in Optics and Photonics2010
Holed nanostructures formed by aluminum droplets on a GaAs substrateNano Research2010
Multilayer self-organization of InGaAs quantum wires on GaAs surfacesPhysics Letters a2010
Multicolor photodetector based on GaAs quantum rings grown by droplet epitaxy RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2009
Improved anti-Stokes energy transfer between rare earth ions in Er(0.5)Yb(9.5):FOV oxyfluoride vitroceramics explains the strong color reversalChinese Physics B2009
On the complex behavior of strain relaxation in (In,Ga)As/GaAs(001) quantum dot molecules RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2009
Hybridized quantum dot-wetting layer states in photoluminescence of In(Ga)As/GaAs dot chain samplesJournal of Applied Physics2009
Peculiar three-dimensional ordering in (In,Ga)As/GaAs(311)B quantum dot superlattices RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2009
Observation of PT-Symmetry Breaking in Complex Optical PotentialsPhysical Review Letters2009
Novel synthesis process for ceramic carbon nanotube nanocomposites with nanojunctions RID A-8507-2010Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2009
One Step Synthesis of Ceramic Carbon Nanotube Composites with NanojunctionsNanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters2009
Mechanisms of interdot coupling in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot arraysApplied Physics Letters2009
One-dimensional features of In(Ga)As/GaAs dot chain structures with changeable interdot couplingNew Journal of Physics2009
Comprehensive doping and temperature studies of spin relaxation in InSbApplied Physics Letters2009
Coherent exciton-surface plasmon polariton interactions in hybrid metal semiconductor nanostructuresPhysica Status Solidi C2009
Evolution of Holed Nanostructures on GaAs (001) RID B-6320-2009Crystal Growth & Design2009
Design of Nanostructure Complexes by Droplet Epitaxy RID B-6320-2009Crystal Growth & Design2009
Electrical, Optical, and Morphological Properties of P3HT-MWNT Nanocomposites Prepared by in Situ Polymerization RID B-2239-2010 RID A-8507-2010Journal of Physical Chemistry C2009
Direct Evidence of Interlevel Exciton Transitions Mediated by Single Phonons in a Semiconductor Quantum Dot Using Resonance Fluorescence SpectroscopyPhysical Review Letters2009
Three-photon infrared quantum cutting from single species of rare-earth Er(3+) ions in Er(0.3)Gd(0.7)VO(4) crystallineOptics Letters2009
Three-dimensional ordering in self-organized (In,Ga)As quantum dot multilayer structuresPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2009
Tuning the emission profiles of various self-assembled InxGa1-xAs nanostructures by rapid thermal annealingJournal of Applied Physics2009
Resonantly driven coherent oscillations in a solid-state quantum emitterNature Physics2009
Size and density control of In droplets at near room temperatures RID B-6320-2009Nanotechnology2009
Spectroscopy of shallow InAs/InP quantum wire nanostructuresNanotechnology2009
The Control on Size and Density of InAs QDs by Droplet Epitaxy (April 2009) RID B-6320-2009Ieee Transactions on Nanotechnology2009
InSb Quantum-Well-Based Micro-Hall Devices: Potential for pT DetectivityIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices2009
Light-Harvesting Using High Density p-type Single Wall Carbon Nanotube/n-type Silicon Heterojunctions RID B-2239-2010 RID A-8507-2010ACS Nano2009
Lateral and vertical ordered one-dimensional InGaAs/GaAs quantum structures RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing2009
Lateral alignment of InGaAs quantum dots as function of spacer thickness RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2009
Intermediate-band material based on GaAs quantum rings for solar cells RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2009
InAs Quantum Dot Clusters Grown on GaAs Droplet Templates: Surface Morphologies and Optical Properties RID B-6320-2009Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2009
Investigation of deep levels in InGaAs channels comprising thin layers of InAsJournal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics2008
Strained quantum-well InAs micro-Hall sensors: Dependence of device performance on channel thicknessIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices2008
Thermal peculiarity of AlAs-capped InAs quantum dots in a GaAs matrixJournal of Applied Physics2008
Substrate orientation effect on potential fluctuations in multiquantum wells of GaAs/AlGaAsJournal of Applied Physics2008
Super low density InGaAs semiconductor ring-shaped nanostructures RID B-6320-2009Crystal Growth & Design2008
Step bunch assisted two dimensional ordering of In(0.19)Ga(0.81)As/GaAs quantum dots on vicinal GaAs(001) surfaces RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2008
Ultrafast carrier capture dynamics in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires RID A-7360-2008 RID B-6320-2009Journal of Applied Physics2008
Structural Evolution During Formation and Filling of Self-patterned Nanoholes on GaAs (100) Surfaces RID B-6320-2009Nanoscale Research Letters2008
Spectroscopic observation of developing InAs quantum dots on GaAs ringlike-nanostructured templates RID B-6320-2009Journal of Applied Physics2008
SOCl(2) enhanced photovoltaic conversion of single wall carbon nanotube/n-silicon heterojunctions RID B-2239-2010 RID A-8507-2010Applied Physics Letters2008
Polarized Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffuse scattering in InGaAs/GaAs(100) quantum-dot chains RID B-6320-2009Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics2008
In situ photoluminescence study of uncapped InAs/GaAs quantum dotsNanotechnology2008
Unusual role of the substrate in droplet-induced GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-dot pairsPhysica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters2008
Directed self-assembly of quantum structures by nanomechanical stamping using probe tipsNanotechnology2008
Deep traps in GaAs/InGaAs quantum wells and quantum dots, studied by noise spectroscopyJournal of Applied Physics2008
Enhanced photoluminescence from InAs/GaAs surface quantum dots by using a Si-doped interlayer RID B-6320-2009Nanotechnology2008
Evolution of InGaAs quantum dot molecules RID B-6320-2009Journal of Applied Physics2008
Room temperature near-infrared photoresponse based on interband transitions in In0.35Ga0.65As multiple quantum dot photodetectorIEEE Electron Device Letters2008
Energy Transfer within Ultralow Density Twin InAs Quantum Dots Grown by Droplet Epitaxy RID B-6320-2009ACS Nano2008
Engineering of 3D self-directed quantum dot ordering in multilayer InGaAs/GaAs nanostructures by means of flux gas compositionNanotechnology2008
Coherent exciton-surface-plasmon-polariton interaction in hybrid metal-semiconductor nanostructuresPhysical Review Letters2008
Comparative study on different carbon nanotube materials in terms of transparent conductive coatings RID B-2239-2010 RID A-8507-2010 RID C-3346-2009Langmuir2008
Configuration control of quantum dot molecules by droplet epitaxy RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2008
Comparative study of optical properties between quantum dot chains band quantum dots RID B-6320-2009Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves2008
Excitonic band edges and optical anisotropy of InAs/InP quantum dot structuresJournal of Applied Physics2008
Comparison of MBE Growth of InSb on Si (001) and GaAs (001)Journal of Electronic Materials2008
Optical study of lateral carrier transfer in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum-dot chains RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2008
Low thermal drift in highly sensitive doped channel Al(0.3)Ga(0.7)As/GaAs/In(0.2)Ga(0.8)As micro-Hall elementJournal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics2008
Optical spatial solitons at the interface between two dissimilar periodic media: Theory and experiment RID B-4163-2011Optics Express2008
Improved photoluminescence efficiency of patterned quantum dots incorporating a dots-in-the-well structure RID E-4459-2011Nanotechnology2008
Near-field optical spectroscopy of GaAs/Al(y)Ga(1-y)As quantum dot pairs grown by high-temperature droplet epitaxy RID B-6320-2009Physical Review B2008
Observation of one- and two-dimensional discrete surface spatial solitonsJournal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials2007
Lateral ordering of quantum dots and wires in the (In,Ga)As/GaAs(100) multilayer structuresSemiconductors2007
Observation of change in critical thickness of In droplet formation on GaAs(100)Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter2007
Optical behavior of GaAs/AlGaAs ringlike nanostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2007
Nanoholes fabricated by self-assembled gallium nanodrill on GaAs(100)Applied Physics Letters2007
Multiple vertically stacked quantum dot clusters with improved size homogeneityJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2007
Near-field imaging of surfaces with Gaussian distribution of carriersJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2007
Microstructural aspects of nucleation and growth of (In,Ga)As-GaAs(001) islands with low indium contentJournal of Electronic Materials2007
Domain evolution of BaTiO3 ultrathin films under an electric field: A first-principles studyPhysical Review B2007
Thickness dependency of 180 degrees stripe domains in ferroelectric ultrathin films: A first-principles-based studyApplied Physics Letters2007
Self-assembled InAs quantum dot formation on GaAs ring-like nanostructure templatesNanoscale Research Letters2007
Self-organization of InAs quantum-dot clusters directed by droplet homoepitaxySmall2007
Dual broadband photodetector based on interband and intersubband transitions in InAs quantum dots embedded in graded InGaAs quantum wellsApplied Physics Letters2007
Development of continuum states in photoluminescence of self-assembled InGaAs/GaAs quantum dotsJournal of Applied Physics2007
Two-dimensional ordering of (In,Ga)As quantum dots in vertical multilayers grown on GaAs(100) and (n11)Applied Physics Letters2007
Tuning the optical performance of surface quantum dots in InGaAs/GaAs hybrid structuresOptics Express2007
Power thresholds of families of discrete surface solitonsOptics Letters2007
Shape transformation during overgrowth of InGaAs/GaAs(001) quantum ringsApplied Physics Letters2007
Resonance fluorescence from a coherently driven semiconductor quantum dot in a cavityPhysical Review Letters2007
Spatially localized formation of InAs quantum dots on shallow patterns regardless of crystallographic directionsAdvanced Functional Materials2007
Structural anisotropy of InGaAs/GaAs(001) quantum dot chains structuresPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2007
Strain-induced electronic energy changes in multilayered InGaAs/GaAs quantum wire structuresJournal of Applied Physics2007
Spectroscopy of sub-wetting layer states in InAs/GaAs quantum dot bi-layer systemsSemiconductor Science and Technology2007
Initial stages of chain formation in a single layer of (In,Ga)As quantum dots grown on GaAs (100)Applied Physics Letters2007
Influence of GaAs substrate orientation on InAs quantum dots: Surface morphology, critical thickness, and optical propertiesNanoscale Research Letters2007
Formation of self-assembled sidewall nanowires on shallow patterned GaAs (100)Ieee Transactions on Nanotechnology2007
Ga-triggered oxide desorption from GaAs(100) and non-(100) substratesApplied Physics Letters2006
Fields of deformation anisotropy exploration in multilayered (In,Ga)As/GaAs structures by high-resolution X-ray scatteringPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2006
Localized formation of InAs quantum dots on shallow-patterned GaAs(100)Applied Physics Letters2006
InGaAs quantum dot molecules around self-assembled GaAs nanomound templatesApplied Physics Letters2006
InGaAs quantum dots grown on B-type high index GaAs substrates: surface morphologies and optical propertiesNanotechnology2006
Investigation of indium distribution in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot stacks using high-resolution x-ray diffraction and Raman scatteringJournal of Applied Physics2006
Lengthening of the photoluminescence decay time of InAs quantum dots coupled to InGaAs/GaAs quantum wellJournal of Applied Physics2006
Survival of atomic monolayer steps during oxide desorption on GaAs (100)Journal of Applied Physics2006
Structural evolution in strained In0.18Ga0.82As stacking multilayers on vicinal GaAs surfacesNew Journal of Physics2006
Photoluminescence of surface InAs quantum dot stacking on multilayer buried quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2006
Size and density control of InAs quantum dot ensembles on self-assembled nanostructured templatesSemiconductor Science and Technology2006
Selective growth of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot chains on pre-patterned GaAs(100)Nanotechnology2006
Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of subwetting layer states in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot structuresJournal of Applied Physics2006
Zero-strain GaAs quantum dot molecules as investigated by x-ray diffuse scatteringApplied Physics Letters2006
Controlling planar and vertical ordering in three-dimensional (In,Ga)As quantum dot lattices by GaAs surface orientationPhysical Review Letters2006
Correlation between surface and buried InAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2006
Direct spectroscopic evidence for the formation of one-dimensional wetting wires during the growth of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot chainsNano Letters2006
Evolution between self-assembled single and double ring-like nanostructuresNanotechnology2006
Self-organization of quantum-dot pairs by high-temperature droplet epitaxyNanoscale Research Letters2006
Enabling in situ atomic scale surface imaging for vertical molecular beam epitaxy machinesJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2006
Electrically switched photoinduced waveguide in unpoled strontium barium niobateJournal of Applied Physics2006
Assessment method for photo-induced waveguidesOptics Express2006
Electric-field-induced domain evolution in ferroelectric ultrathin filmsPhysical Review Letters2006
Excitonic transfer in coupled InGaAs/GaAs quantum well to InAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2006
Annealing effect on GaAs droplet templates in formation of self-assembled InAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2006
Near-infrared wavelength intersubband transitions in GaN/AlN short period superlatticesApplied Physics Letters2006
Optical detection of asymmetric quantum-dot molecules in double-layer InAs/GaAs structuresSemiconductors2006
Low density InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs nanoholes (vol 89, 043113, 2006)Applied Physics Letters2006
Low density InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs nanoholes RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2006
Nonlinear optical absorption and refraction of epitaxial Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films on (001) MgO substratesApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics2006
Observation of Ga droplet formation on (311)A and (511)A GaAs surfacesNanotechnology2006
One-dimensional postwetting layer in InGaAs/GaAs(100) quantum-dot chainsJournal of Applied Physics2006
Low density InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs nanoholesApplied Physics Letters2006
Growth and characterization of bilayer InAs/GaAs quantum dot structuresPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2006
Observation of discrete surface solitonsPhysical Review Letters2006
Highly sensitive micro-Hall devices based on Al0.12In0.88Sb/InSb heterostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2005
Orientation dependence behavior of self-assembled (In,Ga)As quantum structures on GaAs surfaceJournal of Crystal Growth2005
Microsize defects in InGaAs/GaAs (N11)A/B multilayers quantum dot stacksJournal of Crystal Growth2005
Nonlinear beam interactions in 1D discrete Kerr systemsOptics Express2005
Morphological instability of GaSa (7 1 1)A: A transition between (1 0 0) and (5 1 1) terraces.Journal of Crystal Growth2005
Nanoscale dislocation patterning by ultralow load indentationApplied Physics Letters2005
Excitation of strongly confined scalar and vector self-trapped beams in one-dimensional arrays of Kerr-nonlinear channel waveguidesJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2005
Characterization of ultra-low-load (mu N) nanoindents in GaAs(100) using a cube corner tipSmart Materials & Structures2005
First Principles Study of Size Effect in BaTiO3 Ultrathin FilmsMRS Online Proceedings Library2005
Phase diagrams of epitaxial BaTiO3 ultrathin films from first principlesApplied Physics Letters2005
Analysis of Nanoscale Deformation in GaAs(100): Towards Patterned Growth of Quantum DotsMRS Online Proceedings Library2005
Control on self-organization of InGaAs/GaAs(100) quantum-dot chainsJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2005
Beam interactions with a blocker soliton in one-dimensional arraysOptics Letters2005
Controlling (In,Ga)As quantum structures on high index GaAs surfacesKinetics-Driven Nanopatterning on Surfaces2005
Broad-band photoresponse from InAs quantum dots embedded into InGaAs graded wellIEEE Electron Device Letters2005
Evidence of strong phonon-assisted resonant intervalley up-transfer for electrons in type-II GaAs-AlAs superlatticesIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics2005
Selective etching of InGaAs/GaAs(100) multilayers of quantum-dot chainsApplied Physics Letters2005
Resonant raman scattering and atomic force microscopy of InGaAs/GaAs multilayer nanostructures with quantum dotsSemiconductors2005
Evolution of elongated (In,Ga)As-GaAs(100) islands with low indium contentApplied Physics Letters2005
Diffraction management in 2D waveguide arraysNonlinear Optical Phenomena and Applications2005
Doped-channel micro-Hall devices: Size and geometry effectsJournal of Applied Physics2005
Wavelength, power and pulse duration influence on spatial soliton formation in AlGaAsOptics Communications2005
Three-dimensional self-ordering in an InGaAs/GaAs multilayered quantum dot structure investigated by x-ray diffuse scatteringJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2005
RHEED study of GaAs(331)B surfaceJournal of Crystal Growth2005
Self-assembly of GaAs holed nanostructures by droplet epitaxyPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2005
Photoluminescence linewidths from multiple layers of laterally self-ordered InGaAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2005
Photoluminescence intermittency of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots confined in a planar microcavityNano Letters2005
Phonon-assisted up-transfer for electrons in type-II GaAs/AlAs superlatticesLaser Physics2005
Photoluminescence studies of self-assembled InAs quantum dots formed on InGaAs/GaAs quantum wellLaser Physics Letters2005
Surface dynamics during molecular-beam epitaxy of (In,Ga)As on GaAs(331)B: Formation of quantum wires with low In contentPhysical Review B2005
Strong optical nonlinearity in strain-induced laterally ordered In0.4Ga0.6As quantum wires on GaAs (311)A substrateJournal of Applied Physics2005
Tailoring of high-temperature photoluminescence in InAs/GaAs bilayer quantum dot structuresJournal of Applied Physics2005
Wide beam stabilities and instabilities in one dimensional arrays of Kerr-nonlinear channel waveguidesOpto-Electronics Review2005
Large self-deflection of soliton beams in LiNbO3Optics Letters2005
Interdot carrier transfer in asymmetric bilayer InAs/GaAs quantum dot structuresApplied Physics Letters2005
Incoherent blocker soliton interactions in Kerr waveguide arraysOptics Letters2005
Intersubband transitions in In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs multiple quantum dots of varying dot-sizesProgress in Compound Semiconductor Materials IV-Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications2005
Surface ordering of (In,Ga)As quantum dots controlled by GaAs substrate indexesApplied Physics Letters2004
Polarization spectroscopy of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires grown on (331)B GaAs templates with nanoscale fluctuationsJournal of Applied Physics2004
Tuning In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs multiple quantum dots for long-wavelength infrared detectorsApplied Physics Letters2004
Self assembled (In,Ga)As quantum structures on GaAs (411)AJournal of Crystal Growth2004
Enhancing the in-plane spatial ordering of quantum dotsPhysical Review B2004
Atom-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy of (In,Ga)As quantum wires on GaAs(311)AApplied Physics Letters2004
Anisotropic photoconductivity of InGaAs quantum dot chains measured by terahertz pulse spectroscopyApplied Physics Letters2004
Fabrication of (In,Ga)As quantum-dot chains on GaAs(100)Applied Physics Letters2004
Experimental observation of discrete modulational instabilityPhysical Review Letters2004
Growth and characterization of InAs epitaxial layer on GaAs(111)BPhysical Review B2004
High anisotropy of lateral alignment in multilayered (In,Ga)As/GaAs(100) quantum dot structuresJournal of Applied Physics2004
Persistence of (In,Ga)As quantum-dot chains under index deviation from GaAs(100)Applied Physics Letters2004
High-efficiency blue-light generation by frequency doubling of picosecond pulses in a thick KNbO3 crystalJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2003
Highly anisotropic morphologies of GaAs(331) surfacesApplied Physics Letters2003
Morphology evolution during strained (In,Ga)As epitaxial growth on GaAs vicinal (100) surfacesApplied Physics Letters2003
Normal incidence intersubband transitions in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots with non-monotonic shiftUnconventional Approaches to Nanostructures with Applications in Electronics, Photonics, Information Storage and Sensing2003
Optical absorption of intersubband transitions in In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs multiple quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2003
Piezoelectric effect in elongated (In,Ga)As islands on GaAs(100)Physical Review B2003
Photoluminescence of metalorganic-chemical-vapor-deposition-grown GaInNAs/GaAs single quantum wellsApplied Physics Letters2003
Surface dynamics during phase transitions of GaAs(100)Physical Review B2003
InGaAs/GaAs three-dimensionally-ordered array of quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2003
Strain-driven facet formation on self-assembled InAs islands on GaAs (311)AApplied Physics Letters2003
Formation of low-density InAs/InP(001) quantum dot arraysSixth International Conference on Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared Optoelectronics2003
Hidden resonant excitation of photoluminescence in bilayer arrays of InAs/GaAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2003
GaAs(311) templates for molecular beam epitaxy growth: surface morphologies and reconstructionApplied Physics Letters2002
Investigation of ultra-low-load nanoindentation for the patterning of nanostructuresNano- and Microtechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems2002
Photoluminescence study of carrier transfer among vertically aligned double-stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dot layersApplied Physics Letters2002
Response to "Comment on 'Thermal annealing effect on the intersublevel transitions in InAs quantum dots' " [Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 4867 (2002)]Applied Physics Letters2002
Vertically stacking self-assembled quantum wiresApplied Physics Letters2002
University research funding: More than supporting the best to do the bestPhysics Today2002
Coherent microwave generation in a nonlinear photonic crystalIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics2002
Fixed three-dimensional holographic imagesApplied Optics2002
Self-assembled InAs quantum wires on InP(001)Journal of Applied Physics2002
Origin of step formation on the GaAs(311) surfacePhysical Review B2002
Observation of an anomalously large blueshift of the photoluminescence peak and evidence of band-gap renormalization in InP/InAs/InP quantum wiresApplied Physics Letters2001
Spatially resolved spin-injection probability for gallium arsenideScience2001
Control of size and density of InAs/(Al, Ga)As self-organized islandsJournal of Applied Physics2001
Experimental observation of chirped continuous pulse-train soliton solutions to the Maxwell-Bloch equationsOptics Express2001
Cavity-enhanced and quasiphase-matched multi-order reflection-second-harmonic generation from GaAs/AlAs and GaAs/AlGaAs multilayersApplied Physics Letters2001
Reflection-second-harmonic generation from GaAs/AlAs and GaAs/AlGaAs multilayersUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors V2001
Formation of quantum wires and dots on InP(001) by As/P exchangeJournal of Applied Physics2001
Fixing solitonic y junctions in photorefractive strontium-barium-niobateApplied Physics Letters2001
Fixing multiple waveguides induced by photorefractive solitons: directional couplers and beam splittersOptics Letters2001
Wide-bandwidth high-frequency electro-optic modulator based on periodically poled LiNbO3Applied Physics Letters2001
Thermal annealing effect on the intersublevel transitions in InAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2001
Theory of self-focusing in photorefractive InPOptics Letters2001
Thermal annealing recovery of intersubband transitions in proton-irradiated GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wellsApplied Physics Letters2000
Formation and evolution of InAs nanowires on an InP(001) surfaceMorphological and Compositional Evolution of Heteroepitaxial Semiconductor Thin Films2000
Two-layer, planar, superconducting multichip module technology2000 Hd International Conference on High-Density Interconnect and Systems Packaging2000
Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of truncated InP/GaInP2 self-assembled islandsApplied Physics Letters2000
Creating optical interconnects in Strontium barium niobate2000 Hd International Conference on High-Density Interconnect and Systems Packaging2000
Robust optical delivery system for measuring substrate temperature during molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B1999
Advanced holographic nondestructive testing system for Residual stress analysisInternational Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering1999
Effect of planarization of the bottom superconducting yttrium-barium-copper-oxide layer in the multilayer structureIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity1999
Three-dimensional color holographic displayApplied Optics1999
Fixing the photorefractive solitonOptics Letters1999
The Portable holographic interferometer for residual stress measurement and nondestructive testing (NDT) of the pipelinesNondestructive Evaluation of Utilities and Pipelines Iii1999
Proton irradiation effects on the intersubband transition in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells with bulk or superlattice barriersApplied Physics Letters1999
Morphology of InAs self-organized islands on AlAs surfacesApplied Physics Letters1999
High-intensity nanosecond photorefractive spatial solitonsOptics Letters1998
Nonlinear optical beam propagation and solitons in photorefractive mediaRivista Del Nuovo Cimento1998
Primarily isotropic nature of photorefractive screening solitons and the interactions between themOptics Letters1998
Evaluation of InP : Fe parameters by measurement of two wave mixing photorefractive and absorptive gainJournal of Electronic Materials1998
Enabling in situ atomic-scale characterization of epitaxial surfaces and interfacesJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B1998
Enhancement of critical current density in Tl2Ba2CaCu2Oy superconducting thin film on polycrystalline Al2O3 substrates using textured YSZ buffer layersPhysica C1997
Three-dimensional image reconstruction using strontium barium niobateApplied Physics Letters1997
Improvement of in-plane alignment of YBa2Cu3O7-x films on polycrystalline alumina substrates using biaxially aligned CeO2/YSZ buffer layersPhysica C1997
Fabrication techniques and electrical properties of YBa2Cu3O7-x multilayers with rf sputtered amorphous SiO2 interlayersPhysica C1997
Fabrication and characterization of vias for contacting YBa2Cu3O7-x multilayersPhysica C1997
Tl2Ba2CaCu2Oy superconducting thin films on polycrystalline Al2O3 substrates with textured YSZ buffer layersPhysica C1997
Experimental observation of the continuous pulse-train soliton solution to the Maxwell-Bloch equationsPhysical Review Letters1997
Coherent collisions of photorefractive solitonsOptics Letters1997
Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x multilayer structures with a thick SiO2 interlayer for multichip modulesJournal of Materials Research1997
Three-dimensional spiraling of interacting spatial solitonsPhysical Review Letters1997
Self-trapping of two-dimensional optical beams and light-induced waveguiding in photorefractive InP at telecommunication wavelengthsApplied Physics Letters1997
Phase shift between index and intensity patterns in photorefractive two-wave mixing experiments in InP:FeOptics Communications1997
Self-trapping of optical beams and light-induced waveguiding in photorefractive InP at telecommunication wavelengthsInfrared Applications of Semiconductors - Materials, Processing and Devices1997
Stress measurement of deposited SiO2 films on silicon wafer using dimensional stability holographic interferometry testOptical Manufacturing and Testing Ii1997
Sputter-deposited yttrium-barium-copper-oxide multilayer structures incorporating a thick interlayer dielectric materialJournal of Applied Physics1996
Self-trapping of planar optical beams by use of the photorefractive effect in InP:FeOptics Letters1996
Two-dimensional steady-state photorefractive screening solitonsOptics Letters1996
Circular waveguides induced by two-dimensional bright steady-state photorefractive spatial screening solitonsOptics Letters1996
Fabrication of biaxially aligned YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films on glass substratesPhysica C1996
Image transfer by mutually pumped phase conjugatorsApplied Optics1996
Magnetization of HgBa2CuO4+delta with 0.03<=delta<=0.4Journal of Applied Physics1996
Magnetic field and temperature dependence of critical current densities in multilayer YBa2Cu3O7-delta filmsJournal of Applied Physics1996
Optically induced birefringence in bacteriorhodopsin as an optical limiterApplied Physics Letters1996
One-dimensional steady-state photorefractive screening solitonsPhysical Review E1996
Optically Induced Quasi-Phase Matching in Strontium Barium NiobateApplied Physics Letters1995
Observation of two-dimensional steady-state photorefractive screening solitonsElectronics Letters1995
Epitaxial Tl2ba2cacu2o8 Superconducting Thin-Film on Sr-2(aita)o-6 Buffer LayerJournal of Applied Physics1995
Epitaxial Sr-2(alta)o-6 Films as Buffer Layers on Mgo for Yba2cu3o7-X Thin-Film GrowthJournal of Applied Physics1995
Dark Photorefractive Spatial Solitons and Photorefractive Vortex SolitonsPhysical Review Letters1995
Portable holographic interferometric device for aircraft inspectingSPIE1995
Waveguides formed by quasi-steady-state photorefractive spatial solitonsOptics Letters1995
High-Resolution Phase-Conjugate Imaging in Double-Pumped Phase ConjugatorsApplied Optics1995
Stability of Photorefractive Spatial SolitonsOptics Letters1994
Ferroelectric Domain Gratings in Strontium Barium Niobate Induced by Photorefractive Space-Charge Fields (Vol 73, Pg 1174, 1994)Physical Review Letters1994
Tunable Quasi-Phase Matching using Dynamic Ferroelectric Domain Gratings Induced by Photorefractive Space-Charge FieldsApplied Physics Letters1994
Cooperative Photorefractive Beam Fanning in Basrknanb5o(15)Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1994
Dimensionality and Size of Photorefractive Spatial SolitonsOptics Letters1994
Ferroelectric Domain Gratings in Strontium Barium Niobate Induced by Photorefractive Space-Charge FieldsPhysical Review Letters1994
New Techniques for Measuring Strain at Fracture of Thin-Film MaterialsElectronic Packaging Materials Science Vii1994
Manifestation of Circular Photogalvanic Current by Dynamic Holography in Batio3Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing1993
Observation of Self-Trapping of an Optical Beam due to the Photorefractive EffectPhysical Review Letters1993
High-Quality Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 Thin Films Fabricated via Laser AblationModern Physics Letters B1993
Mutually Pumped Phase Conjugator as a Moving-Object CorrelatorOptics Letters1993
Preparation of Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10 Thin-Films Via Low-Temperature Tl-DiffusionSuperconductor Science & Technology1993
Superconducting Tlsr2(ca,cr)cu2o7 Thin-Films with Critical-Current Density Up to 10(6) A/cm(2)Journal of Applied Physics1993
Enhancing the Photorefractive EffectOptics Communications1993
Self-Trapping of Optical Beams in Photorefractive MediaJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1993
Reflection Holographic Gratings in [111] Cut Bi12tio20 Crystal for Real-Time InterferometryOptics Communications1993
Single-Beam Polarization Holographic Grating RecordingPhysical Review Letters1993
Incoherent-To-Coherent Conversion using a Photorefractive Self-Pumped Phase ConjugatorOptics Letters1992
Fabrication of Superconducting Tlsr2(ca, Cr)cu2o7 Thin-Films by Laser Ablation and Thallium DiffusionJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers1992
Color Imaging in Photorefractive CrystalsApplied Physics B-Photophysics and Laser Chemistry1991
Improved Photorefractive Time Response using a Cylindrical LensApplied Optics1991
Self-Pumped Phase Conjugation with Nanosecond Pulses in Strontium Barium NiobateOptics Letters1990
Enhanced Photorefractive Beam Fanning due to Internal and External Electric-FieldsApplied Optics1990
Double Phase Conjugation in Tungsten Bronze CrystalsApplied Optics1990
Self-Pumped Phase Conjugation in the Red in Photorefractive Ba0.5sr1.5k0.25na0.75nb5o15 and Sr0.6ba0.4nb2o6 with Cerium in 9-Fold Coordinated SitesJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1988
Electron-Impact Excitation of the 3p(p-5) State of Atomic OxygenJournal of Chemical Physics1988
Bsknn as a Self-Pumped Phase ConjugatorApplied Optics1987
Broadband photorefractive properties and self-pumped phase conjugation in Ce-SBN:60Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of1987
Bistability and Optical Switching in a Total Internal-Reflection Phase ConjugatorApplied Optics1987
Self-Oscillation in Batio3 using a Multimode LaserApplied Optics1987
Photorefractive Tungsten Bronze MaterialsJournal of the Electrochemical Society1987
Time Response of a Cerium-Doped Sr0.75ba0.25nb2o6 Self-Pumped Phase-Conjugate MirrorOptics Letters1987
Strontium Barium Niobate as a Self-Pumped Phase ConjugatorOptics Communications1986
Lifetime of Excited Atomic StatesPhysical Review A1986
Intensity Profiles of Short Optical Pulses Via Temporally Reversed PulsesApplied Physics Letters1986
2-Photon Absorption of Atomic-Hydrogen from 2 Light-BeamsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1986
2-Photon Decay of Hydrogenic AtomsPhysical Review A1984
Photoacoustic Deflection Spectroscopy - a New Specie-Specific Method for Combustion DiagnosticsApplied Optics1984
Photoacoustic Detection of Oh Molecules in a Methane Air FlameApplied Optics1984
Production of O([sup 1]D) and O([sup 3]P) by vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of molecular oxygenJournal of Applied Physics1983
Application of the Photothermal Deflection Technique to Combustion DiagnosticsApplied Optics1982
Minority species concentration measurements in flames by the photoacoustic techniqueApplied Optics1982
Radiative-Lifetime Measurements of the 4p 5p, 4p 3p, and 4d 5d-Degrees Multiplets of O-iJournal of the Optical Society of America1981
Experimental-Observation of Self-Induced Transparency using a Train of Optical PulsesBulletin of the American Physical Society1980
Power Spectrum of Light Scattered by a 2-Level Atom in the Presence of a Pulse-Train Driving FieldPhysical Review A1980
Propagation of Ultrashort Light-Pulses in a Resonant Medium - CommentPhysica a1980
Physics for ArchitectsAmerican Journal of Physics1979
Effects of Relaxation on Coherent Continuous-Pulse-Train PropagationPhysical Review Letters1979
Effects of Relaxation on Coherent Continuous Pulse Train PropagationJournal of the Optical Society of America1978
Variation and Control of Pulse Width and Repetition Rate from a Passively Mode-Locked Cw Dye-LaserJournal of the Optical Society of America1978
GaAs epitaxial growth on R-plane sapphire substrateJOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH