Physics Faculty Publications

This bibliography of faculty publications from the University of Arkansas, Department of Physics is a continuation of the Centennial Collection of Physics Faculty Publications created by Usha Gupta at the time of the Department's centennial celebration in 2007.

Our focus for this collection has been on journal article publications.

Browse by author

Nonvolatile Magnonics in Bilayer Magnetic InsulatorsNANO LETTERS2025Bellaiche, Laurent
Experimental Evaluation of the Response of AlGaN/GaN UV Photodetectors With Square and Hexagonal Nanohole ArraysIEEE SENSORS JOURNAL2025Kotekar-Patil, Dharmraj
Temperature dependent optical properties of ultrathin InAs quantum wellJOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE2025Salamo, Gregory J.
Mechanical, electronic, optical, piezoelectric and ferroic properties of strained graphene and other strained monolayers and multilayers: an updateReports on Progress in Physics2024Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Synthesis and Polymorph Manipulation of FeSe2 MonolayersNANO LETTERS2024Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Defect-Free Nanowelding of Bilayer SnSe NanoplatesAdvanced Materials2024Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Size-dependent ferroelectric-to-paraelectric sliding transformations and antipolar-to-ferroelectric topological phase transitions in binary homobilayersPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2024Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Tight-binding model with sublattice-asymmetric spin-orbit coupling for square-net nodal line Dirac semimetalsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2024Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Insulating moiré homobilayers lack a threefold symmetric second-harmonic generationPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2024Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Substrate Interference and Strain in the Second-Harmonic Generation from MoSe2 MonolayersNANO LETTERS2024Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Ab initio finite-temperature elasto-optic response in ferroelectrics: The case of BaTiO3 and Ba1-xSrxTiO3PHYSICAL REVIEW B2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Tuning photostriction in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices: An ab initio studyPhysical Review B2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Large Photoinduced Tuning of Ferroelectricity in Sliding FerroelectricsPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Quasihexagonal arrays of electric-skyrmion bubbles in thin-film ferroelectrics: Pattern formation and structurePhysical Review B2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Electric-field-induced controlled motion of polar meron in epitaxially strained BiFeO3 thin filmPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Giant electro-optic and elasto-optic effects in ferroelectric NbOI2Physical Review B2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Roadmap on low-power electronicsAPL MATERIALS2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Layer Hall Detection of the Neel Vector in Centrosymmetric Magnetoelectric AntiferromagnetsPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Bellaiche, Laurent
General Theory for Longitudinal Nonreciprocal Charge TransportPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Strain-induced bent domains in ferroelectric nitridesPhysical Review B2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Non-volatile magnon transport in a single domain multiferroicNature Communications2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Creating Ferroelectricity in Monoclinic ( HfO2 )1 / ( CeO2 )1 SuperlatticesPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Large photostriction near the phase boundary in BiFeO 3 under varying epitaxial strainPHYSICAL REVIEW B2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Engineering magnetic domain wall energies in BiFeO 3 via epitaxial strain: A route to assess skyrmionic stabilities in multiferroics from first principlesPHYSICAL REVIEW B2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Revealing the three-dimensional arrangement of polar topology in nanoparticlesNature Communications2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Electro-optic properties from ab initio calculations in two-dimensional materialsPhysical Review B2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Ultrastrong Coupling between Polar Distortion and Optical Properties in Ferroelectric MoBr2O2Journal of the American Chemical Society2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Effective gyration of polar vortex arrays controlled by high orbital angular momentum of lightPhysical Review B2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Dynamical Control of Topology in Polar Skyrmions via Twisted LightPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Tunable and parabolic piezoelectricity in hafnia under epitaxial strainNature Communications2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Stoner instability-mediated large magnetoelectric effects in 2D stacking electridesNPJ Computational Materials2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Low voltage-driven high-performance thermal switching in antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin filmsScience2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Crossover from Linear to Quadratic Electro-optic Behavior in BaTiO3 and ðBa;SrþTiO3 Solid SolutionPhysical Review Letters2024Bellaiche, Laurent
Spin disorder control of topological spin texture2024Bellaiche,Laurent
Study of phase decoherence in GeSn (8%) through measurements of the weak antilocalization effectJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS2024Churchill, Hugh
Quantum visual feature encoding revisitedQUANTUM MACHINE INTELLIGENCE2024Churchill, Hugh
Insulator-to-Metal Transition and Isotropic Gigantic Magnetoresistance in Layered Magnetic SemiconductorsAdvanced Materials2024Churchill, Hugh
Two-Dimensional Quantum Material Identification via Self-Attention and Soft-Labeling in Deep LearningIEEE ACCESS2024Churchill, Hugh
Substrate Interference and Strain in the Second-Harmonic Generation from MoSe2 MonolayersNANO LETTERS2024Churchill, Hugh
Recycling of a quantum field and optimal states for single-qubit rotationsPhysical Review A2024Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Insulator-to-Metal Transition and Isotropic Gigantic Magnetoresistance in Layered Magnetic SemiconductorsAdvanced Materials2024Hu, Jin
Medium-Entropy Engineering of Magnetism in Layered Antiferromagnet CuxNi2(1-x)CrxP2S6ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS2024Hu, Jin
Effect of polymer coating on magnetocaloric properties of garnetADVANCES IN NATURAL SCIENCES-NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY2024Hu, Jin
Synthesis, Crystal and Electronic Structures, and Magnetic and Electrical Transport Properties of Bismuthides NdZn0.6Bi2 and (La0.5RE0.5)Zn0.6Bi2 (RE = Pr or Nd)INORGANIC CHEMISTRY2024Hu, Jin
Understanding and tuning magnetism in van der Waals-type metal thiophosphatesNANOSCALE2024Hu, Jin
Type-II superconductivity at 9K in Pb-Bi alloySOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS2024Hu, Jin
Magneto-transport study on Sn-rich Sn1-xGex thin films enabled by CdTe buffer layerJOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B2024Hu, Jin
Possible coexistence of magnetism and paramagnetic singularity in lightly Fe-doped WTe2Physical Review B2024Hu, Jin
Evolution of magnetism in the magnetic topological semimetal NdSbxTe2-x+d2024Hu, Jin
Field-induced spin polarization in the lightly Cr-substituted layered antiferromagnet NiPS 3Physical Review B2024Hu, Jin
Distinct Composition-Dependent Topological Hall Effect in Mn2-xZnxSbADVANCED PHYSICS RESEARCH2024Hu, Jin
Understanding and Tuning Magnetism in Layered Ising-Type Antiferromagnet FePSe3 for Potential 2D MagnetAdvanced Electronic Materials2024Hu, Jin
Gravitational wave peeps from EMRIs and their implication for LISA signal confusion noiseClassical and Quantum Gravity2024Kennefick, Daniel
Size-dependent ferroelectric-to-paraelectric sliding transformations and antipolar-to-ferroelectric topological phase transitions in binary homobilayersPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2024Kumar, Pradeep
An Empirical Framework Characterizing the Metallicity and Star-formation History Dependence of X-Ray Binary Population Formation and Emission in GalaxiesASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL2024Lehmer, Bret
Monitoring the X-Ray Variability of Bright X-Ray Sources in M33Astrophysical Journal2024Lehmer, Bret
Modeling the High-energy Ionizing Output from Simple Stellar and X-Ray Binary PopulationsAstrophysical Journal2024Lehmer, Bret
The high energy X-ray probe (HEX-P): Resolving the nature of Sgr A* flares, compact object binaries and diffuse X-ray emission in the Galactic center and beyondFRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES2024Lehmer, Bret
A NuSTAR Census of the X-Ray Binary Population of the M31 DiskAstrophysical Journal2024Lehmer, Bret D
The Evolution of Galaxies and Clusters at High Spatial Resolution with Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite (AXIS)Universe2024Lehmer, Bret D.
The High-mass X-Ray Binary Luminosity Functions of Dwarf GalaxiesAstrophysical Journal2024Lehmer, Bret D.
Dependence of protein shape and stability on electric field strength and solution environmentBiophysical Journal2024Li, Jiali
Probing heat shock protein-coding RNA of Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 through a solid-state nanopore under different pH and temperatureBiophysical Journal2024Li, Jiali
Aggregation and Oligomerization Characterization of ß-Lactoglobulin Protein Using a Solid-State Nanopore SensorSENSORS2024Li, Jiali
Quasihexagonal arrays of electric-skyrmion bubbles in thin-film ferroelectrics: Pattern formation and structurePhysical Review B2024Nahas, Yousra
Electric-field-induced controlled motion of polar meron in epitaxially strained BiFeO3 thin filmPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Nahas, Yousra
Effective gyration of polar vortex arrays controlled by high orbital angular momentum of lightPhysical Review B2024Nahas, Yousra
Dynamical Control of Topology in Polar Skyrmions via Twisted LightPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Nahas, Yousra
Mechanical, electronic, optical, piezoelectric and ferroic properties of strained graphene and other strained monolayers and multilayers: an updateReports on Progress in Physics2024Nakamura, Hiro
Quasihexagonal arrays of electric-skyrmion bubbles in thin-film ferroelectrics: Pattern formation and structurePhysical Review B2024Prokhorenko, Sergei
Electric-field-induced controlled motion of polar meron in epitaxially strained BiFeO3 thin filmPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Prokhorenko, Sergei
Effective gyration of polar vortex arrays controlled by high orbital angular momentum of lightPhysical Review B2024Prokhorenko, Sergei
Dynamical Control of Topology in Polar Skyrmions via Twisted LightPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Prokhorenko, Sergei
Ab initio finite-temperature elasto-optic response in ferroelectrics: The case of BaTiO3 and Ba1-xSrxTiO3PHYSICAL REVIEW B2024Prosandeev, Sergey
Revealing the three-dimensional arrangement of polar topology in nanoparticlesNature Communications2024Prosandeev, Sergey
Crossover from Linear to Quadratic Electro-optic Behavior in BaTiO3 and ðBa;SrþTiO3 Solid SolutionPhysical Review Letters2024Prosandeev, Sergey
Manipulating formation of different InGaAs/GaAs nanostructures via tailoring As4 fluxAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2024Salamo, Gregory
High-Quality Single-Step Growth of GaAs on C-Plane Sapphire by Molecular BeamCRYSTALS2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Modeling Study of Si3N4 Waveguides on a Sapphire Platform for Photonic Integration ApplicationsMATERIALS2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Effect of temperature on the stability and performance of III-nitride HEMT magnetic field sensorsAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2024Salamo, Gregory J.
The growth of Ge and direct bandgap Ge1-xSnx on GaAs (001) by molecular beam epitaxyRSC ADVANCES2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Luminescence efficiency and carrier dynamics for InGaAs/GaAs surface quantum dots in coupled heterostructuresJournal of Luminescence2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Improved Quality of InN Thin Films Using a Thin InGaN Compressive Strain Gradient LayerCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Development of aspect ratio trapping growth of GeSn on Si for midwave infrared applicationsJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B2024Salamo, Gregory J.
A DC to 25 MHz Current Sensing Interface for Hall-Effect SensorIEEE SENSORS JOURNAL2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Algorithm-Based Linearly Graded Compositions of GeSn on GaAs (001) via Molecular Beam EpitaxyNANOMATERIALS2024Salamo, Gregory J.
The Epitaxial Growth of Ge and GeSn Semiconductor Thin Films on C-Plane SapphireCRYSTALS2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Spatially correlated stress-photoluminescence evolution in GaN/AlN multi-quantum wellsSurfaces amd Omterfaces2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Epitaxial growth and characterization of GaAs (111) on 4H-SiCJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology A2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Effects of ion implantation with arsenic and boron in germanium-tin layersJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Temperature, Sensitivity, and Frequency Response of AlN/GaN Heterostructure Micro-Hall Effect SensorIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Comprehensive material study of Ge grown by aspect ratio trapping on Si substrateJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Sensitivity of Novel Micro-AlN/GaN/AlN Quantum Well Hall SensorsIEEE SENSORS JOURNAL2024Salamo, Gregory J.
Low-dimensional criticality embedded in high-dimensional awake brain dynamicsSCIENCE ADVANCES2024Shew, Woodrow L.
Wait-time distributions for photoelectric detection of lightPhysical Review A2024Singh, Surendra
Unveiling Stars: How Graphical Displays of Online Consumer Ratings Affect Consumer Perception and JudgmentJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH2024Singh, Surendra N.
Experimental confirmation of phase profile of Hermite-Gauss beamsJOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION2024Singh, Surendra P
Array of Graphene Solar Cells on 100 mm Silicon Wafers for Power SystemsENERGIES2024Thibado, Paul M
Experimental confirmation of phase profile of Hermite-Gauss beamsJOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION2024Vyas, Reeta
Wait-time distributions for photoelectric detection of lightPhysical Review A2024Vyas, Reeta
Prolonged Phase Segregation of Mixed-Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals in the DarkACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES2024Xiao, Min
Reconfigurable Photonic Lattices Based on Atomic CoherenceADVANCED PHYSICS RESEARCH2024Xiao, Min
Scalable cyclic transformation of orbital angular momentum modes based on a nonreciprocal Mach-Zehnder interferometerPHOTONICS RESEARCH2024Xiao, Min
Direct generation of time-energy-entangled W triphotons in atomic vaporSCIENCE ADVACNES2024Xiao, Min
Charge Generation Dynamics in Organic Photovoltaic Blends under One-Sun-Equivalent Illumination Detected by Highly Sensitive Terahertz SpectroscopyJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY2024Xiao, Min
Non-Hermitian Delocalization in a Two-Dimensional Photonic QuasicrystalPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2024Xiao, Min
Perovskite Quantum Heterostructure Constructed by Halide Mixing between a Single CsPbI3 Nanocrystal and an Individual CsPbBr3 MicroplateJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters2024Xiao, Min
Tip-induced nanoscale domain engineering in x-cut lithium niobate on insulatorOptic Express2024Xiao, Min
Passive magnetic-free broadband optical isolator based on unidirectional self-induced transparencyOptic Express2024Xiao, Min
Enhancement of Entanglement via Incoherent CollisionsPhysical Review Letters2024Xiao, Min
Optical readout of charge carriers stored in a 2D memory cell of monolayer WSe2NANOSCALE2024Xiao, Min
Large Field-of-View Nonlinear Holography in Lithium NiobateNANO LETTERS2024Xiao, Min
Complete Suppression of Phase Segregation in Mixed-Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals under Periodic HeatingADVANCED MATERIALS2024Xiao, Min
Creating a three-dimensional intrinsic electric dipole on rotated CrI3 bilayersPhysical Review B2023Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Two-atom-thin topological crystalline insulators lacking out of plane inversion symmetryJournal of Physics-Condensed Matter2023Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Thermally driven phase transitions in freestanding low-buckled silicene, germanene, and stanenePhysical reviews martials2023Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Quantum criticality at cryogenic melting of polar bubble latticesNature Communications2023Bellaice, Laurent
Designing polar textures with ultrafast neuromorphic features from atomistic simulationsNeuromorphic Computing and Engineering2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Finite-temperature properties of CsPbI3 thin filmsPhysical Review Materials2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Electric field induced large Rashba effect and topological phase transition in halide perovskite superlatticesPhysical Review B2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Dynamical Multiferroicity and Magnetic Topological Structures Induced by the Orbital Angular Momentum of Light in a Nonmagnetic MaterialPhysical Review Letters2023Bellaiche, Laurent
The anti-symmetric and anisotropic symmetric exchange interactions between electric dipoles in hafniaNature Communications2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Multiferroicity in Ga-substituted LuFeO3: A first-principles studyPhysical Review Materials2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Toward Ultimate Memory with Single-Molecule MultiferroicsJournal of the American Chemical Society2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Electric-field-induced formation and annihilation of skyrmions in a two-dimensional magnetPhysical Review B2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Zeeman spin splittings with persistent spin textures in antiferromagnetic semiconductorsPhysical Review B2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Flexoelectricity-stabilized ferroelectric phase with enhanced reliability in ultrathin La:HfO2 films2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Flexoelectricity-stabilized ferroelectric phase with enhanced reliability in ultrathin La:HfO2 filmsApplied Physics Reviews2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferroelectric solitons crafted in epitaxial bismuth ferrite superlatticesNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Hexagonal Close-Packed Polar-Skyrmion Lattice in Ultrathin Ferroelectric PbTiO3 FilmsPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Bridging the gap between the short-range to long-range structural descriptions of the lead magnesium niobate relaxorACTA MATERIALIA2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Topological phases in polar oxide nanostructuresREVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Spherical ferroelectric solitonsNATURE MATERIALS2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Size-Induced Ferroelectricity in Antiferroelectric Oxide MembranesADVANCED MATERIALS2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferroelectric phase transitions in epitaxial antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin filmsAPPLIED PHYSICS REVIEWS2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Photoinduced control of ferroelectricity in hybrid-improper ferroelectric superlatticesPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Electrical topological defects induced by terahertz laser pulsesPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Light: A new handle to control the structure of cesium lead iodidePHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Stability of ferroelectric bubble domainsPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Generation of magnetic skyrmions in two-dimensional magnets via interfacial proximityPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Temperature-dependent properties of the antiferroelectric model PbZrO3: An effective Hamiltonian studyPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Microscopic origin of the electric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactionPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Bellaiche, Laurent
Coupling between magnetic and transport properties in magnetic layered material Mn2-xZnxSbACTA MATERIALIA2023Churchill, Hugh
Voltage-activated parametric entangling gates based on gatemon qubitsPhysical Review Applied2023Churchill, Hugh
Visualizing the Effect of Oxidation on Magnetic Domain Behavior of Nanoscale Fe3GeTe2 for Applications in SpintronicsACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS2023Churchill, Hugh
Extended planar defects of oxygen vacancies in ferroelectric BaTiO3 and impact on ferroelectricityScientific Reports2023Fu, Huaxiang
Giant hyperferroelectricity in LiZnSb and its originPhysical Review B2023Fu, Huaxiang
Input-output wavepacket description of two photons interacting with a V-type three-level atom in an optical cavityAVS Quantum Science2023Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Role of dislocations on Sn diffusion during low temperature annealing of GeSn layersJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B2023Hu, Jin
Coupling between magnetic and transport properties in magnetic layered material Mn2-xZnxSbACTA MATERIALIA2023Hu, Jin
Visualizing the Effect of Oxidation on Magnetic Domain Behavior of Nanoscale Fe3GeTe2 for Applications in SpintronicsACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS2023Hu, Jin
Discovery of a Magnetic Dirac System with a Large Intrinsic Nonlinear Hall EffectNANO LETTERS2023Hu, Jin
Single crystal growth and characterization of topological semimetal ZrSnTeJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS2023Hu, Jin
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature PhotoluminescenceCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023Khiangte, Krista R.
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature PhotoluminescenceCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023Kuchuk, Andrian
Charging capacitors from thermal fluctuations using diodesPHYSICAL REVIEW E2023Kumar, Pradeep
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature PhotoluminescenceCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023Kumar, Rahul
Spin-current driven Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in multiferroic BiFeO3 from first principlesPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Laurent Bellaiche
The high energy X-ray probe (HEX-P): studying extreme accretion with ultraluminous X-ray sourcesFRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES2023Lehmer, Bret
The high energy X-ray probe: resolved X-ray populations in extragalactic environmentsFRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES2023Lehmer, Bret
Revisiting the Properties of X-Ray Active Galactic Nuclei in the SSA22 Protocluster: Normal Supermassive Black Hole and Host-galaxy Growth for AGNs in a z=3.09 OverdensityASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL2023Lehmer, Bret D
Lightning: An X-Ray to Submillimeter Galaxy SED-fitting Code with Physically Motivated Stellar, Dust, and AGN ModelsASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES2023Lehmer, Bret D
The Large Deficit of HMXB Emission from Luminous Infrared Galaxies: The Case of the Circumnuclear Starburst Ring in NGC 7552ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL2023Lehmer, Bret D.
X-ray luminosity function of high-mass X-ray binaries: Studying the signatures of different physical processes using detailed binary evolution calculationsAstronomy & Astrophysics2023Lehmer, Bret Darby
Simultaneous Determination of the Size and Shape of Single a-Synuclein Oligomers in SolutionACS NANO2023Li, Jiali
Simultaneous Determination of the Size and Shape of Single a-Synuclein Oligomers in SolutionACS NANO2023Li, Jiali
Tau and tubulin protein aggregation characterization by solid-state nanopore method and atomic force microscopyJournal of Applied Physics2023Li, Jiali
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature PhotoluminescenceCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023Mazur, Yuriy I.
Designing polar textures with ultrafast neuromorphic features from atomistic simulationsNeuromorphic Computing and Engineering2023Nahas, Yousra
Dynamical Multiferroicity and Magnetic Topological Structures Induced by the Orbital Angular Momentum of Light in a Nonmagnetic MaterialPhysical Review Letters2023Nahas, Yousra
Quantum criticality at cryogenic melting of polar bubble latticesNature Communications2023Nahas, Yousra
Electrical topological defects induced by terahertz laser pulsesPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Nahas, Yousra
Stability of ferroelectric bubble domainsPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2023Nahas, Yousra
Observation of ultrafast interfacial Meitner-Auger energy transfer in a Van der Waals heterostructureNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2023Nakamura, Hiro
Photoinduced control of ferroelectricity in hybrid-improper ferroelectric superlatticesPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Paillard, Charles
Light: A new handle to control the structure of cesium lead iodidePHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Paillard, Charles
Designing polar textures with ultrafast neuromorphic features from atomistic simulationsNeuromorphic Computing and Engineering2023Prokhorenko, Sergei
Dynamical Multiferroicity and Magnetic Topological Structures Induced by the Orbital Angular Momentum of Light in a Nonmagnetic MaterialPhysical Review Letters2023Prokhorenko, Sergei
Quantum criticality at cryogenic melting of polar bubble latticesNature Communications2023Prokhorenko, Sergei
Ferroelectric solitons crafted in epitaxial bismuth ferrite superlatticesNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2023Prokhorenko, Sergei
Hexagonal Close-Packed Polar-Skyrmion Lattice in Ultrathin Ferroelectric PbTiO3 FilmsPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2023Prokhorenko, Sergei
Topological phases in polar oxide nanostructuresREVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS2023Prokhorenko, Sergei
Spherical ferroelectric solitonsNATURE MATERIALS2023Prokhorenko, Sergei
Electrical topological defects induced by terahertz laser pulsesPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Prokhorenko, Sergei
Stability of ferroelectric bubble domainsPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2023Prokhorenko, Sergei
Designing polar textures with ultrafast neuromorphic features from atomistic simulationsNeuromorphic Computing and Engineering2023Prosandeev, Sergey
Finite-temperature properties of CsPbI3 thin filmsPhysical Review Materials2023Prosandeev, Sergey
Bridging the gap between the short-range to long-range structural descriptions of the lead magnesium niobate relaxorACTA MATERIALIA2023Prosandeev, Sergey
Size-Induced Ferroelectricity in Antiferroelectric Oxide MembranesADVANCED MATERIALS2023Prosandeev, Sergey
Ferroelectric phase transitions in epitaxial antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin filmsAPPLIED PHYSICS REVIEWS2023Prosandeev, Sergey
Temperature-dependent properties of the antiferroelectric model PbZrO3: An effective Hamiltonian studyPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Prosandeev, Sergey
Microscopic origin of the electric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactionPHYSICAL REVIEW B2023Prosandeev, Sergey
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature PhotoluminescenceCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023Saha, Samir K.
Electron Accumulation Tuning by Surface-to-Volume Scaling of Nanostructured InN Grown on GaN(001) for Narrow-Bandgap OptoelectronicsACS Applied Nano Materials2023Salamo, Gregory J
Complex exciton dynamics with elevated temperature in a GaAsSb/GaAs quantum well heterostructureApplied Physics Letters2023Salamo, Gregory J
High Operating Temperature Mid-Infrared InGaAs/GaAs Submonolayer Quantum Dot Quantum Cascade Detectors on SiliconIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics2023Salamo, Gregory J
Role of dislocations on Sn diffusion during low temperature annealing of GeSn layersJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Growth of Germanium Thin Films on Sapphire Using Molecular Beam EpitaxyCRYSTALS2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Strain-Mediated Sn Incorporation and Segregation in Compositionally Graded Ge1-x Sn x Epilayers Grown by MBE at Different TemperaturesCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Thermal stability study of gallium nitride based magnetic field sensorJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature PhotoluminescenceCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature PhotoluminescenceCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Temperature dependent correlation of Hall effect and optical measurements of electron concentration in degenerate InN thin filmJOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoconductivity of GeSn thin films with up to 15% Sn contentPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Strain-driven anomalous elastic properties of GeSn thin filmsAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoluminescence characterization of interlayer carrier injection from InGaAs quantum well to InGaAs surface quantum dots with respect to GaAs spacer thicknessAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Temperature dependent behavior of sub-monolayer quantum dot based solar cellSOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Epitaxial growth of Ge1-xSnx on c-Plane sapphire substrate by molecular beam epitaxyJOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH2023Salamo, Gregory J.
Scale-free behavioral dynamics directly linked with scale-free cortical dynamicsELIFE2023Shew, Woodrow
Sensory input to cortex encoded on low-dimensional periphery-correlated subspacesPNAS NEXUS2023Shew, Woodrow L.
Odor modality is transmitted to cortical brain regions from the olfactory bulbJOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY2023Shew, Woodrow L.
Editorial: Deciphering population neuronal dynamics: from theories to experimentsFRONTIERS IN SYSTEMS NEUROSCIENCE2023Shew, Woodrow L.
Charging capacitors from thermal fluctuations using diodesPHYSICAL REVIEW E2023Singh, Surendra
The Shape Modulation of Laser-Induced Nanowelded Microstructures Using Two ColorsCOLLOIDS AND INTERFACES2023Wang, Yong
Exploring the potential of tesla valve for filtering and sorting microscale active swimmers: A computational studyAPPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING SCIENCE2023Wang, Yong
Silver Ions Inhibit Bacterial Movement and Stall Flagellar MotorINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES2023Wang, Yong
Bacterial mobility and motility in porous media mimicked by microspheresCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES2023Wang, Yong
Loss Difference Induced Localization in a Non-Hermitian Honeycomb Photonic LatticePhysical Review Letters2023Xiao, Min
Laguerre-Gaussian-Domain Rotational Image Restoration beyond the Camera ResponseACS PHOTONICS2023Xiao, Min
Fabrication of 100-nm-period domain structure in lithium niobate on insulatorOptic Express2023Xiao, Min
Simultaneous creation of multiple vortex-antivortex pairs in momentum space in photonic latticesADVANCED PHOTONICS2023Xiao, Min
Discrete Elemental Distributions inside a Single Mixed-Halide Perovskite Nanocrystal for the Self-Assembly of Multiple Quantum-Light SourcesNANO LETTERS2023Xiao, Min
Micrometer-Scale Carrier Transport in the Solid Film of Giant CdSe/CdS Nanocrystals Imaged by Transient Absorption MicroscopyNANO LETTERS2023Xiao, Min
Enhanced measurement of tiny rotational angles using conjugate orbital angular momentum modesOptic Express2023Xiao, Min
Laser nanoprinting of 3D nonlinear holograms beyond 25000 pixels-per-inch for inter-wavelength-band information processingNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2023Xiao, Min
Long-Range Charge Separation Enabled by Intramoiety Delocalized Excitations in Copolymer Donors in Organic Photovoltaic BlendsJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS2023Xiao, Min
Magneto-optical effects in lead halide perovskitesADVANCES IN PHYSICS-X2023Xiao, Min
Optical Isolation with Optical Parametric Amplification in an Atomic SystemLaser & Photonics Reviews2023Xiao, Min
Roadmap on nonlinear optics-focus on Chinese researchJournal of Physics-Photonics2023Xiao, Min
Genuine Tripartite Non-Gaussian EntanglementPhysical Review Letters2023Xiao, Min
Spatially Structured-Mode Multiplexing Holography for High- Capacity Security EncryptionACS Photonics2023Xiao, Min
Octave-spanning soliton microcomb in silica microdisk resonatorsOptics Letters2023Xiao, Min
A perspective on the manipulation of orbital angular momentum states in nonlinear opticsApplied Physics Letters2023Xiao, Min
Sequential Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Photonic Structures for Efficient and Switchable Nonlinear Beam ShapingACS Photonics2023Xiao, Min
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature PhotoluminescenceCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2023de Oliveira, Fernando Maia
Elasticity of two-dimensional ferroelectrics across their paraelectric phase transformationPhysical Review B2022Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Slippery Paraelectric Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide BilayersNano Letters2022Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Controlling the properties of PbTiO3/SrTiO(3 )superlattices by photoexcited carriersPHYSICAL REVIEW B2022Bellaiche, Laurent
THz-induced activation of hidden states in rare-earth-doped BiFeO3 solid solutionsPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Zeeman Effect in Centrosymmetric Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors Controlled by an Electric FieldPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Anomalous ferroelectricity and double-negative effects in bilayer hexagonal boron nitridePHYSICAL REVIEW B2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Strain-induced ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity in centrosymmetric binary oxidesPHYSICAL REVIEW B2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Ultrafast Activation and Tuning of Topological Textures in Ferroelectric NanostructuresADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferroelectricity in Charge-Ordering Crystals with Centrosymmetric LatticesCHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Two-Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Room-Temperature MultiferroicsJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Ultrahigh energy storage density in lead-free antiferroelectric rare-earth-substituted bismuth ferritePhysical Review Materials2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Deterministic control of ferroelectric polarization by ultrafast laser pulsesNature Communications2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Hidden phases with neuromorphic responses and highly enhanced piezoelectricity in an antiferroelectric prototypePhysical Review B2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Domain-wall-induced electromagnons in multiferroicsPhysical Review Materials2022Bellaiche, Laurent
High-density switchable skyrmion-like polar nanodomains integrated on siliconNature2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Assembling Diverse Skyrmionic Phases in Fe3GeTe2 MonolayersAdvanced Materials2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Magnetically controllable band splittings in Pnma ferromagnetic materialsPhysical Review B2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Energy storage in lead-free Ba(Zr, Ti)O-3 relaxor ferroelectrics: Large densities and efficiencies and their originsPhysical Review B2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Zeeman-type energy level splittings controlled by an electric fieldPhysical Review B2022Bellaiche, Laurent
Array of Graphene Variable Capacitors on 100 mm Silicon Wafers for Vibration-Based ApplicationsMembranes2022Churchill, Hugh O.H
Stimulated Emission of Superradiant Atoms in Waveguide Quantum ElectrodynamicsPhysical Review Applied2022Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Applications of the Hillery-Zubairy entanglement criteria to N-qubit systems: The Tavis-Cummings modelPhysical Review A2022Gea-Banacloche, Julio
More on the quantum measurement problem2022Hobson, Art
Thermal Hysteresis and Ordering Behavior of Magnetic Skyrmion LatticesNANO LETTERS2022Hu Jin,
Controlling magnetic exchange and anisotropy by nonmagnetic ligand substitution in layered MPX3 (M = Ni, Mn; X = S, Se)Physical Review Research2022Hu, Jin
Crystal Growth and Electronic Properties of LaSbSeCRYSTALS2022Hu, Jin
Stronger quantum fluctuation with larger spins: Emergent magnetism in the pressurized high-temperature superconductor FeSePHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH2022Hu, Jin
Emergence of ferrimagnetism in Li-intercalated NiPS3JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER2022Hu, Jin
Evidence in favour of density wave theory through age gradients observed in star formation history maps and spatially resolved stellar clustersMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2022Kennefick, Daniel
Probing the Low-Mass End of the Black Hole Mass Function via a Study of Faint Local Spiral Galaxies2022Kennefick, Daniel
Spirality: A Novel Way to Measure Spiral Arm Pitch AngleGALAXIES2022Kennefick, Daniel
Evidence in favour of density wave theory through age gradients observed in star formation history maps and spatially resolved stellar clustersMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2022Kennefick, Julia
Probing the Low-Mass End of the Black Hole Mass Function via a Study of Faint Local Spiral Galaxies2022Kennefick, Julia
Spirality: A Novel Way to Measure Spiral Arm Pitch AngleGALAXIES2022Kennefick, Julia
On the Hydrosphere Stability of TESS Targets: Applications to 700 d, 256 b, and 203 bPLANETARY SCIENCE JOURNAL2022Kennefick, Julia
Pressure and temperature dependence of fluorescence anisotropy of green fluorescent proteinRSC Advances2022Kumar, Pradeep
Morphological Phenotypes, Cell Division, and Gene Expression of Escherichia coli under High Concentration of Sodium SulfateMicroorganisms2022Kumar, Pradeep
The Stellar-age Dependence of X-Ray Emission from Normal Star-forming Galaxies in the GOODS FieldsAstrophysical Journal2022Lehmer, Bret
The Impact of Inclination-dependent Attenuation on Ultraviolet Star Formation Rate TracersAstrophysical Journal2022Lehmer, Bret Darby
Elevated Hot Gas and High-mass X-Ray Binary Emission in Low-metallicity Galaxies: Implications for Nebular Ionization and Intergalactic Medium Heating in the Early UniverseAstrophysical Journal2022Lehmer, Bret Darby
Young Black Hole and Neutron Star Systems in the Nearby Star-forming Galaxy M33: The NuSTAR ViewAstrophysical Journal2022Lehmer, Bret Darby
Fitting AGN/Galaxy X-Ray-to-radio SEDs with CIGALE and Improvement of the CodeAstrophysical Journal2022Lehmer, Bret Darby
Ultrafast Activation and Tuning of Topological Textures in Ferroelectric NanostructuresADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS2022Nahas, Yousra
Hidden phases with neuromorphic responses and highly enhanced piezoelectricity in an antiferroelectric prototypePhysical Review B2022Nahas, Yousra
Domain-wall-induced electromagnons in multiferroicsPhysical Review Materials2022Nahas, Yousra
High-density switchable skyrmion-like polar nanodomains integrated on siliconNature2022Nahas, Yousra
Revisiting the Temperature Dependence of Protein Diffusion inside Bacteria: Validity of the Stokes-Einstein EquationPhysical Review Letters2022Oliver III, William F
Ultrafast Activation and Tuning of Topological Textures in Ferroelectric NanostructuresADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS2022Prokhorenko, Sergei
Hidden phases with neuromorphic responses and highly enhanced piezoelectricity in an antiferroelectric prototypePhysical Review B2022Prokhorenko, Sergei
Domain-wall-induced electromagnons in multiferroicsPhysical Review Materials2022Prokhorenko, Sergei
High-density switchable skyrmion-like polar nanodomains integrated on siliconNature2022Prokhorenko, Sergei
THz-induced activation of hidden states in rare-earth-doped BiFeO3 solid solutionsPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2022Prosandeev, Sergey
Ultrafast Activation and Tuning of Topological Textures in Ferroelectric NanostructuresADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS2022Prosandeev, Sergey
Hidden phases with neuromorphic responses and highly enhanced piezoelectricity in an antiferroelectric prototypePhysical Review B2022Prosandeev, Sergey
Domain-wall-induced electromagnons in multiferroicsPhysical Review Materials2022Prosandeev, Sergey
Energy storage in lead-free Ba(Zr, Ti)O-3 relaxor ferroelectrics: Large densities and efficiencies and their originsPhysical Review B2022Prosandeev, Sergey
Band Offsets of the MOCVD-Grown beta-(Al0.21Ga0.79)(2)O-3/beta-Ga2O3 (010) HeterojunctionACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2022Salamo, Gregory J
Single crystalline Ge thin film growth on c-plane sapphire substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)Crystengcomm2022Salamo, Gregory J
The Growth of Polarization Domains in Ultrathin Ferroelectric Films Seeded by the Tip of an Atomic Force MicroscopeNanoscale Research Letters2022Salamo, Gregory J
High Temperature Degradation Modes Observed in Gallium Nitride-Based Hall-Effect Sensors Magnetic field sensorsJournal of Electronic Packaging2022Salamo, Gregory J
Enhanced carrier collection efficiency of GeSn single quantum well towards all-group-IV photonics applicationsJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2022Salamo, Gregory J
Carrier Injection to In0.4Ga0.6As/GaAs Surface Quantum Dots in Coupled Hybrid NanostructuresCrystals2022Salamo, Gregory J
Electrically injected GeSn lasers with peak wavelength up to 2.7 mu mPHOTONICS RESEARCH2022Salamo, Gregory J
Photoluminescence study of exciton localization in InGaAs bulk and InGaAs/InAlAs wide quantum well on InP (001) substrateJournal of Luminescence2022Salamo, Gregory J
Array of Graphene Variable Capacitors on 100 mm Silicon Wafers for Vibration-Based ApplicationsMembranes2022Thibado, Paul
Revisiting the Temperature Dependence of Protein Diffusion inside Bacteria: Validity of the Stokes-Einstein EquationPhysical Review Letters2022Wang, Yong
Bacterial Growth Curve Measurements with a Multimode Microplate ReaderBio-Protocol2022Wang, Yong
Interactions of E. coli with cylindrical micro-pillars of different geometric modificationsCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES2022Wang,Yong
Femtosecond laser writing of lithium niobate ferroelectric nanodomainsNature2022Xiao, Min
High-performance CdSe/CdS@ZnO quantum dots enabled by ZnO sol as surface ligands: a novel strategy for improved optical properties and stabilityChemical Engineering Journal2022Xiao, Min
High-power, low-noise Brillouin laser on a silicon chipOPTICS LETTERS2022Xiao, Min
Imaging lattice switching with Talbot effect in reconfigurable non-Hermitian photonic graphenePHOTONICS RESEARCH2022Xiao, Min
Manipulating the radial components of LG pump beam for ultrahigh-dimensional maximally entangled orbital angular momentum statesOPTICS EXPRESS2022Xiao, Min
Self-consistent transverse modes in a geometric-phase-plate-assisted optical resonatorPHYSICAL REVIEW A2022Xiao, Min
Electrical control of biexciton Auger recombination in single CdSe/CdS nanocrystalsNanoscale2022Xiao, Min
Fundamental Distinction of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Autler-Townes Splitting in Breaking the Time-Reversal SymmetryLaser & Photonics Reviews2022Xiao, Min
Single-Photon Emission from Single Microplate MAPbI(3) Nanocrystals with Ultranarrow Photoluminescence Linewidths and Exciton Fine StructuresAdvanced Optical Materials2022Xiao, Min
Quantized Exciton Motion and Fine Energy-Level Structure of a Single Perovskite NanowireNano Letters2022Xiao, Min
Review Magnetic field effects on singlet fission dynamicsTrends in Chemistry2022Xiao, Min
Ultralow-power all-optical switching via a chiral Mach-Zehnder interferometerOptics Express2022Xiao, Min
Suppressed recombination loss in organic photovoltaics adopting a planar-mixed heterojunction architectureNature Energy2022Xiao, Min
Experimental demonstration of optical Bloch oscillation in electromagnetically induced photonic latticesFundamental Research2022Xiao, Min
Adaptive optical phase estimation for real-time sensing of fast-varying signalsScientific Reports2022Xiao, Min
Angular-Dependent Klein Tunneling in Photonic GraphenePhysical Review Letters2022Xiao, Min
Observation of high-density multi-excitons in medium-size CdSe/CdZnS/ZnS colloidal quantum dots through transient spectroscopy and their optical gain propertiesNanoscale2022Xiao, Min
Quantum Squeezing Induced Optical NonreciprocityPhysical Review Letters2022Xiao, Min
Manipulating Orbital Angular Momentum Entanglement in Three-Dimensional Spiral Nonlinear Photonic CrystalsPhotonics2022Xiao, Min
Metastable piezoelectric group-IV monochalcogenide monolayers with a buckled honeycomb structurePHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Metastable piezoelectric group-IV monochalcogenide monolayers with a buckled honeycomb structurePHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Anomalous thermoelectricity at the two-dimensional structural transition of SnSe monolayersPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Colloquium: Physical properties of group-IV monochalcogenide monolayersREVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS2021Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Magnetic Topological Semimetal Phase with Electronic Correlation Enhancement in SmSbTeADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES2021Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Vortex-Oriented Ferroelectric Domains in SnTe/PbTe Monolayer Lateral HeterostructuresAdvanced Materials2021Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Magnetoelastic standing waves induced in UO2 by microsecond magnetic field pulsesProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Controlling topological defect transitions in nanoscale lead zirconate titanate heterostructuresPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Revisiting structural phases in some perovskites: The case of BaCeO3PHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Energetic Couplings in FerroicsADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Anisotropic epitaxial stabilization of a low-symmetry ferroelectric with enhanced electromechanical responseNATURE MATERIALS2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Freestanding Ferroelectric Bubble DomainsAdvanced Materials2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Effect of the polar distortion on the thermoelectric properties of GeTeEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Ultrafast Neuromorphic Dynamics Using Hidden Phases in the Prototype of Relaxor FerroelectricsPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of (001) NaNbO3 films under epitaxial strain: A first-principles studyPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Electrocaloric effects in multiferroicsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Coexistence and Coupling of Multiple Charge Orderings and Spin States in Hexagonal FerriteNano Letters2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Spin-polarized electronic states and atomic reconstructions at antiperovskite Sr3SnO(001) polar surfacesPhysical Review B2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Ultrahigh energy storage density in epitaxial AlN/ScN superlatticesPhysical Review Materials2021Bellaiche, Laurent
First-principles study of spin spirals in the multiferroic BiFeO3Physical Review B2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferroelectric phase-transition frustration near a tricritical composition pointNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferroelectric phase-transition frustration near a tricritical composition pointNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Finite-Temperature Dynamics in Cesium Lead Iodide Halide PerovskiteADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Spin-orbit effects in ferroelectric PbTiO3 under tensile strainPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Structural and magnetic properties of two-dimensional layered BiFeO3 from first principlesPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Bellaiche, Laurent
Tuning Supercurrent in Josephson Field-Effect Transistors Using h-BN DielectricNANO LETTERS2021Churchill, Hugh
Evidence for a Magnetic-Field-Induced Ideal Type-II Weyl State in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator Mn(Bi1-xSbx)(2)Te-4Physical Review X2021Churchill, Hugh
Black phosphorus photoconductive terahertz antenna: 3D modeling and experimental reference comparisonJOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS2021Churchill, Hugh
Giant topological Hall effect in centrosymmetric tetragonal Mn2-xZnxSbPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Churchill, Hugh O.H
Understanding the importance of local magnetic moment in monolayer FeSePHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Fu, Huaxiang
Possible existence of tristable polarization states in LiNbO3 under an open-circuit boundary conditionPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Fu, Huaxiang
Atomic population transfer for single-and N-photon wavepacketsJOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS2021Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Effect of the polar distortion on the thermoelectric properties of GeTeEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B2021Hamad, Bothina
Giant topological Hall effect in centrosymmetric tetragonal Mn2-xZnxSbPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Hu, Jin
Quasi-layered Crystal Structure Coupled with Point Defects Leading to Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity in n-Type Cu2.83Bi10Se16ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS2021Hu, Jin
Centrosymmetric or Noncentrosymmetric? Transition Metals Talking in K2TGe3S8(T = Co, Fe)INORGANIC CHEMISTRY2021Hu, Jin
Quasi-two-dimensional relativistic fermions probed by de Haas-van Alphen quantum oscillations in LuSn2PHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Hu, Jin
Anisotropic Berry phase in the Dirac nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS: The effect of spin-orbit couplingPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Hu, Jin
Magnetic Topological Semimetal Phase with Electronic Correlation Enhancement in SmSbTeADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES2021Hu, Jin
Evidence for a Magnetic-Field-Induced Ideal Type-II Weyl State in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator Mn(Bi1-xSbx)(2)Te-4Physical Review X2021Hu, Jin
Centrosymmetric or Noncentrosymmetric? Transition Metals Talking in K2TGe3S8(T = Co, Fe)INORGANIC CHEMISTRY2021Hu, Jin
Highly sensitive spin-flop transition in antiferromagnetic van der Waals material MPS3 (M = Ni and Mn)PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2021Hu, Jin
Quantum Transport of the 2D Surface State in a Nonsymmorphic SemimetalNANO LETTERS2021Hu, Jin
Inherited weak topological insulator signatures in the topological hourglass semimetal Nb3XTe6 (X = Si, Ge)PHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Hu, Jin
On the Impact of Inclination-dependent Attenuation on Derived Star Formation Histories: Results from Disk Galaxies in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey FieldsASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL2021Lehmer, Bret
On the Nature of AGN and Star Formation Enhancement in the z=3.1 SSA22 Protocluster: The HST WFC3 IR ViewASTROPHYISCAL JOURNAL2021Lehmer, Bret
The Metallicity Dependence of the High-mass X-Ray Binary Luminosity FunctionASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL2021Lehmer, Bret
The XMM-SERVS Survey: XMM-Newton Point-source Catalogs for the W-CDF-S and ELAIS-S1 FieldsASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES2021Lehmer, Bret
Controlling topological defect transitions in nanoscale lead zirconate titanate heterostructuresPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2021Nahas, Yousra
Freestanding Ferroelectric Bubble DomainsAdvanced Materials2021Nahas, Yousra
Electrocaloric effects in multiferroicsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Nahas, Yousra
Ferroelectric phase-transition frustration near a tricritical composition pointNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2021Nahas, Yousra
Ferroelectric phase-transition frustration near a tricritical composition pointNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2021Nahas, Yousra
Spin-polarized electronic states and atomic reconstructions at antiperovskite Sr3SnO(001) polar surfacesPhysical Review B2021Nakamura, Hiro
Planar Hall effect with sixfold oscillations in a Dirac antiperovskitePHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH2021Nakamura, Hiro
Quantum Computer-Aided Design: Digital Quantum Simulation of Quantum ProcessorsPHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED2021Oliver III, William F
3D integration and measurement of a semiconductor double quantum dot with a high-impedance TiN resonatorNPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION2021Oliver III, William F
Realization of High-Fidelity CZ and ZZ-Free iSWAP Gates with a Tunable CouplerPHYSICAL REVIEW X2021Oliver III, William F
Microwave Package Design for Superconducting Quantum ProcessorsPRX QUANTUM2021Oliver III, William F
Automated design of superconducting circuits and its application to 4-local couplersNPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION2021Oliver III, William F
Multi-level quantum noise spectroscopyNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2021Oliver III, William F
Controlling topological defect transitions in nanoscale lead zirconate titanate heterostructuresPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2021Prokhorenko, Sergei
Freestanding Ferroelectric Bubble DomainsAdvanced Materials2021Prokhorenko, Sergei
Electrocaloric effects in multiferroicsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Prokhorenko, Sergei
Ferroelectric phase-transition frustration near a tricritical composition pointNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2021Prokhorenko,Sergei
Ferroelectric phase-transition frustration near a tricritical composition pointNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2021Prokhorenko,Sergei
Energetic Couplings in FerroicsADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS2021Prosandeev, Sergey
Ultrafast Neuromorphic Dynamics Using Hidden Phases in the Prototype of Relaxor FerroelectricsPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2021Prosandeev, Sergey
Properties of (001) NaNbO3 films under epitaxial strain: A first-principles studyPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Prosandeev, Sergey
Electrocaloric effects in multiferroicsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2021Prosandeev, Sergey
Finite-Temperature Dynamics in Cesium Lead Iodide Halide PerovskiteADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS2021Prosandeev, Sergey
InAs nanostructures for solar cell: Improved efficiency by submonolayer quantum dotSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells2021Salamo, Gregory J
Impact of Long-Term Annealing on Photoluminescence from Ge1-xSnx AlloysCRYSTALS2021Salamo, Gregory J
Indium segregation in ultra-thin In(Ga)As/GaAs single quantum wells revealed by photoluminescence spectroscopyAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2021Salamo, Gregory J
Growth kinetics and nanoscale structure-property relationships of InN nanostructures on GaN(0001)APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE2021Salamo, Gregory J
Conductivity-Type Conversion in Self-Assembled GeSn Stripes on Ge/Si(100) under Electric FieldACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS2021Salamo, Gregory J
Impact of Long-Term Annealing on Photoluminescence from Ge1-xSnx AlloysCRYSTALS2021Salamo, Gregory J
GaAs layer on c-plane sapphire for light emitting sourcesAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE2021Salamo, Gregory J.
Quantitative Correlation Study of Dislocation Generation, Strain Relief, and Sn Outdiffusion in Thermally Annealed GeSn EpilayersCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2021Salamo, Gregory J.
Analyzing the differences in olfactory bulb spiking with ortho- and retronasal stimulationJOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE2021Shew, Woodrow
Collapse of complexity of brain and body activity due to excessive inhibition and MeCP2 disruptionPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA2021Shew, Woodrow
Odor-evoked increases in olfactory bulb mitral cell spiking variabilityISCIENCE2021Shew, Woodrow
Differences in olfactory bulb mitral cell spiking with ortho- and retronasal stimulation revealed by data-driven modelsPLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY2021Shew, Woodrow
Selective Participation of Single Cortical Neurons in Neuronal AvalanchesFRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS2021Shew, Woodrow
Study of a dark core beam generated by nonlinear thermo-optical effectOPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY2021Singh, Surendra
Study of a dark core beam generated by nonlinear thermo-optical effectOPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY2021Singh, Surendra
Long-term effects of pasture management and fenced riparian buffers on soil organic carbon content and aggregationGEODERMA2021Singh, Surendra
Mechanisms of Spontaneous Curvature Inversion in Compressed Graphene Ripples for Energy Harvesting Applications via Molecular Dynamics SimulationsMEMBRANES2021Thibado, Paul
Real-Time Imaging of Laser-Induced Nanowelding of Silver Nanoparticles in SolutionJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C2021Wang, Yong
A new analysis method for evaluating bacterial growth with microplate readersPLOS ONE2021Wang, Yong
Turgor-dependent and coronin-mediated F-actin dynamics drive septin disc-to-ring remodeling in the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzaeJOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE2021Wang, Yong
A new analysis method for evaluating bacterial growth with microplate readersPLOS ONE2021Wang, Yong
Enzyme-DNA chimeras: Construction, allostery, applicationsLINKERS IN BIOMACROMOLECULES2021Wang, Yong
Manipulating the orbital-angular-momentum correlation of entangled two-photon states in three-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystalsPhysical Review A2021Xiao, Min
Electrical switching of optical gain in Perovskite semiconductor nanocrystalsNANO LETTERS2021Xiao, Min
Generation of optical frequency comb via giant optomechanical oscillation”,Physical Review Letters2021Xiao, Min
Transport in a moving photonics lattice via atomic coherenceoptics letters2021Xiao, Min
Transport of light in a moving photonic lattice via atomic coherenceOptics Letter2021Xiao, Min
Nonradiative Triplet Loss Suppressed in Organic Photovoltaic Blends with Fluoridated Nonfullerene AcceptorsOPTICA2021Xiao, Min
Exciton linewidth broadening induced by exciton-phonon interactions in CsPbBr3 nanocrystalsJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS2021Xiao, Min
Probing Permanent Dipole Moments and Removing Exciton Fine Structures in Single Perovskite Nanocrystals by an Electric FieldPhysical Review Letters2021Xiao, Min
Dry-etched ultrahigh-Q silica microdisk resonators on a silicon chipPHOTONICS RESEARCH2021Xiao, Min
High-quality reconstruction of an optical image by an efficient Laguerre-Gaussian mode decomposition methodOSA CONTINUUM2021Xiao, Min
Nonlinear photonic crystals: from 2D to 3DPHOTONICS RESEARCH2021Xiao, Min
Brillouin-Kerr Soliton Frequency Combs in an Optical MicroresonatorPhysical Review Letters2021Xiao, Min
Size-Dependent Hot Carrier Dynamics in Perovskite Nanocrystals Revealed by Two-Dimensional Electronic SpectroscopyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS2021Xiao, Min
Non-Gaussian nature and entanglement of spontaneous parametric nondegenerate triple-photon generationPHYSICAL REVIEW A2021Xiao, Min
High-dimensional orbital angular momentum multiplexing nonlinear holographyADVANCED PHOTONICS2021Xiao, Min
Magnomechanical phonon laser beyond steady statePHYSICAL REVIEW A2021Xiao, Min
Catastrophic transition between dynamical patterns in a phonon laserPHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH2021Xiao, Min
Talbot effects by gain-loss modulated optical lattices in a coherent atomic mediumPHYSICAL REVIEW A2021Xiao, Min
Talbot effects induced by gain-loss modulated optical lattices in a coherent atomic mediumPHYSICAL REVIEW A2021Xiao, Min
Quasi-phase-matching-division multiplexing holography in a three-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystalLIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATION2021Xiao, Min
Broad-intensity-range optical nonreciprocity based on feedback-induced Kerr nonlinearityPHOTONICS RESEARCH2021Xiao, Min
Free-triplet generation with improved efficiency in tetracene oligomers through spatially separated triplet pair statesNATURE CHEMISTRY2021Xiao, Min
Generation of sub-diffracted Bessel beam via diffraction interference in a combined amplitude structureOPTICS EXPRESS2021Xiao, Min
Magnomechanical phonon laser beyond the steady statePHYSICAL REVIEW A2021Xiao, Min
Exciton linewidth broadening induced by exciton–phonon interactions in CsPbBr3 nanocrystalsJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS2021Xiao, Min
Enhanced Multiexciton Emission Property in Gradient Alloy Core/Shell CdZnSeS/ZnS Quantum Dots: Balance between Surface Passivation and Strain-Induced Lattice DefectJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C2021Xiao, Min
Transport in a moving photonic lattice via atomic coherenceOPTICS LETTERS2021Xiao, Min
Universal existence of localized single-photon emitters in the Perovskite film of all-inorganic CsPbBr3 microcrystalsAdvanced Materials2021Xiao, Min
Hierarchy of Nonlinear Entanglement Dynamics for Continuous VariablesPhysical Review Letters2021Xiao, Min
Generation of Optical Frequency Comb via Giant Optomechanical OscillationPhysical Review Letters2021Xiao, Min
Demonstration of optical Bloch oscillation in electromagnetically induced photonic latticesFundamental Research2021Xiao, Min
Fabrication of lithium niobate fork grating by laser-writing-induced selective chemical etchingNanophotonics,2021Xiao, Min
Universal Existence of Localized Single-Photon Emitters in the Perovskite Film of All-Inorganic CsPbBr3 MicrocrystalsAdvanced Materials2021Xiao, Min
Angle-multiplexing nonlinear holography for controllable generations of second-harmonic structured light beamsFrontiers in Physics2021Xiao, Min
Optimizing single-photon generation and storage with machine learningPHYSICAL REVIEW A2021Xiao, Min
Applications of optical angular momentum to rotation measurementsResults in Optics2021Xiao, Min
Generation of a sub-diffracted Bessel beam via diffraction interference in a combined amplitude structureOPTICS EXPRESS2021Xiao, Min
Brillouin-Kerr Soliton Frequency Combs in an Optical MicroresonatorPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2021Xiao, Min
Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy with active phase Management(dagger)CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS2021Xiao, Min
Dry-etched ultrahigh-Q silica microdisk resonators on a silicon chipPHOTONICS RESEARCH2021Xiao, Min
Approaching quantum-limited phase tracking with a large photon flux in a fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometerQUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING2021Xiao, Min
Charge Carrier Dynamics in Sn-Doped Two-Dimensional Lead Halide Perovskites Studied by Terahertz SpectroscopyFRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH2021Xiao, Min
Exciton-acoustic phonon coupling revealed by resonant excitation of single perovskite nanocrystalsNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2021Xiao, Min
Beyond Graphene: Low-Symmetry and Anisotropic 2D MaterialsJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS2020Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Theory of finite-temperature two-dimensional structural transformations in group-IV monochalcogenide monolayersPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Tuning energy barriers by doping 2D group-IV monochalcogenidesJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS2020Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Microscopic Manipulation of Ferroelectric Domains in SnSe Monolayers at Room TemperatureNANO LETTERS2020Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Theory of finite-temperature two-dimensional structural transformations in group-IV monochalcogenide monolayersPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-like interaction in ferroelectrics and antiferroelectricsNATURE MATERIALS2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Enhanced transient negative capacitance during inhomogeneous ferroelectric switchingPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Universality and origin of ultrashort intrinsic negative dielectric permittivityPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Topology and control of self-assembled domain patterns in low-dimensional ferroelectricsNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Possible Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid State in 2D Materials with S=3/2PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Topological spin texture in Janus monolayers of the chromium trihalides Cr(I, X)(3)PHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Inverse transition of labyrinthine domain patterns in ferroelectric thin filmsNATURE2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Designing frustration in two-dimensional magnetic systems via the application of uniaxial strainPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Band structure engineering of van der Waals heterostructures using ferroelectric clamped sandwich structuresPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Purely Cubic Spin Splittings with Persistent Spin TexturesPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Emergence of skyrmionium in a two-dimensional CrGe(Se,Te)(3) Janus monolayerPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Strain control of layer-resolved negative capacitance in superlatticesNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Atomic-scale origin of ultrahigh piezoelectricity in samarium-doped PMN-PT ceramicsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Strain-induced resonances in the dynamical quadratic magnetoelectric response of multiferroicsNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Macroscopic and Microscopic Structures of Cesium Lead Iodide Perovskite from Atomistic SimulationsADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Improper ferroelectricity in 134-type AA ' 3B4O12 perovskitesPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Design of broad and large physical responses from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Evidence for Goldstone-like and Higgs-like structural modes in the model PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 relaxor ferroelectricPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Strain-induced resonances in the dynamical quadratic magnetoelectric response of multiferroicsNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS2020Bellaiche, Laurent
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase in two-dimensional ferroelectricsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Bellaiche,Laurent
Benchmark of Acceleware vs XFdtd for Field Simulations of Microstrip Patch AntennaAPPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS SOCIETY JOURNAL2020Churchill, Hugh
Modulation Doping via a Two-Dimensional Atomic Crystalline AcceptorNANO LETTERS2020Churchill, Hugh
Origin of the persistence of soft modes in metallic ferroelectricsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Fu, Huaxiang
Possible antiferroelectric-to-ferroelectric transition and metallic antiferroelectricity caused by charge doping in PbZrO3PHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Fu, Huaxiang
Modulation Doping via a Two-Dimensional Atomic Crystalline AcceptorNANO LETTERS2020Hu, Jin
Measurement of the Low-Energy Electron Inelastic Mean Free Path in Monolayer GraphenePHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED2020Hu, Jin
Electronic and magnetic properties of the topological semimetal candidate NdSbTePHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Hu, Jin
Distinct magneto-Raman signatures of spin-flip phase transitions in CrI3NATURE COMMUNICATIONS2020Hu, Jin
Neel-type skyrmion in WTe2/Fe3GeTe2 van der Waals heterostructureNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2020Hu, Jin
Evidence from transport measurements for YRh6Ge4 being a triply degenerate nodal semimetalPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Hu, Jin
Early solar eclipse images and tests of relativityPHYSICS TODAY2020Kennefick, Daniel
Determining the co-rotation radii of spiral galaxies using spiral arm pitch angle measurements at multiple wavelengthsMONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY2020Kennefick, Daniel
Determining the co-rotation radii of spiral galaxies using spiral arm pitch angle measurements at multiple wavelengthsMONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY2020Kennefick, Julia
Theory of finite-temperature two-dimensional structural transformations in group-IV monochalcogenide monolayersPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Kumar, Pradeep
Growth, Cell Division, and Gene Expression of Escherichia coli at Elevated Concentrations of Magnesium Sulfate: Implications for Habitability of Europa and MarsMICROORGANISMS2020Kumar, Pradeep
Solubility of Nitrogen in Methane, Ethane, and Mixtures of Methane and Ethane at Titan-Like Conditions: A Molecular Dynamics StudyACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY2020Kumar, Pradeep
Theory of finite-temperature two-dimensional structural transformations in group-IV monochalcogenide monolayersPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Kumar, Pradeep
On the X-Ray Spectral Energy Distributions of Star-forming Galaxies: The 0.3-30 keV Spectrum of the Low-metallicity Starburst Galaxy VV 114ASTROPHYISCAL JOURNAL2020Lehmer, Bret
A census of ultraluminous X-ray sources in the local UniverseMONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY2020Lehmer, Bret
Chandra reveals a luminous Compton-thick QSO powering a Ly alpha blob in a z=4 starbursting protoclusterASTRONOMU & ASTROPHYSICS2020Lehmer, Bret
X-Ray Binary Luminosity Function Scaling Relations in Elliptical Galaxies: Evidence for Globular Cluster Seeding of Low-mass X-Ray Binaries in Galactic FieldsASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES2020Lehmer, Bret
Detection of Tubulin and TAU Proteins Aggregations using Solid-State Nanopore and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL2020Li, Jiali
Nanopores to Interrogate the Conformational Ensembles of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins on a Single-Molecule LevelBIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL2020Li, Jiali
Protein Trapping in a Nanopore WellBIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL2020Li, Jiali
Nanopores to Interrogate the Conformational Ensembles of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins on a Single-Molecule LevelBIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL2020Li, Jiali
Topology and control of self-assembled domain patterns in low-dimensional ferroelectricsNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2020Nahas, Yousra
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase in two-dimensional ferroelectricsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Nahas, Yousra
Possible Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid State in 2D Materials with S=3/2PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2020Nahas, Yousra
Topological spin texture in Janus monolayers of the chromium trihalides Cr(I, X)(3)PHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Nahas, Yousra
Inverse transition of labyrinthine domain patterns in ferroelectric thin filmsNATURE2020Nahas, Yousra
Emergence of skyrmionium in a two-dimensional CrGe(Se,Te)(3) Janus monolayerPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Nahas, Yousra
Design of broad and large physical responses from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Nahas, Yousra
Evidence for Goldstone-like and Higgs-like structural modes in the model PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 relaxor ferroelectricPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Nahas, Yousra
Spin splitting and strain in epitaxial monolayer WSe2 on graphenePHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Nakamura, Hiro
Robust weak antilocalization due to spin-orbital entanglement in Dirac material Sr3SnONATURE COMMUNICATIONS2020Nakamura, Hiro
Purely Cubic Spin Splittings with Persistent Spin TexturesPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2020Nakamura, Hiro
Universal Nonadiabatic Control of Small-Gap Superconducting QubitsPHYSICAL REVIEW X2020Oliver III, William F
Generating spatially entangled itinerant photons with waveguide quantum electrodynamicsSCIENCE ADVANCES2020Oliver III, William F
Comparison of dielectric loss in titanium nitride and aluminum superconducting resonatorsAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2020Oliver III, William F
Impact of ionizing radiation on superconducting qubit coherence (vol 12, pg 812, 2020)NATURE2020Oliver III, William F
von Lupke, U (von Luepke, Uwe) 1, 6 Beaudoin, F (Beaudoin, Felix) 2, 3 Norris, LM (Norris, Leigh M.) 2 Sung, YY (Sung, Youngkyu) 1 Winik, R (Winik, Roni) 1 Qiu, JY (Qiu, Jack Y.) 1 Kjaergaard, M (Kjaergaard, Morten) 1 Kim, D (Kim, David) 4 Yoder, J (Yoder, Jonilyn) 4 Gustavsson, S (Gustavsson, Simon) 1 Viola, L (Viola, Lorenza) 2 Oliver, WDPRX QUANTUM2020Oliver III, William F
Solid-State Qubits: 3D Integration and PackagingIEEE MICROWAVE MAGAZINE2020Oliver III, William F
Two-dimensional hard-core Bose-Hubbard model with superconducting qubitsNPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION2020Oliver III, William F
Characterizing and Optimizing Qubit Coherence Based on SQUID GeometryPHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED2020Oliver III, William F
Quantum interference device for controlled two-qubit operationsNPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION2020Oliver III, William F
Perspectives of quantum annealing: methods and implementationsREPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS2020Oliver III, William F
Quantum information processing and quantum optics with circuit quantum electrodynamicsNATURE PHYSICS2020Oliver III, William F
Superconducting Qubits: Current State of PlayANNUAK REVIEW OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS2020Oliver III, William F
Quantum Emulation of Coherent Backscattering in a System of Superconducting QubitsPHYSICS REVIEW APPLIED2020Oliver III, William F
Solid-state qubits integrated with superconducting through-silicon viasNPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION2020Oliver III, William F
Topology and control of self-assembled domain patterns in low-dimensional ferroelectricsNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2020Prokhorenko, Sergei
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase in two-dimensional ferroelectricsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Prokhorenko, Sergei
Possible Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid State in 2D Materials with S=3/2PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2020Prokhorenko, Sergei
Inverse transition of labyrinthine domain patterns in ferroelectric thin filmsNATURE2020Prokhorenko, Sergei
Emergence of skyrmionium in a two-dimensional CrGe(Se,Te)(3) Janus monolayerPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Prokhorenko, Sergei
Design of broad and large physical responses from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Prokhorenko, Sergei
Evidence for Goldstone-like and Higgs-like structural modes in the model PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 relaxor ferroelectricPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Prokhorenko, Sergei
ABINIT: Overview and focus on selected capabilitiesJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS2020Prokhorenko,Sergei
Topological spin texture in Janus monolayers of the chromium trihalides Cr(I, X)(3)PHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Prokhorenko,Sergei
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-like interaction in ferroelectrics and antiferroelectricsNATURE MATERIALS2020Prosandeev, Sergey
Enhanced transient negative capacitance during inhomogeneous ferroelectric switchingPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Prosandeev, Sergey
Universality and origin of ultrashort intrinsic negative dielectric permittivityPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Prosandeev, Sergey
Strain control of layer-resolved negative capacitance in superlatticesNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS2020Prosandeev, Sergey
Strain-induced resonances in the dynamical quadratic magnetoelectric response of multiferroicsNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS2020Prosandeev, Sergey
Evidence for Goldstone-like and Higgs-like structural modes in the model PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 relaxor ferroelectricPHYSICAL REVIEW B2020Prosandeev, Sergey
Strain-induced resonances in the dynamical quadratic magnetoelectric response of multiferroicsNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS2020Prosandeev, Sergey
Photoluminescence characterization of wetting layer and carrier dynamics for coupled InGaAs/GaAs surface quantum dot pair structuresOPTICS EXPRESS2020Salamo, Gregory J
X-ray diffraction study of strain relaxation, spontaneous compositional gradient, and dislocation density in GeSn/Ge/Si(100) heterostructuresSEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY2020Salamo, Gregory J
Strain suppressed Sn incorporation in GeSn epitaxially grown on Ge/Si(001) substrateAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2020Salamo, Gregory J
Lateral carrier transfer for high density InGaAs/GaAs surface quantum dotsJOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE2020Salamo, Gregory J
Carrier dynamics and recombination in silicon doped InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cells with AlAs cap layersSEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY2020Salamo, Gregory J
Electrically injected GeSn lasers on Si operating up to 100 KOPTICA2020Salamo, Gregory J
Effect of indium accumulation on the growth and properties of ultrathin In(Ga)N/GaN quantum wells2020Salamo, Gregory J.
Type-II GaSb quantum dots grown on InAlAs/InP (001) by droplet epitaxyNANOTECHNOLOGY2020Salamo, Gregory J.
Evolution of InAs quantum dots and wetting layer on GaAs (001): Peculiar photoluminescence near onset of quantum dot formationJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS2020Salamo, Gregory J.
Investigation of the Structural and Optical Properties of Compositionally V-Graded Strained InxGa1-xN LayersPHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS2020Salamo, Gregory J.
Tuning network dynamics from criticality to an asynchronous statePLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY2020Shew, Woodrow
Optimal control of excitable systems near criticalityPHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH2020Shew, Woodrow
Fractal brain dynamics: from Mandelbrot to marmosetsJOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON2020Shew, Woodrow
Dynamic regulation of resource transport induces criticality in interdependent networks of excitable unitsPHYSICAL REVIEW E2020Shew, Woodrow
Fluctuation-induced current from freestanding graphenePHYSICAL REVIEW E2020Singh, Surendra
Efficient circuit design for low power energy harvestingAIP ADVANCES2020Thibado, Paul
Fluctuation-induced current from freestanding graphenePHYSICAL REVIEW E2020Thibado, Paul
Microampere Electric Current Causes Bacterial Membrane Damage and Two-Way Leakage in a Short Period of TimeAPPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY2020Wang, Yong
Bent DNA Bows as Sensing Amplifiers for Detecting DNA-Interacting Salts and MoleculesSENSORS2020Wang, Yong
Silver Ions Caused Faster Diffusion of H-NS Proteins in Live E. coli by Weakening the Binding Between H-NS Proteins and DNABIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL2020Wang, Yong
Silver Ions Affect the Motility of E. coli by Disrupting the Markovian Run-and-tumble ProcessBIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL2020Wang, Yong
Mechanical Flexibility of DNA: A Quintessential Tool for DNA NanotechnologySENSORS2020Wang, Yong
Polydopamine Surface Coating Synergizes the Antimicrobial Activity of Silver NanoparticlesACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES2020Wang, Yong
Optical studies of semiconductor perovskite nanocrystals for classical optoelectronic applications and quantum information technologies: a reviewADVANCED PHOTONICS2020Xiao, Min
Singlet Fission Dynamics in Tetracene Single Crystals Probed by Polarization-Dependent Two-Dimensional Electronic SpectroscopyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A2020Xiao, Min
Controllable laser output of high-quality cylindrical vector beam through intra-cavity mode conversionAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2020Xiao, Min
Flexible tuning of nonlinear non-diffracting array beams using wavelengths and anglesOPTICS LETTERS2020Xiao, Min
Multichannel nonlinear holography in a two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystalPHYSICAL REVIEW A2020Xiao, Min
Inhomogeneous Biexciton Binding in Perovskite Semiconductor Nanocrystals Measured with Two-Dimensional SpectroscopyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS2020Xiao, Min
Over 14% efficiency all-polymer solar cells enabled by a low bandgap polymer acceptor with low energy loss and efficient charge separationENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE2020Xiao, Min
Trion-Facilitated Dexter-Type Energy Transfer in a Cluster of Single Perovskite CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals*CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS2020Xiao, Min
Vacuum-induced surface-acoustic-wave phonon blockadePHYSICAL REVIEW A2020Xiao, Min
Controllable coupling between an ultra-high-Q microtoroid cavity and a graphene monolayer for optical filtering and switching applicationsOPTICS EXPRESS2020Xiao, Min
Spin-orbit coupling in photonic grapheneOptica2020Xiao, Min
Long Persistent Luminescence Enabled by Dissociation of Triplet Intermediate States in an Organic Guest/Host SystemJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS2020Xiao, Min
Observation of edge solitons in photonic grapheneNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2020Xiao, Min
Generation of an ultra-long sub-diffracted second-harmonic optical needle from a periodically poled LiNbO3 crystalAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2020Xiao, Min
Cathode engineering with perylene-diimide interlayer enabling over 17% efficiency single-junction organic solar cellsNATURE COMMUNICATIONS2020Xiao, Min
Charge Separation from an Intra-Moiety Intermediate State in the High-Performance PM6:Y6 Organic Photovoltaic BlendJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY2020Xiao, Min
Hole Transfer Promoted by a Viscosity Additive in an All-Polymer Photovoltaic BlendJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS2020Xiao, Min
Transition from doublet to triplet excitons in single perovskite nanocrystalsJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS2020Xiao, Min
Periodically poled LiNbO3 crystals from 1D and 2D to 3DSCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES2020Xiao, Min
Optical studies of semiconductor perovskite nanocrystals for classical optoelectronic applications and quantum technologies: a reviewADVANCED PHOTONICS2020Xiao, Min
Laguerre-Gaussian transform for rotating image processingOPTICS EXPRESS2020Xiao, Min
Mechanical oscillations frozen on discrete levels by two optical driving fieldsPHYSICAL REVIEW A2020Xiao, Min
Vacuum-induced surface acoustic wave phonon blockadePHYSICAL REVIEW A2020Xiao, Min
Chip-based optical isolator and nonreciprocal parity-time symmetry induced by stimulated Brillouin scatteringLASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS2020Xiao, Min
Entangling two macroscopic mechanical resonators at high temperaturePHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED2020Xiao, Min
Hole transfer promoted by viscosity additive in an all-polymer photovoltaic blendJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS2020Xiao, Min
Evolution of elastic moduli through a two-dimensional structural transformationPHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Injection current in ferroelectric group-IV monochalcogenide monolayersPHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Quantum Paraelastic Two-Dimensional MaterialsPhysical Review Letters2019Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Standing Waves Induced by Valley-Mismatched Domains in Ferroelectric SnTe MonolayersPhysical Review Letters2019Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
From an atomic layer to the bulk: Low-temperature atomistic structure and ferroelectric and electronic properties of SnTe filmsPhysical Review B2019Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Evolution of elastic moduli through a two-dimensional structural transformationPhysical Review B2019Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Enhanced Spontaneous Polarization in Ultrathin SnTe Films with Layered Antipolar StructureAdvanced Materials2019Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Toward Quantum Paraelectric, Paraelastic, and Paramagnetic 2D MaterialsANNALEN DER PHYSIK2019Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Group-IV monochalcogenide monolayers: Two-dimensional ferroelectrics with weak intralayer bonds and a phosphorenelike monolayer dissociation energyPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2019Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Deterministic switching of ferroelectric bubble nanodomainsAdvanced Functional Materials2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Magnetic Interactions in BiFeO3: a First-Principles StudyPhysical Review B2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Symmetry modulation and enhanced multiferroic characteristics in Bi1-xNdxFeO3 ceramicsAdvanced Functional Materials2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Conformational Domain Wall SwitchAdvanced Functional Materials2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Giant piezoelectricity of Sm-doped Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3-PbTiO3 single crystalsScience2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Expansion of the spin cycloid in multiferroic BiFeO3 thin filmsNPJ Quantum Materials2019Bellaiche, Laurent
First-principles screening of ABO(3) oxides with two magnetic sublatticesPhysical Review Materials2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferroelectricity with Asymmetric Hysteresis in Metallic LiOsO3 Ultrathin FilmsPhysical Review Letters2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Magnetoelastic and magnetoelectric couplings across the antiferromagnetic transition in multiferroic BiFeO3,Physical Review B2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Photovoltaics in Ferroelectric Materials: Origin, Challenges and OpportunitiesAdvanced Materials Book Series2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Photoinduced Phase Transitions in FerroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2019Bellaiche, Laurent
A-site Partially Ordered La0.5Y0.5FeO3 and its Multiferroic CharacteristicsApplied Physics Letters2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Strain engineering of electro-optic constants in ferroelectric materialsNPJ Computational Materials2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Order-disorder transition in the prototypical antiferroelectric PbZrO3Physical Review B2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Electric-Field Control of Magnetization, Jahn-Teller Distortion, and Orbital Ordering in Ferroelectric FerromagnetsPhysical Review Letters2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Designing Multifunctionality via Assembling Dissimilar Materials: Epitaxial AlN/ScN SuperlatticesPhysical Review Letters2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Uncompensated Polarization in Incommensurate Modulations of Perovskite AntiferroelectricsPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Prediction of room-temperature half-metallicity in layered halide double perovskitesNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Prediction of a novel topological multidefect ground statePHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Temperature dependence of polar modes in hybrid improper ferroelectricsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Novel Dynamical Magnetoelectric Effects in Multiferroic BiFeO3Physical Review Letters2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Strain engineering of electro-optic constants in ferroelectric materials (vol 5, 6, 2019)NPJ Computational Materials2019Bellaiche, Laurent
Deterministic Switching of Ferroelectric Bubble Nanodomains (vol 29, 1808573, 2019)ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS2019Bellaiche,Laurent
Exfoliation and Analysis of Large-Area, Air-Sensitive Two-Dimensional MaterialsJournal of Visualized Experiments2019Churchill, Hugh
Hyperferroelectricity in ZnO: Evidence from analytic formulation and numerical calculationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Fu, Huaxiang
Hyperferroelectricity in ZnO: various evidence from analytic formulation and numerical calculations,Physical Review B2019Fu, Huaxiang
Hyperferroelectricity in ZnO: Evidence from analytic formulation and numerical calculationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Fu, Huaxiang
Two-level-atom excitation probability for single- and N-photon wave packetsPhysical Review A2019Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Passive, deterministic photonic conditional-PHASE gate via two-level systemsPhysical Review A2019Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Two-level-atom excitation probability for single- and N-photon wave packets (vol 96, 033817, 2017)PHYSICAL REVIEW A2019Gea-Banacloche, Julio
De Haas-van Alphen study on three-dimensional topological semimetal pyrite PtBi2SCIENCE BULLETIN2019Hu, Jin
Transport of Topological SemimetalsAnnual Review of Materials Research, Vol 492019Hu, Jin
Surface Instability and Chemical Reactivity of ZrSiS and ZrSiSe Nodal-Line SemimetalsAdvanced Functional Materials2019Hu, Jin
Plaquette instability competing with bicollinear ground state in detwinned FeTePhysical Review B2019Hu, Jin
Exfoliation and Analysis of Large-area, Air-Sensitive Two-Dimensional MaterialsJove-Journal of Visualized Experiments2019Hu, Jin
Prospects of detecting the nonlinear gravitational wave memoryPhysical Review D2019Kennefick, Daniel
A hundred years of the first experimental test of general relativityNature Physics2019Kennefick, Daniel
Investigating the Origins of Spiral Structure in Disk Galaxies through a Multiwavelength StudyASTROPHYISCAL JOURNAL2019Kennefick, Daniel
The haloes and environments of nearby galaxies (HERON) - I. Imaging, sample characteristics, and envelope diametersMONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY2019Kennefick, Julia
Investigating the Origins of Spiral Structure in Disk Galaxies through a Multiwavelength StudyASTROPHYISCAL JOURNAL2019Kennefick, Julia
Evolution of elastic moduli through a two-dimensional structural transformationPHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Kumar, Pradeep
Evolution of elastic moduli through a two-dimensional structural transformationPhysical Review B2019Kumar, Pradeep
A magnetar-powered X-ray transient as the aftermath of a binary neutron-star mergerNature2019Lehmer, Bret
X-Ray Binary Luminosity Function Scaling Relations for Local Galaxies Based on Subgalactic ModelingAstrophysical Journal Supplement Series2019Lehmer, Bret
Neutron Stars and Black Holes in the Small Magellanic Cloud: The SMC NuSTAR Legacy SurveyASTROPHYISCAL JOURNAL2019Lehmer, Bret
Estimating RNA Polymerase Protein Binding Sites on lambda DNA Using Solid-State NanoporesACS Sensors2019Li, Jiali
Electric Field and Ionic Strength Dependent Translocation of Tau Protein Through Solid-State NanoporeBiophysical Journal2019Li, Jiali
Estimation of Shape, Volume, and Dipole Moment of Individual Proteins Freely Transiting a Synthetic NanoporeACS Nano2019Li, Jiali
Hydroxylamine addition and real-time aeration control in sewage nitritation system for reduced start-up period and improved process stabilityBIOSOURCE TECHNOLOGY2019Li, Jiali
Rapid start-up and stable maintenance of domestic wastewater nitritation through short-term hydroxylamine additionBIOSOURCE TECHNOLOGY2019Li, Jiali
Deterministic Switching of Ferroelectric Bubble Nanodomains (vol 29, 1808573, 2019)ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS2019Nahas, Yousra
Prediction of a novel topological multidefect ground statePHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Nahas, Yousra
Unusual valence state in the antiperovskites Sr3SnO and Sr3PbO revealed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopyPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2019Nakamura, Hiro
Quantum computing takes flightNATURE2019Oliver III, William F
Conformational Domain Wall SwitchAdvanced Functional Materials2019Prokhorenko, Sergei
Deterministic Switching of Ferroelectric Bubble Nanodomains (vol 29, 1808573, 2019)ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS2019Prokhorenko, Sergei
Prediction of a novel topological multidefect ground statePHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Prokhorenko, Sergei
Strain engineering of electro-optic constants in ferroelectric materials (vol 5, 6, 2019)NPJ Computational Materials2019Prokhorenko,Sergei
Atomic-scale measurement of polar entropyPHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Prokhorenko,Sergei
Density functional perturbation theory within noncollinear magnetismPHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Prokhorenko,Sergei
Conformational Domain Wall SwitchAdvanced Functional Materials2019Prosandeev, Sergey
Prediction of a novel topological multidefect ground statePHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Prosandeev, Sergey
Temperature dependence of polar modes in hybrid improper ferroelectricsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2019Prosandeev, Sergey
Novel Dynamical Magnetoelectric Effects in Multiferroic BiFeO3Physical Review Letters2019Prosandeev, Sergey
An Effective Electric Dipole Model for Voltage-induced Gating Mechanism of LyseninSCIENTIFIC REPORTS2019Salamo, Gregory J
Plasmonically-powered hot carrier induced modulation of light emission in a two-dimensional GaAs semiconductor quantum wellNANOSCALE2019Salamo, Gregory J
Quantification of cellular associated graphene and induced surface receptor responsesNANOSCALE2019Salamo, Gregory J
Crystalline GaAs Thin Film Growth on a c-Plane Sapphire SubstrateCrystal Growth & Design2019Salamo, Gregory J.
Comparative study of photoluminescence for type-I InAs/GaAs0.89Sb0.11 and type-II InAs/GaAs0.85Sb0.15 quantum dotsOPTICAL MATERIALS2019Salamo, Gregory J.
Heteroepitaxy of GaP on silicon for efficient and cost-effective photoelectrochemical water splittingJournal of Materials Chemistry A2019Salamo, Gregory J.
Local Strain and Crystalline Defects in GaN/AIGaN/GaN(0001) Heterostructures Induced by Compositionally Graded AIGaN Buried LayersCrystal Growth & Design2019Salamo, Gregory J.
Probing spatial inhomogeneity of cholinergic changes in cortical state in ratScientific Reports2019Shew, Woodrow
Efficient calculation of heterogeneous non-equilibrium statistics in coupled firing-rate modelsJournal of Mathematical Neuroscience2019Shew, Woodrow
Strong neuron-to-body coupling implies weak neuron-to-neuron coupling in motor cortexNature Communications2019Shew, Woodrow
Scale-Change Symmetry in the Rules Governing Neural SystemsIScience2019Shew, Woodrow
A new method for detecting the nonlinearity of the Pancharatnam phase of lightOptics Communications2019Singh, Surendra
Symmetry in the diffraction of beams carrying orbital angular momentumPhysical Review A2019Singh, Surendra P.
Exact traveling and non-traveling wave solutions of the time fractional reaction-diffusion equationPhysica A - Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications2019Thibado, Paul
Origin of Non-Gaussian Velocity Distribution Found in Freestanding Graphene MembranesComplexity2019Thibado, Paul
Symmetry in the diffraction of beams carrying orbital angular momentumPhysical Review A2019Vyas, Reeta
A new method for detecting the nonlinearity of the Pancharatnam phase of lightOptics Communications2019Vyas, Reeta
Silver ions cause oscillation of bacterial length of Escherichia coliScientific Reports2019Wang, Yong
Nanoscale reorganizations of histone-like nucleoid structuring proteins in Escherichia coli are caused by silver nanoparticlesNanotechnology2019Wang, Yong
Quantum tomography of the photon-plasmon conversion process in a metal hole arrayOptics Express2019Xiao, Min
Two-photon excited photoluminescence of single perovskite nanocrystalsJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS2019Xiao, Min
Quantum-confined stark effect in the ensemble of phase-pure CdSe/CdS quantum dotsNanoscale2019Xiao, Min
Excitation-tailored dual color emission of Magnaneses(II)-doped perovskite nanocrystalsApplied Physics Letters2019Xiao, Min
Optomechanically induced entanglementPhysical Review A2019Xiao, Min
Optical parametric amplification of a Laguerre–Gaussian modeOSA Continuum2019Xiao, Min
Quantum-limited fiber-optic phase tracking beyond p rangeOptics Express2019Xiao, Min
Ultrafast hole transfer mediated by polaron pairs in all-polymer photovoltaic blendsNature Communications2019Xiao, Min
Direct Z scheme-fashioned photoanode systems consisting of Fe2O3 nanorod arrays and underlying thin Sb2Se3 layers toward enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting performanceNanoscale2019Xiao, Min
Generating controllable Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes through intracavity spin orbital angular momentum conversion of lightPhysical Review Applied2019Xiao, Min
Simplified synthetic routes for low cost and high photovoltaic performance n-type organic semiconductor acceptorsNature Communications2019Xiao, Min
Efficient plasmon-hot electron conversion in Ag–CsPbBr3 hybrid nanocrystalsNature Communications2019Xiao, Min
Phase segregation due to ion migration in all-inorganic mixed-halide perovskite nanocrystalsNature Communications2019Xiao, Min
Effects of gain saturation on quantum properties of light in a non-Hermitian gain-loss couplerPhysical Review A2019Xiao, Min
Coherent exciton-phonon coupling in perovskite semiconductor nanocrystals studied by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopyAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2019Xiao, Min
Efficient nonlinear beam shaping in three-dimensional lithium niobate nonlinear photonic crystalsNature Communications2019Xiao, Min
Particle-like behavior of topological defects in linear wave packets in photonic graphenePhysics Review Letters2019Xiao, Min
Quantum interference in a single perovskite nanocrystalNano Letters2019Xiao, Min
Absorption and gain saturable nonlinearities in erbium-doped optical microcavitiesPHYSICAL REVIEW A2019Xiao, Min
Storage and retrieval of interacting photons in a Rydberg mediumPhysical Review A2019Xiao, Min
Optical gain from biexcitons in CsPbBr3 nanocrystals revealed by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopyJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters2019Xiao, Min
Weakly coupled triplet pair states probed by quantum beating in delayed fluorescence in tetracene crystalsJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS2019Xiao, Min
Low-Threshold Amplified Spontaneous Emission and Lasing from Thick-Shell CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanoplatelets Enabled by High-Temperature GrowthADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS2019Xiao, Min
Sensing and tracking enhanced by quantum squeezingPhotonics Research2019Xiao, Min
Few-Layer Pbl(2) Nanoparticle: A 2D Semiconductor with Lateral Quantum ConfinementJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS2019Xiao, Min
Monolithic all-perovskite tandem solar cells with 24.8% efficiency exploiting comproportionation to suppress Sn(II) oxidation in precursor inkNATURE ENERGY2019Xiao, Min
Visible Kerr comb generation in a high-Q silica microdisk resonator with a large wedge anglePhotonics Research2019Xiao, Min
On-chip chiral single-photon interface: Isolation and unidirectional emissionPhysical Review A2019Xiao, Min
Exfoliation energy, quasiparticle band structure, and excitonic properties of selenium and tellurium atomic chainsPhysical Review B2018Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Tuning the ferroelectric-to-paraelectric transition temperature and dipole orientation of group-IV monochalcogenide monolayersPhysical Review B2018Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Water Splits To Degrade Two-Dimensional Group-IV Monochalcogenides in NanosecondsACS Central Science2018Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Layered material GeSe and vertical GeSe/MoS2 p-n heterojunctionsNano Research2018Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Giant resistive switching in mixed phase BiFeO3 via phase population controlNANOSCALE2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Displacement Current in Domain Walls of Bismuth FerriteNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Giant electrocaloric response in the prototypical Pb(Mg,Nb)O-3 relaxor ferroelectric from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Temperature and electric field control of the bandgap in electrotoroidic nanocomposites by large-scale ab initio methodsFERROELECTRICS2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Flexible polarization rotation at the ferroelectric/metal interface as a seed for domain nucleationPHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Large scale Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations for structure and property predictionNPJ Computational Materials2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Structural and magnetic transitions accompanied by large responses in epitaxial Sr0.5Ba0.5MnO3 filmsPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Novel type of ferroelectricity in brownmillerite structures: A first-principles studyPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Quantum-fluctuation-stabilized orthorhombic ferroelectric ground state in lead-free piezoelectric (Ba, Ca)(Zr, Ti)O-3PHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Flexible polarization rotation at the ferroelectric/metal interface as a seed for domain nucleationPhysical Review B2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Polarization switching in the PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 relaxor ferroelectric: An atomistic effective Hamiltonian studyPhysical Review B2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Revisiting spin cycloids in multiferroic BiFeO3PHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Giant resistive switching in mixed phase BiFeO(3)via phase population control (vol 10, pg 17629, 2018)NANOSCALE2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Interplay between Kitaev interaction and single ion anisotropy in ferromagnetic CrI3 and CrGeTe3 monolayersNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Tailoring properties of hybrid perovskites by domain-width engineering with charged wallsNPJ Computational Materials2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Polarization switching in the PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 relaxor ferroelectric: An atomistic effective Hamiltonian studyPHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Energetics of oxygen-octahedra rotations in perovskite oxides from first principlesPhysical Review B2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Photostriction and elasto-optic response in multiferroics and ferroelectrics from first principlesJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Structural phases arising from reconstructive and isostructural transitions in high-melting-point oxides under hydrostatic pressure: a first-principles studyPhysical Review B Rapid Communications2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Interface reconstruction with emerging charge ordering in hexagonal manganiteScience Advances2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Topological Defects with Distinct Dipole Configurations in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 Multilayer FilmsPhysical Review Letters2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Understanding and revisiting the most complex perovskite system via atomistic simulationsPhysical Review B2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Intrinsic Origin of Enhancement of Ferroelectricity in SnTe Ultrathin FilmsPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Designing switchable near room-temperature multiferroics via the discovery of a novel magnetoelectric couplingNew Journal of Physics2018Bellaiche, Laurent
Tuning Infrared Plasmon Resonance of Black Phosphorene Nanoribbon with a Dielectric InterfaceSCIENTIFIC REPORTS2018Churchill, Hugh
Exfoliation energy, quasiparticle band structure, and excitonic properties of selenium and tellurium atomic chainsPhysical Review B2018Churchill, Hugh
Growth and Exfoliation of Selenium and Tellurium for Quantum Chains of AtomsMicroscopy and Microanalysis2018Churchill, Hugh
Topological ferroelectric phases by mode-selective phonon excitationPHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Fu, Huaxiang
Analytical results for a conditional phase shift between single-photon pulses in a nonlocal nonlinear mediumPHYSICAL REVIEW A2018Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Tuning Infrared Plasmon Resonance of Black Phosphorene Nanoribbon with a Dielectric InterfaceSCIENTIFIC REPORTS2018Herzog, Joseph
Current Density Contribution to Plasmonic Enhancement Effects in Metal-Semiconductor-Metal PhotodetectorsJournal of Lightwave Technology2018Herzog, Joseph
Fabrication and Analysis of Metallic Nanoslit Structures: Advancements in the Nanomasking MethodJournal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS2018Herzog, Joseph
Review and suggested resolution of the problem of Schrodinger's catCONTEMPORARY PHYSICS2018Hobson, Art
Magnetoresistance and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in layered Nb3SiTe6 thin flakesPhysical Review B2018Hu, Jin
Searching for topological Fermi arcs via quasiparticle interference on a type-II Weyl semimetal MoTe2NPJ Quantum Materials2018Hu, Jin
A Triplet Resonance in Superconducting Fe1.03Se0.4Te0.6Chinese Physical Letters2018Hu, Jin
Multiple topologically non-trivial bands in non-centrosymmetric YSn2Physical Review B2018Hu, Jin
Anisotropic ultraviolet-plasmon dispersion in black phosphorusNanoscale2018Hu, Jin
Tuning the ferroelectric-to-paraelectric transition temperature and dipole orientation of group-IV monochalcogenide monolayersPhysical Review B2018Kumar, Pradeep
Dynamics of Growth, Cell Division, and Phenotypic Switching Ofescherichia Coliat Elevated Concentration of Magnesium SulfateBiophysical Journal2018Kumar, Pradeep
Dynamics of phenotypic switching of bacterial cells with temporal fluctuations in pressurePhysical Review E2018Kumar, Pradeep
A Long Hard-X-Ray Look at the Dual Active Galactic Nuclei of M51 with NuSTARThe Astrophysical Journal2018Lehmer, Bret
A long hard-X-ray look at the dual active galactic nuclei of M51 with NuSTARAstrophysical Journal2018Lehmer, Bret
Young Accreting Compact Objects in M31: The Combined Power of NuSTAR, Chandra, and HubblearXiv2018Lehmer, Bret
The XMM-SERVS survey: new XMM-Newton point-source catalogue for the XMM-LSS fieldMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2018Lehmer, Bret
Black Holes and Neutron Stars in Nearby Galaxies: Insights from NuSTARThe Astrophysical Journal2018Lehmer, Bret
Variability-selected Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Candidates in the 7 Ms Chandra Deep Field-SouthAstrophysical Journal2018Lehmer, Bret
High-redshift AGN in the Chandra Deep Fields: the obscured fraction and space density of the sub-L* populationMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2018Lehmer, Bret
On the Nature of the X-Ray Emission from the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source, M33 X-8: New Constraints from NuSTAR and XMM-NewtonAstrophysical Journal2018Lehmer, Bret
A high dust emissivity index β for a CO-faint galaxy in a filamentary Lyα nebula at z = 3.1Astronomical Society of Japan2018Lehmer, Bret
Therapeutic potential of molecular hydrogen in ovarian cancerTRANSLATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH2018Li, Jiali
Giant electrocaloric response in the prototypical Pb(Mg,Nb)O-3 relaxor ferroelectric from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Nahas, Yousra
Temperature and electric field control of the bandgap in electrotoroidic nanocomposites by large-scale ab initio methodsFERROELECTRICS2018Nahas, Yousra
Large scale Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations for structure and property predictionNPJ Computational Materials2018Nahas, Yousra
Topological Defects with Distinct Dipole Configurations in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 Multilayer FilmsPhysical Review Letters2018Nahas, Yousra
Giant electrocaloric response in the prototypical Pb(Mg,Nb)O-3 relaxor ferroelectric from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Prokhorenko, Sergei
Large scale Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations for structure and property predictionNPJ Computational Materials2018Prokhorenko, Sergei
Topological Defects with Distinct Dipole Configurations in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 Multilayer FilmsPhysical Review Letters2018Prokhorenko, Sergei
Temperature and electric field control of the bandgap in electrotoroidic nanocomposites by large-scale ab initio methodsFERROELECTRICS2018Prokhorenko,Sergei
Giant resistive switching in mixed phase BiFeO3 via phase population controlNANOSCALE2018Prosandeev, Sergey
Displacement Current in Domain Walls of Bismuth FerriteNPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS2018Prosandeev, Sergey
Giant electrocaloric response in the prototypical Pb(Mg,Nb)O-3 relaxor ferroelectric from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Prosandeev, Sergey
Quantum-fluctuation-stabilized orthorhombic ferroelectric ground state in lead-free piezoelectric (Ba, Ca)(Zr, Ti)O-3PHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Prosandeev, Sergey
Two-colour In0.5Ga0.5As quantum dot infrared photodetectors on siliconSemionductor Science and Technology2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Interplay Effect of Temperature and Excitation Intensity on the Photoluminescence Characteristics of InGaAs/GaAs Surface Quantum DotsNanoscale Research Letters2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Excitation intensity and thickness dependent emission mechanism from an ultrathin InAs layer in GaAs matrixJournal of Applied Physics2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Strain relaxation in GaN/AlN superlattices on GaN(0001) substrate: Combined superlattice-to-substrate lattice misfit and thickness-dependent effectsMATERIALS & DESIGN2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Add to Marked List 4 of 129 AlGaN/GaN Micro-Hall Effect Devices for Simultaneous Current and Temperature Measurements From Line CurrentsIEEE Sensors Journal2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Observing Inquiry-Based Learning Environments Using the Scholastic Inquiry Observation InstrumentINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Kinetically controlled indium surface coverage effects on PAMBE-growth of InN/GaN(0001) quantum well structuresJournal of Applied Physics2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Abnormal photoluminescence for GaAs/Al0.2Ga0.8As quantum dot-ring hybrid nanostructure grown by droplet epitaxyJOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Polarization Effects in Graded AlGaN Nanolayers Revealed by Current-Sensing and Kelvin Probe MicroscopyACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Demonstration of InAs/InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots-in-a-Well Mid-Wave Infrared Photodetectors Grown on Silicon SubstrateJournal of Lightwave Technology2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Carrier dynamics in hybrid nanostructure with electronic coupling from an InGaAs quantum well to InAs quantum dotsJournal of Luminescence2018Salamo, Gregory J.
High temperature capacitors using AlN grown by MBE as the dielectricJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2018Salamo, Gregory J.
AlGaN/GaN Micro-Hall Effect Devices for Simultaneous Current and Temperature Measurements From Line CurrentsIEEE Sensors Journal2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Exfoliation energy, quasiparticle band structure, and excitonic properties of selenium and tellurium atomic chainsPhysical Review B2018Salamo, Gregory J.
Giant resistive switching in mixed phase BiFeO(3)via phase population control (vol 10, pg 17629, 2018)NANOSCALE2018Sergey, Prosandeev
Robust entropy requires strong and balanced excitatory and inhibitory synapsesCHAOS2018Shew, Woodrow
The turtle visual system mediates a complex spatiotemporal transformation of visual stimuli into cortical activityJOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A-NEUROETHOLOGY SENSORY NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY2018Shew, Woodrow
Degeneracy in the diffraction of orbital angular momentum carrying beamsOptics Letters2018Singh, Surendra P.
Degeneracy in the diffraction of orbital angular momentum carrying beamsOptics Letters2018Vyas, Reeta
Mechanical energy based amplifiers for probing interactions of DNA with metal ionsPhysical Review E2018Wang, Yong
A functional SNP in the 3-UTR of TAP2 gene interacts with microRNA hsa-miR-1270 to suppress the gene expressionENVIRONMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MUTAGENESIS2018Wang, Yong
Multiple microRNAs function as self-protective modules in acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in humansARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY2018Wang, Yong
Anomalous, non-Gaussian, viscoelastic, and age-dependent dynamics of histonelike nucleoid-structuring proteins in live Escherichia coliPHYSICAL REVIEW E2018Wang, Yong
New Insights into the Multiexciton Dynamics in Phase-Pure Thick Shell CdSe/CdS Quantum DotsJournal of Physical Chemistry C2018Xiao, Min
Controllable generation of second-harmonic vortex beams through nonlinear supercell gratingApplied Physics Letters2018Xiao, Min
Observation of electromagnetically induced Talbot effect in an atomic systemPhysical Review A2018Xiao, Min
Cavity-Free Optical Isolators and Circulators Using a Chiral Cross-Kerr NonlinearityPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2018Xiao, Min
Multiple dark excitons in semiconductor CdSe nanocrystalsJournal of Physical Chemistry C2018Xiao, Min
Asymmetric light diffraction of two-dimensional electromagnetically induced grating with PT symmetry in asymmetric double quantum wellsOptics Express2018Xiao, Min
Non-Hermitian optics in atomic systemsJOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS2018Xiao, Min
Photon antibunching in a cluster of giant CdSe/CdS nanocrystalsNature Communications2018Xiao, Min
Composition-Dependent Energy Splitting between Bright and Dark Excitons in Lead Halide Perovskite NanocrystalsNANO LETTERS2018Xiao, Min
Controllable photonic crystal with periodic Raman gain in a coherent atomic mediumOPTICS LETTERS2018Xiao, Min
Control the orbital angular momentum in third-harmonic generation using quasi-phase-matchingOptics Express2018Xiao, Min
Orbital angular momentum-enhanced measurement of rotation vibration using a Sagnac interferometerOPTICS EXPRESS2018Xiao, Min
Transient electronic anisotropy in overdoped NaFe1-xCoxAs superconductorsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2018Xiao, Min
Transmission Nonreciprocity in a Mutually Coupled Circulating StructurePhysical Review Letters2018Xiao, Min
Parity-Time-Symmetric Optical Lattice with Alternating Gain and Loss Atomic ConfigurationsLaser & Photonics Reviews2018Xiao, Min
Experimental demonstration of a three-dimensional lithium niobate nonlinear photonic crystalNATURE PHOTONICS2018Xiao, Min
Enhanced multipartite entanglement via quantum coherence with an atom-assisted optomechanical systemJOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS2018Xiao, Min
Parity-time symmetry in optical microcavity systemsJOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS2018Xiao, Min
Pinched Hysteresis Loop in Defect-Free MaterialsPhysical Review B2017 (In Press)Bellaiche, Laurent
Photostrictive Two-Dimensional Materials in the Monochalcogenide FamilyPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS2017Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Electronic and optical properties of strained graphene and other strained 2D materials: a reviewReports on Progress in Physics2017Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Creating a low-symmetry insulating, ferroelectric, and antiferromagnetic material from a high-symmetrical metallic ferromagnet via defect engineering: The case of LaBaCo2O5+delta compoundsPhysical Review B2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Microscopic origins of the large piezoelectricity of leadfree (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O3Nature Communications2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Dynamics of antipolar distortionsnpj Computational Materials2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Novel multiferroic phases and phenomena in epitaxial (111) BiFeO3 filmsAdvanced Electronic Materials2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Vacancies and holes in bulk and at 180 degrees domain walls in lead titanateJournal of Physics - Condensed Matter2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Emergent Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase in low-dimensional ferroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Rules and mechanisms governing octahedral tilts in perovskites under pressurePhysical Review B2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Ab-initio approach to photostriction in classical ferroelectric materialPhysical Review B2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Electrocaloric effects in the lead-free Ba(Zr,Ti)O$_{3}$ relaxor ferroelectric from atomistic simulationsPhysical Review B2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Intrinsic polarization switching mechanisms in BiFeO3Physical Review B2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Fluctuations and Topological Defects in Proper Ferroelectric CrystalsPhysical Review Letters2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of rare-earth iron garnets from first principlesPhysical Review B2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Improper electric polarization in simple perovskite oxides with two magnetic sublatticesNature Communications2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Dependence of the Electronic and Optical Properties of Methylammonium Lead Triiodide on Ferroelectric Polarization Directions and Domains: A First Principles Computational StudyJournal of Physical Chemistry C2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Nanoscale Bubble Domains and Topological Transitions in Ultrathin Ferroelectric FilmsAdvanced Materials2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Improper ferroelectricity at antiferromagnetic domain walls of perovskite oxidesPhysical Review B2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Designing lead-free antiferroelectrics for energy storageNature Communications2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Learning through ferroelectric domain dynamics in solid-state synapsesNature Communications2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Toy model for uncommon spin-orbit-driven spin-torque termsJournal of Physics - Condensed Matter2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Pressure-induced multiferroics via pseudo Jahn-Teller effects and novel couplingsAdvanced Functional Materials2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Ab initio approach to photostriction in classical ferroelectric materialsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Electrocaloric effects in the lead- free Ba(Zr, Ti)O-3 relaxor ferroelectric from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Microscopic origins of the large piezoelectricity of leadfree (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O-3NATURE COMMUNICATIONS2017Bellaiche, Laurent
Microscopic origins of the large piezoelectricity of leadfree (Ba, Ca)(Zr, Ti) O-3 (vol 8, 15944, 2017)NATURE COMMUNICATIONS2017Bellaiche,Laurent
Toward Single Atom Chains with Exfoliated TelluriumNanoscale Research Letters2017Churchill, Hugh
Ferromagnetism in ferroelectric BaTiO3 induced by vacancies: Sensitive dependence on charge state, origin of magnetism, and temperature range of existencePhysical Review B2017Fu, Huaxiang
Persistence of strong and switchable ferroelectricity despite vacanciesSCIENTIFIC REPORTS2017Fu, Huaxiang
Research for Coupled van der Pol Systems with Parametric Excitation and Its ApplicationZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES2017Fu, Huaxiang
One- and two-photon scattering by two atoms in a waveguidePhysical Review A2017Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Tunable subnanometer gap plasmonic metasurfacesACS Photonics2017Herzog, Joseph
Calculated thickness dependent plasmonic properties of gold nanobars in the visible to near-infrared light regimePlos One2017Herzog, Joseph
Silicon nanowires to enhance the performance of self-powered near-infrared photodetectors with asymmetrical Schottky contactsApplied Physics Letters2017Herzog, Joseph
Surface plasmon damping effects due to Ti adhesion layer in individual gold nanodisksOptics Materials Express2017Herzog, Joseph
Modeling and optimization of Au-GaAs plasmonic nanoslit array structures for enhanced near-infrared photodetector applicationsJournal of Nanophotonics2017Herzog, Joseph
Substrate Oxide Layer Thickness Optimization for a Dual-Width Plasmonic Grating for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Biosensor ApplicationsSensors2017Herzog, Joseph
Guns on campus are scientists' concernPHYSICS TODAY2017Hobson, Art
Darboux transformation in black hole perturbation theoryPhysical Review D2017Kennefick, Daniel
The binary pulsar and the quadrupole formula controversyEuropean Physical Journal H2017Kennefick, Daniel
The Halos and Environments of Nearby Galaxies (HERON) SurveyFormation and Evolution of Galaxy Outskirts, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium2017Kennefick, Julia
Survivability and growth kinetics of methanogenic archaea at various pHs and pressures: Implications for deep subsurface life on MarsPLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE2017Kumar, Pradeep
Further Constraints on Variations in the Initial Mass Function from Low-mass X-ray Binary PopulationsThe Astrophysical Journal2017Lehmer, Bret
Identification of the Hard X-Ray Source Dominating the E > 25 keV Emission of the Nearby Galaxy M31The Astrophysical Journal2017Lehmer, Bret
Further Constraints on Variations in the Initial Mass Function from Low-mass X-ray Binary PopulationsAstrophysical Journal2017Lehmer, Bret
Black Hole Growth Is Mainly Linked to Host-galaxy Stellar Mass Rather Than Star Formation RateThe Astrophysical Journal2017Lehmer, Bret
Testing the Universality of the Stellar IMF with Chandra and HSTThe Astrophysical Journal2017Lehmer, Bret
Deep Chandra observations of NGC 7457, the X-ray point source populations of a low-mass early-type galaxyMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2017Lehmer, Bret
On the Spatially Resolved Star Formation History in M51. I. Hybrid UV+IR Star Formation Laws and IR Emission from Dust Heated by Old StarsThe Astrophysical Journal2017Lehmer, Bret
On the Spatially Resolved Star Formation History in M51. II. X-Ray Binary Population EvolutionThe Astrophysical Journal2017Lehmer, Bret
Galaxy-scale Bars in Late-type Sloan Digital Sky Survey Galaxies Do Not Influence the Average Accretion Rates of Supermassive Black HolesThe Astrophysical Journal2017Lehmer, Bret
The growth of typical star-forming galaxies and their supermassive black holes across cosmic time since z similar to 2MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY2017Lehmer, Bret
A tip-attached tuning fork sensor for the control of DNA translocation through a nanoporeReview of Scientific Instruments2017Li, Jiali
Real-time shape approximation and fingerprinting of single proteins using a nanoporeNature Nanotechnology2017Li, Jiali
Fluctuations and Topological Defects in Proper Ferroelectric CrystalsPhysical Review Letters2017Nahas, Yousra
Nanoscale Bubble Domains and Topological Transitions in Ultrathin Ferroelectric FilmsAdvanced Materials2017Nahas, Yousra
Microscopic origins of the large piezoelectricity of leadfree (Ba, Ca)(Zr, Ti) O-3 (vol 8, 15944, 2017)NATURE COMMUNICATIONS2017Nahas, Yousra
Electrocaloric effects in the lead- free Ba(Zr, Ti)O-3 relaxor ferroelectric from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2017Nahas, Yousra
Microscopic origins of the large piezoelectricity of leadfree (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O-3NATURE COMMUNICATIONS2017Nahas, Yousra
Emergent Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase in low-dimensional ferroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2017Prokhorenko, Sergei
Fluctuations and Topological Defects in Proper Ferroelectric CrystalsPhysical Review Letters2017Prokhorenko, Sergei
Nanoscale Bubble Domains and Topological Transitions in Ultrathin Ferroelectric FilmsAdvanced Materials2017Prokhorenko, Sergei
Microscopic origins of the large piezoelectricity of leadfree (Ba, Ca)(Zr, Ti) O-3 (vol 8, 15944, 2017)NATURE COMMUNICATIONS2017Prokhorenko, Sergei
Electrocaloric effects in the lead- free Ba(Zr, Ti)O-3 relaxor ferroelectric from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2017Prokhorenko, Sergei
Microscopic origins of the large piezoelectricity of leadfree (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O-3NATURE COMMUNICATIONS2017Prokhorenko, Sergei
Dynamics of antipolar distortionsnpj Computational Materials2017Prosandeev, Sergey
Microscopic origins of the large piezoelectricity of leadfree (Ba, Ca)(Zr, Ti) O-3 (vol 8, 15944, 2017)NATURE COMMUNICATIONS2017Prosandeev, Sergey
Ab initio approach to photostriction in classical ferroelectric materialsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2017Prosandeev, Sergey
Electrocaloric effects in the lead- free Ba(Zr, Ti)O-3 relaxor ferroelectric from atomistic simulationsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2017Prosandeev, Sergey
Microscopic origins of the large piezoelectricity of leadfree (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O-3NATURE COMMUNICATIONS2017Prosandeev, Sergey
Toward Single Atom Chains with Exfoliated TelluriumNanoscale Research Letters2017Salamo, Gregory J.
Infrared Reflectance Analysis of Epitaxial n-Type Doped GaN Layers Grown on SapphireNanoscale Research Letters2017Salamo, Gregory J.
PL of low-density InAs/GaAs quantum dots with different bimodal populationsMicro and Nano Letters2017Salamo, Gregory J.
Fabrication of ultralow-density quantum dots by droplet etching epitaxyJournal of Materials Research2017Salamo, Gregory J.
Adhesive force between graphene nanoscale flakes and living biological cellsJournal of Applied Toxicology2017Salamo, Gregory J.
Near Infrared Quantum Cutting Luminescence of Er3+/Tm3+ Ion Pairs in a Telluride GlassScientific Reports2017Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoluminescence Study of the Interface Fluctuation Effect for InGaAs/InAlAs/InP Single Quantum Well with Different ThicknessNanoscale Research Letters2017Salamo, Gregory J.
Carrier dynamics of InAs quantum dots with GaAs1-xSbx barrier layersApplied Physics Letters2017Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoconductivity Relaxation Mechanisms of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Chain StructuresNanoscale Research Letters2017Salamo, Gregory J.
Effect of well/barrier thickness ratio on strain relaxation in GaN/AlN superlattices grown on GaN/sapphire templateJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B2017Salamo, Gregory J.
Physicochemical characteristics of pristine and functionalized grapheneJournal of Applied Toxicology2017Salamo, Gregory J.
State-dependent intrinsic predictability of cortical network dynamicsPlos One2017Shew, Woodrow
Induced oscillations in turtle cortex are coherent at the mesoscale of population activity, but not at the microscale of the membrane potential of neuronsJ Neurophysiology2017Shew, Woodrow
A theoretical framework for analyzing coupled neuronal networks: Application to the olfactory systemPLOS Computational Biology2017Shew, Woodrow
Adaptation towards scale-free dynamics improves cortical stimulus discrimination at the cost of reduced detectionPLOS Comp Biol2017Shew, Woodrow
Polarization properties of Ince-Gaussian laser beamsJOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION2017Singh, Surendra
Toy model for uncommon spin-orbit-driven spin-torque termsJournal of Physics - Condensed Matter2017Singh, Surendra P.
Polarization properties of Ince-Gaussian laser beamsJournal of the Optical Society of America A - Optics Image Science and Vision2017Singh, Surendra P.
Polarization properties of Ince-Gaussian laser beamsJournal of the Optical Society of America A - Optics Image Science and Vision2017Vyas, Reeta
Polarization properties of Ince-Gaussian laser beamsJOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION2017Vyas, Reeta
An Experiment-Based Model Quantifying Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles on Escherichia coliRSC Advances2017Wang, Yong
Robust nonparametric quantification of clustering density of molecules in single-molecule localization microscopyPLOS One2017Wang, Yong
Molecular Counting with Localization Microscopy: A Bayesian Estimate Based on Fluorophore StatisticsBiophysical Journal2017Wang, Yong
Spatial distribution of high copy number plasmids in bacteriaPlasmid2017Wang, Yong
Feasible D1–A–D2–A Random Copolymers for Simultaneous High-Performance Fullerene and Nonfullerene Solar CellsAdvanced Energy Materials2017Xiao, Min
Kerr frequency combs in large-size, ultra-high-Q toroid microcavities with low repetition ratesPhotonics Research2017Xiao, Min
On-chip generation of broadband high order Laguerre-Gaussian modes in a metasurfaceOptics Letters (Accepted)2017Xiao, Min
Tunable third harmonic generation of vortex beams in an optical superlatticeOptics Express2017Xiao, Min
Second-harmonic interference imaging of ferroelectric domains through a scanning microscopeJournal of Physics D-Applied Letters2017Xiao, Min
Examining second-harmonic generation of high-order Laguerre-Gaussian modes through a single cylindrical lensOptics Letters2017Xiao, Min
Enhanced intensity-difference squeezing via energy-level modulations in hot atomic mediaPhysical Review A2017Xiao, Min
Polar phase transitions in heteroepitaxial stabilized La0.5Y0.5AlO3 thin filmsJournal of Physics-Condensed Matter2017Xiao, Min
Mass sensing by detecting the quadrature of a coupled light fieldPhysical Review A2017Xiao, Min
Continuous-variable entanglement generation using a hybrid PT-symmetric systemPhysical Review A2017Xiao, Min
Ultralow-threshold neodymium-doped microsphere lasers on a silicon chipOptics Communication2017Xiao, Min
Bright type-II photoluminescence from Mn-doped CdS/ZnSe/ZnS quantum dots with Mn2+ ions as exciton couplersRoyal Society of Chemistry2017Xiao, Min
Unveiling the link between fractional Schrodinger equation and light propagation in honeycomb latticeAnnual der Physik (Accepted)2017Xiao, Min
Ultrafast carrier dynamics and efficient triplet generation in black phosphorus quantum dotsJournal of Physical Chemistry (Accepted)2017Xiao, Min
Multiple generations of high-order orbital angular momentum modes through cascaded third-harmonic generation in a 2D nonlinear photonic crystalOptics Express2017Xiao, Min
Optical Bloch oscillation and Zener tunneling in an atomic systemOptica2017Xiao, Min
Radiation pressure cooling as a quantum dynamical processPhysical Review Letters2017Xiao, Min
Transport properties in the photonic super-honeycomb lattice - a hybrid fermionic and bosonic systemAnnalen der Physik (Berlin)2017Xiao, Min
Generation of robust tripartite entanglement with a single-cavity optomechanical systemPhysical Review A2017Xiao, Min
Simple and nondestructive on-chip detection of optical orbital angular momentum through a single plasmonic nanoholeACS Photonics2017Xiao, Min
Bright-exciton fine structure splittings in single perovskite nanocrystalsPhysical Review Letters (Accepted)2017Xiao, Min
Resonant and non-resonant second-harmonic generation in a single cadmium sulfide nanowireChinese Optics Letters2017Xiao, Min
Analysis of a triple-cavity photonic molecule based on coupled mode theoryPhysical Review A2017Xiao, Min
A covalently linked tetracene trimer: synthesis and singlet exiton fission propertyOrganic Letters2017Xiao, Min
Demonstration of an ultra-low threshold phonon laser with coupled microtoroid resonators in vacuumPhotonics Research2017Xiao, Min
Controlled correlation and squeezing in Pr3: YSO crystalPhysical Review Applied2017Xiao, Min
Realization of controllable photonic molecule based on three ultrahigh-Q microtoroid cavitiesLaser and Photonics Reviews2017Xiao, Min
Two-dimensional Talbot self-imaging via Electromagnetically induced latticeScientific Reports2017Xiao, Min
Conical third-harmonic generation in hexagonally poled LiTaO3 crystalApplied Physics Letters2017Xiao, Min
Squeezing-enhanced fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer for low-frequency phase measurementApplied Physics Letters2017Xiao, Min
Turnable diffraction-free array in nonlinear photonic crystalScientific Reports2017Xiao, Min
Single-mode lasing from 'giant' CdSe/CdS core-shell quantum dots in distributed feedback structuresACS Applied Materials and Interfaces2017Xiao, Min
Calculation of reflectivity spectra for semi-infinite two-dimensional photonic crystalsJournal of Nanophotonics2016 (Accepted)Herzog, Joseph
Structural Phase Transition and Material Properties of Few-Layer MonochalcogenidesPhysical Review Letters2016Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Two-Dimensional Disorder in Black Phosphorus and Monochalcogenide MonolayersNano Letters2016Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Structural Phase Transition and Material Properties of Few-Layer MonochalcogenidesPhysical Review Letters2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferroelectric Vortices and Related ConfigurationsInvited Review in Nanoscale Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics: Key Processing and Characterization Issues, and Nanoscale Effects2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Towards multicaloric effect with ferroelectricsPhysical Review B2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Chemical strain-dependent two-dimensional transport at RAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces (R = La, Nd, Sm, and Gd)Physical Review B2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Atomistic mechanism leading to complex antiferroelectric and incommensurate perovskitesPhysical Review B2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Room-temperature paramagnetoelectric effect in magnetoelectric multiferroics Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O-3 and its solid solution with PbTiO3Journal of Materials Science2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Electrical Control of Chiral Phases in Electrotoroidic NanocompositesAdvanced Electronic Materials2016Bellaiche, Laurent
New relativistic Hamiltonian: the Angular MagnetoElectric couplingProc. SPIE Spintronics IX2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Special quasirandom structures for perovskite solid solutionsJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Wang-Landau Monte Carlo formalism applied to ferroelectricsPhysical Review B2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Simulating the Radio-Frequency Dielectric Response of Relaxor Ferroelectrics: Combination of Coarse-Grained Hamiltonians and Kinetic Monte Carlo SimulationsPhysical Review Letters2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Photostriction in Ferroelectrics from Density Functional TheoryPhysical Review Letters2016Bellaiche, Laurent
A multiferroic on the brink: Uncovering the nuances of strain-induced transitions in BiFeO3Applied Physics Reviews2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Large elasto-optic effect and reversible electrochromism in multiferroic BiFeO3Nature Communications2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Frustration and Self-Ordering of Topological Defects in FerroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Topological Point Defects in Relaxor FerroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Subterahertz dielectric relaxation in lead-free Ba(Zr,Ti)O-3 relaxor ferroelectricsNature Communications2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Origin of the magnetization and compensation temperature in rare-earth orthoferrites and orthochromatesPhysical Review B2016Bellaiche, Laurent
Evolution of electronic structure across the rare-earth RNiO3 seriesJournal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena2016Chakhalian, Jacques
Pure electronic metal-insulator transition at the interface of complex oxidesScientific Reports2016Chakhalian, Jacques
Engineered Mott ground state in a LaTiO3+delta/LaNiO3 heterostructureNature Communications2016Chakhalian, Jacques
Superconductor to Mott insulator transition in YBa2Cu3O7/LaCaMnO3 heterostructuresScientific Results2016Chakhalian, Jacques
Coherent acoustic phonons in YBa2Cu3O7/La1/3Ca2/3MnO3 superlatticesApplied Physics Letters2016Chakhalian, Jacques
Magnetic Interactions at the Nanoscale in Trilayer TitanatesPhysical Review Letters2016Chakhalian, Jacques
Mott Electrons in an Artificial Graphenelike Crystal of Rare-Earth NickelatePhysical Review Letters2016Chakhalian, Jacques
Built-in Electric Field Induced Mechanical Property Change at the Lanthanum Nickelate/Nb-doped Strontium Titanate InterfacesScientific Reports2016Chakhalian, Jacques
Physics of Ultrathin Films and Heterostructures of Rare-Earth NickelatesAnnual Review of Materials Research2016Chakhalian, Jacques
Two-Dimensional Disorder in Black Phosphorus and Monochalcogenide MonolayersNano Letters2016Churchill, Hugh
Two photons co- and counterpropagating through N cross-Kerr sitesPhysical Review A2016Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Quantum multimode treatment of light scattering by an atom in a waveguidePhysical Review A2016Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Hot Electrons in Microscale Thin-Film Schottky Barriers for Enhancing Near-Infrared DetectionIEEE Photonics Technology Letters2016Herzog, Joseph
Improved optical enhancement using double-width plasmonic gratings with nanogapsPhotonics Research2016Herzog, Joseph
2DFFT: Measuring Galactic Spiral Arm Pitch AngleAstrophysics Source Code Library2016Kennefick, Daniel
Strong Evidence for the Density-wave Theory of Spiral Structure in Disk GalaxiesThe Astrophysical Journal Letters2016Kennefick, Daniel
2DFFT: Measuring Galactic Spiral Arm Pitch AngleAstrophysics Source Code Library2016Kennefick, Julia
Strong Evidence for the Density-wave Theory of Spiral Structure in Disk GalaxiesThe Astrophysical Journal Letters2016Kennefick, Julia
Strong Evidence for the Density-wave Theory of Spiral Structure in Disk GalaxiesThe Astrophysical Journal Letters2016Kennefick, Julia
Structural Phase Transition and Material Properties of Few-Layer MonochalcogenidesPhysical Review Letters2016Kumar, Pradeep
Two-Dimensional Disorder in Black Phosphorus and Monochalcogenide MonolayersNano Letters2016Kumar, Pradeep
Dynamics of Reversibility of Pressure Induced Changes in Cell Morphology, Cell Division, and Gene Expression of Escherichia ColiBIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL2016Kumar, Pradeep
Absolute Properties of the Pre-main-sequence Eclipsing Binary Star NP PerseiAstronomical Journal2016Lacy, Claud H.
The deepest X-ray view of high-redshift galaxies: constraints on low-rate black hole accretionMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2016Lehmer, Bret
ALMA observations of a z ≈ 3.1 protocluster: star formation from active galactic nuclei and Lyman-alpha blobs in an overdense environmentMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2016Lehmer, Bret
The average submillimetre properties of Lyman α blobs at z = 3Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2016Lehmer, Bret
The 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North Survey and the 250 ks Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Improved Point-source CatalogsAstrophysical Journal Supplement Series2016Lehmer, Bret
A Hard X-Ray Study of the Normal Star-forming Galaxy M83 with NuSTARAstrophysical Journal2016Lehmer, Bret
Herschel protocluster survey: A search for dusty star-forming galaxies in protoclusters at z = 2 - 3Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2016Lehmer, Bret
Exploring the Overabundance of ULXs in Metal- and Dust-Poor Local Lyman Break AnalogsAstrophysical Journal2016Lehmer, Bret
An enhanced merger fraction within the galaxy population of the SSA22 protocluster at z = 3.1Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2016Lehmer, Bret
Demonstrating the likely neutron star nature of five M31 globular cluster sources with Swift-NuSTAR spectroscopyMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2016Lehmer, Bret
Erratum: "Energy Feedback from X-Ray Binaries in the Early Universe”The Astrophysical Journal Letters2016Lehmer, Bret
The Evolution of Normal Galaxy X-Ray Emission through Cosmic History: Constraints from the 6 MS Chandra Deep Field-SouthAstrophysical Journal2016Lehmer, Bret
Photo-Current and TEM Imaging Characterization of Light-Gated Ion Pump Proteins in Lipid MembranesBIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL2016Li, Jiali
Electrical Control of Chiral Phases in Electrotoroidic NanocompositesAdvanced Electronic Materials2016Nahas, Yousra
Special quasirandom structures for perovskite solid solutionsJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter2016Nahas, Yousra
Frustration and Self-Ordering of Topological Defects in FerroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2016Nahas, Yousra
Topological Point Defects in Relaxor FerroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2016Nahas, Yousra
Electrical Control of Chiral Phases in Electrotoroidic NanocompositesAdvanced Electronic Materials2016Prokhorenko, Sergei
Frustration and Self-Ordering of Topological Defects in FerroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2016Prokhorenko, Sergei
Topological Point Defects in Relaxor FerroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2016Prokhorenko, Sergei
Special quasirandom structures for perovskite solid solutionsJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter2016Prosandeev, Sergey
Si-Doped InAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Solar Cell With AlAs Cap LayersIEEE Journal of Photovoltaics2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Optical Properties of a Quantum Dot-Ring System Grown Using Droplet EpitaxyNanoscale Research Letters2016Salamo, Gregory J.
InAs/InGaP quantum dot solar cells with an AlGaAs interlayerSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Comparative study of photoluminescence from In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs surface and buried quantum dotsNanotechnology2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Surface effects of vapour-liquid-solid driven Bi surface droplets formed during molecular-beam-epitaxy of GaAsBiScientific Reports2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Interplay Effect of Excitation and Temperature on Carrier Transfer between Vertically Aligned InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot PairsCrystals2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Formation of self-assembled Ga-rich droplet chains on GaAs (100) patterned by focused ion beamApplied Physics Letters2016Salamo, Gregory J.
The continuum state in photoluminescence of type-II In0.46Al0.54As/Al0.54Ga0.46As quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Two-photon, three-photon, and four-photon near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence of an Er3+ activator in tellurium glass phosphorApplied Optics2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Nanoparticles to Nanoholes: Fabrication of Porous GaN with Precisely Controlled Dimension via the Enhanced GaN Decomposition by Au NanoparticlesCrystal Growth & Design2016Salamo, Gregory J.
The Peculiarities of Strain Relaxation in GaN/AlN Superlattices Grown on Vicinal GaN (0001) Substrate: Comparative XRD and AFM StudyNanoscale Research Letters2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Effect of strain-polarization fields on optical transitions in AlGaN/GaN multi-quantum well structuresPhysica E2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Precise control of configuration, size and density of self-assembled Au nanostructures on 4H-SiC (0001) by systematic variation of deposition amount, annealing temperature and durationCRYSTENGCOMM2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Monolithically Integrated InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Mid-Infrared Photodetectors on Silicon SubstratesACS Photonics2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Intensity-dependent nonlinearity of the lateral photoconductivity in InGaAs/GaAs dot-chain structuresJournal of Applied Physics2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Defect-Free Self-Catalyzed GaAs/GaAsP Nanowire Quantum Dots Grown on Silicon SubstrateNano Letters2016Salamo, Gregory J.
Feedback control stabilization of critical dynamics via resource transport on multilayer networks: How glia enable learning dynamics in the brainPhysical Review2016Shew, Woodrow
Cortical Entropy, Mutual Information and Scale-Free Dynamics in Waking MiceCerebral Cortex2016Shew, Woodrow
Photo-Current and TEM Imaging Characterization of Light-Gated Ion Pump Proteins in Lipid MembranesBIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL2016Singh, Surendra
Anomalous Dynamical Behavior of Freestanding Graphene MembranesPhysical Review Letters2016Singh, Surendra P.
Anomalous Dynamical Behavior of Freestanding Graphene MembranesPhysical Review Letters2016Thibado, Paul
Quantitative Localization Microscopy Reveals a Novel Organization of a High-Copy Number PlasmidBiophysical Journal2016Wang, Yong
Coherent acoustic phonons in YBa2Cu3O7/La1/3Ca2/3MnO3 superlatticesApplied Physics Letters2016Xiao, Min
Probing Carrier Transport and Structure-Property Relationship of Highly Ordered Organic Semiconductors at the Two-Dimensional LimitPhysical Review Letters2016Xiao, Min
Coupled orbital angular momentum conversions in a quasi-periodically poled LiTaO3 crystalOptics Letters2016Xiao, Min
Carrier Multiplication in a Single Semiconductor NanocrystalPhysical Review Letters2016Xiao, Min
Extended storage of multiple excitons in trap states of semiconductor nanocrystalsApplied Physics Letters2016Xiao, Min
Efficient thermal conductance in organometallic perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 filmsApplied Physics Letters2016Xiao, Min
Core-shell amorphous cobalt phosphide/cadmium sulfide semiconductor nanorods for exceptional photocatalytic hydrogen production under visible lightJournal of Materials Chemistry A2016Xiao, Min
Magnetic enhancement of photoluminescence from blue-luminescent graphene quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2016Xiao, Min
High Color Rendering Index Hybrid III-Nitride/Nanocrystals White Light-Emitting DiodesAdvanced Functional Materials2016Xiao, Min
Slow Auger recombination of charged excitons in nonblinking Perovskite nanocrystals without spectral diffusionNano Letters (Accepted)2016Xiao, Min
Construction and nanoscale detection of interfacial charge transfer of elegant Z-scheme WO 3 /Au/In 2 S 3 nanowire arraysNano Letters2016Xiao, Min
Conversion of the optical orbital angular momentum in a plasmon-assisted second-harmonic generationApplied Physics Letters2016Xiao, Min
Observation of parity-time symmetry in optically induced atomic latticesPhysical Review Letters2016Xiao, Min
Dynamical phonon laser in coupled active-passive microresonatorsPhysical Review A2016Xiao, Min
Interacting photon pulses in Rydberg mediumOptica2016Xiao, Min
Two-Photon-Pumped Perovskite Semiconductor Nanocrystal LasersJournal of the American Chemistry Society2016Xiao, Min
11.4% efficiency non-fullerene polymer solar cells with trialkylsilyl-substituted 2D-conjugated polymer as donorNature Communications2016Xiao, Min
On-chip optical nonreciprocity using an active microcavityScientific Reports2016Xiao, Min
Ultralow-threshold single-mode lasing from phase-pure CdSe/CdS core/shell quantum dotsJournal of Physical Chemical Letters2016Xiao, Min
Optomechanically turned electromagnetically induced transparency-like effect in coupled optical microcavitiesApplied Physics Letters2016Xiao, Min
Efficient lead acetate sourced planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells with enhanced substrate coverage via one-step spin-coatingOrganic Electronics2016Xiao, Min
Diffraction-free beams in fractional Schrodinger equationScientific Reports2016Xiao, Min
Auger-Assisted Ultrafast Fluorescence Measurement of Semiconductor Single-Walled Carbon NanotubesACS Photonics2016Xiao, Min
Energy Transfer of Biexcitons in a Single Semiconductor NanocrystalNano Letters2016Xiao, Min
Demonstration of a chip-based nonlinear optical isolatorNature Communications2016Xiao, Min
Survival of the orbital angular momentum of light through an extraordinary optical transmission process in the paraxial approximationOptics Express2016Xiao, Min
Control of atomic spin squeezing via quantum coherenceA Physical Review2016Xiao, Min
Fractional nonparaxial accelerating Talbot effectOptics Letters2016Xiao, Min
Coherent optical phonon oscillation and possible electronic softening in WTe2 crystalsScientific Reports2016Xiao, Min
Great enhancement in the excitonic recombination and light extraction of highly ordered InGaN/GaN elliptic nanorod arrays on a wafer scaleNanotechnology2016Xiao, Min
PT symmetry in a fractional Schrodinger equationLaser & Photonics Reviews2016Xiao, Min
Discrete differential geometry and the properties of conformal two-dimensional materialsSynthetic Metals2015Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Systematic pseudopotentials from reference eigenvalue sets for DFT calculationsComputational Materials Science2015Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Preserving the 7x7 surface reconstruction of clean Si(111) by graphene adsorptionApplied Physics Letters2015Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Intrinsic Defects, Fluctuations of the Local Shape, and the Photo-Oxidation of Black PhosphorusACS Central Science2015Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Anomalous charge and negative-charge-transfer insulating state in cuprate chain compound KCuO 2Physical Review B2015Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Strain-tunable topological quantum phase transition in buckled honeycomb latticesApplied Physics Letters2015Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Strain and the optoelectronic properties of nonplanar phosphorene monolayersProceedings of the National Academy of Science2015Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Simulated scanning tunneling microscopy images of few-layer phosphorus capped by graphene and hexagonal boron nitride monolayersPhysical Review B2015Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Systematic pseudopotentials from reference eigenvalue sets for DFT calculations: Pseudopotential filesData in Brief2015Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Prediction of a stable post-post-perovskite structure from first principlesPhysical Review B2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Electronic properties of electrical vortices in ferroelectric nanocomposites from large-scale ab-initio computationsNano Letters2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Strain effects on multiferroic BiFeO3 filmsComptes Rendus Physique2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Predicting a Ferrimagnetic phase of Zn2FeOsO6 with Strong Magnetoelectric CouplingPhysical Review Letters2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Discovery of stable skyrmionic state in ferroelectric nanocompositesNature Communications2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Relativistic interaction Hamiltonian coupling the angular momentum of light and the electron spinPhysical Review B2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Finite-temperature properties of the relaxor PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 from atomistic simulationsPhysical Review B2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Predicted energetics and properties of rare-earth ferrites films grown on cubic (111)- and hexagonal (0001)-oriented substratesJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Influence of epitaxial strain on elastocaloric effect in ferroelectric thin filmsApplied Physics Letters2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Exploiting interfacial and size effects to construct oxide superlattices with robust and tunable magnetoelectric properties at room temperaturePhysical Review B2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Dynamical magnetoelectric effects associated with ferroelectric domain wallsPhysical Review B2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Nanodomains and nanometer-scale disorder in multiferroic bismuth ferrite single crystalsActa Materialia2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Driving spin excitations by hydrostatic pressure in BiFeO3Physical Review Letters2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Large Elasto-Optic Effect in Epitaxial PbTiO3 FilmsPhysical Review Letters2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Predicted pressure-induced spin and electronic transition in double perovskite R2CoMnO 6 ( R = rare-earth ion)Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Hybrid Improper Ferroelectricity in Multiferroic Superlattices: Finite-Temperature Properties and Electric-Field-Driven Switching of Polarization and MagnetizationAdvanced Functional Materials2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Giant Negative Electrocaloric Effect in Antiferroelectric La-Doped Pb(ZrTi)O3 Thin Films Near Room TemperatureAdvanced Materials2015Bellaiche, Laurent
First-principles-based effective Hamiltonian simulations of bulks and films made of lead-free Ba(Zr,Ti)O3 relaxor ferroelectricsJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Magnetoelectric effects via pentalinear interactionsPhysical Review B2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Tuning and optimizing properties of ferroelectric films grown on a single substrate: a first-principles-based studyPhysical Review B2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Systematic pseudopotentials from reference eigenvalue sets for DFT calculationsComputational Materials Science2015Bellaiche, Laurent
Epitaxial growth of (1 1 1)-oriented spinel CoCr 2O 4/Al 2O 3 heterostructuresApplied Physics Letters2015Chakhalian, Jacques
Anomalous charge and negative-charge-transfer insulating state in cuprate chain compound KCuO2Physical Review B2015Chakhalian, Jacques
Charge order and antiferromagnetism in epitaxial ultrathin films of EuNiO3Physical Review B2015Chakhalian, Jacques
Metallic interface in non-SrTiO3 based titanate superlatticeApplied Physics Letters2015Chakhalian, Jacques
Novel Electronic Behavior Driving NdNiO3 Metal-Insulator TransitionPhysical Review Letters2015Chakhalian, Jacques
Self-limited kinetics of electron doping in correlated oxidesApplied Physics Letters2015Chakhalian, Jacques
Ultrafast spectroscopy of quasiparticle dynamics in cuprate superconductorsJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials2015Chakhalian, Jacques
Magnetism and electronic structure of YTiO 3 thin filmsApplied Physics Letters2015Chakhalian, Jacques
Electronic Transport of Encapsulated Graphene and WSe2 Devices Fabricated by Pick-up of Prepatterned hBNNANO LETTERS2015Churchill, Hugh
Mode sequence, frequency change of nonsoft phonons, and LO-TO splitting in strained tetragonal BaTiO3Physical Review B2015Fu, Huaxiang
Multimode analysis of a conditional phase gate based on second-order nonlinearityPhysical Review A2015Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Wavefunction exchange and entanglement in one-dimensional collisionsAmerican Journal of Physics2015Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Quantum revivals of Morse oscillators and Farey-Ford geometryChemical Physics Letters2015Harter, William G.
Letter: A last word on quantum DarwinismPhysics Today2015Hobson, Arthur S.
Letter: Entangling massively large objectsPhysics World2015Hobson, Arthur S.
Reviewing EinsteinScience2015Kennefick, Daniel
A Fundamental Plane of Spiral Structure in Disk GalaxiesAstrophysical Journal Letters2015Kennefick, Daniel
A Fundamental Plane of Spiral Structure in Disk GalaxiesAstrophysical Journal Letters2015Kennefick, Julia
Graphene ripples as a realization of a two-dimensional Ising model: A scanning tunneling microscope studyPhysical Review B2015Kumar, Pradeep
Absolute Dimensions of the Metallic-line Eclipsing Binary V501 MonocerotisAstronomical Journal2015Lacy, Claud H.
Precise mass and radius measurements for the components of the bright solar-type eclipsing binary star V1094 TauriAstronomy & Astrophysics2015Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing Binary Star Im PerseiAstronomical Journal2015Lacy, Claud H.
ALMA Deep Field in SSA22: A Concentration of Dusty Starbursts in a z=3.09 Protocluster CoreAstrophysical Journal Letter2015Lehmer, Bret
Hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning inhibits skin flap apoptosis in a rat ischemia-reperfusion modelJOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH2015Li, Jiali
Hydrogen-rich saline attenuates skin ischemia/reperfusion induced apoptosis via regulating Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and ASK-1/JNK pathwayJOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY2015Li, Jiali
Chlorpyrifos Induces the Expression of the Epstein-Barr Virus Lytic Cycle Activator BZLF-1 via Reactive Oxygen SpeciesOXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY2015Li, Jiali
DNA motion induced by electrokinetic flow near an Au coated nanopore surface as voltage controlled gateNanotechnology2015Li, Jiali
Dielectrophoretic stretching of DNA tethered to a fiber tipNanotechnology2015Li, Jiali
The effects of geometry and stability of solid-state nanopores on detecting single DNA moleculesNanotechnology2015Li, Jiali
Discovery of stable skyrmionic state in ferroelectric nanocompositesNature Communications2015Nahas, Yousra
Discovery of stable skyrmionic state in ferroelectric nanocompositesNature Communications2015Prokhorenko, Sergei
Energy Demand Analysis of Photovoltaic Device - Material and Nanomanufacturing Process DiscoveryProcedia Manufacturing2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Nanoscale Electrostructural Characterization of Compositionally Graded AlxGa1–xN Heterostructures on GaN/Sapphire (0001) SubstrateACS applied materials & interfaces2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Quantum Beats in Hybrid Metal–Semiconductor NanostructuresACS Photonics2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Carrier transfer in vertically stacked quantum ring-quantum dot chainsJournal of Applied Physics2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Electronic Coupling in Nanoscale InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Pairs Separated by a Thin Ga(Al)As SpacerNanoscale Research Letters2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Mechanism of periodic height variations along self-aligned VLS-grown planar nanostructuresNanoscale2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Generation-recombination processes in InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with one-dimensional nanostructuresProceedings of the SPIE2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Diamagnetic and paramagnetic shifts in self-assembled InAs lateral quantum dot moleculesPhysical Review B2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Long-Wavelength InAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Light Emitting Sources Monolithically Grown on Si SubstratePhotonics2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Optimisation of the dislocation filter layers in 1.3-μm InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers monolithically grown on Si substratesIET Optoelectronics2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Two-photon, three-photon, and four-photon excellent near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence of Tm3+ ion activator emerged in Tm3+:YNbO4 powder phosphor one material simultaneouslyPhysica B2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Coexistence of type-I and type-II band alignments in In0.46Al0.54As/Ga0.46Al0.54As self-assembled quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Sensitized intense near-infrared downconversion quantum cutting three-photon luminescence phenomena of the Tm3+ ion activator in Tm3+ Bi3+:YNbO4 powder phosphorOptics Express2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Optimisation of the dislocation filter layers in 1.3-mum InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers monolithically grown on Si substratesIET Optoelectronics2015Salamo, Gregory J.
Maximizing Sensory Dynamic Range by Tuning the Cortical State to CriticalityPLOS Computational Biology2015Shew, Woodrow
Adaptation to sensory input tunes visual cortex to criticalityNature Physics2015Shew, Woodrow
Cascades and Cognitive State: Focused Attention Incurs Subcritical DynamicsJournal of Neuroscience2015Shew, Woodrow
Polarization properties of the Airy beamOptics Letters2015Singh, Surendra P.
Relativistic interaction Hamiltonian coupling the angular momentum of light and the electron spinPhysical Review B2015Singh, Surendra P.
Graphene ripples as a realization of a two-dimensional Ising model: A scanning tunneling microscope studyPhysical Review B2015Thibado, Paul
Polarization properties of the Airy beamOptics Letters2015Vyas, Reeta
Enhancement of discord and entanglement with detuning for two coupled quantum dots in a driven cavityJournal of Modern Optics2015Vyas, Reeta
Competition between spontaneous parametric four-wave mixing and fluorescence in Pr3+:YSOLaser Physics Letters2015Xiao, Min
High-Q silica microdisk optical resonators with large wedge angles on a silicon chipPhotonics Research2015Xiao, Min
Demonstration of ultralow-threshold 2 micrometer microlasers on chipScience China - Physics Mechanics & Astronomy2015Xiao, Min
Quantum noise effects with Kerr-nonlinearity enhancement in coupled gain-loss waveguidesPhysical Review A2015Xiao, Min
Radiation-pressure-driven mechanical oscillations in silica microdisk resonators on chipScience China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy2015Xiao, Min
Multi-dressing time delayed fourth- and sixth-order fluorescence processes in Pr3+:YSORCS Advances2015Xiao, Min
Defect-induced photoluminescence blinking of single epitaxial InGaAs quantum dotsScientific Reports2015Xiao, Min
Feedback-optimized extraordinary optical transmission of continuous-variable entangled statesPhysical Review B2015Xiao, Min
Continuous-variable entanglement measurement using an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometerOptics Letters2015Xiao, Min
Photonic Floquet topological insulators in atomic ensemblesLaser & Photonics Reviews2015Xiao, Min
Large Optical Nonlinearity Induced by Singlet Fission in Pentacene FilmsAngewandte Chemie International Edition2015Xiao, Min
Ultrafast spectroscopic study for singlet fissionActa Physica Sinica2015Xiao, Min
Lateral carrier confinement in InGaN quantum-well nanorodsAnnals of Physics2015Xiao, Min
Superior Optical Properties of Perovskite Nanocrystals as Single Photon EmittersACS Nano2015Xiao, Min
Dressed Gain from the Parametrically Amplified Four-Wave Mixing Process in an Atomic VaporScientific Reports2015Xiao, Min
Modeling of On-Chip Optical Nonreciprocity with an Active MicrocavityPhotonics2015Xiao, Min
Discrete Talbot effect in two-dimensional waveguide arraysOptics Express2015Xiao, Min
Cyclic permutation-time symmetric structure with coupled gain-loss microcavitiesPhysical Review A2015Xiao, Min
Charged two-exciton emission from a single semiconductor nanocrystalApplied Physics Letters2015Xiao, Min
Efficient perovskite/fullerene planar heterojunction solar cells with enhanced charge extraction and suppressed charge recombinationNanoscale2015Xiao, Min
Magnetic dipolar interaction between correlated triplets created by singlet fission in tetracene crystalsNature Communications2015Xiao, Min
Phase Modulation in Rydberg Dressed Multi-Wave Mixing processesScientific Reports2015Xiao, Min
Observation of discrete diffraction patterns in an optically induced latticeOptics Express2015Xiao, Min
Design of a superoscillatory lens for a polarized beamJournal of the Optical Society of America B2015Xiao, Min
Propagation Dynamics of a Light Beam in a Fractional Schrödinger EquationPhysical Review Letters2015Xiao, Min
Multiple copies of orbital angular momentum states through second-harmonic generation in a two-dimensional periodically poled LiTaO3 crystalApplied Physics Letters2015Xiao, Min
Hexahedron Prism-Anchored Octahedronal CeO2: Crystal Facet-Based Homojunction Promoting Efficient Solar Fuel SynthesisJournal of the American Chemical Society2015Xiao, Min
Electromagnetically Induced EntanglementScientific Reports2015Xiao, Min
Dual accelerating Airy–Talbot recurrence effectOptics Letters2015Xiao, Min
All-solid-state Z-scheme system arrays of Fe2V4O13/RGO/CdS for visible light-driving photocatalytic CO2 reduction into renewable hydrocarbon fuelChemical Communications2015Xiao, Min
Ultrafast spectroscopy of quasiparticle dynamics in cuprate superconductorsJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials2015Xiao, Min
Polarity compensation in ultra-thin films of complex oxides: The case of a perovskite nickelateScientific Reports2014Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Stability and properties of high-buckled two-dimensional tin and leadPhysical Review B2014Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Graphene's morphology and electronic properties from discrete differential geometryPhysical Review B2014Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Quantitative chemistry and the discrete geometry of conformal atom-thin crystalsACS nano2014Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Control of ferroelectricity and magnetism in multi-ferroic BiFeO3 by epitaxial strainPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Graphene Proximity Coupled to an Antiferromagnetic InsulatorPhysical Review Letters2014Bellaiche, Laurent
The stabilization of a single domain in free-standing ferroelectric nanocrystalsJournal of Physics - Condensed Matter2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Effects of a rotating electric field on the properties of epitaxial (001) Pb(Zr, Ti)O-3 ultrathin film: a first-principles-based studyJournal of Physics - Condensed Matter2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Terahertz dynamics of ferroelectric vortices from first principlesPhysical Review B2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Atomistic theory of hybrid improper ferroelectricity in perovskitesPhysical Review B2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Ultrafast Switching of the Electric Polarization and Magnetic Chirality in BiFeO3 by an Electric FieldPhysical Review Letters2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of hydrofluorinated carbon- and boron nitride-based nanofilms: A first-principles studyPhysical Review B2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Anomalous properties of antiferroelectric PbZrO3 under hydrostatic pressurePhysical Review B2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Strain engineering of perovskite thin films using a single substrateJournal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Prediction of novel interface-driven spintronic effectsJournal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Strain-induced control of domain wall morphology in ultrathin PbTiO 3 filmsPhysical Review B2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Fano resonance and dipolar relaxation in lead-free relaxorsNature Communications2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of GdTiO3 Mott insulator thin films grown by pulsed laser depositionApplied Physics Letters2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Revisiting galvanomagnetic effects in conducting ferromagnetsJournal of Physics - Condensed Matter2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Effects of chemical and hydrostatic pressures on structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of R 2NiMnO 6(R=rare-earth ion) double perovskitesPhysical Review B2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Creating multiferroics with large tunable electrical polarization from paraelectric rare-earth orthoferrites.Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Near room-temperature multiferroic materials with tunable ferromagnetic and electrical propertiesNature Communications2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Giant Room-Temperature Elastocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Ultrathin FilmsAdvanced Materials2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Anomalous properties of hexagonal rare-earth ferrites from first principlesPhysical Review B2014Bellaiche, Laurent
First-principles study of the multimode antiferroelectric transition in PbZrO3Physical Review B2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Finite-Temperature Properties of Rare-Earth-Substituted BiFeO3 Multiferroic Solid SolutionsAdvanced Functional Materials2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Prediction of a Novel Magnetoelectric Switching Mechanism in MultiferroicsPhysical Review Letters2014Bellaiche, Laurent
Colloquium: Emergent properties in plane view: Strong correlations at oxide interfacesReviews of Modern Physics2014Chakhalian, Jacques
Epitaxial stabilization of ultra thin films of electron doped manganitesApplied Physics Letters2014Chakhalian, Jacques
Thin film substrates from the Raman spectroscopy point of viewJournal of Raman Spectroscopy2014Chakhalian, Jacques
Electronic and magnetic properties of (1 1 1)-oriented CoCr2O4 epitaxial thin filmApplied Physics Letters2014Chakhalian, Jacques
Competition between heavy fermion and Kondo interaction in isoelectronic A-site-ordered perovskitesNature Communications2014Chakhalian, Jacques
Polarity compensation in ultra-thin films of complex oxides: The case of a perovskite nickelateScientific Reports2014Chakhalian, Jacques
TWO-DIMENSIONAL CRYSTALS Phosphorus joins the famillyNATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY2014Churchill, Hugh
Optoelectronic devices based on electrically tunable p-n diodes in a monolayer dichalcogenideNATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY2014Churchill, Hugh
g-tensor control in bent carbon nanotube quantum dotsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2014Churchill, Hugh
Various evidences for the unusual polarization behaviors in epitaxially strained (111) BaTiO3Journal of Applied Physics2014Fu, Huaxiang
Structural and electronic properties of LaO δ-doped SrTiO3 caused by biaxial strainJournal of Applied Physics2014Fu, Huaxiang
Physical constraint and its consequence for hyperferroelectricsJournal of Applied Physics2014Fu, Huaxiang
Conditional phase gate using an optomechanical resonatorPhysical Review A2014Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Oscillator tunneling dynamics in the Rabi modelPhysical Review B2014Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Spectral Analysis of Two Coupled Diatomic Rotor MoleculesInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2014Harter, William G.
Constraining Dark Matter Halo Profiles and Galaxy Formation Models using Spiral Arm Morphology. II. Dark and Stellar Mass Concentrations for 13 Nearby Face-On GalaxiesAstrophysical Journal2014Kennefick, Daniel
The Black Hole Mass Function Derived from Local Spiral GalaxiesAstrophysical Journal2014Kennefick, Daniel
Superradiance-tidal friction correspondencePhysical Review D2014Kennefick, Daniel
The Black Hole Mass Function Derived from Local Spiral GalaxiesAstrophysical Journal2014Kennefick, Julia
Using First Passage Statistics to Extract Environmentally Dependent Amino Acid CorrelationsPLOS ONE2014Kumar, Pradeep
The Black Hole Mass Function Derived from Local Spiral GalaxiesAstrophysical Journal2014Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing Binary Star AP AndromedaeAstronomical Journal2014Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of the Triple Star HP AurigaeAstronomical Journal2014Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing Binary System Aq Serpentis: A Stringent Test of Convective Core Overshooting in Stellar Evolution ModelsAstronomical Journal2014Lacy, Claud H.
Characterization of Protein Unfolding with Solid-state NanoporesProtein and Peptide Letters2014Li, Jiali
Oral intake of hydrogen-rich water ameliorated chlorpyrifos-induced neurotoxicity in ratsTOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY2014Li, Jiali
Interplay between pressure and local symmetry in (Pb1-3/2xLax)(Zr60Ti40)O-3: Emergence of a relaxor statePHYSICAL REVIEW B2014Nahas, Yousra
Finite-temperature properties of (BiFeO3)(x)(BaTiO3)(1-x) solid solutionsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2014Nahas, Yousra
Interplay between pressure and local symmetry in (Pb1-3/2xLax)(Zr60Ti40)O-3: Emergence of a relaxor statePHYSICAL REVIEW B2014Prokhorenko, Sergei
Finite-temperature properties of (BiFeO3)(x)(BaTiO3)(1-x) solid solutionsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2014Prokhorenko, Sergei
Ferroelectric-ferromagnetic multilayers: A magnetoelectric heterostructure with high output charge signalJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS2014Prokhorenko,Sergei
Structural and magnetic confinement of holes in the spin-polarized emission of coupled quantum ring-quantum dot chainsPhysical Review B2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Measuring the depth profiles of strain/composition in AlGaN-graded layer by high-resolution x-ray diffractionJournal of Applied Physics2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Voltage recovery in charged InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cellsNano Energy2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Rapid thermal annealing effect on GaAsBi/GaAs single quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Vacuum Sience & Technology B2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Effects of AlGaAs cladding layers on the luminescence of GaAs/GaAs1-xBix/GaAs heterostructuresNanotechnology2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Giant Up-Conversion Efficiency of InGaAs Quantum Dots in a Planar MicrocavityScientific Reports2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-Assembly of Multiple Stacked Nanorings by Vertically Correlated Droplet EpitaxyAdvanced Functional Materials2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Low temperature magneto-photoluminescence of GaAsBi/GaAs quantum well heterostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Temperature driven three-dimensional ordering of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot superlattices grown under As_2 gas fluxApplied Surface Science2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Mechanism of strain-influenced quantum well thickness reduction in GaN/AlN short-period superlatticesNanotechnology2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Origin of nanohole formation by etching based on droplet epitaxyNanoscale2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Raman scattering reveals strong LO-phonon-hole-plasmon coupling in nominally undoped GaAsBi: optical determination of carrier concentrationOptics Express2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Band filling effects on temperature performance of intermediate band quantum wire solar cellsJournal of Applied Physics2014Salamo, Gregory J.
InAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Superluminescent Light-Emitting Diode Monolithically Grown on a Si SubstrateACS Photonics2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Excitation intensity dependence of lateral photocurrent in InGaAs/GaAs dot-chain structuresPhysics Letters A2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Deep level centers and their role in photoconductivity transients of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot chainsJournal of Applied Physics2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Tensile GaAs(111) quantum dashes with tunable luminescence below the bulk bandgapApplied Physics Letters2014Salamo, Gregory J.
1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs quantum-dot laser monolithically grown on Si substrates operating over 100 degrees CElectronics Letters2014Salamo, Gregory J.
1.3-mu m InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers monolithically grown on Si substrates using InAlAs/GaAs dislocation filter layersOptics Express2014Salamo, Gregory J.
Inhibition causes ceaseless dynamics in networks of excitable nodesPhysical Review Letters2014Shew, Woodrow
Voltage Imaging of Waking Mouse Cortex Reveals Emergence of Critical Neuronal DynamicsJournal of Neuroscience2014Shew, Woodrow
Revisiting galvanomagnetic effects in conducting ferromagnetsJournal of Physics - Condensed Matter2014Singh, Surendra P.
Diffraction of orbital angular momentum carrying optical beams by a circular apertureOptics Letters2014Singh, Surendra P.
Stability of Nano Encapsulated Rice Bran Derived Bioactive Pentapeptide in Apple JuiceJournal of Food Processing & Technology2014Singh, Surendra P.
Thermal mirror buckling in freestanding graphene locally controlled by scanning tunnelling microscopyNature Communications2014Thibado, Paul
Self-Organized Platinum Nanoparticles on Freestanding GrapheneACS Nano2014Thibado, Paul
Membrane amplitude and triaxial stress in twisted bilayer graphene deciphered using first-principles directed elasticity theory and scanning tunneling microscopyPhysical Review B2014Thibado, Paul
Multilayer graphene, Moiré patterns, grain boundaries and defects identified by scanning tunneling microscopy on the m-plane, non-polar surface of SiCCarbon2014Thibado, Paul
Unusual ultra-low-frequency fluctuations in freestanding grapheneNature Communications2014Thibado, Paul
Maxwell-Gaussian beams with cylindrical polarizationJournal of the Optical Society of America A2014Vyas, Reeta
Diffraction of orbital angular momentum carrying optical beams by a circular apertureOptics Letters2014Vyas, Reeta
Two-photon dynamics in coherent Rydberg atomic ensemblePhysical Review Letters2014Xiao, Min
All-optically controlled fourth- and sixth-order fluorescence processes of Pr3+:YSOApplied Physics Letters2014Xiao, Min
Mo-O bond doping and related-defect assisted enhancement of photoluminescence in monolayer MoS2AIP Advances2014Xiao, Min
Strong coupling of an optomechanical system to an anomalously dispersive atomic mediumLaser Physics Letters2014Xiao, Min
Nonlinear Density Dependence of Singlet Fission Rate in Tetracene FilmsJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters2014Xiao, Min
Polarization-dependent exciton dynamics in tetracene single crystalsJournal of Chemical Physics2014Xiao, Min
Diffraction Interference Induced Superfocusing in Nonlinear Talbot EffectScientific Reports2014Xiao, Min
Polarization dressed multi-order fluorescence of Pr3+:Y2SiO5Physical chemistry chemical physics2014Xiao, Min
Seeded spontaneous parametric four-wave mixing and fluorescence of Pr 3+:YSOLaser Physics Letters2014Xiao, Min
Reducing the efficiency droop by lateral carrier confinement in InGaN/GaN quantum-well nanorodsOptics Express2014Xiao, Min
Generation of multipartite continuous-variable entanglement via atomic spin wave: Heisenberg-Langevin approachOptics Express2014Xiao, Min
Parity–time symmetry and variable optical isolation in active–passive-coupled microresonatorsNature Photonics2014Xiao, Min
Single-Crystalline, Ultrathin ZnGa2O4 Nanosheet Scaffolds To Promote Photocatalytic Activity in CO2 Reduction into MethaneACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2014Xiao, Min
Superposed second-harmonic Talbot self-image from a PPLT crystalLaser Physics Letters2014Xiao, Min
Mott behavior in K xFe2-ySe 2 superconductors studied by pump-probe spectroscopyPhysical Review B2014Xiao, Min
Parametrically Amplified Bright-state Polariton of Four- and Six-wave Mixing in an Optical Ring CavityScientific Reports2014Xiao, Min
Blockaded six- and eight-wave mixing processes tailored by electromagnetically induced transparency scissorsLaser Physics2014Xiao, Min
Coupled atomic coherences induced by a standing waveOptics Communication2014Xiao, Min
Energy Transfer from a Single Semiconductor Nanocrystal to Dye MoleculesACS Nano2014Xiao, Min
Giant Up-Conversion Efficiency of InGaAs Quantum Dots in a Planar MicrocavityScientific Reports2014Xiao, Min
Coherent electron transport through freestanding graphene junctions with metal contacts: a materials approachJournal of Computational Electronics2013Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Strain-engineering of graphene's electronic structure beyond continuum elasticitySolid State Communications2013Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Strain gauge fields for rippled graphene membranes under central mechanical load: An approach beyond first-order continuum elasticityPhysical Review B2013Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Crafting the magnonic and spintronic response of BiFeO3 films by epitaxial strainNature Materials2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of Epitaxial Films Made of Relaxor FerroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Effect of central mode on the dielectric tunability of ferroelectrics near room temperature: a first-principle-based studyJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Novel Nanoscale Twinned Phases in Perovskite OxidesAdvanced Functional Materials2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Elastic excitations in BaTiO3 single crystals and ceramics: Mobile domain boundaries and polar nanoregions observed by resonant ultrasonic spectroscopyPhysical Review B2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Predicted Coupling of the Electromagnetic Angular Momentum Density with Magnetic MomentsPhysical Review Letters2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferroelectric Domains in Multiferroic BiFeO3 Films under Epitaxial StrainsPhysical Review Letters2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Full field electron spectromicroscopy applied to ferroelectric materialsJournal of Applied Physics2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Natural optical activity and its control by electric field in electrotoroidic systemsPhysical Review B2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Spin switching and magnetization reversal in single-crystal NdFeO3Physical Review B2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Field-Induced Percolation of Polar Nanoregions in Relaxor FerroelectricsPhysical Review Letters2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Emergence of central mode in the paraelectric phase of ferroelectric perovskitesMRS Communications2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Magnetoelectric signature in the magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic multiferroics: Atomistic simulations and phenomenologyPhysical Review B2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Universal collaborative couplings between oxygen-octahedral rotations and antiferroelectric distortions in perovskitesPhysical Review B2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Terahertz Dielectric Response and Coupled Dynamics of Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics from Effective Hamiltonian SimulationsInternational Journal of Modern Physics B2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Effect of chemical pressure, misfit strain and hydrostatic pressure on structural and magnetic behaviors of rare-earth orthochromatesJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Multidomains made of different structural phases in multiferroic BiFeO3: A first-principles-based studyPhysical Review B2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Coupling of the angular momentum density with magnetic moments explains the intrinsic anomalous Hall effectPhysical Review B2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Effect of Chemical and Hydrostatic Pressures on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Rare-earth Orthoferrites: a First-principles StudyJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter2013Bellaiche, Laurent
Zhang-Rice physics and anomalous copper states in A-site ordered perovskitesScientific Reports2013Chakhalian, Jacques
Cross-Sectional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Applied to Complex Oxide InterfacesAdvanced Functional Materials2013Chakhalian, Jacques
Strain-Controlled Epitaxial Stabilization in Ultrathin LaNiO3 Films Grown by Pulsed Laser DepositionCrystal Growth & Design2013Chakhalian, Jacques
Visualizing short-range charge transfer at the interfaces between ferromagnetic and superconducting oxidesNature Communications2013Chakhalian, Jacques
Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopic signatures of superconducting and pseudogap phases in YBa2Cu3O7-delta filmsJournal of Applied Physics2013Chakhalian, Jacques
Connecting bulk symmetry and orbital polarization in strained RNiO3 ultrathin filmsPhysical Review B2013Chakhalian, Jacques
Heterointerface engineered electronic and magnetic phases of NdNiO3 thin filmsNature Communications2013Chakhalian, Jacques
Epitaxial stabilization of ultra-thin films of EuNiO3Journal of Physics D2013Chakhalian, Jacques
Strain-modulated Mott transition in EuNiO3 ultrathin filmsPhysical Review B2013Chakhalian, Jacques
Metallic conductance at the interface of tri-color titanate superlatticesApplied Physics Letters2013Chakhalian, Jacques
Intrinsic Electronic Transport Properties of High-Quality Monolayer and Bilayer MoS2NANO LETTERS2013Churchill, Hugh
Superconductor-nanowire devices from tunneling to the multichannel regime: Zero-bias oscillations and magnetoconductance crossoverPHYSICAL REVIEW B2013Churchill, Hugh
Predicted Coupling of the Electromagnetic Angular Momentum Density with Magnetic MomentsPhysical Review Letters2013Fu, Huaxiang
Collective Dipole Behavior and Unusual Morphotropic Phase Boundary in Ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O-3 NanowiresNano Letters2013Fu, Huaxiang
Interesting properties of ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O-3 nanotube array embedded in matrix mediumJournal of Applied Physics2013Fu, Huaxiang
Tunability of giant Rashba spin splitting in BiTeIPhysical Review B2013Fu, Huaxiang
Space-time descriptions of quantum fields interacting with optical cavitiesPhysical Review A2013Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Photon subtraction and addition by a three-level atom in an optical cavityPhysical Review A2013Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Frame Transformation Relations and Symmetry Analysis of Fluxional Symmetric Rotor DimersSymmetry - Basel2013Harter, William G.
Molecular Eigensolution Symmetry Analysis and Fine StructureInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2013Harter, William G.
Two-photon interferometry and quantum state collapsePhysical Review A2013Hobson, Arthur S.
There are no particles, there are only fieldsAmerican Journal of Physics2013Hobson, Arthur S.
Further Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole Mass - Pitch Angle RelationAstrophysical Journal2013Kennefick, Daniel
Identification of Outflows and Candidate Dual Active Galactic Nuclei in SDSS Quasars at z=0.8-1.6Astrophysical Journal2013Kennefick, Daniel
Do floating orbits in extreme mass ratio binary black holes exist?Physical Review D2013Kennefick, Daniel
Further Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole Mass - Pitch Angle RelationAstrophysical Journal2013Kennefick, Julia
Identification of Outflows and Candidate Dual Active Galactic Nuclei in SDSS Quasars at z=0.8-1.6Astrophysical Journal2013Kennefick, Julia
Further Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole Mass - Pitch Angle RelationAstrophysical Journal2013Lacy, Claud H.
Identification of Outflows and Candidate Dual Active Galactic Nuclei in SDSS Quasars at z=0.8-1.6Astrophysical Journal2013Lacy, Claud H.
Corrigendum: The distribution of DNA translocation times in solid-state nanoporesJournal of Physics - Condensed Matter2013Li, Jiali
Threading Immobilized DNA Molecules through a Solid-State Nanopore at > 100 mu s per Base RateACS Nano2013Li, Jiali
Kenneth Wilson footnote: Stories of a great competitorPhysics Today2013Lieber, Michael
Local symmetry approach to relaxor ferroelectricsEPL2013Nahas, Yousra
Revitalizing an undergraduate physics program: A case study of the University of ArkansasAmerican Journal of Physics2013Oliver III, William F.
Dynamic configurational resonances caused by optical nonlinearities in ultra-fast near-field microscopyJournal of Optics2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Tuning Quantum Dot Luminescence Below the Bulk Band Gap Using Tensile StrainACS Nano2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Effects of rapid thermal annealing on the optical properties of strain-free quantum ring solar cellsNanoscale Research Letters2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Effect of tunneling transfer on thermal redistribution of carriers in hybrid dot-well nanostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Effects of spatial confinement and layer disorder in photoluminescence of GaAs1-xBix/GaAs heterostructuresJournal of Physics D2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Strong passivation effects on the properties of an InAs surface quantum dot hybrid structureNanotechnology2013Salamo, Gregory J.
A model for the hysteresis observed in gating of lysenin channelsBiophysical Chemistry2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Depth profiling of strain and carrier concentration by cleaved surface scanning of GaN Gunn-diode: confocal Raman microscopySemiconductor Science and Technology2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Multiphoton near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence phenomena of Tm3+ ion in (Y1-xTmx)(3)Al5O12 powder phosphorOptics Express2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Step Bunching Formation on GaAs(001) Introduced by Surface ReconstructionJournal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Electron transport in quantum dot chains: Dimensionality effects and hopping conductanceJournal of Applied Physics2013Salamo, Gregory J.
MBE grown GaAsBi/GaAs double quantum well separate confinement heterostructuresJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Multiphoton near-infrared quantum cutting luminescence of Yb3+ ion cooperative energy transferred from the oxyfluoride vitroceramics phosphor matrixOptics Letters2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Bismuth surfactant mediated growth of InAs quantum dots by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Materials Science - Materials in Electronics2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Effect of resonant tunneling on exciton dynamics in coupled dot-well nanostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Strong excitation intensity dependence of the photoluminescence line shape in GaAs1-xBix single quantum well samplesJournal of Applied Physics2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Site-controlled formation of InGaAs quantum nanostructures-Tailoring the dimensionality and the quantum confinementNano Research2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Coulomb interaction signatures in self-assembled lateral quantum dot moleculesPhysical Review B2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Erratum: “Polarization induced pn-junction without dopant in graded AlGaN coherently strained on GaN” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 122103 (2012)]Applied Physics Letters2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Molecular beam epitaxial growth of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 topological insulators on GaAs (111) substrates: a potential route to fabricate topological insulator p-n junctionAIP Advances2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Magnetic and Mossbauer studies of Mn 0.679-xZn 0.258Ti xFe 2.066O 4 spinel ferrites: effect of cation distributionIEEE Transactions on Magnetics2013Salamo, Gregory J.
Millisecond, Micron Precision Multi-Whisker DetectorPlos One2013Shew, Woodrow
The Functional Benefits of Criticality in the CortexThe Neuroscientist2013Shew, Woodrow
Polarization of orbital angular momentum carrying laser beamsJournal of the Optical Society of America A2013Singh, Surendra P.
Predicted Coupling of the Electromagnetic Angular Momentum Density with Magnetic MomentsPhysical Review Letters2013Singh, Surendra P.
Coupling of the angular momentum density with magnetic moments explains the intrinsic anomalous Hall effectPhysical Review B2013Singh, Surendra P.
The Leaf Electroscope: A Take-Home Project of Unexpected DepthPhysics Teacher2013Stewart, Gay
Revitalizing an undergraduate physics program: A case study of the University of ArkansasAmerican Journal of Physics2013Stewart, Gay
The Leaf Electroscope: A Take-Home Project of Unexpected DepthPhysics Teacher2013Stewart, John
Revitalizing an undergraduate physics program: A case study of the University of ArkansasAmerican Journal of Physics2013Stewart, John
Atomic-scale movement induced in nanoridges by scanning tunneling microscopy on epitaxial graphene grown on 4H-SiC(0001)Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures2013Thibado, Paul
Role of bias voltage and tunneling current in the perpendicular displacements of freestanding graphene via scanning tunneling microscopyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures2013Thibado, Paul
Graphene Manipulation on 4H-SiC(0001) Using Scanning Tunneling MicroscopyJapanese Journal of Applied Physics2013Thibado, Paul
Etch-stop method for reliably fabricating sharp yet mechanically stable scanning tunneling microscope tipsJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures2013Thibado, Paul
Competing scanning tunneling microscope tip-interlayer interactions for twisted multilayer graphene on the a-plane SiC surfaceSurface Science2013Thibado, Paul
Polarization of orbital angular momentum carrying laser beamsJournal of the Optical Society of America A2013Vyas, Reeta
Time evolution of entanglement and bistability of two coupled quantum dots in a driven cavityJournal of Modern Optics2013Vyas, Reeta
Rational and scalable fabrication of high-quality WO3/CdS core/shell nanowire arrays for photoanodes toward enhanced charge separation and transport under visible lightNanoscale2013Xiao, Min
Amplification of the intracavity dark-state field by a four-wave mixing processLaser Physics Letters2013Xiao, Min
Surface solitons of four-wave mixing in an electromagnetically induced latticeLaser Physics Letters2013Xiao, Min
Coherent control of dressed images of four-wave mixingFrontiers of Physics2013Xiao, Min
The Talbot effect: recent advances in classical optics, nonlinear optics, and quantum opticsAdvances in Optics and Photonics2013Xiao, Min
Quantum limits for cascaded optical parametric amplifiersPhysical Review A2013Xiao, Min
Enhanced Hot-Carrier Luminescence in Multilayer Reduced Graphene Oxide NanospheresScientific Reports2013Xiao, Min
Single-Particle Spectroscopic Measurements of Fluorescent Graphene Quantum DotsACS Nano2013Xiao, Min
Synchronous control of dual-channel all-optical multistate switchingOptics Letters2013Xiao, Min
Cubic-quintic condensate solitons in four-wave mixingPhysical Review A2013Xiao, Min
Quasi-phase-matched second-harmonic Talbot self-imaging in a 2D periodically-poled LiTaO3 crystalOptics Express2013Xiao, Min
Entangler via electromagnetically induced transparency with an atomic ensembleScientific Reports2013Xiao, Min
Spatial Domain Interactions between Ultraweak Optical BeamsPhysical Review Letters2013Xiao, Min
Towards quantum-enhanced precision measurements: Promise and challengesChinese Physics B2013Xiao, Min
PT-symmetric optical potentials in a coherent atomic mediumPhysical Review A2013Xiao, Min
Demonstration of an erbium-doped microsphere laser on a silicon chipLaser Physics Letters2013Xiao, Min
Defect recombination induced by density-activated carrier diffusion in nonpolar InGaN quantum wellsApplied Physics Letters2013Xiao, Min
Broadband Optical Non-linearity Induced by Charge-Transfer Excitons in Type-II CdSe/ZnTe NanocrystalsAdvanced Materials2013Xiao, Min
Implementation of bright two-color quadripartite continuous-variable entanglement by the quantum optical dimerJournal of the Optical Society of America B2013Xiao, Min
An In Situ Simultaneous Reduction-Hydrolysis Technique for Fabrication of TiO2-Graphene 2D Sandwich-Like Hybrid Nanosheets: Graphene-Promoted Selectivity of Photocatalytic-Driven Hydrogenation and Coupling of CO2 into Methane and EthaneAdvanced Functional Materials2013Xiao, Min
Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopic signatures of superconducting and pseudogap phases in YBa2Cu3O7-delta filmsJournal of Applied Physics2013Xiao, Min
Threading Immobilized DNA Molecules through a Solid-State Nanopore at > 100 mu s per Base RateACS Nano2013Xiao, Min
Charge Transport through Graphene Junctions with Wetting Metal LeadsNano Letters2012Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Atomic control of strain in freestanding graphenePhysical Review B2012Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
A pathway between Bernal and rhombohedral stacked graphene layers with scanning tunneling microscopyApplied Physics Letters2012Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Signatures of the semiconductor crystallographic orientation on the charge transport across non-epitaxial diodesApplied Physics Letters2012Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Strain dependence of polarization and piezoelectric response in epitaxial BiFeO3 thin filmsJournal of Physics-Condensed Matter2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Atomic control of strain in freestanding graphenePhysical Review B2012Bellaiche, Laurent
A pathway between Bernal and rhombohedral stacked graphene layers with scanning tunneling microscopyApplied Physics Letters2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Ab initio study of the factors affecting the ground state of rare-earth nickelatesPhysical Review B2012Bellaiche, Laurent
New scanning tunneling microscopy technique enables systematic study of the unique electronic transition from graphite to grapheneCarbon2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Enhanced electric conductivity at ferroelectric vortex cores in BiFeO3Nature Physics2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Giant direct magnetoelectric effect in strained multiferroic heterostructuresPhysical Review B2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Finite-Temperature Properties of Ba(Zr, Ti)O-3 Relaxors from First PrinciplesPhysical Review Letters2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Finite-temperature flexoelectricity in ferroelectric thin films from first principlesPhysical Review B2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Low-frequency coupled modes in disordered Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 solid solutions from first principlesPhysical Review B2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Electronic transition from graphite to graphene via controlled movement of the top layer with scanning tunneling microscopyPhysical Review B2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Atomistic Molecular Dynamic Simulations of MultiferroicsPhysical Review Letters2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Domain evolution in epitaxial (001) Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 ultrathin films under an electric field applied along the [111] directionPhysical Review B2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Magnetic Cycloid of BiFeO3 from Atomistic SimulationsPhysical Review Letters2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Novel complex phenomena in ferroelectric nanocompositesJournal of Physics-Condensed Matter2012Bellaiche, Laurent
A simple law governing coupled magnetic orders in perovskitesJournal of Physics-Condensed Matter2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Revisiting Properties of Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Thin Films under Tensile Strain from First PrinciplesPhysical Review Letters2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Thickness-Dependent Polarization of Strained BiFeO3 Films with Constant TetragonalityPhysical Review Letters2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Study of strain effect on in-plane polarization in epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films using planar electrodesPhysical Review B2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Study of strain effect on in-plane polarization in epitaxial BiFeO 3 thin films using planar electrodesPhysical Review B2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Epitaxial short-period PbTiO 3/BiFeO 3 superlattices studied by first-principles calculationsPhysical Review B2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Understanding and Revisiting Properties of EuTiO3 Bulk Material and Films from First PrinciplesPhysical Review Letters2012Bellaiche, Laurent
Quantum confinement of Mott electrons in ultrathin LaNiO3/LaAlO3 superlattices (re: vol 83, 161102, 2011)Physical Review B2012Chakhalian, Jacques
Whither the oxide interfaceNature Materials2012Chakhalian, Jacques
Field-effect diode based on electron-induced Mott transition in NdNiO3Applied Physics Letters2012Chakhalian, Jacques
Metal-Insulator Transition and Orbital Reconstruction in Mott-Type Quantum Wells Made of NdNiO3Physical Review Letters2012Chakhalian, Jacques
Strain-controlled band engineering and self-doping in ultrathin LaNiO3 filmsPhysical Review B2012Chakhalian, Jacques
Heterostructuring and strain effects on the infrared optical properties of nickelatesPhysical Review B2012Chakhalian, Jacques
Epitaxial growth of (111)-oriented LaAlO3/LaNiO3 ultra-thin superlatticesApplied Physics Letters2012Chakhalian, Jacques
Magnetic field dependence of Pauli spin blockade: A window into the sources of spin relaxation in silicon quantum dotsPHYSICAL REVIEW B2012Churchill, Hugh
Single-photon, cavity-mediated gates: Detuning, losses, and nonadiabatic effectsPhysical Review A2012Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Simple model to estimate the contribution of atmospheric CO2 to the Earth's greenhouse effectAmerican Journal of Physics2012Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Teaching Quantum NonlocalityPhysics Teacher2012Hobson, Arthur S.
And the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics Goes to ...The Accelerating Universe!Physics Teacher2012Hobson, Arthur S.
Measured responses to quantum BayesianismPhysics Today2012Hobson, Arthur S.
On the link between central black holes, bar dynamics and dark matter haloes in spiral galaxiesMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2012Kennefick, Daniel
Measurement of Galactic Logarithmic Spiral Arm Pitch Angle using Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform DecompositionAstrophysical Journal Supplement Series2012Kennefick, Daniel
On the link between central black holes, bar dynamics and dark matter haloes in spiral galaxiesMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2012Kennefick, Julia
Measurement of Galactic Logarithmic Spiral Arm Pitch Angle using Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform DecompositionAstrophysical Journal Supplement Series2012Kennefick, Julia
On the link between central black holes, bar dynamics and dark matter haloes in spiral galaxiesMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2012Lacy, Claud H.
Measurement of Galactic Logarithmic Spiral Arm Pitch Angle using Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform DecompositionAstrophysical Journal Supplement Series2012Lacy, Claud H.
KIC 1571511B: a benchmark low-mass star in an eclipsing binary system in the Kepler fieldMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2012Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of the Triple Star Cf TauriAstronomical Journal2012Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing Binary Star V335 SerpentisAstronomical Journal2012Lacy, Claud H.
IRTF observations of S complex and other asteroids: Implications for surface compositions, the presence of clinopyroxenes, and their relationship to meteoritesMeteoritics & Planetary Science2012Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing Binary Star Bf DraconisAstronomical Journal2012Lacy, Claud H.
New Times of Minima of Some Eclipsing VariablesInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars2012Lacy, Claud H.
Directly Observing the Motion of DNA Molecules near Solid-State NanoporesACS Nano2012Li, Jiali
Developing Nanopores with Fluid Walls for Improved, Single-Molecule BiosensorsBiophysical journal2012Li, Jiali
Single-Particle Characterization of A beta Oligomers in SolutionACS Nano2012Li, Jiali
K plus , Na+, and Mg2+on DNA translocation in silicon nitride nanoporesElectrophoresis2012Li, Jiali
Probing Access Resistance of Solid-State Nanopores with a Scanning-Probe Microscope TipSmall2012Li, Jiali
Experiments and analysis of infrared quantum cutting luminescence phenomena of Ho3+/Yb3+ codoped nanophase oxyfluoride vitroceramicsOptics Communications2012Salamo, Gregory J.
InGaAs quantum wire intermediate band solar cellApplied Physics Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Strain-free ring-shaped nanostructures by droplet epitaxy for photovoltaic applicationApplied Physics Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Ordered quantum-ring chains grown on a quantum-dot superlattice templateJournal of Nanoparticle Research2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Formation of Ga droplets on patterned GaAs (100) by molecular beam epitaxyNanoscale Research Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Coexistence of type-I and type-II band alignments in antimony-incorporated InAsSb quantum dot nanostructuresApplied Physics Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Effect of dimensionality and morphology on polarized photoluminescence in quantum dot-chain structuresJournal of Applied Physics2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Enhancement of thermal conductivity of hydrogenated silicon film by microcrystalline structure growthJournal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Generation of exciton-polaritons in ZnO microcrystallines using second-harmonic generationNew Journal of Physics2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Ordered SrTiO3 Nanoripples Induced by Focused Ion BeamNano-Micro Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Sharp contrast of the density and size of Ga metal droplets on photolithographically patterned GaAs (100) by droplet epitaxy under an identical growth environmentPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Uniform Thickness and Colloidal-Stable CdS Quantum Disks with Tunable Thickness: Synthesis and PropertiesNano Research2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Polarization doping: Reservoir effects of the substrate in AlGaN graded layersJournal of Applied Physics2012Salamo, Gregory J.
State filling dependent luminescence in hybrid tunnel coupled dot-well structuresNanoscale2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Analysis of confinement potential fluctuation and band-gap renormalization effects on excitonic transition in GaAs/AlGaAs multiquantum wells grown on (100) and (311)A GaAs surfacesPhysica B-Condensed Matter2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Polarization induced pn-junction without dopant in graded AlGaN coherently strained on GaNApplied Physics Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Thermal etching process of microscale pits on the GaAs(001) surfacePhysica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Observation of Ga Metal Droplet Formation on Photolithographically Patterned GaAs (100) Surface by Droplet EpitaxyIEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology2012Salamo, Gregory J.
In-plane mapping of buried InGaAs quantum rings and hybridization effects on the electronic structureJournal of Applied Physics2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Novel Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Renewable-Resource Based Carbon-Magnetite NanocompositesJournal of Wood Chemistry and Technology2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Structural, morphological, and magnetic characterization of In1-xMnxAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Applied Physics2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Laterally aligned quantum rings: From one-dimensional chains to two-dimensional arraysApplied Physics Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Critical size of self-propelled motion of droplets on GaAs (100) surfaceJournal of Applied Physics2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Influence of Ga coverage on the sizes of GaAs quantum dash pairs grown by high temperature droplet epitaxyPhysica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoconductivity peculiarities in InGaAs quantum wire heterostructures: anisotropy and high photoresponsivity at room temperatureSemiconductor Science and Technology2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Substrate effects on the strain relaxation in GaN/AlN short-period superlatticesNanoscale Research Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-Assembled InGaAs Quantum Dot Clusters with Controlled Spatial and Spectral PropertiesNano Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaAsBi/GaAs/AlGaAs separate confinement heterostructuresApplied Physics Letters2012Salamo, Gregory J.
Maximal Variability of Phase Synchrony in Cortical Networks with Neuronal AvalanchesJournal of Neuroscience2012Shew, Woodrow
Cross-polarization of linearly polarized Hermite-Gauss laser beamsJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision2012Singh, Surendra P.
Effect of quadratic radial variation of phase on single slit diffraction of Laguerre-Gauss vortex beamsJournal of Modern Optics2012Singh, Surendra P.
Using cluster analysis to identify patterns in students' responses to contextually different conceptual problemsPhysical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research2012Stewart, Gay
Using time-on-task measurements to understand student performance in a physics class: A four-year studyPhysical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research2012Stewart, Gay
Using cluster analysis to identify patterns in students' responses to contextually different conceptual problemsPhysical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research2012Stewart, John
Using time-on-task measurements to understand student performance in a physics class: A four-year studyPhysical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research2012Stewart, John
Atomic control of strain in freestanding graphenePhysical Review B2012Thibado, Paul
A pathway between Bernal and rhombohedral stacked graphene layers with scanning tunneling microscopyApplied Physics Letters2012Thibado, Paul
New scanning tunneling microscopy technique enables systematic study of the unique electronic transition from graphite to grapheneCarbon2012Thibado, Paul
Electronic transition from graphite to graphene via controlled movement of the top layer with scanning tunneling microscopyPhysical Review B2012Thibado, Paul
Schottky barrier and attenuation length for hot hole injection in nonepitaxial Au on p-type GaAsJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2012Thibado, Paul
Electromechanical properties of freestanding graphene functionalized with tin oxide (SnO2) nanoparticlesApplied Physics Letters2012Thibado, Paul
Broad frequency and amplitude control of vibration in freestanding graphene via scanning tunneling microscopy with calculated dynamic pseudo-magnetic fieldsJournal of Applied Physics2012Thibado, Paul
High-percentage success method for preparing and pre-evaluating tungsten tips for atomic-resolution scanning tunneling microscopyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2012Thibado, Paul
Cross-polarization of linearly polarized Hermite-Gauss laser beamsJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision2012Vyas, Reeta
Effect of quadratic radial variation of phase on single slit diffraction of Laguerre-Gauss vortex beamsJournal of Modern Optics2012Vyas, Reeta
Indirect optical transitions in hybrid spheres with alternating layers of titania and graphene oxide nanosheetsOptics Express2012Xiao, Min
Fabrication and photoluminescence of SiC quantum dots stemming from 3C, 6H, and 4H polytypes of bulk SiCApplied Physics Letters2012Xiao, Min
Acousto-optic tunable second-harmonic Talbot effect based on periodically poled LiNbO3 crystalsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2012Xiao, Min
Realization of All-Optical Multistate Switching in an Atomic Coherent MediumPhysical Review Letters2012Xiao, Min
Microlaser based on a hybrid structure of a semiconductor nanowire and a silica microdisk cavityOptics Express2012Xiao, Min
Carrier multiplication in semiconductor nanocrystals detected by energy transfer to organic dye moleculesNature Communications2012Xiao, Min
Controllable optical analog to electromagnetically induced transparency in coupled high-Q microtoroid cavitiesOptics Express2012Xiao, Min
Time-resolved photoluminescence properties of CuInS2/ZnS nanocrystals: Influence of intrinsic defects and external impuritiesJournal of Applied Physics2012Xiao, Min
Measurement of two independent phase shifts using coupled parametric amplifiersNew Journal of Physics2012Xiao, Min
Noise correlations in a doubly-resonant atomic optical parametric oscillatorOptics Letters2012Xiao, Min
The Impact of Carrier Transport Confinement on the Energy Transfer Between InGaN/GaN Quantum-Well Nanorods and Colloidal NanocrystalsAdvanced Functional Materials2012Xiao, Min
Two-photon-pumped optical gain in dye-polymer composite materialsApplied Physics Letters2012Xiao, Min
Generation of multipartite continuous-variable entanglement via atomic spin wavePhysical Review a2012Xiao, Min
Effects of reduced exciton diffusion in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well nanorodsOptics Express2012Xiao, Min
A dye-free photoelectrochemical solar cell based on BiVO4 with a long lifetime of photogenerated carriersElectrochemistry Communications2012Xiao, Min
Four-wave-mixing between the upper excited states in a ladder-type atomic configurationOptics Express2012Xiao, Min
Fractional second-harmonic Talbot effectOptics Letters2012Xiao, Min
Frequency up-converted lasing in polymeric composites with two-photon absorbing antennaOptics Express2012Xiao, Min
Generation of correlated and anticorrelated multiple fields via atomic spin coherencePhysical Review a2012Xiao, Min
Generation of exciton-polaritons in ZnO microcrystallines using second-harmonic generationNew Journal of Physics2012Xiao, Min
Giant surface charge density of graphene resolved from scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles theoryPhysical Review B2011Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Effects of electrostatic fields and charge doping on the linear bands in twisted graphene bilayersPhysical Review B2011Barraza-Lopez, Salvador
Magnetoelectricity in BiFeO3 films: First-principles-based computations and phenomenologyPhysical Review B2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Fermi Resonance Involving Nonlinear Dynamical Couplings in Pb(Zr, Ti)O-3 Solid SolutionsPhysical Review Letters2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Multiferroic Phase Transition near Room Temperature in BiFeO3 FilmsPhysical Review Letters2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Geometric frustration in compositionally modulated ferroelectricsNature2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Coexistence of ferroelectric triclinic phases in highly strained BiFeO3 filmsPhysical Review B2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Dynamical coupling in Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 solid solutions from first principlesPhysical Review B2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Epitaxial Pb(Zr, Ti)O-3 Ultrathin Films under Open-Circuit Electrical Boundary ConditionsPhysical Review Letters2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Phase Transitions in Epitaxial (-110) BiFeO3 Films from First PrinciplesPhysical Review Letters2011Bellaiche, Laurent
BiFeO3 Films under Tensile Epitaxial Strain from First PrinciplesPhysical Review Letters2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Giant surface charge density of graphene resolved from scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles theoryPhysical Review B2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Domain structure and in-plane switching in a highly strained Bi0.9Sm0.1FeO3 filmApplied Physics Letters2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Shape-induced phase transition of domain patterns in ferroelectric plateletsPhysical Review B2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of epitaxial (110) BaTiO3 films from first principlesPhysical Review B2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Prediction of the Magnetotoroidic Effect from Atomistic SimulationsPhysical Review Letters2011Bellaiche, Laurent
Sub-monolayer nucleation and growth of complex oxides at high supersaturation and rapid flux modulationJournal of Applied Physics2011Chakhalian, Jacques
Optical probe of strong correlations in LaNiO3 thin filmsJournal of Applied Physics2011Chakhalian, Jacques
Optical study of strained ultrathin films of strongly correlated LaNiO(3)Physical Review B2011Chakhalian, Jacques
Orbital control in strained ultra-thin LaNiO3/LaAlO3 superlatticesEurophysics Letters2011Chakhalian, Jacques
Mott Physics near the Insulator-To-Metal Transition in NdNiO3Physical Review Letters2011Chakhalian, Jacques
Far-infrared and dc magnetotransport of CaMnO(3)-CaRuO(3) superlatticesPhysical Review B2011Chakhalian, Jacques
Strain-dependent transport properties of the ultra-thin correlated metal, LaNiO(3)New Journal of Physics2011Chakhalian, Jacques
Asymmetric Orbital-Lattice Interactions in Ultrathin Correlated Oxide FilmsPhysical Review Letters2011Chakhalian, Jacques
Interfacial electronic and magnetic properties of a Y0.6Pr0.4Ba2Cu3O7/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 superlatticePhysical Review B2011Chakhalian, Jacques
Quantum confinement of Mott electrons in ultrathin LaNiO(3)/LaAlO(3) superlatticesPhysical Review B2011Chakhalian, Jacques
Charged vacancies in ferroelectric PbTiO3: Formation energies, optimal Fermi region, and influence on local polarizationPhysical Review B2011Fu, Huaxiang
Understanding cavity resonances with intracavity dispersion propertiesPhysical Review A2011Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Comparative model study of two-photon deterministic passive quantum logical gatesPhysical Review A2011Gea-Banacloche, Julio
High-resolution spectroscopy and analysis of the nu(3)/2 nu(4) dyad of CF4Molecular Physics2011Harter, William G.
Teaching Elementary Particle Physics, Part IIPhysics Teacher2011Hobson, Arthur S.
Time-symmetric quantum mechanics questioned and defendedPhysics Today2011Hobson, Arthur S.
Writing for Non-scientists about PhysicsPhysics Teacher2011Hobson, Arthur S.
Teaching Quantum Uncertainty 1Physics Teacher2011Hobson, Arthur S.
Teaching Elementary Particle Physics: Part IPhysics Teacher2011Hobson, Arthur S.
Absolute properties of the eccentric eclipsing binary star FT OrionisAstronomical Journal2011Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing Binary Star Hy VirginisAstronomical Journal2011Lacy, Claud H.
Controlling protein translocation through nanopores with bio-inspired fluid wallsNature Nanotechnology2011Li, Jiali
Thomas-forbidden particle captureJournal of Mathematical Physics2011Lieber, Michael
Magnetic Nanoparticle Based Magnetophoresis for Efficient Separation of E. Coli O157:h7Transactions of the Asabe2011Oliver III, William F.
Low-Density Quantum Dot Molecules by Selective Etching Using in Droplet as a MaskIeee Transactions on Nanotechnology2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Near infrared broadband emission of In(0.35)Ga(0.65)As quantum dots on high index GaAs surfacesNanoscale2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Nanoscale Footprints of Self-Running Gallium Droplets on GaAs SurfacePlos One2011Salamo, Gregory J.
On the Secondary Droplets of Self-Running Gallium Droplets on GaAs SurfaceACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Origins of 1/f noise in nanostructure inclusion polymorphous silicon filmsNanoscale Research Letters2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Optical evidence of a quantum well channel in low temperature molecular beam epitaxy grown Ga(AsBi)/GaAs nanostructureNanotechnology2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Spectroscopic signatures of many-body interactions and delocalized states in self-assembled lateral quantum dot moleculesPhysical Review B2011Salamo, Gregory J.
InGaAs quantum dot molecules during selective etching using an In droplet mask RID B-4640-2010Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics2011Salamo, Gregory J.
In(Ga)As/GaAs(001) quantum dot molecules probed by nanofocus high resolution x-ray diffraction with 100 nm resolutionApplied Physics Letters2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Insight into optical properties of strain-free quantum dot pairsJournal of Nanoparticle Research2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Influence of template type and buffer strain on structural properties of GaN multilayer quantum wells grown by PAMBE, an x-ray studyJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Isotropic Hall effect and "freeze-in" of carriers in the InGaAs self-assembled quantum wiresJournal of Applied Physics2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Formation of GaAs Double Rings Through Gallium Migration and NanodrillingJournal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Bismuth nano-droplets for group-V based molecular-beam droplet epitaxyApplied Physics Letters2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Bi-stability, hysteresis, and memory of voltage-gated lysenin channelsBiochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Electronic states and light absorption in quantum dot moleculeApplied Physics Letters2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Effect of Interface Defect States on Photoelectric Properties of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs Heterostructures with Quantum DotsUkrainian Journal Physics2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Effect of structure variation on thermal conductivity of hydrogenated silicon filmApplied Surface Science2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Second harmonic generation in AlGaAs photonic wires using low power continuous wave lightOptics Express2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Photovoltaic devices based on high density boron-doped single-walled carbon nanotube/n-Si heterojunctions RID A-8507-2010Journal of Applied Physics2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Polarization induced doping in graded AlGaN filmsPhysica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 8, no 7-82011Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoluminescence plasmonic enhancement in InAs quantum dots coupled to gold nanoparticlesMaterials Letters2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Spectroscopic signature of strain-induced quantum dots created by buried InAs quantum dots in an InGaAs quantum wellJournal of Applied Physics2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Potential analytical applications of lysenin channels for detection of multivalent ionsAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Excited state coherent resonant electronic tunneling in quantum well-quantum dot hybrid structuresApplied Physics Letters2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Evolution of Self-Assembled InGaAs Tandem Nanostructures Consisting a Hole and Pyramid on Type-A High-Index GaAs Substrates by Droplet EpitaxyIeee Transactions on Nanotechnology2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Anisotropic Confinement, Electronic Coupling and Strain Induced Effects Detected by Valence-Band Anisotropy in Self-Assembled Quantum DotsNanoscale Research Letters2011Salamo, Gregory J.
In(x)Ga(1-x)As quantum wire network-like and ordered checker board-like nanostructures on GaAs (311) by low In composition multi-layer stackingPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Confocal Raman depth-profile analysis of the electrical and structural properties in III-nitride structuresPhysica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 8, no 7-82011Salamo, Gregory J.
Confocal Raman depth-scanning spectroscopic study of phonon-plasmon modes in GaN epilayersJournal of Applied Physics2011Salamo, Gregory J.
A comparison of the low frequency noise in InSb grown on GaAs and Si by MBEJournal of Crystal Growth2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Alignment and optical polarization of InGaAs quantum wires on GaAs high index surfacesMaterials Letters2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Carrier transfer in the optical recombination of quantum dotsPhysical Review B2011Salamo, Gregory J.
Enhancement of Antimicrobial Activities of Naturally Occurring Phenolic Compounds by Nanoscale Delivery Against Listeria Monocytogenes, Escherichia Coli O157:h7 and Salmonella Typhimurium in Broth and Chicken Meat SystemJournal of Food Safety2011Singh, Surendra P.
Controlling Mn depth profiles in GaMnAs during high-temperature molecular beam epitaxial growthJournal of Crystal Growth2011Thibado, Paul
Streamlined inexpensive integration of a growth facility and scanning tunneling microscope for in-situ characterizationJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2011Thibado, Paul
Giant surface charge density of graphene resolved from scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles theoryPhysical Review B2011Thibado, Paul
All-optical switching in an N-type four-level atom-cavity systemOptics Express2011Xiao, Min
Interference of three multiwave mixings via electromagnetically induced transparencyJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2011Xiao, Min
Electromagnetically induced absorption via incoherent collisionsPhysical Review a2011Xiao, Min
Interferometric control of parametrically amplified waveformsPhysical Review a2011Xiao, Min
Photon-assisted tunneling current in a double quantum dot excitonic systemApplied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing2011Xiao, Min
Simultaneous control of two four-wave-mixing fields via atomic spin coherencePhysical Review a2011Xiao, Min
Three-colour entanglement generated by an injection-seeded nondegenerate optical parametric oscillatorPhysics Letters A2011Xiao, Min
Three-field noise correlation via third-order nonlinear optical processesOptics Letters2011Xiao, Min
Modified self-Kerr-nonlinearity in a four-level N-type atomic systemPhysical Review a2011Xiao, Min
Observation of polarization-controlled spatial splitting of four-wave mixing in a three-level atomic systemApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics2011Xiao, Min
Theory of nonlinear Talbot effectJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2011Xiao, Min
Generation of bright quadricolor continuous-variable entanglement by four-wave-mixing processPhysical Review A2011Xiao, Min
Directly produced three-color entanglement by quasi-phase-matched third-harmonic generationOptics Express2011Xiao, Min
Observation of Autler-Townes splitting in six-wave mixingOptics Express2011Xiao, Min
Four-Wave Mixing Dipole Soliton in Laser-Induced Atomic GratingsPhysical Review Letters2011Xiao, Min
Measurement of ac-Stark shift by a two-photon dressing process via four-wave mixingEurophysics Letters2011Xiao, Min
Radiative power of a dipole in the proximity of a dielectric interface: a case study of a quantum-dot exciton transition dipoleSemiconductor Science and Technology2011Xiao, Min
Electromagnetically induced Talbot effectApplied Physics Letters2011Xiao, Min
Quantum interference of stored dual-channel spin-wave excitations in a single tripod systemPhysical Review A2011Xiao, Min
Understanding cavity resonances with intracavity dispersion propertiesPhysical Review A2011Xiao, Min
Size effects in multiferroic BiFeO3 nanodots: A first-principles-based studyPhysical Review B2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Dependence of Curie temperature on the thickness of an ultrathin ferroelectric filmPhysical Review B2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Diffuse phase transitions in ferroelectric ultrathin films from first principlesPhysical Review B2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Chiral Patterns of Tilting of Oxygen Octahedra in Zero-Dimensional Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics: A First Principle-Based StudyPhysical Review Letters2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Competing phases in BiFeO3 thin films under compressive epitaxial strainPhysical Review B2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Bridging Multiferroic Phase Transitions by Epitaxial Strain in BiFeO3Physical Review Letters2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Low-Symmetry Phases in Ferroelectric NanowiresNano Letters2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Low-symmetry phases and loss of relaxation in nanosized lead scandium niobatePhysical Review B2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferromagnetism in multiferroic BiFeO3 films: A first-principles-based studyPhysical Review B2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Kittel Law in BiFeO3 Ultrathin Films: A First-Principles-Based StudyPhysical Review Letters2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Lattice dynamics in Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3: study by THz and IR spectroscopy and ab initio simulationsPhase Transitions2010Bellaiche, Laurent
Charge transport and magnetization profile at the interface between the correlated metal CaRuO(3) and the antiferromagnetic insulator CaMnO(3) RID A-9199-2010Physical Review B2010Chakhalian, Jacques
Local electronic and magnetic studies of an artificial La(2)FeCrO(6) double perovskiteApplied Physics Letters2010Chakhalian, Jacques
Strain-mediated metal-insulator transition in epitaxial ultrathin films of NdNiO(3)Applied Physics Letters2010Chakhalian, Jacques
Effect of polar discontinuity on the growth of LaNiO(3)/LaAlO(3) superlatticesApplied Physics Letters2010Chakhalian, Jacques
Visualizing nanoscale electronic band alignment at the La(2/3)Ca(1/3)MnO(3)/ONb:SrTiO(3) interfacePhysical Review B2010Chakhalian, Jacques
Influence of rotational instability on the polarization structure of SrTiO(3)Physical Review B2010Fu, Huaxiang
Quantum Computers: A Status UpdateProceedings of the IEEE2010Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Impossibility of large phase shifts via the giant Kerr effect with single-photon wave packetsPhysical Review A2010Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Energy constraints for quantum logic via nonlinear optical processesOptics Communications2010Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing Triple Star Co Andromedae: Constraints on Convective Core OvershootingAstronomical Journal2010Lacy, Claud H.
An investigation of the presence and nature of phyllosilicates on the surfaces of C asteroids by an analysis of the continuum slopes in their near-infrared spectraMeteoritics & Planetary Science2010Lacy, Claud H.
Nanopore fabrication in amorphous Si: Viscous flow model and comparison to experimentJournal of Applied Physics2010Li, Jiali
The Distribution of dna Translocation Times in Solid-state NanoporesJournal of Physics: Condensed Matter2010Li, Jiali
Galileo, Kepler share IYA anniversaryPhysics Today2010Lieber, Michael
Elastic and magnetic effects on the infrared phonon spectra of MnF2PHYSICAL REVIEW B2010Nahas, Yousra
Elastic and magnetic effects on the infrared phonon spectra of MnF2PHYSICAL REVIEW B2010Nahas, Yousra
Carbon-covered magnetic nanomaterials and their application for the thermolysis of cancer cells RID C-4517-2011International Journal of Nanomedicine2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Band Alignment Tailoring of InAs(1-x)Sb(x)/GaAs Quantum Dots: Control of Type I to Type II Transition RID B-9049-2011Nano Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Atomic scale characterization of Mn doped InAs/GaAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Controlled Gating of Lysenin PoresBiophysical chemistry2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Controlled growth of Zn-polar ZnO film on MgAl(2)O(4) (111) substrate using MgO buffer layerJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Contrasting LH-HH subband splitting of strained quantum wells grown along [001] and [113] directionsPhysical Review B2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Evolution of Various Nanostructures and Preservation of Self-Assembled InAs Quantum Dots During GaAs CappingIeee Transactions on Nanotechnology2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Polymer functionalized n-type single wall carbon nanotube photovoltaic devices RID A-8507-2010Applied Physics Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Tunneling-barrier controlled excitation transfer in hybrid quantum dot-quantum well nanostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Various Quantum- and Nano-Structures by III-V Droplet Epitaxy on GaAs SubstratesNanoscale Research Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Strongly confined excitons in self-assembled InGaAs quantum dot clusters produced by a hybrid growth methodJournal of Applied Physics2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-assembled InGaAs tandem nanostructures consisting of a hole and pyramid on GaAs (311)A by droplet epitaxyPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Effects of AlGaAs energy barriers on InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cellsJournal of Applied Physics2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Neutral Excitons: Effects of Built-In Electric FieldsPhysical Review Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Cooperative Effects in the Photoluminescence of (In,Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Dot Chain StructuresNanoscale Research Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Aqueous-phase synthesis of monodisperse plasmonic gold nanocrystals using shortened single-walled carbon nanotubesChemical Communications2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Intersublevel Infrared Photodetector with Strain-Free GaAs Quantum Dot Pairs Grown by High-Temperature Droplet EpitaxyNano Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Improvement in the calculation of anti-Stokes energy transfer and experimental justification based on Er(0.01)Yb(x)Y(1-0.01-x)VO(4) crystalChinese Physics B2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Holed nanostructures formed by aluminum droplets on a GaAs substrateNano Research2010Salamo, Gregory J.
InGaAs Quantum Well Grown on High-Index Surfaces for Superluminescent Diode ApplicationsNanoscale Research Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Interface roughness scattering in laterally coupled InGaAs quantum wiresApplied Physics Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Theoretical Simulation on a Nonlinear Photonics Process of Er(1%)Yb(8%):FOV Oxyfluoride Nanophase VitroceramicsCommunications in Computational Physics2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Surface mediated control of droplet density and morphology on GaAs and AlAs surfacesPhysica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Nonlinear refraction and absorption: mechanisms and magnitudesAdvances in Optics and Photonics2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Low frequency noise in InSb/GaAs and InSb/Si channelsApplied Physics Letters2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Measurement of coherent tunneling between InGaAs quantum wells and InAs quantum dots using photoluminescence spectroscopyPhysical Review B2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Multilayer self-organization of InGaAs quantum wires on GaAs surfacesPhysics Letters a2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Multivalent ions control the transport through lysenin channelsBiophysical chemistry2010Salamo, Gregory J.
Nonclassicality of light from a degenerate parametric oscillatorJournal of Modern Optics2010Singh, Surendra P.
Correcting the Normalized Gain for GuessingPhysics Teacher2010Stewart, Gay
Effect of written presentation on performance in introductory physicsPhysical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research2010Stewart, John
Correcting the Normalized Gain for GuessingPhysics Teacher2010Stewart, John
Entanglement and bistability in coupled quantum dots inside a driven cavityPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics2010Vyas, Reeta
Nonclassicality of light from a degenerate parametric oscillatorJournal of Modern Optics2010Vyas, Reeta
Nonlinear Talbot Effect RID A-2138-2011Physical Review Letters2010Xiao, Min
Nonlinear optical properties of Er(3+)/Yb(3+)-doped NaYF(4) nanocrystalsChemical Physics Letters2010Xiao, Min
Modulated vortex solitons of four-wave mixingOptics Express2010Xiao, Min
Surface plasmon density of states at the metal-dielectric interface: Dependence of metal layer thickness and dielectric materialJournal of Applied Physics2010Xiao, Min
Second-harmonic imaging from a modulated domain structureOptics Letters2010Xiao, Min
Up-conversion luminescence of Mn2+ ions in Zn1-xMgxS:Mn2+ nanoparticlesJournal of Applied Physics2010Xiao, Min
Triply-resonant optical parametric oscillator by four-wave mixing with rubidium vapor inside an optical cavityApplied Physics Letters2010Xiao, Min
Improving spatial resolution in quantum imaging beyond the Rayleigh diffraction limit using multiphoton W entangled states RID A-2138-2011 RID B-4475-2011Physics Letters a2010Xiao, Min
Engineering biphoton wave packets with an electromagnetically induced grating RID A-2138-2011 RID B-4475-2011Physical Review a2010Xiao, Min
Evidence of Autler-Townes splitting in high-order nonlinear processesOptics Letters2010Xiao, Min
Experimental demonstration of optical switching and routing via four-wave mixing spatial shiftOptics Express2010Xiao, Min
Control of multitransparency windows via dark-state phase manipulationPhysical Review A2010Xiao, Min
Controlling blinking in multilayered quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2010Xiao, Min
Controlling enhancement and suppression of four-wave mixing via polarized lightPhysical Review a2010Xiao, Min
Generation of frequency-correlated narrowband biphotons from four-wave mixing in cold atoms RID A-2138-2011Physical Review a2010Xiao, Min
Generation of radially and azimuthally polarized light by optical transmission through concentric circular nanoslits in Ag filmsOptics Express2010Xiao, Min
Four-wave-mixing gap solitonsPhysical Review A2010Xiao, Min
Atomic optical bistability in two- and three-level systems: perspectives and prospectsJournal of Modern Optics2010Xiao, Min
Intermediate temperature scale T-* in lead-based relaxor systemsPhysical Review B2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Broad-band dielectric spectroscopy and ferroelectric soft-mode response in the Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 solid solutionJournal of Physics-Condensed Matter2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Evidence for Room-Temperature Multiferroicity in a Compound with a Giant Axial RatioPhysical Review Letters2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Hypertoroidal moment in complex dipolar structuresJournal of Materials Science2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Electric-Field-Induced Paths in Multiferroic BiFeO3 from Atomistic SimulationsPhysical Review Letters2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Electric Field Induced by Dynamical Change of Dipolar Configurations in FerromagnetsPhysical Review Letters2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Erratum: Properties of multiferroic BiFeO3 under high magnetic fields from first principles (vol 79, 012101, 2009)Physical Review B2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Critical Behavior in Ferroelectrics from First PrinciplesPhysical Review Letters2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Nature of the ferroelectric phase transition in multiferroic BiFeO3 from first principlesPhysical Review B2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Phase diagrams of epitaxial Pb(Zr, Ti)O-3 ultrathin films from first principlesPhysical Review B2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Unusual static and dynamical characteristics of domain evolution in ferroelectric superlatticesPhysical Review B2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of multiferroic BiFeO3 under high magnetic fields from first principlesPhysical Review B2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Discovery of Incipient Ferrotoroidics from Atomistic SimulationsPhysical Review Letters2009Bellaiche, Laurent
Depth-resolved subsurface defects in chemically etched SrTiO(3)Applied Physics Letters2009Chakhalian, Jacques
Hyperfine fields in thin Pd films by beta-detected NMRPhysica B2009Chakhalian, Jacques
Theory of the structure of electronic polarization and its strain dependence in ferroelectric perovskitesPhysical Review B2009Fu, Huaxiang
Density-functional theory study of polarization saturation in strained ferroelectricsPhysical Review B2009Fu, Huaxiang
Comparative Theoretical Study of the Size Dependent Electronic and Optical Properties in CdS and CdSe Spherical NanocrystalsJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience2009Fu, Huaxiang
Splitting of atom-cavity polariton peaks for three-level atoms in an optical cavityPhysical Review A2009Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Gate fidelity of arbitrary single-qubit gates constrained by conservation lawsJournal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical2009Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Diet Soda and Iron FilingsAmerican Journal of Physics2009Hobson, Arthur S.
Response to "The Real Scandal of Quantum Mechanics," by Richard Conn Henry [Am. J. Phys. 77 (10), 869-870 (2009)]American Journal of Physics2009Hobson, Arthur S.
Testing relativity from the 1919 eclipse-a question of biasPhysics Today2009Kennefick, Daniel
New times of minima of some eclipsing variables.Information Bulletin on Variable Stars2009Lacy, Claud H.
Searching for transiting circumbinary planets in CoRoT and ground-based data using CB-BLSAstronomy & Astrophysics2009Lacy, Claud H.
S Asteroids: are some of the Missing Melts Uoc?Meteoritics & Planetary Science2009Lacy, Claud H.
Asteroidal Origins for Carbonaceous ChondritesMeteoritics & Planetary Science2009Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of the Highly Eccentric Eclipsing Binary Star Lv HerculisAstronomical Journal2009Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Dimensions of the F-Type Eclipsing Binary Star Vz CepheiAstronomical Journal2009Lacy, Claud H.
Single-Molecule Protein Unfolding in Solid State NanoporesJournal of the American Chemical Society2009Li, Jiali
One-dimensional features of In(Ga)As/GaAs dot chain structures with changeable interdot couplingNew Journal of Physics2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Multicolor photodetector based on GaAs quantum rings grown by droplet epitaxy RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Mechanisms of interdot coupling in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot arraysApplied Physics Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Novel synthesis process for ceramic carbon nanotube nanocomposites with nanojunctions RID A-8507-2010Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2009Salamo, Gregory J.
On the complex behavior of strain relaxation in (In,Ga)As/GaAs(001) quantum dot molecules RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Observation of PT-Symmetry Breaking in Complex Optical PotentialsPhysical Review Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Peculiar three-dimensional ordering in (In,Ga)As/GaAs(311)B quantum dot superlattices RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
One Step Synthesis of Ceramic Carbon Nanotube Composites with NanojunctionsNanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
The Control on Size and Density of InAs QDs by Droplet Epitaxy (April 2009) RID B-6320-2009Ieee Transactions on Nanotechnology2009Salamo, Gregory J.
InSb Quantum-Well-Based Micro-Hall Devices: Potential for pT DetectivityIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Light-Harvesting Using High Density p-type Single Wall Carbon Nanotube/n-type Silicon Heterojunctions RID B-2239-2010 RID A-8507-2010ACS Nano2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Lateral and vertical ordered one-dimensional InGaAs/GaAs quantum structures RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Lateral alignment of InGaAs quantum dots as function of spacer thickness RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Hybridized quantum dot-wetting layer states in photoluminescence of In(Ga)As/GaAs dot chain samplesJournal of Applied Physics2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Improved anti-Stokes energy transfer between rare earth ions in Er(0.5)Yb(9.5):FOV oxyfluoride vitroceramics explains the strong color reversalChinese Physics B2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Intermediate-band material based on GaAs quantum rings for solar cells RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
InAs Quantum Dot Clusters Grown on GaAs Droplet Templates: Surface Morphologies and Optical Properties RID B-6320-2009Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Evolution of Holed Nanostructures on GaAs (001) RID B-6320-2009Crystal Growth & Design2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Design of Nanostructure Complexes by Droplet Epitaxy RID B-6320-2009Crystal Growth & Design2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Electrical, Optical, and Morphological Properties of P3HT-MWNT Nanocomposites Prepared by in Situ Polymerization RID B-2239-2010 RID A-8507-2010Journal of Physical Chemistry C2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Direct Evidence of Interlevel Exciton Transitions Mediated by Single Phonons in a Semiconductor Quantum Dot Using Resonance Fluorescence SpectroscopyPhysical Review Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Spectroscopy of shallow InAs/InP quantum wire nanostructuresNanotechnology2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Tuning the emission profiles of various self-assembled InxGa1-xAs nanostructures by rapid thermal annealingJournal of Applied Physics2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Three-photon infrared quantum cutting from single species of rare-earth Er(3+) ions in Er(0.3)Gd(0.7)VO(4) crystallineOptics Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Three-dimensional ordering in self-organized (In,Ga)As quantum dot multilayer structuresPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Size and density control of In droplets at near room temperatures RID B-6320-2009Nanotechnology2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Resonantly driven coherent oscillations in a solid-state quantum emitterNature Physics2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Coherent exciton-surface plasmon polariton interactions in hybrid metal semiconductor nanostructuresPhysica Status Solidi C2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Comprehensive doping and temperature studies of spin relaxation in InSbApplied Physics Letters2009Salamo, Gregory J.
Multiplicative noise-induced probability distributions in three-level atomic optical bistabilityPhysical Review a2009Singh, Surendra P.
Statistical properties of light from optical parametric oscillatorsPhysical Review a2009Singh, Surendra P.
An optical parametric oscillator as a high-flux source of two-mode light for quantum lithographyNew Journal of Physics2009Singh, Surendra P.
Evaluation of a Hyperspectral Optical-Monte Carlo Remote Sensing Model in a Water Tank StudyTransactions of the Asabe2009Singh, Surendra P.
An optical parametric oscillator as a high-flux source of two-mode light for quantum lithographyNew Journal of Physics2009Vyas, Reeta
Direct Evidence of Interlevel Exciton Transitions Mediated by Single Phonons in a Semiconductor Quantum Dot Using Resonance Fluorescence SpectroscopyPhysical Review Letters2009Xiao, Min
Resonantly driven coherent oscillations in a solid-state quantum emitterNature Physics2009Xiao, Min
Multiplicative noise-induced probability distributions in three-level atomic optical bistabilityPhysical Review a2009Xiao, Min
Competition between Raman- and Rayleigh-enhanced four-wave mixings in attosecond polarization beatsPhysical Review a2009Xiao, Min
Bright correlated twin beams from an atomic ensemble in the optical cavityPhysical Review a2009Xiao, Min
Cerenkov second-harmonic arc from a hexagonally poled LiTaO(3) planar waveguideJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2009Xiao, Min
Controlled spatial beam splitter using four-wave-mixing imagesPhysical Review a2009Xiao, Min
Electromagnetically induced spatial nonlinear dispersion of four-wave mixingPhysical Review a2009Xiao, Min
Temporal and Spatial Interference between Four-Wave Mixing and Six-Wave Mixing ChannelsPhysical Review Letters2009Xiao, Min
Second-Harmonic Whispering-Gallery Modes in ZnO Nanotetrapod RID D-5588-2011Nano Letters2009Xiao, Min
Second-order susceptibilities of ZnO nanorods from forward second-harmonic scatteringJournal of Applied Physics2009Xiao, Min
Second-order Talbot effect with entangled photon pairsPhysical Review a2009Xiao, Min
Polarization spectroscopy of dressed four-wave mixing in a three-level atomic systemJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2009Xiao, Min
Controlling four-wave mixing and six-wave mixing in a multi-Zeeman-sublevel atomic system with electromagnetically induced transparencyPhysical Review a2009Xiao, Min
Multi-normal-mode splitting of a cavity in the presence of atoms: A step towards the superstrong-coupling regimePhysical Review a2009Xiao, Min
Modulating the multi-wave mixing processes via the polarizable dark statesOptics Express2009Xiao, Min
Observation of light-induced localized domain-inversion pattern formation in KNbO(3)Journal of Applied Crystallography2009Xiao, Min
Observation of enhancement and suppression in four-wave mixing processesApplied Physics Letters2009Xiao, Min
Terahertz dielectric response of cubic BaTiO(3)Physical Review B2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Original properties of dipole vortices in zero-dimensional ferroelectricsJournal of Physics-Condensed Matter2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Order parameter in complex dipolar structures: Microscopic modelingPhysical Review B2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Nature of Dynamical Coupling between Polarization and Strain in Nanoscale Ferroelectrics from First PrinciplesPhysical Review Letters2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Dependence of polarization on epitaxial strain in ferroelectric ultrathin films from first principlesPhysical Review B2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Coexistence of the Phonon and Relaxation Soft Modes in the Terahertz Dielectric Response of Tetragonal BaTiO(3)Physical Review Letters2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Controlling double vortex states in low-dimensional dipolar systemsPhysical Review Letters2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Control of vortices by homogeneous fields in asymmetric ferroelectric and ferromagnetic ringsPhysical Review Letters2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Electrocaloric effect in bulk and low-dimensional ferroelectrics from first principlesPhysical Review B2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Infrared and THz Soft-Mode Spectroscopy of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 CeramicsFerroelectrics2008Bellaiche, Laurent
High-Pressure Effect on PbTiO(3): An Investigation by Raman and X-Ray Scattering up to 63 GPaPhysical Review Letters2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Phase stability and structural temperature dependence in powdered multiferroic BiFeO(3)Physical Review B2008Bellaiche, Laurent
Atomic control and characterization of surface defect states of TiO(2) terminated SrTiO(3) single crystalsApplied Physics Letters2008Chakhalian, Jacques
Cooperative Response of Pb(ZrTi)O(3) Nanoparticles to Curled Electric FieldsPhysical Review Letters2008Fu, Huaxiang
Polar semiconductor ZnO under inplane tensile strainPhysical Review B2008Fu, Huaxiang
Transmission spectrum of Doppler-broadened two-level atoms in a cavity in the strong-coupling regimePhysical Review A2008Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Dreams versus reality: Plenary debate session on quantum computing RID A-5639-2011Fluctuation and Noise Letters2008Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Plenary debate: Quantum effects in biology: trivial or not? RID A-1170-2011 RID A-7266-2008Fluctuation and Noise Letters2008Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Quantum precision limits for any implementation of single qubit gates under conservation lawsInternational Journal of Quantum Information2008Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Quantum logic with quantized control fields beyond the 1/n limit: mathematically possible, physically unlikelyPhysical Review A2008Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Observation of intracavity electromagnetically induced transparency and polariton resonances in a Doppler-broadened mediumPhysical Review Letters2008Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Evidence of lasing without inversion in a hot rubidium vapor under electromagnetically-induced-transparency conditionsPhysical Review A2008Gea-Banacloche, Julio
General relativity for all college studentsAmerican Journal of Physics2008Hobson, Arthur S.
Discovery of a relationship between spiral arm morphology and supermassive black hole mass in disk galaxiesAstrophysical Journal Letters2008Kennefick, Daniel
Computational efficiency of frequency- and time-domain calculations of extreme mass-ratio binaries: Equatorial orbitsPhysical Review D2008Kennefick, Daniel
Discovery of a relationship between spiral arm morphology and supermassive black hole mass in disk galaxies (vol 678, pg L93, 2008)Astrophysical Journal Letters2008Kennefick, Daniel
Discovery of a relationship between spiral arm morphology and supermassive black hole mass in disk galaxiesAstrophysical Journal Letters2008Kennefick, Julia
Discovery of a relationship between spiral arm morphology and supermassive black hole mass in disk galaxies (vol 678, pg L93, 2008)Astrophysical Journal Letters2008Kennefick, Julia
Infrared Imaging of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars: Implications for the Quasar K CorrectionAstronomical Journal2008Kennefick, Julia
Discovery of a relationship between spiral arm morphology and supermassive black hole mass in disk galaxiesAstrophysical Journal Letters2008Lacy, Claud H.
Discovery of a relationship between spiral arm morphology and supermassive black hole mass in disk galaxies (vol 678, pg L93, 2008)Astrophysical Journal Letters2008Lacy, Claud H.
A Study of Phyllosilicates as Possible Components of the Surface of C AsteroidsLPI Contributions2008Lacy, Claud H.
A Comparison of the Class Distribution of Asteroids in the Main Belt and Near-Earth VicinityLPI Contributions2008Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute properties of the main-sequence eclipsing binary star GX Geminorum: Constraints on convective core overshootingAstronomical Journal2008Lacy, Claud H.
Primitive materials on asteroidsMeteoritics & Planetary Science2008Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of the Spotted Eclipsing Binary Star Cv BootisAstronomical Journal2008Lacy, Claud H.
Building an automated telescope with high photometric accuracyPublications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific2008Lacy, Claud H.
Configuration control of quantum dot molecules by droplet epitaxy RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Comparative study of optical properties between quantum dot chains band quantum dots RID B-6320-2009Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Coherent exciton-surface-plasmon-polariton interaction in hybrid metal-semiconductor nanostructuresPhysical Review Letters2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Comparison of MBE Growth of InSb on Si (001) and GaAs (001)Journal of Electronic Materials2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Comparative study on different carbon nanotube materials in terms of transparent conductive coatings RID B-2239-2010 RID A-8507-2010 RID C-3346-2009Langmuir2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Excitonic band edges and optical anisotropy of InAs/InP quantum dot structuresJournal of Applied Physics2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Polarized Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffuse scattering in InGaAs/GaAs(100) quantum-dot chains RID B-6320-2009Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics2008Salamo, Gregory J.
In situ photoluminescence study of uncapped InAs/GaAs quantum dotsNanotechnology2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Substrate orientation effect on potential fluctuations in multiquantum wells of GaAs/AlGaAsJournal of Applied Physics2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Super low density InGaAs semiconductor ring-shaped nanostructures RID B-6320-2009Crystal Growth & Design2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Step bunch assisted two dimensional ordering of In(0.19)Ga(0.81)As/GaAs quantum dots on vicinal GaAs(001) surfaces RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Unusual role of the substrate in droplet-induced GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-dot pairsPhysica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Ultrafast carrier capture dynamics in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires RID A-7360-2008 RID B-6320-2009Journal of Applied Physics2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Structural Evolution During Formation and Filling of Self-patterned Nanoholes on GaAs (100) Surfaces RID B-6320-2009Nanoscale Research Letters2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Evolution of InGaAs quantum dot molecules RID B-6320-2009Journal of Applied Physics2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Enhanced photoluminescence from InAs/GaAs surface quantum dots by using a Si-doped interlayer RID B-6320-2009Nanotechnology2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Energy Transfer within Ultralow Density Twin InAs Quantum Dots Grown by Droplet Epitaxy RID B-6320-2009ACS Nano2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Engineering of 3D self-directed quantum dot ordering in multilayer InGaAs/GaAs nanostructures by means of flux gas compositionNanotechnology2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Directed self-assembly of quantum structures by nanomechanical stamping using probe tipsNanotechnology2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Deep traps in GaAs/InGaAs quantum wells and quantum dots, studied by noise spectroscopyJournal of Applied Physics2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Room temperature near-infrared photoresponse based on interband transitions in In0.35Ga0.65As multiple quantum dot photodetectorIEEE Electron Device Letters2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Spectroscopic observation of developing InAs quantum dots on GaAs ringlike-nanostructured templates RID B-6320-2009Journal of Applied Physics2008Salamo, Gregory J.
SOCl(2) enhanced photovoltaic conversion of single wall carbon nanotube/n-silicon heterojunctions RID B-2239-2010 RID A-8507-2010Applied Physics Letters2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Investigation of deep levels in InGaAs channels comprising thin layers of InAsJournal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Improved photoluminescence efficiency of patterned quantum dots incorporating a dots-in-the-well structure RID E-4459-2011Nanotechnology2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Strained quantum-well InAs micro-Hall sensors: Dependence of device performance on channel thicknessIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Thermal peculiarity of AlAs-capped InAs quantum dots in a GaAs matrixJournal of Applied Physics2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Optical study of lateral carrier transfer in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum-dot chains RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Optical spatial solitons at the interface between two dissimilar periodic media: Theory and experiment RID B-4163-2011Optics Express2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Low thermal drift in highly sensitive doped channel Al(0.3)Ga(0.7)As/GaAs/In(0.2)Ga(0.8)As micro-Hall elementJournal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics2008Salamo, Gregory J.
Near-field optical spectroscopy of GaAs/Al(y)Ga(1-y)As quantum dot pairs grown by high-temperature droplet epitaxy RID B-6320-2009Physical Review B2008Salamo, Gregory J.
A light scattering study of the interaction of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) with its receptorBiophysical journal2008Singh, Surendra P.
Phase and interference properties of optical vortex beamsJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision2008Singh, Surendra P.
Phase and interference properties of optical vortex beamsJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision2008Vyas, Reeta
Atomic control and characterization of surface defect states of TiO(2) terminated SrTiO(3) single crystalsApplied Physics Letters2008Xiao, Min
Observation of intracavity electromagnetically induced transparency and polariton resonances in a doppler-broadened mediumPhysical Review Letters2008Xiao, Min
Phase-Sensitive Manipulations of a Squeezed Vacuum Field in an Optical Parametric Amplifier inside an Optical CavityPhysical Review Letters2008Xiao, Min
Interplay among multidressed four-wave mixing processesApplied Physics Letters2008Xiao, Min
Linear and nonlinear optical refractions of CR39 composite with CdSe nanocrystalsOptical Materials2008Xiao, Min
Superposition states of light in a three-photon absorbing dissipative mediumJournal of Modern Optics2008Xiao, Min
Noise-induced switching via fluctuating atomic coherence in an optical three-level bistable systemJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2008Xiao, Min
Nonclassical light generation via a four-level inverted-Y systemPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics2008Xiao, Min
White-light cavity with competing linear and nonlinear dispersionsPhysical Review A2008Xiao, Min
Efficient energy transfer between four-wave-mixing and six-wave-mixing processes via atomic coherencePhysical Review A2008Xiao, Min
Interacting dark states with enhanced nonlinearity in an ideal four-level tripod atomic systemPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics2008Xiao, Min
Far-field second-harmonic fingerprint of twinning in single ZnO rods RID D-5588-2011Physical Review B2008Xiao, Min
Enhanced Fluorescence Intermittency in Mn-Doped Single ZnSe Quantum DotsJournal of Physical Chemistry C2008Xiao, Min
Spatial interference between four- and six-wave mixing signalsOptics Letters2008Xiao, Min
Controlling fluorescence intermittency of a single colloidal CdSe/ZnS quantum dot in a half cavityPhysical Review B2008Xiao, Min
Bistability and field-induced transparency in superconducting quantum interference devicesPhysical Review B2008Xiao, Min
Coexistence of four-wave, six-wave and eight-wave mixing processes in multi-dressed atomic systemsJournal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics2008Xiao, Min
Fluorescence lifetime of Mn-doped ZnSe quantum dots with size dependenceApplied Physics Letters2008Xiao, Min
Interacting multiwave mixing in a five-level atomic systemPhysical Review A2008Xiao, Min
Finite-temperature properties of multiferroic BiFeO(3)Physical Review Letters2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Effects of vacancies on the properties of disordered ferroelectrics: A first-principles studyPhysical Review B2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Characteristics and signatures of dipole vortices in ferroelectric nanodots: First-principles-based simulations and analytical expressionsPhysical Review B2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Domain evolution of BaTiO3 ultrathin films under an electric field: A first-principles studyPhysical Review B2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Dielectric anomalies in ferroelectric nanostructuresPhysical Review Letters2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Phase diagrams of BaTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices from first principlesPhysical Review B2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Influence of crystallographic steps on properties of ferroelectric ultrathin films: An ab initio studyApplied Physics Letters2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Asymmetric screening of the depolarizing field in a ferroelectric thin filmPhysical Review B2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Tensors in ferroelectric nanoparticles: First-principles-based simulationsPhysical Review B2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Thickness dependency of 180 degrees stripe domains in ferroelectric ultrathin films: A first-principles-based studyApplied Physics Letters2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Theoretical phase diagram of ultrathin films of incipient ferroelectricsApplied Physics Letters2007Bellaiche, Laurent
The nature of ferroelectricity under pressurePhase Transitions2007Bellaiche, Laurent
Relation between dielectric responses and polarization fluctuations in ferroelectric nanostructuresPhysical Review B2007Bellaiche, Laurent
beta-NMR of isolated lithium in nearly ferromagnetic palladium RID A-5696-2008Physical Review Letters2007Chakhalian, Jacques
Second harmonic generation and ferroelectric phase transitions in thick and ultrathin Pb0.35Sr0.65TiO3 films on (001) MgO substratesApplied Physics Letters2007Chakhalian, Jacques
On magnetic interlayer coupling and proximity effect in a La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 (10 nm)/YBa2Cu3O7 (10 nm) superlatticeApplied Physics Letters2007Chakhalian, Jacques
Orbital reconstruction and covalent bonding at an oxide interfaceScience2007Chakhalian, Jacques
First-principles determination of chemical potentials and vacancy formation energies in PbTiO(3) and BaTiO(3)Physical Review B2007Fu, Huaxiang
Zero thermal expansion in a nanostructured inorganic-organic hybrid crystalPhysical Review Letters2007Fu, Huaxiang
Vortex-to-polarization phase transformation path in ferroelectric Pb(ZrTi)O-3 nanoparticlesPhysical Review Letters2007Fu, Huaxiang
Resource letter PSEn-1: Physics and society: EnergyAmerican Journal of Physics2007Hobson, Arthur S.
Comment on Mermin's review of Quantum Enigma by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred KuttnerAmerican Journal of Physics2007Hobson, Arthur S.
Electrical characterization of protein molecules by a solid-state nanoporeApplied Physics Letters2007Li, Jiali
DNA conformation and base number simultaneously determined in a nanoporeElectrophoresis2007Li, Jiali
Matrix analysis of classical elastic collisionsAmerican Journal of Physics2007Lieber, Michael
Nanoholes fabricated by self-assembled gallium nanodrill on GaAs(100)Applied Physics Letters2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Multiple vertically stacked quantum dot clusters with improved size homogeneityJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Microstructural aspects of nucleation and growth of (In,Ga)As-GaAs(001) islands with low indium contentJournal of Electronic Materials2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Near-field imaging of surfaces with Gaussian distribution of carriersJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Lateral ordering of quantum dots and wires in the (In,Ga)As/GaAs(100) multilayer structuresSemiconductors2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Observation of change in critical thickness of In droplet formation on GaAs(100)Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Observation of one- and two-dimensional discrete surface spatial solitonsJournal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Optical behavior of GaAs/AlGaAs ringlike nanostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Influence of GaAs substrate orientation on InAs quantum dots: Surface morphology, critical thickness, and optical propertiesNanoscale Research Letters2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Initial stages of chain formation in a single layer of (In,Ga)As quantum dots grown on GaAs (100)Applied Physics Letters2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Formation of self-assembled sidewall nanowires on shallow patterned GaAs (100)Ieee Transactions on Nanotechnology2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Shape transformation during overgrowth of InGaAs/GaAs(001) quantum ringsApplied Physics Letters2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Resonance fluorescence from a coherently driven semiconductor quantum dot in a cavityPhysical Review Letters2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Dual broadband photodetector based on interband and intersubband transitions in InAs quantum dots embedded in graded InGaAs quantum wellsApplied Physics Letters2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-assembled InAs quantum dot formation on GaAs ring-like nanostructure templatesNanoscale Research Letters2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-organization of InAs quantum-dot clusters directed by droplet homoepitaxySmall2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Development of continuum states in photoluminescence of self-assembled InGaAs/GaAs quantum dotsJournal of Applied Physics2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Structural anisotropy of InGaAs/GaAs(001) quantum dot chains structuresPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Strain-induced electronic energy changes in multilayered InGaAs/GaAs quantum wire structuresJournal of Applied Physics2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Spectroscopy of sub-wetting layer states in InAs/GaAs quantum dot bi-layer systemsSemiconductor Science and Technology2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Two-dimensional ordering of (In,Ga)As quantum dots in vertical multilayers grown on GaAs(100) and (n11)Applied Physics Letters2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Tuning the optical performance of surface quantum dots in InGaAs/GaAs hybrid structuresOptics Express2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Power thresholds of families of discrete surface solitonsOptics Letters2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Spatially localized formation of InAs quantum dots on shallow patterns regardless of crystallographic directionsAdvanced Functional Materials2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Domain evolution of BaTiO3 ultrathin films under an electric field: A first-principles studyPhysical Review B2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Thickness dependency of 180 degrees stripe domains in ferroelectric ultrathin films: A first-principles-based studyApplied Physics Letters2007Salamo, Gregory J.
Synchronized and unsynchronized chaos in a modulated bidirectional ring laserPhysical Review a2007Singh, Surendra P.
Context sensitivity in the force concept inventoryPhysical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research2007Stewart, Gay
Context sensitivity in the force concept inventoryPhysical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research2007Stewart, John
Anomalous Mn depth profiles for GaMnAs/GaAs(001) thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2007Thibado, Paul
Growth of and optical emission from GaMnAs thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2007Thibado, Paul
Atmospheric oxygen in Mn doped GaAs/GaAs(001) thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Crystal Growth2007Thibado, Paul
Electrical and optical studies of GaMnAs/GaAs(001) thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Crystal Growth2007Thibado, Paul
Generation and evolution of entanglement in coupled quantum dots interacting with a quantized cavity fieldPhysical Review A2007Vyas, Reeta
Resonance fluorescence from a coherently driven semiconductor quantum dot in a cavityPhysical Review Letters2007Xiao, Min
Growth of and optical emission from GaMnAs thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2007Xiao, Min
Electrical and optical studies of GaMnAs/GaAs(001) thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Crystal Growth2007Xiao, Min
Generalized dressed and doubly-dressed multiwave mixingOptics Express2007Xiao, Min
Generation of a two-mode generalized coherent state in a cavity QED systemPhysics Letters A2007Xiao, Min
Cavity linewidth narrowing and broadening due to competing linear and nonlinear dispersionsOptics Letters2007Xiao, Min
Domain microstructures and ferroelectric phase transition in Pb0.35Sr0.65TiO3 films studied by second harmonic generation in reflection geometryJournal of Applied Physics2007Xiao, Min
Competition between two four-wave mixing channels via atomic coherenceApplied Physics Letters2007Xiao, Min
Controlling four-wave and six-wave mixing processes in multilevel atomic systemsApplied Physics Letters2007Xiao, Min
Enhancement of six-wave mixing by atomic coherence in a four-level inverted Y systemApplied Physics Letters2007Xiao, Min
Ideal optical media via coherently-prepared atomic systemsWuli2007Xiao, Min
Preparation and determination of spin-polarized states in multi-Zeeman-sublevel atomsPhysical Review A2007Xiao, Min
Violation of Bell's inequality for two coupled quantum dots confined in a cavityPhysical Review B2007Xiao, Min
Single-photon all-optical switching using coupled microring resonatorsPramana-Journal of Physics2007Xiao, Min
Size dependence of nonlinear optical absorption and refraction of Mn-doped ZnSe nanocrystalsApplied Physics Letters2007Xiao, Min
Reflective second harmonic generation near resonance in the epitaxial Al-doped ZnO thin filmOptics Express2007Xiao, Min
Stochastic resonance with multiplicative noise in a three-level atomic bistable systemJournal of Modern Optics2007Xiao, Min
Measurement of laser-induced refractive index change of inverted ferroelectric domain LiNbO3Applied Optics2007Xiao, Min
Intermixing between four-wave mixing and six-wave mixing in a four-level atomic systemJournal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics2007Xiao, Min
Opening four-wave mixing and six-wave mixing channels via dual electromagnetically induced transparency windowsPhysical Review Letters2007Xiao, Min
Observation of interference between four-wave mixing and six-wave mixingOptics Letters2007Xiao, Min
Second harmonic generation and ferroelectric phase transitions in thick and ultrathin Pb0.35Sr0.65TiO3 films on (001) MgO substratesApplied Physics Letters2007Xiao, Min
Properties of ferroelectric nanodots embedded in a polarizable medium: Atomistic simulationsPhysical Review Letters2006Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of ferroelectric ultrathin films from first principlesJournal of Materials Science2006Bellaiche, Laurent
Symmetry breaking at the nanoscale and diffuse transitions in ferroelectrics: A comparative study of PbSc(1/2)Nb(1/2)O(3) and PbZr(0.6)Ti(0.4)O(3)Physical Review B2006Bellaiche, Laurent
Polar and chemical order in relation with morphotropic phase boundaries and relaxor behaviour in bulk and nanostructured PSN-PTPhase Transitions2006Bellaiche, Laurent
Phase diagram of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 solid solutions from first principlesPhysical Review Letters2006Bellaiche, Laurent
Electric-field-induced domain evolution in ferroelectric ultrathin filmsPhysical Review Letters2006Bellaiche, Laurent
Finite-temperature properties of (Ba,Sr)TiO(3) systems from atomistic simulationsPhysical Review B2006Bellaiche, Laurent
Influence of the growth direction on properties of ferroelectric ultrathin filmsPhysical Review B2006Bellaiche, Laurent
Controlling toroidal moment by means of an inhomogeneous static field: An ab initio studyPhysical Review Letters2006Bellaiche, Laurent
Magnetism at the interface between ferromagnetic and superconducting oxidesNature Physics2006Chakhalian, Jacques
Polarization ratio and effective mass in InP nanowires: Effect of crystallographic axisPhysical Review B2006Fu, Huaxiang
Properties of ferroelectric ultrathin films from first principlesJournal of Materials Science2006Fu, Huaxiang
Electric-field-induced domain evolution in ferroelectric ultrathin filmsPhysical Review Letters2006Fu, Huaxiang
Minimum-energy pulses for quantum logic cannot be sharedPhysical Review A2006Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Optical switching in arrays of quantum dots with dipole-dipole interactionsPhysical Review B2006Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Geometric phase gate with a quantized driving field - art. no. 624417Quantum Information and Computation IV2006Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Mean-field treatment of the damping of the oscillations of a one-dimensional Bose gas in an optical latticePhysical Review A2006Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Steady state entanglement in cavity QEDOptics Express2006Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Two-reservoir model of quantum error correctionPhysical Review A2006Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Adiabatic geometric phase gate with a quantized control fieldPhysical Review A2006Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Effects of random localizing events on matter waves: formalism and examplesJournal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics2006Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Deformation of sulfur hexafluoride and floppiness of trifluoromethyl sulfur pentafluorideMolecular Physics2006Harter, William G.
Millikan Award Lecture, 2006: Physics For AllAmerican Journal of Physics2006Hobson, Arthur S.
Repeated problem solvingAmerican Journal of Physics2006Hobson, Arthur S.
Semirelativistic approximation to gravitational radiation from encounters with nonspinning black holes (vol 72, art no 084009, 2005) RID E-8576-2010Physical Review D2006Kennefick, Daniel
Gravitational radiation timescales for extreme mass ratio inspirals RID E-8576-2010Astrophysical Journal2006Kennefick, Daniel
Absolute properties of the main-sequence eclipsing binary star EY CepheiAstronomical Journal2006Lacy, Claud H.
Confronting Stellar Evolution Models for Active and Inactive Solar-Type Stars: The Triple System V1061 CygniProceedings of the International Astronomical Union2006Lacy, Claud H.
The Eclipsing Binary V1061 Cygni: Confronting Stellar Evolution Models for Active and Inactive Solar-Type StarsAstrophysical Journal2006Lacy, Claud H.
Nanopore sculpting with noble gas ionsJournal of Applied Physics2006Li, Jiali
Excitonic transfer in coupled InGaAs/GaAs quantum well to InAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Annealing effect on GaAs droplet templates in formation of self-assembled InAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Assessment method for photo-induced waveguidesOptics Express2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Electric-field-induced domain evolution in ferroelectric ultrathin filmsPhysical Review Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoluminescence of surface InAs quantum dot stacking on multilayer buried quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of subwetting layer states in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot structuresJournal of Applied Physics2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Zero-strain GaAs quantum dot molecules as investigated by x-ray diffuse scatteringApplied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Controlling planar and vertical ordering in three-dimensional (In,Ga)As quantum dot lattices by GaAs surface orientationPhysical Review Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Correlation between surface and buried InAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Direct spectroscopic evidence for the formation of one-dimensional wetting wires during the growth of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot chainsNano Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Evolution between self-assembled single and double ring-like nanostructuresNanotechnology2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Enabling in situ atomic scale surface imaging for vertical molecular beam epitaxy machinesJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Electrically switched photoinduced waveguide in unpoled strontium barium niobateJournal of Applied Physics2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Size and density control of InAs quantum dot ensembles on self-assembled nanostructured templatesSemiconductor Science and Technology2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Selective growth of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot chains on pre-patterned GaAs(100)Nanotechnology2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-organization of quantum-dot pairs by high-temperature droplet epitaxyNanoscale Research Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Ga-triggered oxide desorption from GaAs(100) and non-(100) substratesApplied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Investigation of indium distribution in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot stacks using high-resolution x-ray diffraction and Raman scatteringJournal of Applied Physics2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Fields of deformation anisotropy exploration in multilayered (In,Ga)As/GaAs structures by high-resolution X-ray scatteringPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Growth and characterization of bilayer InAs/GaAs quantum dot structuresPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Observation of discrete surface solitonsPhysical Review Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
InGaAs quantum dot molecules around self-assembled GaAs nanomound templatesApplied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
InGaAs quantum dots grown on B-type high index GaAs substrates: surface morphologies and optical propertiesNanotechnology2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Localized formation of InAs quantum dots on shallow-patterned GaAs(100)Applied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Lengthening of the photoluminescence decay time of InAs quantum dots coupled to InGaAs/GaAs quantum wellJournal of Applied Physics2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Structural evolution in strained In0.18Ga0.82As stacking multilayers on vicinal GaAs surfacesNew Journal of Physics2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Survival of atomic monolayer steps during oxide desorption on GaAs (100)Journal of Applied Physics2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Optical detection of asymmetric quantum-dot molecules in double-layer InAs/GaAs structuresSemiconductors2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Low density InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs nanoholes (vol 89, 043113, 2006)Applied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Low density InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs nanoholes RID B-6320-2009Applied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Low density InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs nanoholesApplied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Nonlinear optical absorption and refraction of epitaxial Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films on (001) MgO substratesApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Observation of Ga droplet formation on (311)A and (511)A GaAs surfacesNanotechnology2006Salamo, Gregory J.
One-dimensional postwetting layer in InGaAs/GaAs(100) quantum-dot chainsJournal of Applied Physics2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Near-infrared wavelength intersubband transitions in GaN/AlN short period superlatticesApplied Physics Letters2006Salamo, Gregory J.
Conditional homodyne detection of light with squeezed quadrature fluctuationsPhysical Review A2006Singh, Surendra P.
Nonlinear dynamics of a modulated bidirectional solid-state ring laserJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2006Singh, Surendra P.
4 K, ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscope having two orthogonal tips with tunnel junctions as close as a few nanometersReview of Scientific Instruments2006Thibado, Paul
Conditional homodyne detection of light with squeezed quadrature fluctuationsPhysical Review A2006Vyas, Reeta
Optical switching in arrays of quantum dots with dipole-dipole interactionsPhysical Review B2006Xiao, Min
Optimization of a dual pumped L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier by genetic algorithmJournal of Lightwave Technology2006Xiao, Min
Matched ultraslow propagation of highly efficient four-wave mixing in a closely cycled double-ladder systemPhysical Review A2006Xiao, Min
Modified two-photon absorption and dispersion of ultrafast third-order polarization beats via twin noisy driving fieldsPhysical Review A2006Xiao, Min
Multi-dark-state resonances in cold multi-Zeeman-sublevel atomsOptics Letters2006Xiao, Min
Stochastic resonance in atomic optical bistabilityPhysical Review A2006Xiao, Min
Three-qubit quantum-gate operation in a cavity QED systemPhysical Review A2006Xiao, Min
Enhanced dipole-dipole interaction of CdSe/CdS nanocrystal quantum dots inside a planar microcavityApplied Physics Letters2006Xiao, Min
Controlled polarization rotation of an optical field in multi-Zeeman-sublevel atomsPhysical Review A2006Xiao, Min
Controlling the polarization rotation of an optical field via asymmetry in electromagnetically induced transparencyPhysical Review A2006Xiao, Min
Cavity-QED-based unconventional geometric phase gates with bichromatic field modesPhysics Letters A2006Xiao, Min
Controlled dynamic instability and route to chaos with three-level atoms inside an optical ring cavityChinese Physics2006Xiao, Min
Electro-optic switch in ferroelectric thin films mediated by surface plasmonsApplied Physics Letters2006Xiao, Min
Nonlinear optical absorption and refraction of epitaxial Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films on (001) MgO substratesApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics2006Xiao, Min
Low-dimensional ferroelectrics under different electrical and mechanical boundary conditions: Atomistic simulationsPhysical Review B2005Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferroelectricity of perovskites under pressurePhysical Review Letters2005Bellaiche, Laurent
First Principles Study of Size Effect in BaTiO3 Ultrathin FilmsMRS Online Proceedings Library2005Bellaiche, Laurent
Phase diagrams of epitaxial BaTiO3 ultrathin films from first principlesApplied Physics Letters2005Bellaiche, Laurent
Modelling of nanoscale ferroelectrics from atomistic simulationsCurrent Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science2005Bellaiche, Laurent
Isostructural phase transitions in GaN/ScN and InN/ScN superlatticesPhysical Review B2005Bellaiche, Laurent
Combined theoretical and experimental study of the low-temperature properties of BaZrO3Physical Review B2005Bellaiche, Laurent
Study of potassium-sodium-niobate alloys: A combined experimental and theoretical approachJournal De Physique Iv2005Bellaiche, Laurent
Morphotropic phase boundary of heterovalent perovskite solid solutions: Experimental and theoretical investigation of PbSc1/2Nb1/2O3-PbTiO3Physical Review B2005Bellaiche, Laurent
Atomistic treatment of depolarizing energy and field in ferroelectric nanostructuresPhysical Review B2005Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of GaN/ScN and InN/ScN superlattices from first principlesPhysical Review B2005Bellaiche, Laurent
Modelling of nanoscale ferroelectrics from atomistic simulationsCurrent Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science2005Fu, Huaxiang
Atomistic treatment of depolarizing energy and field in ferroelectric nanostructuresPhysical Review B2005Fu, Huaxiang
Electronic properties and tunability in Si quantum ringsJournal of Applied Physics2005Fu, Huaxiang
Organic-inorganic hybrid semiconductor ZnSe(C2H8N2)(1/2) under hydrostatic pressurePhysical Review B2005Fu, Huaxiang
Large electromechanical response in ZnO and its microscopic originPhysical Review B2005Fu, Huaxiang
Phonon structure in SrTiO3 under finite electric fields: First-principles density functional approachPhysical Review B2005Fu, Huaxiang
Spontaneous polarization in one-dimensional Pb(ZrTi)O-3 nanowiresPhysical Review Letters2005Fu, Huaxiang
A comparison of decoherence-free subsystem/subspace for partially-broken symmetryQuantum Information & Computation2005Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Constraints for quantum logic arising from conservation laws and field fluctuationsJournal of Optics B-Quantum and Semiclassical Optics2005Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Dynamics of a two-level system strongly coupled to a high-frequency quantum oscillatorPhysical Review B2005Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Entangled and disentangled evolution for a single atom in a driven vavityPhysical Review Letters2005Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Future directions in electronic computing and information processingProceedings of the IEEE2005Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Quantum version of the Szilard one-atom engine and the cost of raising energy barriersFluctuation and Noise Letters2005Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Detection of photothermal deflection signals with conjugate masksApplied Optics2005Gupta, Rajendra
Electrons as field quanta: A better way to teach quantum physics in introductory general physics coursesAmerican Journal of Physics2005Hobson, Arthur S.
The wave function and realityAmerican Journal of Physics2005Hobson, Arthur S.
Semirelativistic approximation to gravitational radiation from encounters with nonspinning black holes RID E-8576-2010Physical Review D2005Kennefick, Daniel
Empire of the starsTLS-The Times Literary Supplement2005Kennefick, Daniel
Einstein versus the physical reviewPhysics Today2005Kennefick, Daniel
Absolute properties of the eclipsing binary star RW LacertaeAstronomical Journal2005Lacy, Claud H.
Detecting single stranded DNA with a solid state nanoporeNano Letters2005Li, Jiali
Slowing DNA translocation in a solid-state nanoporeNano Letters2005Li, Jiali
Microsize defects in InGaAs/GaAs (N11)A/B multilayers quantum dot stacksJournal of Crystal Growth2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Nanoscale dislocation patterning by ultralow load indentationApplied Physics Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Nonlinear beam interactions in 1D discrete Kerr systemsOptics Express2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Morphological instability of GaSa (7 1 1)A: A transition between (1 0 0) and (5 1 1) terraces.Journal of Crystal Growth2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Orientation dependence behavior of self-assembled (In,Ga)As quantum structures on GaAs surfaceJournal of Crystal Growth2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Surface dynamics during molecular-beam epitaxy of (In,Ga)As on GaAs(331)B: Formation of quantum wires with low In contentPhysical Review B2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Strong optical nonlinearity in strain-induced laterally ordered In0.4Ga0.6As quantum wires on GaAs (311)A substrateJournal of Applied Physics2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Tailoring of high-temperature photoluminescence in InAs/GaAs bilayer quantum dot structuresJournal of Applied Physics2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Large self-deflection of soliton beams in LiNbO3Optics Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Incoherent blocker soliton interactions in Kerr waveguide arraysOptics Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Interdot carrier transfer in asymmetric bilayer InAs/GaAs quantum dot structuresApplied Physics Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Highly sensitive micro-Hall devices based on Al0.12In0.88Sb/InSb heterostructuresJournal of Applied Physics2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Intersubband transitions in In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs multiple quantum dots of varying dot-sizesProgress in Compound Semiconductor Materials IV-Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications2005Salamo, Gregory J.
RHEED study of GaAs(331)B surfaceJournal of Crystal Growth2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Selective etching of InGaAs/GaAs(100) multilayers of quantum-dot chainsApplied Physics Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Resonant raman scattering and atomic force microscopy of InGaAs/GaAs multilayer nanostructures with quantum dotsSemiconductors2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Doped-channel micro-Hall devices: Size and geometry effectsJournal of Applied Physics2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Controlling (In,Ga)As quantum structures on high index GaAs surfacesKinetics-Driven Nanopatterning on Surfaces2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Broad-band photoresponse from InAs quantum dots embedded into InGaAs graded wellIEEE Electron Device Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Evolution of elongated (In,Ga)As-GaAs(100) islands with low indium contentApplied Physics Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Evidence of strong phonon-assisted resonant intervalley up-transfer for electrons in type-II GaAs-AlAs superlatticesIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Diffraction management in 2D waveguide arraysNonlinear Optical Phenomena and Applications2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Wavelength, power and pulse duration influence on spatial soliton formation in AlGaAsOptics Communications2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Three-dimensional self-ordering in an InGaAs/GaAs multilayered quantum dot structure investigated by x-ray diffuse scatteringJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Wide beam stabilities and instabilities in one dimensional arrays of Kerr-nonlinear channel waveguidesOpto-Electronics Review2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoluminescence linewidths from multiple layers of laterally self-ordered InGaAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoluminescence intermittency of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots confined in a planar microcavityNano Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Phonon-assisted up-transfer for electrons in type-II GaAs/AlAs superlatticesLaser Physics2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoluminescence studies of self-assembled InAs quantum dots formed on InGaAs/GaAs quantum wellLaser Physics Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-assembly of GaAs holed nanostructures by droplet epitaxyPhysica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science2005Salamo, Gregory J.
First Principles Study of Size Effect in BaTiO3 Ultrathin FilmsMRS Online Proceedings Library2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Phase diagrams of epitaxial BaTiO3 ultrathin films from first principlesApplied Physics Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Analysis of Nanoscale Deformation in GaAs(100): Towards Patterned Growth of Quantum DotsMRS Online Proceedings Library2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Beam interactions with a blocker soliton in one-dimensional arraysOptics Letters2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Control on self-organization of InGaAs/GaAs(100) quantum-dot chainsJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Characterization of ultra-low-load (mu N) nanoindents in GaAs(100) using a cube corner tipSmart Materials & Structures2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Excitation of strongly confined scalar and vector self-trapped beams in one-dimensional arrays of Kerr-nonlinear channel waveguidesJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2005Salamo, Gregory J.
Arsenic-rich GaAs(001) surface structureSurface Science Reports2005Thibado, Paul
Strong optical nonlinearity in strain-induced laterally ordered In0.4Ga0.6As quantum wires on GaAs (311)A substrateJournal of Applied Physics2005Xiao, Min
Interdot carrier transfer in asymmetric bilayer InAs/GaAs quantum dot structuresApplied Physics Letters2005Xiao, Min
Resonant raman scattering and atomic force microscopy of InGaAs/GaAs multilayer nanostructures with quantum dotsSemiconductors2005Xiao, Min
Photoluminescence intermittency of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots confined in a planar microcavityNano Letters2005Xiao, Min
Chaos in an electromagnetically induced transparent medium inside an optical cavityPhysical Review Letters2005Xiao, Min
Generalized dark-state polaritons for photon memory in multilevel atomic mediaPhysical Review A2005Xiao, Min
Coupling between semiconductor quantum dots and two-dimensional surface plasmonsPhysical Review B2005Xiao, Min
Dark-state polaritons using spontaneously generated coherenceEuropean Physical Journal D2005Xiao, Min
Controlling subluminal to superluminal behavior of group velocity with squeezed reservoirPhysical Review A2005Xiao, Min
Dynamical hysteresis in a three-level atomic systemOptics Letters2005Xiao, Min
All-optical switching and routing based on an electromagnetically induced absorption gratingOptics Letters2005Xiao, Min
Controlled release of stored optical pulses in an atomic ensemble into two separate photonic channelsPhysical Review A2005Xiao, Min
Frequency detuning and power dependence of reflection from an electromagnetically induced absorption gratingJournal of Modern Optics2005Xiao, Min
Exciton radiative recombination in spherical CdS/CdSe/CdS quantum-well nanostructuresApplied Physics Letters2005Xiao, Min
Lasing action in colloidal CdS/CdSe/CdS quantum wellsApplied Physics Letters2005Xiao, Min
Optimization of an erbium-doped fiber amplifier with radial effectsOptics Communications2005Xiao, Min
Phase gate with a four-level inverted-Y systemPhysical Review A2005Xiao, Min
Photoluminescence from colloidal CdS-CdSe-CdS quantum wellsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2005Xiao, Min
Unusual phase transitions in ferroelectric nanodisks and nanorodsNature2004Bellaiche, Laurent
Ultrathin films of ferroelectric solid solutions under a residual depolarizing fieldPhysical Review Letters2004Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 ultrathin films under stress-free and open-circuit electrical boundary conditionsPhysical Review B2004Bellaiche, Laurent
High-pressure phases in highly piezoelectric PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3Physical Review B2004Bellaiche, Laurent
Atomistic simulations of the incipient ferroelectric KTaO3Physical Review B2004Bellaiche, Laurent
Density-functional study of organic-inorganic hybrid single crystal ZnSe(C2H8N2)(1/2)Journal of Chemical Physics2004Fu, Huaxiang
Unusual phase transitions in ferroelectric nanodisks and nanorodsNature2004Fu, Huaxiang
Ultrathin films of ferroelectric solid solutions under a residual depolarizing fieldPhysical Review Letters2004Fu, Huaxiang
Properties of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 ultrathin films under stress-free and open-circuit electrical boundary conditionsPhysical Review B2004Fu, Huaxiang
Optical realizations of quantum teleportationProgress in Optics2004Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Quantum error correction against correlated noisePhysical Review A2004Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Quantum error correction against correlated noise (vol A 69, art no 062313, 2004)Physical Review A2004Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Theory of two-photon photothermal deflection spectroscopy in stationary and flowing media for arbitrary optical pulse lengthApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics2004Gupta, Rajendra
Frame transformation relations for fluxional symmetric rotor dimersJournal of Chemical Physics2004Harter, William G.
Book ReviewsPhysics in Perspective2004Hobson, Arthur S.
Absolute properties of the main-sequence eclipsing binary star V885 CygniAstronomical Journal2004Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute properties of the upper main-sequence eclipsing binary star MU CassiopeiaeAstronomical Journal2004Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute properties of the eclipsing binary star V459 CassiopeiaeAstronomical Journal2004Lacy, Claud H.
Photometric Orbits of KU Aurigae and SW CANCRIInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars2004Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute properties of the eclipsing binary star V396 CassiopeiaeAstronomical Journal2004Lacy, Claud H.
Feedback-controlled ion beam sculpting apparatusReview of Scientific Instruments2004Li, Jiali
Experimental observation of discrete modulational instabilityPhysical Review Letters2004Salamo, Gregory J.
Fabrication of (In,Ga)As quantum-dot chains on GaAs(100)Applied Physics Letters2004Salamo, Gregory J.
Atom-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy of (In,Ga)As quantum wires on GaAs(311)AApplied Physics Letters2004Salamo, Gregory J.
Anisotropic photoconductivity of InGaAs quantum dot chains measured by terahertz pulse spectroscopyApplied Physics Letters2004Salamo, Gregory J.
Polarization spectroscopy of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires grown on (331)B GaAs templates with nanoscale fluctuationsJournal of Applied Physics2004Salamo, Gregory J.
Tuning In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs multiple quantum dots for long-wavelength infrared detectorsApplied Physics Letters2004Salamo, Gregory J.
Enhancing the in-plane spatial ordering of quantum dotsPhysical Review B2004Salamo, Gregory J.
Self assembled (In,Ga)As quantum structures on GaAs (411)AJournal of Crystal Growth2004Salamo, Gregory J.
High anisotropy of lateral alignment in multilayered (In,Ga)As/GaAs(100) quantum dot structuresJournal of Applied Physics2004Salamo, Gregory J.
Growth and characterization of InAs epitaxial layer on GaAs(111)BPhysical Review B2004Salamo, Gregory J.
Surface ordering of (In,Ga)As quantum dots controlled by GaAs substrate indexesApplied Physics Letters2004Salamo, Gregory J.
Persistence of (In,Ga)As quantum-dot chains under index deviation from GaAs(100)Applied Physics Letters2004Salamo, Gregory J.
On the bichromatic excitation of a two-level atom with squeezed lightEuropean Physical Journal D2004Singh, Surendra P.
Electron-beam evaporated cobalt films on molecular beam epitaxy prepared GaAs(001)Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2004Thibado, Paul
On the bichromatic excitation of a two-level atom with squeezed lightEuropean Physical Journal D2004Vyas, Reeta
Anisotropic photoconductivity of InGaAs quantum dot chains measured by terahertz pulse spectroscopyApplied Physics Letters2004Xiao, Min
On the dynamical evolution of a three-level atom with atomic motion in a lossless cavityOptics Communications2004Xiao, Min
Optical bistability in a three-level semiconductor quantum-well systemApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics2004Xiao, Min
Optical limiting and enhanced optical nonlinearity in boron-doped carbon nanotubesChemical Physics Letters2004Xiao, Min
Modulation transfer in an electromagnetically induced transparency systemPhysical Review A2004Xiao, Min
Suppression of radiative decay of CdTe quantum dots in a photonic crystal with a pseudogapJournal of Modern Optics2004Xiao, Min
Vacuum Rabi splitting for multilevel electromagnetically induced transparency systemEuropean Physical Journal D2004Xiao, Min
Simple method for frequency locking of an extended-cavity diode laserApplied Optics2004Xiao, Min
Environmental effects on photoluminescence of highly luminescent CdSe and CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals in polymer thin filmsJournal of Physical Chemistry B2004Xiao, Min
Enhancement of the cavity ringdown effect based on electromagnetically induced transparencyOptics Letters2004Xiao, Min
Effect of spontaneously generated coherence on the dynamics of multi-level atomic systemsPhysics Letters A2004Xiao, Min
Controlling dynamic instability of three-level atoms inside an optical ring cavityPhysical Review A2004Xiao, Min
Effects of side-coupling on the phase response of cascaded microring all-pass filtersOptics Communications2004Xiao, Min
Hysteresis loop with controllable shape and direction in an optical ring cavityPhysical Review A2004Xiao, Min
Atomic-coherence effect on the Jaynes-Cummings model with atomic motionJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2004Xiao, Min
On the bichromatic excitation of a two-level atom with squeezed lightEuropean Physical Journal D2004Xiao, Min
Polarization spectroscopy of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires grown on (331)B GaAs templates with nanoscale fluctuationsJournal of Applied Physics2004Xiao, Min
Off-center atomic displacements in BaTiO3 quantum dotsFundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics2003Bellaiche, Laurent
Effects of atomic short-range order on the properties of perovskite alloys in their morphotropic phase boundaryPhysical Review Letters2003Bellaiche, Laurent
Cationic-competition-induced monoclinic phase in high piezoelectric (PbSc1/2Nb1/2O3)(1-x)-(PbTiO3)(x) compoundsPhysical Review B2003Bellaiche, Laurent
First-principles study of (BiScO3)(1-x)-(PbTiO3)(x) piezoelectric alloysPhysical Review B2003Bellaiche, Laurent
First-principles determination of electromechanical responses of solids under finite electric fieldsPhysical Review Letters2003Bellaiche, Laurent
Ferroelectricity in barium titanate quantum dots and wiresPhysical Review Letters2003Bellaiche, Laurent
Electronic and magnetic properties of MnN versus MnAsApplied Physics Letters2003Bellaiche, Laurent
Strained hexagonal ScN: A material with unusual structural and optical propertiesPhysical Review Letters2003Bellaiche, Laurent
Unusual thermodynamic properties and nonergodicity in ferroelectric superlatticesPhysical Review Letters2003Bellaiche, Laurent
Off-center atomic displacements in BaTiO3 quantum dotsFundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics2003Fu, Huaxiang
First-principles determination of electromechanical responses of solids under finite electric fieldsPhysical Review Letters2003Fu, Huaxiang
Ferroelectricity in barium titanate quantum dots and wiresPhysical Review Letters2003Fu, Huaxiang
Energy requirements for quantum computationNoise and Information in Nanoelectronics, Sensors and Standards2003Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Comparison of energy requirements for classical and quantum information processingFluctuation and Noise Letters2003Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Reply II to "Comment on 'Some implications of the quantum nature of laser fields for quantum computations'Physical Review A2003Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Extracting an entangled state of n-t qubits from an n-qubit entangled state after errors at t sites (vol 64, art no 032309, 2000)Physical Review A2003Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Quantum computers not likely to perform general-purpose tasksLaser Focus World2003Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Measurement of absolute minority species concentration and temperature in a flame by the photothermal deflection spectroscopy techniqueApplied Optics2003Gupta, Rajendra
Two-photon photothermal deflection spectroscopy of atomic sodium (abstract)Review of Scientific Instruments2003Gupta, Rajendra
Detection of methane with high spatial resolution with photothermal deflection spectroscopyApplied Optics2003Gupta, Rajendra
Measurement of absolute OH concentration in a flame by photothermal deflection spectroscopy (abstract)Review of Scientific Instruments2003Gupta, Rajendra
Physics literacy, energy and the environmentPhysics Education2003Hobson, Arthur S.
Solar blackbody spectrum and the eye's sensitivityAmerican Journal of Physics2003Hobson, Arthur S.
Times of Minima of Eclipsing Binary StarsInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars2003Lacy, Claud H.
Observational Research for All StudentsAstronomy Education Review2003Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute properties of the main-sequence eclipsing binary star BP VulpeculaeAstronomical Journal2003Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute properties of the eclipsing binary star RT Coronae BorealisAstronomical Journal2003Lacy, Claud H.
Dynamics of spontaneous roughening on the GaAs(001)-(2 x 4) surfaceJournal of Crystal Growth2003Oliver III, William F.
Optical absorption of intersubband transitions in In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs multiple quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2003Salamo, Gregory J.
Normal incidence intersubband transitions in InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots with non-monotonic shiftUnconventional Approaches to Nanostructures with Applications in Electronics, Photonics, Information Storage and Sensing2003Salamo, Gregory J.
Morphology evolution during strained (In,Ga)As epitaxial growth on GaAs vicinal (100) surfacesApplied Physics Letters2003Salamo, Gregory J.
Surface dynamics during phase transitions of GaAs(100)Physical Review B2003Salamo, Gregory J.
InGaAs/GaAs three-dimensionally-ordered array of quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2003Salamo, Gregory J.
Formation of low-density InAs/InP(001) quantum dot arraysSixth International Conference on Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared Optoelectronics2003Salamo, Gregory J.
High-efficiency blue-light generation by frequency doubling of picosecond pulses in a thick KNbO3 crystalJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2003Salamo, Gregory J.
Highly anisotropic morphologies of GaAs(331) surfacesApplied Physics Letters2003Salamo, Gregory J.
Hidden resonant excitation of photoluminescence in bilayer arrays of InAs/GaAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2003Salamo, Gregory J.
Strain-driven facet formation on self-assembled InAs islands on GaAs (311)AApplied Physics Letters2003Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoluminescence of metalorganic-chemical-vapor-deposition-grown GaInNAs/GaAs single quantum wellsApplied Physics Letters2003Salamo, Gregory J.
Piezoelectric effect in elongated (In,Ga)As islands on GaAs(100)Physical Review B2003Salamo, Gregory J.
Quantum well in a microcavity with injected squeezed vacuumPhysical Review A2003Singh, Surendra P.
Conditional measurements as probes of quantum dynamicsPhysical Review A2003Singh, Surendra P.
Origins of GaN(0001) surface reconstructionsSurface Science2003Thibado, Paul
Atomic-scale observation of temperature and pressure driven preroughening and rougheningPhysical Review Letters2003Thibado, Paul
Simultaneous surface topography and spin-injection probabilityJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2003Thibado, Paul
Role of aperiodic surface defects on the intensity of electron diffraction spotsApplied Physics Letters2003Thibado, Paul
Time-evolution of the GaAs(001) pre-roughening processSurface Science2003Thibado, Paul
Dynamics of spontaneous roughening on the GaAs(001)-(2 x 4) surfaceJournal of Crystal Growth2003Thibado, Paul
Quantum well in a microcavity with injected squeezed vacuumPhysical Review A2003Vyas, Reeta
Conditional measurements as probes of quantum dynamicsPhysical Review A2003Vyas, Reeta
InGaAs/GaAs three-dimensionally-ordered array of quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2003Xiao, Min
High-efficiency blue-light generation by frequency doubling of picosecond pulses in a thick KNbO3 crystalJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2003Xiao, Min
Hidden resonant excitation of photoluminescence in bilayer arrays of InAs/GaAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2003Xiao, Min
Piezoelectric effect in elongated (In,Ga)As islands on GaAs(100)Physical Review B2003Xiao, Min
Effect of spontaneously generated coherence on optical bistability in three-level A-type atomic systemPhysics Letters A2003Xiao, Min
Controlling optical bistability in a three-level atomic systemPhysical Review A2003Xiao, Min
Controlled steady-state switching in optical bistabilityApplied Physics Letters2003Xiao, Min
Electromagnetically induced transparency and its dispersion properties in a four-level inverted-Y atomic systemPhysics Letters A2003Xiao, Min
Effect of quantum interference on optical bistability in the three-level V-type atomic systemPhysical Review A2003Xiao, Min
Photoluminescence upconversion in colloidal CdTe quantum dotsPhysical Review B2003Xiao, Min
Photo-oxidation-enhanced coupling in densely packed CdSe quantum-dot filmsApplied Physics Letters2003Xiao, Min
Surface-related emission in highly luminescent CdSe quantum dotsNano Letters2003Xiao, Min
Optical multistability in three-level atoms inside an optical ring cavityPhysical Review Letters2003Xiao, Min
Photoactivated CdSe nanocrystals as nanosensors for gasesNano Letters2003Xiao, Min
Modified spontaneous emission of CdTe quantum dots inside a photonic crystalOptics Letters2003Xiao, Min
Novel linear and nonlinear optical properties of electromagnetically induced transparency systemsIeee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics2003Xiao, Min
Fixed three-dimensional holographic imagesApplied Optics2002Anderson, Richard J.
Pseudopotential theory of dilute III-V nitridesSemiconductor Science and Technology2002Bellaiche, Laurent
Global and secondary ferroelectric minima in ordered Pb(Sc0.25Nb0.25Ti0.5)O-3 alloysApplied Physics Letters2002Bellaiche, Laurent
Successes and predictions of a pseudopotential approach in anion-mixed nitridesProgress in Semiconductor Materials for Optoelectronic Applications2002Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of vacancy-rich ordered (A,[ ])Nb2O6 perovskitesPhysical Review B2002Bellaiche, Laurent
Effects of antiphase boundaries on the structural properties of highly ordered perovskite solid solutionsFundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 20022002Bellaiche, Laurent
Properties of hexagonal ScN versus wurtzite GaN and InNPhysical Review B2002Bellaiche, Laurent
Low-temperature properties of Pb(Zr1-xTix)O-3 solid solutions near the morphotropic phase boundaryFerroelectrics2002Bellaiche, Laurent
Optical phonons associated with the low-temperature ferroelectric properties of perovskite solid solutionsPhysical Review B2002Bellaiche, Laurent
Piezoelectric coefficients of complex semiconductor alloys from first-principles: The case of Ga1-xInxNPhysical Review Letters2002Bellaiche, Laurent
Planar defects and incommensurate phases in highly ordered perovskite solid solutionsPhysical Review Letters2002Bellaiche, Laurent
Piezoelectricity of ferroelectric perovskites from first principlesCurrent Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science2002Bellaiche, Laurent
Splitting the wave function of a particle in a boxAmerican Journal of Physics2002Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Some implications of the quantum nature of laser fields for quantum computationsPhysical Review A2002Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Hiding messages in quantum dataJournal of Mathematical Physics2002Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Minimum energy requirements for quantum computationPhysical Review Letters2002Gea-Banacloche, Julio
CEL gyroscope with injected squeezed vacuumJournal of Modern Optics2002Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Simultaneous measurement of absolute OH concentration, temperature and flow velocity in a flame by photothermal deflection spectroscopyApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics2002Gupta, Rajendra
An investigation of the photothermal deflection spectroscopy technique for temperature measurements in a flameApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics2002Gupta, Rajendra
Book Reviews - The NEW World of Mr. TompkinsPhysics in Perspective2002Hobson, Arthur S.
Merits of Advanced Placement reexaminedPhysics Today2002Hobson, Arthur S.
TY Leo is not an Eclipsing Binary StarInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars2002Lacy, Claud H.
Uvby Beta Photometry of Selected Eclipsing Binary StarsAstronomical Journal2002Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute properties of the main-sequence eclipsing binary star WW CamelopardalisAstronomical Journal2002Lacy, Claud H.
Coherent microwave generation in a nonlinear photonic crystalIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics2002Salamo, Gregory J.
Fixed three-dimensional holographic imagesApplied Optics2002Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoluminescence study of carrier transfer among vertically aligned double-stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dot layersApplied Physics Letters2002Salamo, Gregory J.
University research funding: More than supporting the best to do the bestPhysics Today2002Salamo, Gregory J.
Vertically stacking self-assembled quantum wiresApplied Physics Letters2002Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-assembled InAs quantum wires on InP(001)Journal of Applied Physics2002Salamo, Gregory J.
Response to "Comment on 'Thermal annealing effect on the intersublevel transitions in InAs quantum dots' " [Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 4867 (2002)]Applied Physics Letters2002Salamo, Gregory J.
GaAs(311) templates for molecular beam epitaxy growth: surface morphologies and reconstructionApplied Physics Letters2002Salamo, Gregory J.
Investigation of ultra-low-load nanoindentation for the patterning of nanostructuresNano- and Microtechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems2002Salamo, Gregory J.
Origin of step formation on the GaAs(311) surfacePhysical Review B2002Salamo, Gregory J.
Higher-order sub-Poissonian photon statistics in terms of factorial momentsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2002Singh, Surendra P.
Measurements of intensity fluctuations in a laser with a saturable absorberPhysical Review A2002Singh, Surendra P.
Mapping the spin-injection probability on the atomic scaleJournal of Superconductivity2002Thibado, Paul
Enhancing the Student-Instructor Interaction FrequencyThe Physics Teacher2002Thibado, Paul
Two-level atom coupled to a squeezed vacuum inside a coherently driven cavityPhysical Review A2002Vyas, Reeta
Higher-order sub-Poissonian photon statistics in terms of factorial momentsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2002Vyas, Reeta
Coherent microwave generation in a nonlinear photonic crystalIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics2002Xiao, Min
Modification of spontaneous emission from CdSe/CdS quantum dots in the presence of a semiconductor interfaceOptics Letters2002Xiao, Min
Photoluminescence from single CdSe quantum rodsJournal of Luminescence2002Xiao, Min
Lattice contraction in free-standing CdSe nanocrystalsApplied Physics Letters2002Xiao, Min
Effects of a highly dispersive atomic medium inside an optical ring cavityJournal of Modern Optics2002Xiao, Min
Electronic structure transformation from a quantum-dot to a quantum-wire system: Photoluminescence decay and polarization of colloidal CdSe quantum rodsApplied Physics Letters2002Xiao, Min
Controlling light by light with three-level atoms inside an optical cavityOptics Letters2002Xiao, Min
Controlling the cavity field with enhanced Kerr nonlinearity in three-level atomsPhysical Review A2002Xiao, Min
Dependence of enhanced Kerr nonlinearity on coupling power in a three-level atomic systemOptics Letters2002Xiao, Min
Bistability and instability of three-level atoms inside an optical cavityPhysical Review A2002Xiao, Min
Atomic coherence induced Kerr nonlinearity enhancement in Rb vapourJournal of Modern Optics2002Xiao, Min
Photoluminescence study of carrier transfer among vertically aligned double-stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dot layersApplied Physics Letters2002Xiao, Min
Temperature-dependent behavior of PbSc1/2Nb1/2O3 from first PrinciplesFundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 20012001Bellaiche, Laurent
Structural properties of sinusoidally modulated Pb(Sc,Nb)O-3 alloys at finite temperatureFundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 20012001Bellaiche, Laurent
Composition modulation away from the polar direction in Pb(Sc,Nb)O-3 alloysPhysical Review B2001Bellaiche, Laurent
Ab initio design of perovskite alloys with predetermined properties: The case of Pb(Sc0.5Nb0.5)O-3Physical Review Letters2001Bellaiche, Laurent
Electric-field induced polarization paths in Pb(Zr1-xTix)O-3 alloysPhysical Review B2001Bellaiche, Laurent
Piezoelectricity of ordered (Ga0.5In0.5)N alloysApplied Physics Letters2001Bellaiche, Laurent
Anomalous properties in ferroelectrics induced by atomic orderingNature2001Bellaiche, Laurent
Three-qubit quantum error-correction scheme for collective decoherencePhysical Review A2001Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Teleportation of rotations and receiver-encoded secret sharingJournal of Optics B-Quantum and Semiclassical Optics2001Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Two-state system driven by imperfect pi pulses: an estimate of the error accumulation in bang-bang control methodsJournal of Modern Optics2001Gea-Banacloche, Julio
A method to protect quantum entanglement against certain kinds of phase and exchange errorsJournal of Optics B-Quantum and Semiclassical Optics2001Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Extracting an entangled state of n-t qubits from an n-qubit entangled state after errors at t sitesPhysical Review A2001Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Simultaneous measurement of absorption coefficient, thermal diffusivity, and flow velocity in a gas jet with pulsed photothermal deflection spectroscopyJournal of Applied Physics2001Gupta, Rajendra
Transient state model of optical saturation of pulsed photothermal signals with broadband laser excitationAnalytical Sciences2001Gupta, Rajendra
Optical saturation in continuous-wave photothermal deflection spectroscopy: quantitative investigation of fundamental and harmonic componentsApplied Optics2001Gupta, Rajendra
Quantum-fractal revival structure in C-N quadratic spectra: Base-N quantum computer registersPhysical Review A2001Harter, William G.
Wave node dynamics and revival symmetry in quantum rotorsJournal of Molecular Spectroscopy2001Harter, William G.
Education must capture student enthusiasmPhysics Today2001Hobson, Arthur S.
The language of physicsAmerican Journal of Physics2001Hobson, Arthur S.
Times of Minima of Eclipsing BinariesInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars2001Lacy, Claud H.
The period of LV Herculis revisitedInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars2001Lacy, Claud H.
Spatially resolved spin-injection probability for gallium arsenideScience2001Oliver III, William F.
Observation of an anomalously large blueshift of the photoluminescence peak and evidence of band-gap renormalization in InP/InAs/InP quantum wiresApplied Physics Letters2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Formation of quantum wires and dots on InP(001) by As/P exchangeJournal of Applied Physics2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Fixing solitonic y junctions in photorefractive strontium-barium-niobateApplied Physics Letters2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Fixing multiple waveguides induced by photorefractive solitons: directional couplers and beam splittersOptics Letters2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Thermal annealing effect on the intersublevel transitions in InAs quantum dotsApplied Physics Letters2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Theory of self-focusing in photorefractive InPOptics Letters2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Wide-bandwidth high-frequency electro-optic modulator based on periodically poled LiNbO3Applied Physics Letters2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Reflection-second-harmonic generation from GaAs/AlAs and GaAs/AlGaAs multilayersUltrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors V2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Cavity-enhanced and quasiphase-matched multi-order reflection-second-harmonic generation from GaAs/AlAs and GaAs/AlGaAs multilayersApplied Physics Letters2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Control of size and density of InAs/(Al, Ga)As self-organized islandsJournal of Applied Physics2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Experimental observation of chirped continuous pulse-train soliton solutions to the Maxwell-Bloch equationsOptics Express2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Spatially resolved spin-injection probability for gallium arsenideScience2001Salamo, Gregory J.
Nonclassical effects in photon statistics of atomic optical bistabilityPhysical Review A2001Singh, Surendra P.
Entanglement, interference, and measurement in a degenerate parametric oscillatorPhysical Review Letters2001Singh, Surendra P.
Enabling electron diffraction as a tool for determining substrate temperature and surface morphologyApplied Physics Letters2001Thibado, Paul
A union of the real-space and reciprocal-space view of the GaAs(001) surfaceInternational Journal of Modern Physics B2001Thibado, Paul
Microscopic structure of spontaneously formed islands on the GaAs(001)-(2X4) reconstructed surfaceJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B2001Thibado, Paul
Spatially resolved spin-injection probability for gallium arsenideScience2001Thibado, Paul
Nonclassical effects in photon statistics of atomic optical bistabilityPhysical Review A2001Vyas, Reeta
Entanglement, interference, and measurement in a degenerate parametric oscillatorPhysical Review Letters2001Vyas, Reeta
Wide-bandwidth high-frequency electro-optic modulator based on periodically poled LiNbO3Applied Physics Letters2001Xiao, Min
A new semiclassical model to analyze sub-Poissonian light in high-impedance-driven semiconductor light emittersPhysics Letters A2001Xiao, Min
Experimental demonstration of electromagnetic induced transparency and dispersion effects in Cs atom vapourChinese Physics Letters2001Xiao, Min
Enhanced Kerr nonlinearity via atomic coherence in a three-level atomic systemPhysical Review Letters2001Xiao, Min
Polarization spectroscopy of single CdSe quantum rodsPhysical Review B2001Xiao, Min
Virtual crystal approximation revisited: Application to dielectric and piezoelectric properties of perovskitesPhysical Review B2000Bellaiche, Laurent
Quantum mechanical effects in (Ga,In)(As,N) alloysPhysical Review B2000Bellaiche, Laurent
Finite-temperature investigation of ferroelectric solid solutions from first-principles: Application to the structural properties of Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O-3Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 20002000Bellaiche, Laurent
Unusual evolution of the lowest unoccupied state in Ga(As0.5-yP0.5-yN2y)Physical Review B2000Bellaiche, Laurent
Finite-temperature properties of disordered and ordered Pb(Sc0.5Nb0.5)O-3 alloysApplied Physics Letters2000Bellaiche, Laurent
Comparison of electromechanical properties of BaTiO3 between LAPW and a model HamiltonianFundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 20002000Bellaiche, Laurent
Microscopic view of a two-dimensional lattice-gas Ising system within the grand canonical ensemblePhysical Review Letters2000Bellaiche, Laurent
Finite-temperature properties of Pb(Zr1-xTix)O-3 alloys from first principlesPhysical Review Letters2000Bellaiche, Laurent
Two-layer, planar, superconducting multichip module technology2000 Hd International Conference on High-Density Interconnect and Systems Packaging2000Chan, Fui T.
Quantum codes and macroscopic superpositionsPhysical Review A2000Gea-Banacloche, Julio
A bouncing wavepacket: finite-wall and resonance effectsOptics Communications2000Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Error correction for mutually interacting qubitsPhysical Review A2000Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Effect of optical saturation on pulsed photothermal deflection signals in flowing mediaJournal of Applied Physics2000Gupta, Rajendra
Monte Carlo derived diffusion parameters for Ga on the GaAs(001)-(2x4) surface: A molecular beam epitaxy-scanning tunneling microscopy studyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces and Films2000Harter, William G.
Absolute dimensions of the unevolved B-type eclipsing binary GG OrionisAstronomical Journal2000Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute properties of the eclipsing binary star FS monocerotisAstronomical Journal2000Lacy, Claud H.
Two-layer, planar, superconducting multichip module technology2000 Hd International Conference on High-Density Interconnect and Systems Packaging2000Salamo, Gregory J.
Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of truncated InP/GaInP2 self-assembled islandsApplied Physics Letters2000Salamo, Gregory J.
Creating optical interconnects in Strontium barium niobate2000 Hd International Conference on High-Density Interconnect and Systems Packaging2000Salamo, Gregory J.
Thermal annealing recovery of intersubband transitions in proton-irradiated GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wellsApplied Physics Letters2000Salamo, Gregory J.
Formation and evolution of InAs nanowires on an InP(001) surfaceMorphological and Compositional Evolution of Heteroepitaxial Semiconductor Thin Films2000Salamo, Gregory J.
Higher-order nonclassical effects in a parametric oscillatorPhysical Review A2000Singh, Surendra P.
Antibunching and photoemission waiting timesJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2000Singh, Surendra P.
Measuring Earth's magnetic field simplyThe Physics Teacher2000Stewart, Gay
Monte Carlo derived diffusion parameters for Ga on the GaAs(001)-(2x4) surface: A molecular beam epitaxy-scanning tunneling microscopy studyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces and Films2000Thibado, Paul
Microscopic view of a two-dimensional lattice-gas Ising system within the grand canonical ensemblePhysical Review Letters2000Thibado, Paul
A novel imaging mechanism to determine the atomic structure of the GaAs(001)-(2 x 4) surfaceOmicron Newsletter2000Thibado, Paul
Reflection high-energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy study of InP(001) surface reconstructionsJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces and Films2000Thibado, Paul
Higher-order nonclassical effects in a parametric oscillatorPhysical Review A2000Vyas, Reeta
Antibunching and photoemission waiting timesJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2000Vyas, Reeta
Pulse evolution in a photorefractive self-pumped phase conjugator with transmission grating geometryIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics2000Xiao, Min
Wavelength locking of multiple diode lasers by multiplexed gratings in a photorefractive crystalApplied Physics Letters2000Xiao, Min
Three-level atoms inside a degenerate optical parametric oscillator: Steady-state behaviorsPhysical Review A2000Xiao, Min
Inhomogeneous broadening-dependent spectral features in a four-level atomic systemJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2000Xiao, Min
A degenerate optical parametric oscillator coupled with N two-level atoms: effects of detuning in the optical spectraJournal of Optics B-Quantum and Semiclassical Optics2000Xiao, Min
Compression and broadening of phase-conjugate pulses in photorefractive self-pumped phase conjugatorsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2000Xiao, Min
Blue light generation in single-pass frequency doubling of femtosecond pulses in KNbO3Optics Communications2000Xiao, Min
Cavity-linewidth narrowing by means of electromagnetically induced transparencyOptics Letters2000Xiao, Min
Can signal-to-noise be improved by heterodyne detection using an amplitude squeezed local oscillator? Li, Guzun, and Xiao replyPhysical Review Letters2000Xiao, Min
Three-dimensional color holographic displayApplied Optics1999Anderson, Richard J.
Intrinsic piezoelectric response in perovskite alloys: PMN-PT versus PZTPhysical Review Letters1999Bellaiche, Laurent
Band gaps of lattice-matched (Ga,In)(As,N) alloysApplied Physics Letters1999Bellaiche, Laurent
Resonant hole localization and anomalous optical bowing in InGaN alloysApplied Physics Letters1999Bellaiche, Laurent
Effect of planarization of the bottom superconducting yttrium-barium-copper-oxide layer in the multilayer structureIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity1999Chan, Fui T.
A quantum bouncing ballAmerican Journal of Physics1999Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Qubit-qubit interaction in quantum computers. II. Adder algorithm with diagonal and off-diagonal interactionsPhysical Review A1999Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Temperature dependence of the thermal diffusivity of GaAs in the 100-305 K range measured by the pulsed photothermal displacement techniqueJournal of Applied Physics1999Gupta, Rajendra
Science literacy and departmental prioritiesAmerican Journal of Physics1999Hobson, Arthur S.
Absolute Properties of Binary StarsNOAO Proposal1999Lacy, Claud H.
New Analyses of V909 Cygni Light CurvesInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars1999Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Properties of ZZ Ursae MajorisInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars1999Lacy, Claud H.
Why and How to Observe Binary Stars TonightMercury1999Lacy, Claud H.
V907 Scorpii: A remarkable binary star whose eclipses turn on and off and on and offAstronomical Journal1999Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute dimensions of the A-type eclipsing binary V364 LacertaeAstronomical Journal1999Lacy, Claud H.
Fixing the photorefractive solitonOptics Letters1999Salamo, Gregory J.
The Portable holographic interferometer for residual stress measurement and nondestructive testing (NDT) of the pipelinesNondestructive Evaluation of Utilities and Pipelines Iii1999Salamo, Gregory J.
Morphology of InAs self-organized islands on AlAs surfacesApplied Physics Letters1999Salamo, Gregory J.
Robust optical delivery system for measuring substrate temperature during molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B1999Salamo, Gregory J.
Proton irradiation effects on the intersubband transition in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells with bulk or superlattice barriersApplied Physics Letters1999Salamo, Gregory J.
Three-dimensional color holographic displayApplied Optics1999Salamo, Gregory J.
Effect of planarization of the bottom superconducting yttrium-barium-copper-oxide layer in the multilayer structureIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity1999Salamo, Gregory J.
Advanced holographic nondestructive testing system for Residual stress analysisInternational Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering1999Salamo, Gregory J.
Using linguistic references to characterize class integrationPhysics Education1999Stewart, Gay
Robust optical delivery system for measuring substrate temperature during molecular beam epitaxyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B1999Thibado, Paul
Role of As-4 in Ga diffusion on the GaAs(001)-(2x4) surface: A molecular beam epitaxy-scanning tunneling microscopy studyJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B1999Thibado, Paul
Atomic structure of the GaAs(001)-(2 x 4) surface resolved using scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles theoryPhysical Review Letters1999Thibado, Paul
Activation energy for Ga diffusion on the GaAs(001)-(2x4) surface: an MBE-STM studyJournal of Crystal Growth1999Thibado, Paul
Transient spectroscopy with a current-switched semiconductor diode laserJournal of Optics B-Quantum and Semiclassical Optics1999Xiao, Min
Sub-shot-noise-limited optical heterodyne detection using an amplitude-squeezed local oscillatorPhysical Review Letters1999Xiao, Min
N two-level atoms in a driven optical cavity: Quantum dynamics of forward photon scattering for weak incident fieldsPhysical Review A1999Xiao, Min
Quantum-noise measurements in high-efficiency single-pass second-harmonic generation with femtosecond pulsesOptics Letters1999Xiao, Min
Possibility of an optically-trapped Bose-Einstein condensationChinese Physics Letters1999Xiao, Min
Normally ordered unitary operator for multimode squeezed fermion statesPhysics Letters A1998Chan, Fui T.
Qubit-qubit interaction in quantum computersPhysical Review A1998Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Emergence of classical radiation fields through decoherence in the Scully-Lamb laser modelFoundations of Physics1998Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Comment on "Optical coherence: A convenient fiction"Physical Review A1998Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Qubit-qubit interaction in quantum computers: errors and scaling lawsPhotonic Quantum Computing Ii1998Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Thermal diffusivity measurement of solid materials by the pulsed photothermal displacement techniqueJournal of Applied Physics1998Gupta, Rajendra
Photothermal phase-shift spectroscopy in a flowing medium: experimentApplied Optics1998Gupta, Rajendra
Absolute dimensions and masses of V541 Cygni and the general theory of relativityAstronomical Journal1998Lacy, Claud H.
Primarily isotropic nature of photorefractive screening solitons and the interactions between themOptics Letters1998Salamo, Gregory J.
Evaluation of InP : Fe parameters by measurement of two wave mixing photorefractive and absorptive gainJournal of Electronic Materials1998Salamo, Gregory J.
Enabling in situ atomic-scale characterization of epitaxial surfaces and interfacesJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B1998Salamo, Gregory J.
Nonlinear optical beam propagation and solitons in photorefractive mediaRivista Del Nuovo Cimento1998Salamo, Gregory J.
High-intensity nanosecond photorefractive spatial solitonsOptics Letters1998Salamo, Gregory J.
Pithy ProblemsScience Scope1998Stewart, Gay
Closing the Gender Gap in Student Confidence: Results from a University of Arkansas Physics ClassJournal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering1998Stewart, Gay
More Electrostatic ExplorationsScience Scope1998Stewart, Gay
Electrostatic ExplorationsScience Scope1998Stewart, Gay
Interfacial disorder in InAs/GaSb superlatticesPhilosophical Magazine A-Physics of Condensed Matter Structure Defects and Mechanical Properties1998Thibado, Paul
Enabling in situ atomic-scale characterization of epitaxial surfaces and interfacesJournal of Vacuum Science & Technology B1998Thibado, Paul
Thermal diffusivity measurement of solid materials by the pulsed photothermal displacement techniqueJournal of Applied Physics1998Vyas, Reeta
Nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a double-Lambda system under the influence of coherent population trappingOptics Letters1998Xiao, Min
An alternative approach for deriving a positive P-representationPhysics Letters A1998Xiao, Min
Generation and applications of amplitude-squeezed states of light from semiconductor diode lasersOptics Express1998Xiao, Min
Electromagnetically induced grating: Homogeneously broadened mediumPhysical Review A1998Xiao, Min
Three-dimensional image reconstruction using strontium barium niobateApplied Physics Letters1997Anderson, Richard J.
Tl2Ba2CaCu2Oy superconducting thin films on polycrystalline Al2O3 substrates with textured YSZ buffer layersPhysica C1997Chan, Fui T.
Fabrication techniques and electrical properties of YBa2Cu3O7-x multilayers with rf sputtered amorphous SiO2 interlayersPhysica C1997Chan, Fui T.
Fabrication and characterization of vias for contacting YBa2Cu3O7-x multilayersPhysica C1997Chan, Fui T.
Improvement of in-plane alignment of YBa2Cu3O7-x films on polycrystalline alumina substrates using biaxially aligned CeO2/YSZ buffer layersPhysica C1997Chan, Fui T.
Quantum suppression of chaos in the spin-boson model - ReplyPhysical Review E1997Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Photothermal lensing detection: theory and experimentApplied Optics1997Gupta, Rajendra
Theory of photothermal spectroscopy in an optically dense fluidApplied Optics1997Gupta, Rajendra
Absolute dimensions and masses of IT CassiopeiaeAstronomical Journal1997Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute dimensions and masses of YY Sagittarii and V526 SagittariiAstronomical Journal1997Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute dimensions and masses of eclipsing binary stars: The anomalous triple star V909 CygniAstronomical Journal1997Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute dimensions and masses of AD BootisAstronomical Journal1997Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute dimensions and masses of SW Canis MajorisAstronomical Journal1997Lacy, Claud H.
The spectroscopic orbit of Pi CetiAstronomical Journal1997Lacy, Claud H.
The MACHO Project LMC variable star inventory .5. Classification and orbits of 611 eclipsing binary starsAstronomical Journal1997Lacy, Claud H.
The eclipsing double-lined spectroscopic binary system V505 PerseiAstronomical Journal1997Lacy, Claud H.
Relaxation phenomena and thermodynamics of liquids at very high pressuresDynamics in Small Confining Systems Iii1997Oliver III, William F.
Stress measurement of deposited SiO2 films on silicon wafer using dimensional stability holographic interferometry testOptical Manufacturing and Testing Ii1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Enhancement of critical current density in Tl2Ba2CaCu2Oy superconducting thin film on polycrystalline Al2O3 substrates using textured YSZ buffer layersPhysica C1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-trapping of two-dimensional optical beams and light-induced waveguiding in photorefractive InP at telecommunication wavelengthsApplied Physics Letters1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Phase shift between index and intensity patterns in photorefractive two-wave mixing experiments in InP:FeOptics Communications1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-trapping of optical beams and light-induced waveguiding in photorefractive InP at telecommunication wavelengthsInfrared Applications of Semiconductors - Materials, Processing and Devices1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x multilayer structures with a thick SiO2 interlayer for multichip modulesJournal of Materials Research1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Three-dimensional spiraling of interacting spatial solitonsPhysical Review Letters1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Tl2Ba2CaCu2Oy superconducting thin films on polycrystalline Al2O3 substrates with textured YSZ buffer layersPhysica C1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Fabrication techniques and electrical properties of YBa2Cu3O7-x multilayers with rf sputtered amorphous SiO2 interlayersPhysica C1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Fabrication and characterization of vias for contacting YBa2Cu3O7-x multilayersPhysica C1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Improvement of in-plane alignment of YBa2Cu3O7-x films on polycrystalline alumina substrates using biaxially aligned CeO2/YSZ buffer layersPhysica C1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Three-dimensional image reconstruction using strontium barium niobateApplied Physics Letters1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Coherent collisions of photorefractive solitonsOptics Letters1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Experimental observation of the continuous pulse-train soliton solution to the Maxwell-Bloch equationsPhysical Review Letters1997Salamo, Gregory J.
Two-photon detection of light from a degenerate parametric oscillatorOptics Communications1997Singh, Surendra P.
Optimally Engineering Traditional Introductory Physics ClassesJournal of Science Education and Technology1997Stewart, Gay
Part I: Toward a System of Educational Engineering for Traditional Class Elements: A Case Study in an Introductory Physics CourseJournal of Science Education and Technology1997Stewart, Gay
Part II: A Computationally Based Modeling System for Class Elements Using Formal Observer-Based Experimental ConnectionsJournal of Science Education and Technology1997Stewart, Gay
Cavity-modified Maxwell-Bloch equations for the vacuum Rabi splittingPhysical Review A1997Vyas, Reeta
Photothermal lensing detection: theory and experimentApplied Optics1997Vyas, Reeta
Theory of photothermal spectroscopy in an optically dense fluidApplied Optics1997Vyas, Reeta
Influence of injection current noise on the spectral characteristics of semiconductor lasersIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics1997Xiao, Min
Electromagnetically induced transparency with variable coupling-laser linewidthPhysical Review A1997Xiao, Min
Frequency matching effect in electromagnetically induced transparencyOptics Communications1997Xiao, Min
Sub-shot-noise laser Doppler anemometry with amplitude-squeezed lightPhysical Review Letters1997Xiao, Min
Number-difference-phase uncertainty relation for NFM operational quantum phase descriptionPhysics Letters A1997Xiao, Min
Construction of optical networks by virture of the IWOP techniqueQuantum and Semiclassical Optics1997Xiao, Min
Image transfer by mutually pumped phase conjugatorsApplied Optics1996Anderson, Richard J.
Magnetization of HgBa2CuO4+delta with 0.03<=delta<=0.4Journal of Applied Physics1996Chan, Fui T.
Magnetic field and temperature dependence of critical current densities in multilayer YBa2Cu3O7-delta filmsJournal of Applied Physics1996Chan, Fui T.
Quantum suppression of chaos in the spin-boson modelPhysical Review E1996Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Analytic quantum-trajectory results for a fluorescent atom in a lossless cavityQuantum and Semiclassical Optics1996Gea-Banacloche, Julio
EE Pegasi revisited: A spectrum synthesis and new light synthesis studyAstrophysical Journal1996Lacy, Claud H.
Fabrication of biaxially aligned YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films on glass substratesPhysica C1996Salamo, Gregory J.
Circular waveguides induced by two-dimensional bright steady-state photorefractive spatial screening solitonsOptics Letters1996Salamo, Gregory J.
Image transfer by mutually pumped phase conjugatorsApplied Optics1996Salamo, Gregory J.
Magnetization of HgBa2CuO4+delta with 0.03<=delta<=0.4Journal of Applied Physics1996Salamo, Gregory J.
Magnetic field and temperature dependence of critical current densities in multilayer YBa2Cu3O7-delta filmsJournal of Applied Physics1996Salamo, Gregory J.
Two-dimensional steady-state photorefractive screening solitonsOptics Letters1996Salamo, Gregory J.
Sputter-deposited yttrium-barium-copper-oxide multilayer structures incorporating a thick interlayer dielectric materialJournal of Applied Physics1996Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-trapping of planar optical beams by use of the photorefractive effect in InP:FeOptics Letters1996Salamo, Gregory J.
Optically induced birefringence in bacteriorhodopsin as an optical limiterApplied Physics Letters1996Salamo, Gregory J.
One-dimensional steady-state photorefractive screening solitonsPhysical Review E1996Salamo, Gregory J.
Effects of V- or Cr-doping on phase formation, electric properties and superconductivity of the 3212-type phase Pb2Sr2(Ca0.5Y0.5)CU3OzModern Physics Letters B1996Sheng, Zhengzhi
A new (Hg,V)-based 1212-type cuprate (Hg,V) Sr-2(Y,Ca) Cu2Oz with T-c(onset) up to 110 KZeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter1996Sheng, Zhengzhi
Phase and superconductivity of (Tl,M)-Sr-Cu-O system (M=Cr or V) - Experimental evidence for possible existence of Sr-based Tl-2212-phasePhysica Status Solidi A-Applied Research1996Sheng, Zhengzhi
Measurements of higher order photon bunching of light beamsPhysical Review Letters1996Singh, Surendra P.
Measurements of higher order photon bunching of light beams - ReplyPhysical Review Letters1996Singh, Surendra P.
Homodyne detection for the enhancement of antibunchingPhysical Review A1996Singh, Surendra P.
Apparatus for teaching physics: The rail gunThe Physics Teacher1996Stewart, Gay
Multiphoton interaction of a phased atom with a single mode fieldPhysica a1996Vyas, Reeta
Fokker-Planck equation in the good-cavity limit and single-atom optical bistabilityPhysical Review A1996Vyas, Reeta
Particle trapping by oscillating fields: Connecting squeezing with coolingModern Physics Letters B1996Vyas, Reeta
Homodyne detection for the enhancement of antibunchingPhysical Review A1996Vyas, Reeta
Fock representation for two-mode quantum phase operators' eigenstatesQuantum and Semiclassical Optics1996Xiao, Min
Inversionless lasing and photon statistics in a V-type atomic systemPhysical Review A1996Xiao, Min
Single-mode diode laser with a large frequency-scanning range based on weak grating feedbackApplied Optics1996Xiao, Min
Wigner operator and squeezing for rotated quadrature phasesModern Physics Letters B1996Xiao, Min
Dual eigenkets of the Susskind-Glogower phase operatorPhysical Review A1996Xiao, Min
Complex P representation of the density matrix obtained via creation operator eigenvectorsPhysics Letters A1996Xiao, Min
Coherent population trapping and electromagnetically induced transparency in multi-Zeeman-sublevel atomsPhysical Review A1996Xiao, Min
Coherent transient amplification in inhomogeneously broadened rubidium atoms by diode-laser frequency switchingOptics Letters1996Xiao, Min
A special type of squeezed coherent statePhysics Letters A1996Xiao, Min
A convenient representation for the two-mode phase operator root((a)over-cap+(b)over-cap dagger)/((a)over-cap dagger+(b)over-cap)Physics Letters A1996Xiao, Min
Enhancement of nondegenerate four-wave mixing based on electromagnetically induced transparency in rubidium atomsOptics Letters1996Xiao, Min
Synthesis and Start Cation-Composition of Hgba2cuo4+deltaPhysica C1995Chan, Fui T.
Epitaxial Tl2ba2cacu2o8 Superconducting Thin-Film on Sr-2(aita)o-6 Buffer LayerJournal of Applied Physics1995Chan, Fui T.
Epitaxial Sr-2(alta)o-6 Films as Buffer Layers on Mgo for Yba2cu3o7-X Thin-Film GrowthJournal of Applied Physics1995Chan, Fui T.
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Ladder-Type Inhomogeneously Broadened Media - Theory and ExperimentPhysical Review A1995Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Measurement of Dispersive Properties of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Rubidium AtomsPhysical Review Letters1995Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Schrodinger Modal Structure of Cubical, Pyramidal, and Conical, Evanescent Light-Wave Gravitational Atom TrapsPhysical Review A1995Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Anisotropic Seebeck Coefficient in Tl2ba2cuo6-Delta Single-CrystalsPhysica C1995Hermann, Allen M.
Times of minima of eight eclipsing binariesInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars1995Lacy, Claud H.
Pressure and Temperature-Dependence of Glass-Transition Dynamics in a Fragile Glass Former Rid B-4959-2009Physical Review Letters1995Oliver III, William F.
Rapid Synthesis of Nearly-Pure High T-C Superconductor Hgba2cuo4+delta at Ambient-Pressure in an Open SystemSolid State Communications1995Pederson, Donald O.
Optically Induced Quasi-Phase Matching in Strontium Barium NiobateApplied Physics Letters1995Salamo, Gregory J.
Observation of two-dimensional steady-state photorefractive screening solitonsElectronics Letters1995Salamo, Gregory J.
High-Resolution Phase-Conjugate Imaging in Double-Pumped Phase ConjugatorsApplied Optics1995Salamo, Gregory J.
Dark Photorefractive Spatial Solitons and Photorefractive Vortex SolitonsPhysical Review Letters1995Salamo, Gregory J.
Waveguides formed by quasi-steady-state photorefractive spatial solitonsOptics Letters1995Salamo, Gregory J.
Portable holographic interferometric device for aircraft inspectingSPIE1995Salamo, Gregory J.
Epitaxial Tl2ba2cacu2o8 Superconducting Thin-Film on Sr-2(aita)o-6 Buffer LayerJournal of Applied Physics1995Salamo, Gregory J.
Epitaxial Sr-2(alta)o-6 Films as Buffer Layers on Mgo for Yba2cu3o7-X Thin-Film GrowthJournal of Applied Physics1995Salamo, Gregory J.
Crystal-Structure and T-C of 1212-Type Cuprate (Tl,cr) Sr-2 (Ca,tl) Cu2o7Physica C1995Sheng, Zhengzhi
Electrical-Properties and Crystal-Structure of (Hg, Pb)sr-2(ga, Y)cu2o6+deltaPhysica C1995Sheng, Zhengzhi
New 1212-Type (Hg, Cr)-Based Cuprate (Hg1-Xcrx)sr-2(ca1-Yyy)cu2o6+deltaPhysica C1995Sheng, Zhengzhi
Flux-Pinning and Motion of High-J(c) Tl(2223) Ag-Sheathed TapesJournal of Applied Physics1995Sheng, Zhengzhi
Fabrication of Ag-Clad (Ti,v)(sr,ba)(2)ca2cu3oy Superconducting TapesSuperconductor Science & Technology1995Sheng, Zhengzhi
Enhancement of T-C Onset in (Ga,hg)sr-2(y,ca)cu2o7 by Hg DopingPhysica C1995Sheng, Zhengzhi
Rapid Synthesis of Nearly-Pure High T-C Superconductor Hgba2cuo4+delta at Ambient-Pressure in an Open SystemSolid State Communications1995Sheng, Zhengzhi
Exact Quantum Distribution for Parametric OscillatorsPhysical Review Letters1995Singh, Surendra P.
Measurements of Photon Statistics in 2nd-Harmonic GenerationPhysical Review A1995Singh, Surendra P.
Exact Quantum Distribution for Parametric OscillatorsPhysical Review Letters1995Vyas, Reeta
Statistical Properties of a Charged Oscillator in the Presence of a Time-Dependent Electromagnetic-FieldPhysical Review A1995Vyas, Reeta
Fokker-Planck Equation for a Single 2-Level Atom - Applications in the Bad-Cavity LimitPhysical Review A1995Vyas, Reeta
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a 3-Level Lambda-Type System in Rubidium AtomsPhysical Review A1995Xiao, Min
Hyperfine Spectroscopy of Highly-Excited Atomic States Based on Atomic CoherenceOptics Communications1995Xiao, Min
Transient Properties of an Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in 3-Level AtomsOptics Letters1995Xiao, Min
Observation of Quantum Interference between Dressed States in an Electromagnetically Induced TransparencyPhysical Review A1995Xiao, Min
Observation of an Electromagnetically Induced Change of Absorption in Multilevel Rubidium AtomsPhysical Review A1995Xiao, Min
Observation of oscillatory energy exchange in a coupled-atom-cavity systemJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1995Xiao, Min
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Ladder-Type Inhomogeneously Broadened Media - Theory and ExperimentPhysical Review A1995Xiao, Min
Measurement of Dispersive Properties of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Rubidium AtomsPhysical Review Letters1995Xiao, Min
Laser with Injected Squeezed Vacuum - Phase Diffusion and Intensity FluctuationsPhysical Review A1994Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Quasi-Classical Approximation for the Spin-Boson Hamiltonian with Counterrotating TermsPhysical Review A1994Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Atom-field interaction without the rotating-wave approximation: quasi-classical trajectoriesIQEC - Technical Digest Series1994Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Times of Minima of Nine Eclipsing BinariesInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars1994Lacy, Claud H.
Dilatometric and thermo-optic properties of alkaline earth and cadmium fluorides between 300 and 1300 KJournal of Applied Physics1994Pederson, Donald O.
A New 1223-Type High T-C Cuprate (Tl,v)sr2ca2cu3o9Zeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter1994Pederson, Donald O.
A Study of Heterogeneous Nucleation in Aqueous-SolutionsLangmuir1994Richardson, Charles B.
Ferroelectric Domain Gratings in Strontium Barium Niobate Induced by Photorefractive Space-Charge FieldsPhysical Review Letters1994Salamo, Gregory J.
Ferroelectric Domain Gratings in Strontium Barium Niobate Induced by Photorefractive Space-Charge Fields (Vol 73, Pg 1174, 1994)Physical Review Letters1994Salamo, Gregory J.
Tunable Quasi-Phase Matching using Dynamic Ferroelectric Domain Gratings Induced by Photorefractive Space-Charge FieldsApplied Physics Letters1994Salamo, Gregory J.
Stability of Photorefractive Spatial SolitonsOptics Letters1994Salamo, Gregory J.
Cooperative Photorefractive Beam Fanning in Basrknanb5o(15)Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1994Salamo, Gregory J.
Dimensionality and Size of Photorefractive Spatial SolitonsOptics Letters1994Salamo, Gregory J.
New Techniques for Measuring Strain at Fracture of Thin-Film MaterialsElectronic Packaging Materials Science Vii1994Salamo, Gregory J.
A New 1223-Type High T-C Cuprate (Tl,v)sr2ca2cu3o9Zeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter1994Sheng, Zhengzhi
Low-Temperature Elastic-Constants of Y1ba2cu3o7Physica C1994Sheng, Zhengzhi
Liquid-Phase Assisted Synthesis of Single Thallium Layer SuperconductorsMaterials Research Bulletin1994Sheng, Zhengzhi
Synthesis and Characterization of (Hg, Bi)-Based 1212-Type Cuprate Superconductor (Hg0.67bi0.33)sr2(y0.67ca0.33)cu2o6+delta (Delta=0.68)Physica C1994Sheng, Zhengzhi
Synthesis and properties of Tl0.6V0.5Sr2Ca2Cu3OxPhysica C: Superconductivity1994Sheng, Zhengzhi
Preparation and Properties of High J(c) Tl(2223) Ag-Sheathed TapePhysica Status Solidi A-Applied Research1994Sheng, Zhengzhi
Synthesis and characterization of HgBa2Can-1CunO2n+2+d (n = 1, 2, and 3)Physica C: Superconductivity1994Sheng, Zhengzhi
Polarization Properties of Maxwell-Gaussian Laser-BeamsPhysical Review E1994Singh, Surendra P.
Scattering of Atoms by Light - Probing a Quantum State and the Variance of the Phase OperatorPhysics Letters A1994Vyas, Reeta
Observation of Localized Domain Reversal of Iron-Doped Potassium Niobate (Feknbo3) Single-CrystalJournal of Applied Physics1994Xiao, Min
Lasing without Inversion in a V-System due to Trapping of Modified Atomic States - CommentPhysical Review A1994Xiao, Min
Extra Intracavity Squeezing of a Degenerate Optical Parametric Oscillator Coupling with N 2-Level AtomsPhysical Review A1994Xiao, Min
Intensity Characteristics of Inversionless Lasers from Induced Atomic CoherencePhysical Review A1994Xiao, Min
Mutually Pumped Phase Conjugator as a Moving-Object CorrelatorOptics Letters1993Anderson, Richard J.
Preparation of Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10 Thin-Films Via Low-Temperature Tl-DiffusionSuperconductor Science & Technology1993Chan, Fui T.
Superconducting Tlsr2(ca,cr)cu2o7 Thin-Films with Critical-Current Density Up to 10(6) A/cm(2)Journal of Applied Physics1993Chan, Fui T.
Thermoelectric-Power of the Thallium-Based Superconductor Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10-DeltaPhysical Review B1993Chan, Fui T.
Squeezing in the Jaynes-Cummings Model for Large Coherent FieldsJournal of Modern Optics1993Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Jaynes-Cummings Model with Quasi-Classical Fields - the Effect of DissipationPhysical Review A1993Gea-Banacloche, Julio
The Photometric Orbit and Apsidal Motion of Yy SagittariiAstronomical Journal1993Lacy, Claud H.
The Photometric Orbit and Apsidal Motion of V526 SagittariiAstronomical Journal1993Lacy, Claud H.
The Photometric Orbit and Apsidal Motion of V523 SagittariiAstronomical Journal1993Lacy, Claud H.
Preparation of Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10 Thin-Films Via Low-Temperature Tl-DiffusionSuperconductor Science & Technology1993Pederson, Donald O.
Effects of Bi-Substitution for Tl in 1222-Type Cuprate Tlsr2(nd, Ce)2cu2ozPhysica C1993Pederson, Donald O.
Effect of Cr-Substitution and V-Substitution on the Properties of Bulk Tl-Based SuperconductorsCryogenics1993Pederson, Donald O.
New High-T(c) Cuprate (Tl1-Xcrx)(sr2-Ybay)ca2cu3o9Applied Physics Letters1993Pederson, Donald O.
Synthesis of New 1223-TYPE Layered Cuprate (Tl, v) (Sr, Ba)2Ca2Cu3O9 with TC(?=0) above 110 KModern Physics Letters B1993Pederson, Donald O.
Phase-Transformation during Low-Temperature Tl-Diffusion in the Fabrication of Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O Thin-FilmsPhysica C1993Pederson, Donald O.
Synthesis and Characterization of 2234-Phase Tl2ba2ca3cu4o12 Prepared Near and at the Melting-PointSuperconductor Science & Technology1993Pederson, Donald O.
Synthesis and Superconductivity of a New 1222-Type T1-Based Layered Cuprate (T1, Nb) Sr2(nd, Ce)2cu2ozZeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter1993Pederson, Donald O.
Synthesis of New 1223-TYPE Superconducting Layered Cuprate (Tl,Cr)Sr2Ca2Cu3O9Modern Physics Letters B1993Pederson, Donald O.
A Study of the Nucleation of the Solution-To-Solid Phase-Transition using Levitated Microscopic ParticlesLangmuir1993Richardson, Charles B.
Manifestation of Circular Photogalvanic Current by Dynamic Holography in Batio3Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing1993Salamo, Gregory J.
Observation of Self-Trapping of an Optical Beam due to the Photorefractive EffectPhysical Review Letters1993Salamo, Gregory J.
High-Quality Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 Thin Films Fabricated via Laser AblationModern Physics Letters B1993Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-Trapping of Optical Beams in Photorefractive MediaJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1993Salamo, Gregory J.
Enhancing the Photorefractive EffectOptics Communications1993Salamo, Gregory J.
Reflection Holographic Gratings in [111] Cut Bi12tio20 Crystal for Real-Time InterferometryOptics Communications1993Salamo, Gregory J.
Single-Beam Polarization Holographic Grating RecordingPhysical Review Letters1993Salamo, Gregory J.
Preparation of Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10 Thin-Films Via Low-Temperature Tl-DiffusionSuperconductor Science & Technology1993Salamo, Gregory J.
Superconducting Tlsr2(ca,cr)cu2o7 Thin-Films with Critical-Current Density Up to 10(6) A/cm(2)Journal of Applied Physics1993Salamo, Gregory J.
Mutually Pumped Phase Conjugator as a Moving-Object CorrelatorOptics Letters1993Salamo, Gregory J.
Research on Tl-Based Superconductors at the University-Of-ArkansasApplied Superconductivity1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
Preparation of Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10 Thin-Films Via Low-Temperature Tl-DiffusionSuperconductor Science & Technology1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
Superconducting Tlsr2(ca,cr)cu2o7 Thin-Films with Critical-Current Density Up to 10(6) A/cm(2)Journal of Applied Physics1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
Thermoelectric-Power of the Thallium-Based Superconductor Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10-DeltaPhysical Review B1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
Effects of Bi-Substitution for Tl in 1222-Type Cuprate Tlsr2(nd, Ce)2cu2ozPhysica C1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
Effect of Cr-Substitution and V-Substitution on the Properties of Bulk Tl-Based SuperconductorsCryogenics1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
New High-T(c) Cuprate (Tl1-Xcrx)(sr2-Ybay)ca2cu3o9Applied Physics Letters1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
Synthesis of New 1223-TYPE Layered Cuprate (Tl, v) (Sr, Ba)2Ca2Cu3O9 with TC(?=0) above 110 KModern Physics Letters B1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
Phase-Transformation during Low-Temperature Tl-Diffusion in the Fabrication of Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O Thin-FilmsPhysica C1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
Synthesis and Characterization of 2234-Phase Tl2ba2ca3cu4o12 Prepared Near and at the Melting-PointSuperconductor Science & Technology1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
Synthesis and Superconductivity of a New 1222-Type T1-Based Layered Cuprate (T1, Nb) Sr2(nd, Ce)2cu2ozZeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
Synthesis of New 1223-TYPE Superconducting Layered Cuprate (Tl,Cr)Sr2Ca2Cu3O9Modern Physics Letters B1993Sheng, Zhengzhi
2nd-Harmonic Generation and Photon Bunching in Multimode Laser-BeamsPhysical Review A1993Singh, Surendra P.
Single-Atom Fluorescence with Nonclassical LightPhysical Review A1993Vyas, Reeta
Homodyne Photon Statistics of the Subthreshold Degenerate Parametric OscillatorPhysical Review A1993Vyas, Reeta
Amplitude Squeezing and a Transition from Lasing with Inversion to Lasing without Inversion in a 4-Level LaserPhysical Review A1993Xiao, Min
Inversionless Laser from a Closed Multilevel SystemPhysical Review A1993Xiao, Min
Optical-Spectra from a Degenerate Optical Parametric Oscillator Coupling with N 2-Level AtomsPhysical Review A1993Xiao, Min
Fabrication of Superconducting Tlsr2(ca, Cr)cu2o7 Thin-Films by Laser Ablation and Thallium DiffusionJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers1992Chan, Fui T.
Loss of State Purity and Regularity in the Jaynes-Cummings ModelPhysical Review A1992Gea-Banacloche, Julio
A New Look at the Jaynes-Cummings Model for Large Fields - Bloch Sphere Evolution and Detuning EffectsOptics Communications1992Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Flux-Creep Activation-Energies in Tl2ba2cacu2ox Single-CrystalsPhysical Review B1992Hermann, Allen M.
Getting Religion and Science to TalkPhysics Today1992Hobson, Arthur S.
'Japan: Not an Energy Efficiency Model'---Not!Physics Today1992Hobson, Arthur S.
Guest Comment - the Ozone ParableAmerican Journal of Physics1992Hobson, Arthur S.
An Exact Solution of the Ephemeris-Curve ProblemAstronomical Journal1992Lacy, Claud H.
Ubv Photometry of Selected Eclipsing Binary StarsAstronomical Journal1992Lacy, Claud H.
Synthesis of Nearly-Pure 2223 Phase Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 with Tc above 120 K from 2223 Starting CompositionModern Physics Letters B1992Pederson, Donald O.
Superconductivity and phases in the MTlSrCaCuO and MTlSrCuO systems with M=Cr, Mo, and WAIP Conference Proceedings1992Pederson, Donald O.
Preparation and Superconductivity of New 214-TYPE Cuprates (La1.85-xCa0.15Ax)CuO4-y (A=Bi, pb or Tl)Modern Physics Letters B1992Pederson, Donald O.
Remnant Charge of Slow Multicharged Ions Scattered from a Gold SurfacePhysical Review B1992Pederson, Donald O.
New Thallium-Lead Based Layered Cuprates and their SuperconductivityMaterials Research Bulletin1992Pederson, Donald O.
New 1222-TYPE Layered Cuprates (Tl,M)Sr2(Nd,Ce)2Cu2Oz (m = ti or Nb)Modern Physics Letters B1992Pederson, Donald O.
Fabrication of Highly Oriented Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10 Films with T(c) Over 120-K by Chemical-Deposition and Tl-DiffusionSuperconductor Science & Technology1992Pederson, Donald O.
New 100 K Tlsr2(ca,cr)cu2o7 Superconducting FilmsApplied Physics Letters1992Pederson, Donald O.
Effects of F-Doping and Cl-Doping on Formation and Superconductivity of the 1212-Type Phase Tlsr2cacu2o7Solid State Communications1992Pederson, Donald O.
A New Superconducting 1201-Type Phase (Tl,cr)sr2cuo5Solid State Communications1992Pederson, Donald O.
Fabrication of Superconducting Tlsr2(ca, Cr)cu2o7 Thin-Films by Laser Ablation and Thallium DiffusionJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers1992Pederson, Donald O.
Fabrication of Superconducting Tlsr2(ca, Cr)cu2o7 Thin-Films by Laser Ablation and Thallium DiffusionJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers1992Salamo, Gregory J.
Incoherent-To-Coherent Conversion using a Photorefractive Self-Pumped Phase ConjugatorOptics Letters1992Salamo, Gregory J.
Synthesis of Nearly-Pure 2223 Phase Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 with Tc above 120 K from 2223 Starting CompositionModern Physics Letters B1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
Superconductivity and phases in the MTlSrCaCuO and MTlSrCuO systems with M=Cr, Mo, and WAIP Conference Proceedings1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
Preparation and Superconductivity of New 214-TYPE Cuprates (La1.85-xCa0.15Ax)CuO4-y (A=Bi, pb or Tl)Modern Physics Letters B1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
New Thallium-Lead Based Layered Cuprates and their SuperconductivityMaterials Research Bulletin1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
New 1222-TYPE Layered Cuprates (Tl,M)Sr2(Nd,Ce)2Cu2Oz (m = ti or Nb)Modern Physics Letters B1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
Fabrication of Highly Oriented Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10 Films with T(c) Over 120-K by Chemical-Deposition and Tl-DiffusionSuperconductor Science & Technology1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
New 100 K Tlsr2(ca,cr)cu2o7 Superconducting FilmsApplied Physics Letters1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
Effects of F-Doping and Cl-Doping on Formation and Superconductivity of the 1212-Type Phase Tlsr2cacu2o7Solid State Communications1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
A New Superconducting 1201-Type Phase (Tl,cr)sr2cuo5Solid State Communications1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
Fabrication of Superconducting Tlsr2(ca, Cr)cu2o7 Thin-Films by Laser Ablation and Thallium DiffusionJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
Effect of a Bias Field (Up to 1-T) on the Ac Susceptibility of Cr0.3tl1ba2ca2cu3oxCryogenics1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
Computer-Controlled Thermoelectric-Power Measurement for Bulk High-Tc SuperconductorsReview of Scientific Instruments1992Sheng, Zhengzhi
Enhancement of Photon Antibunching by Passive InterferometryPhysical Review A1992Singh, Surendra P.
Photon-Correlation Effects in 2nd Harmonic-GenerationOptics Communications1992Singh, Surendra P.
Resonance Fluorescence with Squeezed-Light ExcitationPhysical Review A1992Singh, Surendra P.
Green-Function Solution to the Tissue Bioheat EquationMedical physics1992Vyas, Reeta
2-Photon Interaction of a Phased Atom with Squeezed Vacuum StateOptics Communications1992Vyas, Reeta
Photon-Counting Statistics of the Subthreshold Nondegenerate Parametric OscillatorPhysical Review A1992Vyas, Reeta
Resonance Fluorescence with Squeezed-Light ExcitationPhysical Review A1992Vyas, Reeta
Bistable Behavior in a System of an Optical Parametric Oscillator Coupling with N 2-Level AtomsPhysical Review A1992Xiao, Min
Enhancement of Photon Antibunching by Passive InterferometryPhysical Review A1992Xiao, Min
First-principles calculation of optical properties of $\mathrmC_60$ in the fcc latticePhysical Review Letters1991Chan, Fui T.
The Runge-Lenz Vector for the 2-Dimensional Hydrogen-AtomAmerican Journal of Physics1991Chan, Fui T.
Analytic Solution of a 2-Dimensional Hydrogen-Atom .1. Nonrelativistic TheoryPhysical Review A1991Chan, Fui T.
Analytic Solution of a 2-Dimensional Hydrogen-Atom .2. Relativistic TheoryPhysical Review A1991Chan, Fui T.
Atom-State and Field-State Evolution in the Jaynes-Cummings Model for Large Initial FieldsPhysical Review A1991Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Resource Letter Ls-1 - Laser SpectroscopyAmerican Journal of Physics1991Gupta, Rajendra
First-principles calculation of optical properties of $\mathrmC_60$ in the fcc latticePhysical Review Letters1991Harter, William G.
Rotation Vibration-Spectra of Icosahedral Molecules .3. Rotation Energy-Level Spectra for Half-Integral Angular-Momentum Icosahedral MoleculesJournal of Chemical Physics1991Harter, William G.
Anisotropic Resistivity and Paraconductivity of Tl2ba2cacu2o8 Single-CrystalsPhysical Review B1991Hermann, Allen M.
Introductory Physics - Trimming the Bloated ElephantAmerican Journal of Physics1991Hobson, Arthur S.
Should Physicists Lay Down `Law'?Physics Today1991Hobson, Arthur S.
The Runge-Lenz Vector for the 2-Dimensional Hydrogen-AtomAmerican Journal of Physics1991Lieber, Michael
a New 1212-TYPE Phase:. Cr-SUBSTITUTED TlSr2CaCu2O7 with Tc up to about 110 KModern Physics Letters B1991Pederson, Donald O.
Derivatives of Tlsr2cacu2o7 from Elemental Substitutions of Pb for Tl, La for Sr, and Y for CaSolid State Communications1991Pederson, Donald O.
Formation and Superconductivity of 1212-Type Phase Tlsr2(sr0.5r0.5)cu2o7-Delta with R = Sc, Y and LanthanidesPhysica C1991Pederson, Donald O.
Formation and Superconductivity of 1212-Type Phase Tlsr2(sr, Pr)cu2o7 and (Tl, Pb)sr2(sr, Pr)cu2o7Superconductor Science & Technology1991Pederson, Donald O.
Optimum Preparation and Elemental Addition for Tl-Based 2223 Phase Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10-DeltaPhysica C1991Pederson, Donald O.
Semiconducting Tlsr2rcu2o7 (R = Rare-Earth) and its Superconducting DerivativesZeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter1991Pederson, Donald O.
Thermopower and Resistivity of 1212-Type Phase Tisr2(er1-Ysry)cu2o7-DeltaJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters1991Pederson, Donald O.
Improved Photorefractive Time Response using a Cylindrical LensApplied Optics1991Salamo, Gregory J.
Color Imaging in Photorefractive CrystalsApplied Physics B-Photophysics and Laser Chemistry1991Salamo, Gregory J.
Comparison of Pb, Pb-Sb, Pb-V, Pb-Mo and Pb-W Substituted Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-OPhysica C1991Sheng, Zhengzhi
Penetration Depth Measurements of the High-Tc Superconductors Via Electron-Paramagnetic ResonanceFerroelectrics1991Sheng, Zhengzhi
a New 1212-TYPE Phase:. Cr-SUBSTITUTED TlSr2CaCu2O7 with Tc up to about 110 KModern Physics Letters B1991Sheng, Zhengzhi
Derivatives of Tlsr2cacu2o7 from Elemental Substitutions of Pb for Tl, La for Sr, and Y for CaSolid State Communications1991Sheng, Zhengzhi
Formation and Superconductivity of 1212-Type Phase Tlsr2(sr0.5r0.5)cu2o7-Delta with R = Sc, Y and LanthanidesPhysica C1991Sheng, Zhengzhi
Formation and Superconductivity of 1212-Type Phase Tlsr2(sr, Pr)cu2o7 and (Tl, Pb)sr2(sr, Pr)cu2o7Superconductor Science & Technology1991Sheng, Zhengzhi
Optimum Preparation and Elemental Addition for Tl-Based 2223 Phase Tl2ba2ca2cu3o10-DeltaPhysica C1991Sheng, Zhengzhi
Semiconducting Tlsr2rcu2o7 (R = Rare-Earth) and its Superconducting DerivativesZeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter1991Sheng, Zhengzhi
Thermopower and Resistivity of 1212-Type Phase Tisr2(er1-Ysry)cu2o7-DeltaJapanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters1991Sheng, Zhengzhi
Intensity Correlation-Functions of the Laser with Multiplicative White-NoisePhysical Review A1991Singh, Surendra P.
Double Transition in Calcium-123 (Casr2cu3oy) SuperconductorSolid State Communications1990Chan, Fui T.
Vanadium Substituted 2212 and 2223 Superconducting CeramicsSolid State Communications1990Chan, Fui T.
Vanadium-Lead Substituted 2223 Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O SuperconductorsSolid State Communications1990Chan, Fui T.
Optimum Fabrication Process and some Relevant Analysis for the Vanadium-Lead Doubly Substituted 2223 Superconducting CeramicsSolid State Communications1990Chan, Fui T.
Linewidth of a Laser with a Squeezed ReservoirPhysical Review A1990Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Collapse and Revival of the State-Vector in the Jaynes-Cummings Model - an Example of State Preparation by a Quantum ApparatusPhysical Review Letters1990Gea-Banacloche, Julio
Influence of Pump-Phase Fluctuations on the Squeezing in a Degenerate Parametric OscillatorPhysical Review A1990Gea-Banacloche, Julio
100 K SUPERCONDUCTING PHASE IN THE Tl-Pb-Sr-R-Cu-O SYSTEM WITH R=RARE EARTHSModern Physics Letters B1990Hermann, Allen M.
Thermoelectric-Power of Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O and Pr-Tl-Sr-Ca-Cu-O High-Tc SuperconductorsSolid State Communications1990Hermann, Allen M.
Why Few Take Physics: Educated GuessesPhysics Today1990Hobson, Arthur S.
Strike `Law' from the Physics BooksPhysics Today1990Hobson, Arthur S.
New Double-Lined Eclipsing BinariesInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars1990Lacy, Claud H.
Some Recent Developments in the Fundamental Theory of LightAdvances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics1990Milonni, Peter W.
Thermal-Expansion and Index-Of-Refraction Variation in Lead Fluoride between 300 and 850kPhysical Review B1990Pederson, Donald O.
A Stabilizer for Single Microscopic Particles in a Quadrupole TrapReview of Scientific Instruments1990Richardson, Charles B.
Self-Pumped Phase Conjugation with Nanosecond Pulses in Strontium Barium NiobateOptics Letters1990Salamo, Gregory J.
Enhanced Photorefractive Beam Fanning due to Internal and External Electric-FieldsApplied Optics1990Salamo, Gregory J.
Double Phase Conjugation in Tungsten Bronze CrystalsApplied Optics1990Salamo, Gregory J.
100 K SUPERCONDUCTING PHASE IN THE Tl-Pb-Sr-R-Cu-O SYSTEM WITH R=RARE EARTHSModern Physics Letters B1990Sheng, Zhengzhi
Thermoelectric-Power of Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O and Pr-Tl-Sr-Ca-Cu-O High-Tc SuperconductorsSolid State Communications1990Sheng, Zhengzhi
Double Transition in Calcium-123 (Casr2cu3oy) SuperconductorSolid State Communications1990Sheng, Zhengzhi
Vanadium Substituted 2212 and 2223 Superconducting CeramicsSolid State Communications1990Sheng, Zhengzhi
Vanadium-Lead Substituted 2223 Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O SuperconductorsSolid State Communications1990Sheng, Zhengzhi
Optimum Fabrication Process and some Relevant Analysis for the Vanadium-Lead Doubly Substituted 2223 Superconducting CeramicsSolid State Communications1990Sheng, Zhengzhi
Isotopic Compositions of Terrestrial Thorium - a Search in Terrestrial Thorium for the Unidentified Excess 4.6 Mev Alpha-Activity of Lunar ThoriumJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry-Articles1990Sheng, Zhengzhi
Study on Zn-, Cd-, or Hg-addition into TlBaCuOJournal of Applied Physics1990Sheng, Zhengzhi
Superconductivity Above 100-K in the Ca-Free Tl-Pb-Sr-Pr-Cu-O SystemPhysica C1990Sheng, Zhengzhi
Some Recent Developments in the Fundamental Theory of LightAdvances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics1990Singh, Surendra P.
Photon-Counting Statistics of the Subthreshold Transient Degenerate Parametric OscillatorPhysical Review A1990Vyas, Reeta
2-Mode Ring Laser with a Saturable AbsorberOptics Communications1990Vyas, Reeta
Ringing Revivals in the Interaction of a 2-Level Atom with Squeezed LightJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1989Carmichael, Howard J.
Photoelectron Waiting-Times and Atomic State Reduction in Resonance FluorescencePhysical Review A1989Carmichael, Howard J.
Normal-Mode Splitting and Linewidth Averaging for 2-State Atoms in an Optical CavityPhysical Review Letters1989Carmichael, Howard J.
Subnatural Linewidth Averaging for Coupled Atomic and Cavity-Mode OscillatorsPhysical Review A1989Carmichael, Howard J.
Retardation in 2-Photon AbsorptionPhysical Review A1989Chan, Fui T.
Pulsed and Cw Photothermal Phase-Shift Spectroscopy in a Fluid Medium - TheoryApplied Optics1989Gupta, Rajendra
Superconductivity Above 77-K in the R-Tl-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System (R Represents Rare-Earths)Physical Review B1989Hermann, Allen M.
Preparation of High-Tc Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O Thin-Films by Pulsed Laser Evaporation and Tl2o3 Vapor ProcessingApplied Physics Letters1989Hermann, Allen M.
SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AT 82 K IN THE TB-PB-SR-CA-CU-O SYSTEMApplied Physics Communications1989Hermann, Allen M.
Ultrasonic-Attenuation Measurements on Thallium-Based High-Temperature SuperconductorsPhysical Review B1989Hermann, Allen M.
Superconductivity about 120-K in the Tl-Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O SystemPhysica C1989Hermann, Allen M.
Superconductivity in the R-Tl-Sr-Cu-O System with R = Rare-EarthsSolid State Communications1989Hermann, Allen M.
Formation of Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O Superconducting Thick Films by Vapor Evaporation of Tl2O3 into Rolled Ca2Ba2Cu3OxApplied Physics Communications1989Hermann, Allen M.
90-K Bulk Superconductivity in the Ti-Ba-Ce-Cu-O SystemPhysica C1989Hermann, Allen M.
Effects of Ag Addition to the TI-Ba-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting SystemApplied Physics Communications1989Hermann, Allen M.
Double-Step Behavior of Critical Current Vs-Based Magnetic-Field in Y-Based, Bi-Based and T1-Based Bulk High-Tc SuperconductorsPhysica C1989Hermann, Allen M.
Josephson-Junctions with Bulk Yba2cu3o7-X, Bi2sr2cacu2ox, and Tl2ca2ba2cu3o10+xIEEE Transactions on Magnetics1989Hermann, Allen M.
Pressure Study of Tc and Josephson Absorption in Yba2cu3o7-Delta and Ti-Ca-Ba-Cu-O SuperconductorsPhysica C1989Hermann, Allen M.
Electron-Capture from a Metal-Surface by Slow, Multicharged Aluminum and Carbon-IonsPhysical Review B1989Hughes, Raymond H.
Properties of the Main-Sequence Eclipsing Binary Uz DraconisAstronomical Journal1989Lacy, Claud H.
Retardation in 2-Photon AbsorptionPhysical Review A1989Lieber, Michael
Quantum-Theory of Spontaneous Emission and Excitation Near a Phase-Conjugating MirrorJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1989Milonni, Peter W.
Natural Line-ShapePhysical Review A1989Milonni, Peter W.
Keldysh Approximation, A2, and Strong-Field IonizationPhysical Review A1989Milonni, Peter W.
Electron-Capture from a Metal-Surface by Slow, Multicharged Aluminum and Carbon-IonsPhysical Review B1989Pederson, Donald O.
Ultrasonic-Attenuation Measurements on Thallium-Based High-Temperature SuperconductorsPhysical Review B1989Pederson, Donald O.
On the Stability Limit of Charged DropletsProceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences1989Richardson, Charles B.
Boltzmann's Constant: To `B' or Not to `B'?Physics Today1989Richardson, Charles B.
Fractionation of Thorium and Uranium Isotopes in the Acid Leaching Experiments on MonaziteJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry-Articles1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
Superconductivity Above 77-K in the R-Tl-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System (R Represents Rare-Earths)Physical Review B1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
Preparation of High-Tc Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O Thin-Films by Pulsed Laser Evaporation and Tl2o3 Vapor ProcessingApplied Physics Letters1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AT 82 K IN THE TB-PB-SR-CA-CU-O SYSTEMApplied Physics Communications1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
Ultrasonic-Attenuation Measurements on Thallium-Based High-Temperature SuperconductorsPhysical Review B1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
Superconductivity about 120-K in the Tl-Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O SystemPhysica C1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
Superconductivity in the R-Tl-Sr-Cu-O System with R = Rare-EarthsSolid State Communications1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
Formation of Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O Superconducting Thick Films by Vapor Evaporation of Tl2O3 into Rolled Ca2Ba2Cu3OxApplied Physics Communications1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
90-K Bulk Superconductivity in the Ti-Ba-Ce-Cu-O SystemPhysica C1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
Double-Step Behavior of Critical Current Vs-Based Magnetic-Field in Y-Based, Bi-Based and T1-Based Bulk High-Tc SuperconductorsPhysica C1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
Josephson-Junctions with Bulk Yba2cu3o7-X, Bi2sr2cacu2ox, and Tl2ca2ba2cu3o10+xIEEE Transactions on Magnetics1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
Pressure Study of Tc and Josephson Absorption in Yba2cu3o7-Delta and Ti-Ca-Ba-Cu-O SuperconductorsPhysica C1989Sheng, Zhengzhi
Photon-Counting Statistics of the Degenerate Optical Parametric OscillatorPhysical Review A1989Singh, Surendra P.
Quantum Statistics of Broad-band Squeezed LightOptics Letters1989Singh, Surendra P.
Photoelectron Waiting-Times and Atomic State Reduction in Resonance FluorescencePhysical Review A1989Singh, Surendra P.
Quantum Statistics of Broad-Band Squeezed LightOptics Letters1989Vyas, Reeta
Photon-Counting Statistics of the Degenerate Optical Parametric OscillatorPhysical Review A1989Vyas, Reeta
Ringing Revivals in the Interaction of a 2-Level Atom with Squeezed LightJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1989Vyas, Reeta
Photoelectron Waiting-Times and Atomic State Reduction in Resonance FluorescencePhysical Review A1989Vyas, Reeta
Pulsed and Cw Photothermal Phase-Shift Spectroscopy in a Fluid Medium - TheoryApplied Optics1989Vyas, Reeta
Electron-Impact Excitation of the 3p(p-5) State of Atomic OxygenJournal of Chemical Physics1988Anderson, Richard J.
Nonclassical Effects in Optical-SpectraJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1988Carmichael, Howard J.
Single-Atom Cavity-Enhanced Absorption .1. Photon Statistics in the Bad-Cavity LimitIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics1988Carmichael, Howard J.
Single-Atom Optical BistabilityIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics1988Carmichael, Howard J.
Quantum Noise in the Parametric Oscillator - from Squeezed States to Coherent-State SuperpositionsPhysical Review Letters1988Carmichael, Howard J.
On the second-order terms of perturbation theoryJournal of Computational Chemistry1988Chan, Fui T.
Real-Time Measurement of the Spatial Profile of a Pulsed Laser by Photothermal SpectroscopyOptics Letters1988Gupta, Rajendra
Continuous Wave Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy in a Flowing MediumApplied Optics1988Gupta, Rajendra
Photothermal Lensing Spectroscopy in a Flowing Medium - TheoryApplied Optics1988Gupta, Rajendra
Levitation Effects Involving High-Tc Thallium Based SuperconductorsApplied Physics Letters1988Harter, William G.
Computer Graphical and Semiclassical Approaches to Molecular Rotations and VibrationsComputer Physics Reports1988Harter, William G.
Magnetization of the 120-K Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O SuperconductorPhysical Review B1988Hermann, Allen M.
Levitation Effects Involving High-Tc Thallium Based SuperconductorsApplied Physics Letters1988Hermann, Allen M.
RESISTANCE FLUCTUATIONS IN THE Y-BA-CU-O-F SYSTEMApplied Physics Communications1988Hermann, Allen M.
Bulk Superconductivity at 120-K in the Tl-Ca Ba-Cu-O SystemNature1988Hermann, Allen M.
New 120 K Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O SuperconductorApplied Physics Letters1988Hermann, Allen M.
Bulk Superconductivity in Tl2caba2cu2o8+delta Up to 120-KNature1988Hermann, Allen M.
Superconductivity in the Rare-Earth-Free Tl-Ba-Cu-O System Above Liquid-Nitrogen TemperatureNature1988Hermann, Allen M.
Structural and Elemental Analysis of Melt-Processible High-Temperature Superconductors by Surface Science and X-Ray-Diffraction MeasurementsJournal of Applied Physics1988Hermann, Allen M.
Superconductivity at 90-K in the Tl-Ba-Cu-O SystemPhysical Review Letters1988Hermann, Allen M.
Tl2o3 Vapor Process of Making Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O SuperconductorsApplied Physics Letters1988Hermann, Allen M.
Thermoelectric-Power of the Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O SuperconductorPhysical Review B1988Hermann, Allen M.
Superconductivity in the Tl-Sr-Ca-Cu-O SystemPhysical Review B1988Hermann, Allen M.
Icbm Vulnerability - Calculations, Predictions, and Error BarsAmerican Journal of Physics1988Hobson, Arthur S.
Shortcomings of the Keldysh ApproximationPhysical Review A1988Milonni, Peter W.
Self-Pumped Phase Conjugation in the Red in Photorefractive Ba0.5sr1.5k0.25na0.75nb5o15 and Sr0.6ba0.4nb2o6 with Cerium in 9-Fold Coordinated SitesJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1988Pederson, Donald O.
Ultrasonic-Attenuation Peaks Near the Diffuse Solid-Electrolyte Transition-Temperature in Pbf2 and Baf2Physical Review B1988Pederson, Donald O.
Resonant Mie Scattering from a Layered SphereApplied Optics1988Richardson, Charles B.
Measurements of Scattering of Light from Layered MicrospheresOptics Letters1988Richardson, Charles B.
Evaporation of Ammonium-Nitrate Particles Containing Ammonium-SulfateAtmospheric Environment1988Richardson, Charles B.
Self-Pumped Phase Conjugation in the Red in Photorefractive Ba0.5sr1.5k0.25na0.75nb5o15 and Sr0.6ba0.4nb2o6 with Cerium in 9-Fold Coordinated SitesJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1988Salamo, Gregory J.
Electron-Impact Excitation of the 3p(p-5) State of Atomic OxygenJournal of Chemical Physics1988Salamo, Gregory J.
Magnetization of the 120-K Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O SuperconductorPhysical Review B1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Levitation Effects Involving High-Tc Thallium Based SuperconductorsApplied Physics Letters1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
RESISTANCE FLUCTUATIONS IN THE Y-BA-CU-O-F SYSTEMApplied Physics Communications1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Bulk Superconductivity at 120-K in the Tl-Ca Ba-Cu-O SystemNature1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
New 120 K Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O SuperconductorApplied Physics Letters1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Bulk Superconductivity in Tl2caba2cu2o8+delta Up to 120-KNature1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Superconductivity in the Rare-Earth-Free Tl-Ba-Cu-O System Above Liquid-Nitrogen TemperatureNature1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Structural and Elemental Analysis of Melt-Processible High-Temperature Superconductors by Surface Science and X-Ray-Diffraction MeasurementsJournal of Applied Physics1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Superconductivity at 90-K in the Tl-Ba-Cu-O SystemPhysical Review Letters1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Tl2o3 Vapor Process of Making Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O SuperconductorsApplied Physics Letters1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Thermoelectric-Power of the Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O SuperconductorPhysical Review B1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Superconductivity in the Tl-Sr-Ca-Cu-O SystemPhysical Review B1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
100-K Superconducting Phases in the Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O SystemPhysical Review Letters1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Transport Critical Current and Magnetization Measurements of Melt-Processed Yba2cu3o7-XJournal of Applied Physics1988Sheng, Zhengzhi
Effects of Multiplicative White Noise on Laser-Light FluctuationsPhysical Review A1988Singh, Surendra P.
Measurements of 1st-Passage-Time Distributions in Laser Transients Near ThresholdJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1988Singh, Surendra P.
Statistical Properties of a Laser with Multiplicative NoiseOptics Letters1988Singh, Surendra P.
Waiting-Time Distributions in the Photodetection of Squeezed LightPhysical Review A1988Singh, Surendra P.
Continuous Wave Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy in a Flowing MediumApplied Optics1988Vyas, Reeta
Photothermal Lensing Spectroscopy in a Flowing Medium - TheoryApplied Optics1988Vyas, Reeta
Waiting-Time Distributions in the Photodetection of Squeezed LightPhysical Review A1988Vyas, Reeta
Resonance Fluorescence in a Squeezed VacuumJournal of Modern Optics1987Carmichael, Howard J.
Spectrum of Squeezing and Photocurrent Shot Noise - a Normally Ordered TreatmentJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1987Carmichael, Howard J.
Resonance Fluorescence from an Atom in a Squeezed VacuumPhysical Review Letters1987Carmichael, Howard J.
Quantum Fluctuations for 2-Level Atoms in a High-Q Cavity with a Spatially Varying Field ModePhysical Review A1987Carmichael, Howard J.
Distribution of photoelectron separation times and photoelectron counting probabilities for resonance fluorescence (A)Journal of the Optical Society of America B Optical Physics1987Carmichael, Howard J.
Shifted 1/n Expansion for the Hulthen PotentialPhysical Review A1987Chan, Fui T.
An exact propagator for a time-dependent harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent inverse square potentialJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and General1987Chan, Fui T.
Kronig-Penney Band Structures for One Dimensional SuperlatticesApplied Physics Communications1987Harter, William G.
A melt-processible high temperature superconductorApplied Physics Communications1987Hermann, Allen M.
Kronig-Penney Band Structures for One Dimensional SuperlatticesApplied Physics Communications1987Hermann, Allen M.
Melt-Processible Rare Earth-Ba-Cu-O Superconductors Based on Molten Ba-Cu OxidesApplied Physics Letters1987Hermann, Allen M.
Microstructural analysis of Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors by light microscopyApplied Physics Communications1987Hermann, Allen M.
Missile Vulnerability: Theory, Practice, and Arms Control ImplicationsApplied Physics Communications1987Hobson, Arthur S.
Endpoint Energies of Electrons Ejected during Auger Neutralization of Slow, Multicharged Ions Near Metal-SurfacesPhysical Review B1987Hughes, Raymond H.
Properties of the Main-Sequence Eclipsing Binary Kp AquilaeAstronomical Journal1987Lacy, Claud H.
Properties of the Main-Sequence Eclipsing Binary Ay CamelopardalisAstronomical Journal1987Lacy, Claud H.
Properties of the Main-Sequence Eclipsing Binary V442 CygniAstronomical Journal1987Lacy, Claud H.
The Surface-Brightness Anomaly in Eclipsing BinariesAstronomical Journal1987Lacy, Claud H.
3rd-Born-Approximation Effects in Electron-CapturePhysical Review A1987Lieber, Michael
Classical Stimulated-EmissionJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1987Milonni, Peter W.
Endpoint Energies of Electrons Ejected during Auger Neutralization of Slow, Multicharged Ions Near Metal-SurfacesPhysical Review B1987Pederson, Donald O.
Evaporation of Ammonium-Nitrate ParticlesAtmospheric Environment1987Richardson, Charles B.
Broadband photorefractive properties and self-pumped phase conjugation in Ce-SBN:60Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of1987Salamo, Gregory J.
Bistability and Optical Switching in a Total Internal-Reflection Phase ConjugatorApplied Optics1987Salamo, Gregory J.
Self-Oscillation in Batio3 using a Multimode LaserApplied Optics1987Salamo, Gregory J.
Photorefractive Tungsten Bronze MaterialsJournal of the Electrochemical Society1987Salamo, Gregory J.
Time Response of a Cerium-Doped Sr0.75ba0.25nb2o6 Self-Pumped Phase-Conjugate MirrorOptics Letters1987Salamo, Gregory J.
Bsknn as a Self-Pumped Phase ConjugatorApplied Optics1987Salamo, Gregory J.
The occurence of CCFX xenon in the Earth's interiorGeochemical Journal1987Sheng, Zhengzhi
Elemental and Isotopic Heterogeneities of Rare-Gases in the Solar-SystemGeochemical Journal1987Sheng, Zhengzhi
A melt-processible high temperature superconductorApplied Physics Communications1987Sheng, Zhengzhi
Melt-Processible Rare Earth-Ba-Cu-O Superconductors Based on Molten Ba-Cu OxidesApplied Physics Letters1987Sheng, Zhengzhi
Microstructural analysis of Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors by light microscopyApplied Physics Communications1987Sheng, Zhengzhi
Inhomogeneously Broadened Laser with a Saturable AbsorberPhysical Review A1987Singh, Surendra P.
Fluctuations in Intracavity 2nd Harmonic-GenerationOptics Communications1987Singh, Surendra P.
Observation of the Brownian-Motion of the Electric-Field in a LaserPhysical Review A1987Singh, Surendra P.
Squeezed-State Generation for 2-Level Atoms in a Spatially Varying Field ModeJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1987Xiao, Min
Quantum Fluctuations for 2-Level Atoms in a High-Q Cavity with a Spatially Varying Field ModePhysical Review A1987Xiao, Min
Off-Resonant-Mode Instabilities in Mixed Absorptive and Dispersive Optical BistabilityPhysical Review A1986Carmichael, Howard J.
Nonclassical Photon Statistics in the Transmission from a Resonant Cavity Containing a Single AtomJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision1986Carmichael, Howard J.
Squeezing for intracavity generated light in the master equation approach (A)Journal of the Optical Society of America A1986Carmichael, Howard J.
Quantum Fluctuations in Absorptive Bistability without Adiabatic EliminationPhysical Review A1986Carmichael, Howard J.
Lifetime of Excited Atomic StatesPhysical Review A1986Chan, Fui T.
2-Photon Absorption of Atomic-Hydrogen from 2 Light-BeamsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1986Chan, Fui T.
Dynamic Multipole Polarizability of Atomic-HydrogenPhysical Review A1986Chan, Fui T.
A quantitative investigation of pulsed photothermal and photoacoustic deflection spectroscopy for combustion diagnosticsAIP Conference Proceedings1986Gupta, Rajendra
Application of Photothermal and Photoacoustic Deflection Techniques to Sooting Flames - Velocity, Temperature, and Concentration MeasurementsOptics Communications1986Gupta, Rajendra
Pulsed Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy in a Flowing Medium - a Quantitative InvestigationApplied Optics1986Gupta, Rajendra
Laser-Beam Profile Measurement by Photothermal Deflection TechniqueApplied Optics1986Gupta, Rajendra
Measurements of very Low Gas-Flow Velocities by Photothermal Deflection SpectroscopyApplied Optics1986Gupta, Rajendra
Su(2) Coordinate Geometry for Semiclassical Theory of Rotors and OscillatorsJournal of Chemical Physics1986Harter, William G.
Time-Resolved Optical-Emissions from High-Current Relativistic Electron-Beams Propagating in 150-Mtorr AirJournal of Applied Physics1986Hughes, Raymond H.
Properties of Main-Sequence Eclipsing Binaries - into the G-Stars with Hs-Aurigae, Fl-Lyrae, and Ew-OrionisAstronomical Journal1986Lacy, Claud H.
Strong-Potential Born-Approximation Calculations of 1s-2p Electron-CapturePhysical Review A1986Lieber, Michael
Solitons and 4-Wave-MixingPhysical Review A1986Milonni, Peter W.
Intensity Profiles of Short Optical Pulses Via Temporally Reversed PulsesApplied Physics Letters1986Pederson, Donald O.
Growth-Rate Measurements for Single Suspended Droplets using the Optical Resonance MethodAerosol Science and Technology1986Richardson, Charles B.
Optical Measurement of the Evaporation of Sulfuric-Acid DropletsApplied Optics1986Richardson, Charles B.
Intensity Profiles of Short Optical Pulses Via Temporally Reversed PulsesApplied Physics Letters1986Salamo, Gregory J.
Lifetime of Excited Atomic StatesPhysical Review A1986Salamo, Gregory J.
2-Photon Absorption of Atomic-Hydrogen from 2 Light-BeamsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1986Salamo, Gregory J.
Strontium Barium Niobate as a Self-Pumped Phase ConjugatorOptics Communications1986Salamo, Gregory J.
Isotopic Fractionation of Uranium - Extremely High Enrichments of U-234 in the Acid-Residues of a Colorado CarnotiteRadiochimica Acta1986Sheng, Zhengzhi
Further-Studies on the Separation of Acid Residues with Extremely High U-234/u-238 Ratios from a Colorado CarnotiteRadiochimica Acta1986Sheng, Zhengzhi
Isotopic Composition of Xenon in the Solar-SystemGeochemical Journal1986Sheng, Zhengzhi
Anomalous Xenon Isotopes in the Antarctic Carbonaceous Chondrite BelgicaGeochemical Journal1986Sheng, Zhengzhi
Volatile behaviors of polonium and protactinium in the heating experiment on pithcblendeGeochemical Journal1986Sheng, Zhengzhi
Laser Theory without the Rotating-Wave ApproximationPhysical Review A1986Singh, Surendra P.
Pulsed Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy in a Flowing Medium - a Quantitative InvestigationApplied Optics1986Vyas, Reeta
Laser Theory without the Rotating-Wave ApproximationPhysical Review A1986Vyas, Reeta
Quantum-Theory of Optical Bistability with a Spatially Varying Field Mode in the Good Cavity LimitJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision1985Carmichael, Howard J.
Photon Antibunching in the Single-Atom Limit of Absorptive BistabilityJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision1985Carmichael, Howard J.
Photon Antibunching and Squeezing for a Single Atom in a Resonant CavityPhysical Review Letters1985Carmichael, Howard J.
Multimode Instabilities for a Standing-Wave Cavity Containing a Saturable AbsorberOptics Communications1985Carmichael, Howard J.
Squeezing in the Degenerate Parametric OscillatorOptics Communications1985Carmichael, Howard J.
Simple Example in 2nd-Order Perturbation-TheoryAmerican Journal of Physics1985Chan, Fui T.
Applications of Photoacoustic and Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy to FlamesJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision1985Gupta, Rajendra
Application of Photothermal Deflection Technique to Flow-Velocity Measurements in a FlameOptics Letters1985Gupta, Rajendra
Observation of Fractional Neutralization of Slow Multicharged Ions by Impact on a Metal-SurfaceApplied Physics Letters1985Hughes, Raymond H.
Absolute Dimensions and Masses of Eclipsing Binaries .5. Iq-PerseiAstrophysical Journal1985Lacy, Claud H.
Additional Double-Lined Eclipsing Binaries Observed with CCD DetectorsInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars1985Lacy, Claud H.
Simple Example in 2nd-Order Perturbation-TheoryAmerican Journal of Physics1985Lieber, Michael
Time-Dependence of Photon Correlations in a 3-Level Atomic CascadePhysical Review A1985Milonni, Peter W.
Modeling Laser Instabilities and ChaosJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1985Milonni, Peter W.
Routes to Chaos in the Maxwell-Bloch EquationsOptics Communications1985Milonni, Peter W.
Nonlinear Oscillations and Chaos in N-InsbPhysics Letters A1985Milonni, Peter W.
Chaos in Quantum OpticsPhysics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters1985Milonni, Peter W.
How to make Quantum-Mechanics Look Like a Hidden-Variable Theory and Vice Versa - CommentPhysical Review D1985Milonni, Peter W.
Observation of Fractional Neutralization of Slow Multicharged Ions by Impact on a Metal-SurfaceApplied Physics Letters1985Pederson, Donald O.
Elastic-Constants of Barium Fluoride from 300-K to 1250-KPhysical Review B1985Pederson, Donald O.
Attenuation of Transverse Ultrasonic-Waves Near the Diffuse Solid Electrolyte Transition in Cdf2Physical Review B1985Pederson, Donald O.
Attenuation of Longitudinal Ultrasonic Wave Near the Diffuse Phase-Transition in Cdf2Solid State Ionics1985Pederson, Donald O.
Measurement of the Water Cycle in Mixed Ammonium Acid Sulfate ParticlesAtmospheric Environment1985Richardson, Charles B.
Radioactive Strontium Fallout from the Nuclear-Powered Satellite Cosmos-1402Geochemical Journal1985Sheng, Zhengzhi
Anomalous behaviours of protactinium in the acid-leaching experiments on pitchblendeJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry1985Sheng, Zhengzhi
Decay of an Unstable StatePhysical Review A1985Singh, Surendra P.
Laser Theory without the Rotating Wave ApproximationJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision1985Vyas, Reeta
A Student's Viewpoint: review of University Physics by George B. Arfken, David F. Griffing, Donald C. Kelly, and Joseph PriesThe Physics Teacher1984Anderson, Richard J.
Optical Bistability and Multimode Instabilities in a Standing-Wave CavityJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision1984Carmichael, Howard J.
Optical Bistability and Multimode InstabilitiesPhysical Review Letters1984Carmichael, Howard J.
Self-Oscillation in a Detuned CavityPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences1984Carmichael, Howard J.
Analytic Solutions for 2-Photon Absorption in Counterpropagating Beams in the Cubic ApproximationZeitschrift Fur Physik B-Condensed Matter1984Carmichael, Howard J.
Influence of the Linear Stark-Effect on Electron Exchange in the Eikonal CalculationsPhysical Review A1984Chan, Fui T.
2-Photon Decay of Hydrogenic AtomsPhysical Review A1984Chan, Fui T.
High-Temperature Laser Interferometer for Thermal-Expansion and Optical-Length MeasurementsReview of Scientific Instruments1984Day, Stephen M.
Photoacoustic Detection of Oh Molecules in a Methane Air FlameApplied Optics1984Gupta, Rajendra
Direct Measurement of Quenching Cross-Sections of No2 by He, Ar and N-2Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics1984Gupta, Rajendra
Hyperfine-Structure and Lifetime Measurement in the 52p3/2 State of Ag-107Physica B & C1984Gupta, Rajendra
Hydroxyl (Oh) Distributions and Temperature Profiles in a Premixed Propane Flame obtained by Laser Deflection TechniquesApplied Optics1984Gupta, Rajendra
Photoacoustic Deflection Spectroscopy - a New Specie-Specific Method for Combustion DiagnosticsApplied Optics1984Gupta, Rajendra
Measurement of the Collisional Depolarization Cross-Section of the Silver-52p1/2 State by HeliumPhysical Review A1984Gupta, Rajendra
New Double-Lined Eclipsing Binaries Found with RETICON, Digicon, and CCD DetectorsInformation Bulletin on Variable Stars1984Lacy, Claud H.
Absolute Dimensions and Masses of Eclipsing Binaries .4. Ee Pegasi is a Triple StarAstrophysical Journal1984Lacy, Claud H.
Are quantum waves observable?Il Nuovo Cimento B Series 111984Lieber, Michael
Influence of the Linear Stark-Effect on Electron Exchange in the Eikonal CalculationsPhysical Review A1984Lieber, Michael
Interaction Hamiltonian of Quantum OpticsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics1984Milonni, Peter W.
Chaotic 2-Mode LasingOptics Communications1984Milonni, Peter W.
Why Spontaneous EmissionAmerican Journal of Physics1984Milonni, Peter W.
Masers and Lasers: An Historical ApproachPhysics Today1984Milonni, Peter W.
Are quantum waves observable?Il Nuovo Cimento B Series 111984Milonni, Peter W.
Thermal-Expansion and Optical-Length Variation of Sodium Beta-Alumina Along the C-AxisSolid State Ionics1984Pederson, Donald O.
Elastic-Constants of Cubic Lead Fluoride from 300-K to 850-KPhysical Review B1984Pederson, Donald O.
High-Temperature Acoustic Bond Compatible with Fluoride Fluorites .2. Transverse Ultrasonic Measurements in Barium FluorideJournal of the Acoustical Society of America1984Pederson, Donald O.
High-Temperature Laser Interferometer for Thermal-Expansion and Optical-Length MeasurementsReview of Scientific Instruments1984Pederson, Donald O.
Measurement of the Water Cycle in a Levitated Ammonium-Sulfate ParticleJournal of Aerosol Science1984Richardson, Charles B.
Measurement of the Deliquescence, Activity, and Crystal Nucleation of the Mixed Ammonium Sulfate-Ammonium Bisulfate-Water System at Room-TemperatureAbstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society1984Richardson, Charles B.
A Novel Isopiestic Measurement of Water Activity in Concentrated and Supersaturated Lithium Halide SolutionsJournal of the American Chemical Society1984Richardson, Charles B.
Measurement of Phase-Changes in Lii.Nh2oAbstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society1984Richardson, Charles B.
Measurement of Phase-Changes in a Microscopic Lithium Iodide Particle Levitated in Water-VaporChemical Physics Letters1984Richardson, Charles B.
Photoacoustic Detection of Oh Molecules in a Methane Air FlameApplied Optics1984Salamo, Gregory J.
Photoacoustic Deflection Spectroscopy - a New Specie-Specific Method for Combustion DiagnosticsApplied Optics1984Salamo, Gregory J.
2-Photon Decay of Hydrogenic AtomsPhysical Review A1984Salamo, Gregory J.
Alpha-Recoil Effects of Uranium Isotopes in Radioactive MineralsRadiochimica Acta1984Sheng, Zhengzhi
The Alpha-Recoil Effects of Uranium in the Oklo ReactorNature1984Sheng, Zhengzhi
Statistical properties of single-mode and two-mode ring lasersPHYSICS REPORTS (Review Section of Physics Letters)1984Singh, Surendra P.
The Set is Complete: review of Physics for Everyone: Book 3---Electrons, Book 4---Photons and Nuclei by A. I. KitaigorodskyThe Physics Teacher1983Anderson, Richard J.
Production of O([sup 1]D) and O([sup 3]P) by vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of molecular oxygenJournal of Applied Physics1983Anderson, Richard J.
Radiative Lifetime Measurement in the 52p1/2 State of Silver by Level-Crossing SpectroscopyPhysics Letters A1983Gupta, Rajendra
YZ CAS + or - 0.5 percentLowell Observatory Bulletin1983Lacy, Claud H.
The Type I supernova 1981b in NGC 4536 - The first 100 daysAstrophysical Journal1983Lacy, Claud H.
Does the Electromagnetic-Mass of an Electron Depend on Where it isInternational Journal of Theoretical Physics1983Milonni, Peter W.
Chaos in the Multiple Photon Excitation of Molecules due to Vibration-Rotation Coupling at Lowest OrderJournal of Chemical Physics1983Milonni, Peter W.
Exponential Decay, Recurrences, and Quantum-Mechanical Spreading in a Quasicontinuum ModelPhysical Review A1983Milonni, Peter W.
Chaos in Multiple-Photon Excitation of MoleculesPhysical Review Letters1983Milonni, Peter W.
High-Temperature Acoustic Bond Compatible with Fluoride FluoritesJournal of the Acoustical Society of America1983Pederson, Donald O.
Investigation of Ammonium-Sulfate Aerosols using Electrodynamic SuspensionAerosol Science and Technology1983Richardson, Charles B.
Production of O([sup 1]D) and O([sup 3]P) by vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of molecular oxygenJournal of Applied Physics1983Salamo, Gregory J.
Antibunching, Sub-Poissonian Photon Statistics and Finite Bandwidth Effects in Resonance FluorescenceOptics Communications1983Singh, Surendra P.
Chaos in Coherent 2-Photon Processes in a Ring CavityOptics Communications1983Singh, Surendra P.
1st-Passage-Time Distributions and Switching Statistics in a Bistable 2-Mode LaserPhysical Review A1983Singh, Surendra P.
Heavy-Ion Source using a Laser-Generated Plasma Transported through an Axial Magnetic-FieldJournal of Applied Physics1982Anderson, Richard J.
Calculation of the Differential Cross-Section for Electron-Capture in Fast Ion-Atom CollisionsPhysical Review A1982Chan, Fui T.
High-Temperature Nmr ProbeReview of Scientific Instruments1982Day, Stephen M.
Application of the Photothermal Deflection Technique to Combustion DiagnosticsApplied Optics1982Gupta, Rajendra
Minority Species Concentration Measurements in Flames by the Photo-Acoustic TechniqueApplied Optics1982Gupta, Rajendra
Physicists and nuclear warPhysics Today1982Hobson, Arthur S.
Heavy-Ion Source using a Laser-Generated Plasma Transported through an Axial Magnetic-FieldJournal of Applied Physics1982Hughes, Raymond H.
Absolute Dimensions and Masses of Eclipsing Binaries .3. Cw Canis MajorisAstrophysical Journal1982Lacy, Claud H.
Calculation of the Differential Cross-Section for Electron-Capture in Fast Ion-Atom CollisionsPhysical Review A1982Lieber, Michael
Casimir Forces without the Vacuum Radiation-FieldPhysical Review A1982Milonni, Peter W.
Theory of Gas-Lasers Operating on 2 Coupled TransitionsPhysical Review A1982Milonni, Peter W.
Stimulated-Emission, Absorption, and InterferenceAmerican Journal of Physics1982Milonni, Peter W.
Photons Cannot always be ReplicatedPhysics Letters A1982Milonni, Peter W.
Application of the Photothermal Deflection Technique to Combustion DiagnosticsApplied Optics1982Salamo, Gregory J.
Minority species concentration measurements in flames by the photoacoustic techniqueApplied Optics1982Salamo, Gregory J.
Radiative-Lifetime Measurements of the 4p 5p, 4p 3p, and 4d 5d-Degrees Multiplets of O-iJournal of the Optical Society of America1981Anderson, Richard J.
Eikonal Calculation of Electron-Capture Cross-Sections in Collisions of H-Atoms with Fast ProjectilesPhysical Review A1981Chan, Fui T.
Eikonal Calculation of Electron-Capture Cross-Sections from an Arbitrary Nlm Shell of a Hydrogenic Target into an Arbitrary N'l'm' Shell of a Fast Bare ProjectilePhysical Review A1981Chan, Fui T.
Eikonal Approximation for Charge-Transfer from a Multielectron Atom to Fast ProjectilesPhysical Review A1981Chan, Fui T.
Thermal-Expansion and Temperature-Variation of Index of Refraction of Cdf2 using a Laser InterferometerBulletin of the American Physical Society1981Day, Stephen M.
Thermal-Expansion and Index of Refraction Variation in Barium FluorideSolid State Ionics1981Day, Stephen M.
Design for High-Temperature Oven for Spectroscopy ExperimentsReview of Scientific Instruments1981Gupta, Rajendra
Vacuum-Uv and Soft-X-Ray Optical-Emissions from Electron-Impact on MetalsApplied Optics1981Hughes, Raymond H.
Absolute Dimensions and Masses of Eclipsing Binaries .2. Yz-CassiopeiaeAstrophysical Journal1981Lacy, Claud H.
Eikonal Calculation of Electron-Capture Cross-Sections in Collisions of H-Atoms with Fast ProjectilesPhysical Review A1981Lieber, Michael
Eikonal Calculation of Electron-Capture Cross-Sections from an Arbitrary Nlm Shell of a Hydrogenic Target into an Arbitrary N'l'm' Shell of a Fast Bare ProjectilePhysical Review A1981Lieber, Michael
Eikonal Approximation for Charge-Transfer from a Multielectron Atom to Fast ProjectilesPhysical Review A1981Lieber, Michael
Radiation Reaction and the Non-Relativistic Theory of the ElectronPhysics Letters A1981Milonni, Peter W.
Thermal-Expansion and Temperature-Variation of Index of Refraction of Cdf2 using a Laser InterferometerBulletin of the American Physical Society1981Pederson, Donald O.
Thermal-Expansion and Index of Refraction Variation in Barium FluorideSolid State Ionics1981Pederson, Donald O.
Ultrasound Velocity and Thermal-Expansion of Baf2 and Cdf2Bulletin of the American Physical Society1981Pederson, Donald O.
Radiative-Lifetime Measurements of the 4p 5p, 4p 3p, and 4d 5d-Degrees Multiplets of O-iJournal of the Optical Society of America1981Salamo, Gregory J.
Ion-Beams from Laser-Generated PlasmasJournal of Applied Physics1980Anderson, Richard J.
Ion-Beams from Laser Generated PlasmasBulletin of the American Physical Society1980Anderson, Richard J.
Lifetime Measurement of the (5d6p)3d3 State of Barium by Dye-Laser SpectroscopyOptics Communications1980Gupta, Rajendra
Ion-Beams from Laser-Generated PlasmasJournal of Applied Physics1980Hughes, Raymond H.
The Temperature-Dependence of the Elastic-Constants of a Machinable Glass-CeramicJournal of Applied Physics1980Pederson, Donald O.
Experimental-Observation of Self-Induced Transparency using a Train of Optical PulsesBulletin of the American Physical Society1980Salamo, Gregory J.
Propagation of Ultrashort Light-Pulses in a Resonant Medium - CommentPhysica a1980Salamo, Gregory J.
Power Spectrum of Light Scattered by a 2-Level Atom in the Presence of a Pulse-Train Driving FieldPhysical Review A1980Salamo, Gregory J.
Use of an Interactive Computer for Parameter-Estimation in Curve FittingBulletin of the American Physical Society1979Anderson, Richard J.
Electron-Excitation of the Singlet-G States of H-2Journal of Chemical Physics1979Anderson, Richard J.
Time-Of-Flight Analyses of Magnetically-Separated Charge States of Ions from Laser BlowoffsBulletin of the American Physical Society1979Anderson, Richard J.
Magnetic Analysis of Laser Generated PlasmasBulletin of the American Physical Society1979Anderson, Richard J.
Nmr of F-19 in the Superionic Conductor Caf2Bulletin of the American Physical Society1979Day, Stephen M.
Nmr of F-19 Nuclei Near Yb-3+ in Caf2Bulletin of the American Physical Society1979Day, Stephen M.
Use of an Interactive Computer for Parameter-Estimation in Curve FittingBulletin of the American Physical Society1979Hughes, Raymond H.
Time-Of-Flight Analyses of Magnetically-Separated Charge States of Ions from Laser BlowoffsBulletin of the American Physical Society1979Hughes, Raymond H.
Magnetic Analysis of Laser Generated PlasmasBulletin of the American Physical Society1979Hughes, Raymond H.
Optical-Emissions in the Vuv from 2-Kev Electron-Impact on TungstenBulletin of the American Physical Society1979Hughes, Raymond H.
The calculator race-1979 is primeThe Physics Teacher1979Pederson, Donald O.
Ultrasonics in Ionic Conducting Fluoride FluoritesBulletin of the American Physical Society1979Pederson, Donald O.
Photon Excitation of Compound Plasmon Resonances in AluminumBulletin of the American Physical Society1979Richardson, Charles B.
Physics for ArchitectsAmerican Journal of Physics1979Salamo, Gregory J.
Effects of Relaxation on Coherent Continuous-Pulse-Train PropagationPhysical Review Letters1979Salamo, Gregory J.
Introducing Harmonic-Waves through Fourier SynthesisAmerican Journal of Physics1979Sharrah, Paul C.
The calculator race-1979 is primeThe Physics Teacher1979Sharrah, Paul C.
Time-Of-Flight Analyses of Magnetically-Separated Charge States of Ions from Laser BlowoffsBulletin of the American Physical Society1979Zinke, Otto H.
Time-Resolved Investigation of G,k1sigma-G+ States of H-2Bulletin of the American Physical Society1978Anderson, Richard J.
Radiative Decay Constants of H-2 Fulcher BandsJournal of Chemical Physics1978Anderson, Richard J.
Elastic-Scattering of Electrons by Metastable 2s Atomic-HydrogenPhysical Review A1978Chan, Fui T.
Comparison of the Born and Glauber generalized oscillator strengths for the 2s-->3p transition of atomic hydrogenPhysical Review A1978Chan, Fui T.
Plutonium-Free BombPhysics Today1978Lieber, Michael
Comparison of the Born and Glauber generalized oscillator strengths for the 2s-->3p transition of atomic hydrogenPhysical Review A1978Lieber, Michael
Low-Temperature Heat-Capacity of Cadmium FluoridePhysical Review B1978Pederson, Donald O.
Effects of Relaxation on Coherent Continuous Pulse Train PropagationJournal of the Optical Society of America1978Salamo, Gregory J.
Variation and Control of Pulse Width and Repetition Rate from a Passively Mode-Locked Cw Dye-LaserJournal of the Optical Society of America1978Salamo, Gregory J.
Transient Determinations of Thermal Diffusivities and Emissivities of Metal FoilsJournal of Applied Physics1978Zinke, Otto H.
Excitation of the E,F[sup 1] Sigma [sup + ][sub g] states of H[sub 2] by electron impactThe Journal of chemical physics1977Anderson, Richard J.
Electron impact excitation of the G 1$\Sigma$$+$g state of H2Journal of the Optical Society of America1977Anderson, Richard J.
Electron-Impact Excitation of Triplet-States of H-2Bulletin of the American Physical Society1977Anderson, Richard J.
Electron-Scattering by Li in Glauber ApproximationBulletin of the American Physical Society1977Chan, Fui T.
Glauber E-H2 Elastic Cross-Sections using Model of Independent Scattering CentersPhysical Review A1977Chan, Fui T.
Polarization Fractions in Glauber Theory for Electron-Impact Excitation of N=3 Levels of Atomic-HydrogenPhysical Review A1977Chan, Fui T.
Spin-Lattice Relaxation of F-19 in Caf2 - Yb-3+Bulletin of the American Physical Society1977Day, Stephen M.
Excitation of the B²?u+ (?? = 0) state of N2+ by 0.1- to 6.0-keV proton impact on N2Journal of Geophysical Research1977Hughes, Raymond H.
Elastic-Constants of Cadmium Fluoride from 4.2 to 295-KPhysical Review B1977Pederson, Donald O.
Einstein's comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part IAmerican Journal of Physics1977Schwartz, Herman M.
Einstein's comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part IIAmerican Journal of Physics1977Schwartz, Herman M.
Einstein's comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part IIIAmerican Journal of Physics1977Schwartz, Herman M.
Einstein's first paper on relativityAmerican Journal of Physics1977Schwartz, Herman M.
An axiomatic deduction of the pauli spinor theoryInternational Journal of Theoretical Physics1977Schwartz, Herman M.
Inflection Points in Seebeck PotentialsBulletin of the American Physical Society1977Zinke, Otto H.
Excitation of G1-Sigma+g Level of H-2 by Electron-ImpactBulletin of the American Physical Society1976Anderson, Richard J.
Excitation of 2a and 3a States of H2 by Electron-ImpactBulletin of the American Physical Society1976Anderson, Richard J.
Glauber E--Li Elastic-Scattering AmplitudePhysical Review A1976Chan, Fui T.
Glauber E--H-2 Elastic-Scattering AmplitudeBulletin of the American Physical Society1976Chan, Fui T.
Glauber Cross-Sections for Excitation of 31 Levels of Hydrogen-Atom by Electron-ImpactBulletin of the American Physical Society1976Chan, Fui T.
Cross-Sections and Parameters (Lambda, Chi) for Excitation of N=3 Levels of Atomic-Hydrogen by Electron-Impact and Polarization of Resulting Radiation in Glauber TheoryBulletin of the American Physical Society1976Chan, Fui T.
Excitation of the C [sup 3] Pi [sub u] state of N[sub 2] by electron impactThe Journal of chemical physics1975Anderson, Richard J.
Excitation of the B 3Pi-g states of N2 by electron impactPhysical Review A1975Anderson, Richard J.
Excitation of H2 by Low-Energy Electron-ImpactBulletin of the American Physical Society1975Anderson, Richard J.
Cross-Sections for Excitation of Nd-1 States of Helium by Electron-Impact and Polarization of Resulting Radiation in Glauber TheoryPhysical Review A1975Chan, Fui T.
Glauber Cross-Sections for Excitation of 21p Level of Helium by Proton ImpactPhysical Review A1975Chan, Fui T.
X-Ray-Diffraction Study of Liquid Germanium Tetrachloride and Liquid-Tin TetrachlorideThe Journal of Chemical Physics1975Clayton, Glen T.
Study of the interaction of electron paramagnetic spins with nuclear spinsPhysical Review B1975Day, Stephen M.
Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Dipolar Order in Paramagnetic Impurity-Doped Caf2Physical Review B1975Day, Stephen M.
Interaction of Yb3+ Spins with F-19 Spins in Caf2Bulletin of the American Physical Society1975Day, Stephen M.
Ergodic Properties of a Particle Moving Elastically Inside a PolygonJournal of Mathematical Physics1975Hobson, Arthur S.
Production of Atomic Deuterium in the n=3 States by Electron Bombardment of D2Bulletin of the American Physical Society1975Hughes, Raymond H.
Destruction of Fast H(2s) Atoms by Collisions with He, Ar, H2, and N2Physical Review A1975Hughes, Raymond H.
Quantum-Mechanics in Momentum Space - IllustrationAmerican Journal of Physics1975Lieber, Michael
Production of Atomic Deuterium in the n=3 States by Electron Bombardment of D2Bulletin of the American Physical Society1975Richardson, Charles B.
Uniqueness of Einstein's Theory of GravitationBulletin of the American Physical Society1975Schwartz, Herman M.
On the logical foundations of special relativityAmerican Journal of Physics1975Schwartz, Herman M.
Anomalous Behavior of Thomson CoefficientsBulletin of the American Physical Society1975Zinke, Otto H.
Excitation of the B 3-Pi-g and C 3-Pi-u States of N2 by Electron ImpactBulletin of the American Physical Society1974Anderson, Richard J.
Excitation of C3 Pi State of N2 by Electron-ImpactBulletin of the American Physical Society1974Anderson, Richard J.
Glauber Cross-Sections for Excitation of 2 P-1 State of Helium by Electron-ImpactPhysical Review A1974Chan, Fui T.
Excitation Cross-Sections of E-+He-]E-+He(3p-1,4p-1) and Polarization of 5016-a Helium Line Resulting from E--He Scattering in Glauber TheoryPhysical Review A1974Chan, Fui T.
Nuclear Double-Resonance of Nuclei Near Electron-Paramagnetic SpinsBulletin of the American Physical Society1974Day, Stephen M.
Ergodic Properties of a Billiard Ball in a PolygonBulletin of the American Physical Society1974Hobson, Arthur S.
Fine-Structure of Hydrogen, N=3Bulletin of the American Physical Society1974Hughes, Raymond H.
Excitation of the B 3-Pi-g and C 3-Pi-u States of N2 by Electron ImpactBulletin of the American Physical Society1974Hughes, Raymond H.
Excitation of C3 Pi State of N2 by Electron-ImpactBulletin of the American Physical Society1974Hughes, Raymond H.
Fine-Structure of Hydrogen, N=3Bulletin of the American Physical Society1974Richardson, Charles B.
Excitation of the $4^3S$ and $3^3P$ Levels of Helium by Electron ImpactPhysical Review A1973Anderson, Richard J.
Excitation of 3p-3 Level of Helium by Electron-ImpactBulletin of the American Physical Society1973Anderson, Richard J.
Glauber Cross-Sections for Excitation of 2 S-1 State of Helium by Electron and Positron ImpactPhysical Review A1973Chan, Fui T.
Glauber E-(+) He Elastic-Scattering Amplitude - Useful Integral RepresentationPhysical Review A1973Chan, Fui T.
Exact Nonequilibrium Analysis of N-Hard Rods in a Finite BoxBulletin of the American Physical Society1973Hobson, Arthur S.
Excitation of the $4^3S$ and $3^3P$ Levels of Helium by Electron ImpactPhysical Review A1973Hughes, Raymond H.
Excitation of 3p-3 Level of Helium by Electron-ImpactBulletin of the American Physical Society1973Hughes, Raymond H.
The Complete Asymptotic Expansion of the Continuum Schr\odinger Wave FunctionAmerican Journal of Physics1973Lieber, Michael
Are the Einstein and Brans-Dicke Theories of Gravitation Equivalent?Physical Review D1973Schwartz, Herman M.
Conventional Relativity and TachyonsBulletin of the American Physical Society1973Schwartz, Herman M.
Excitation of the $n=4$ Level of $\mathrmHe^+$ by Electron Impact on HePhysical Review A1972Anderson, Richard J.
Excitation to the $2s$ State of Hydrogen by 20- to 120-keV Hydrogen-Atom Impact on He, Ne, Ar, and $\mathrmN_2$Physical Review A1972Hughes, Raymond H.
Production of Lyman-Alpha Radiation by 20- to 120-Kev Hydrogen-Atom Impact on He, Ne, Ar, and N2Physical Review A1972Hughes, Raymond H.
Destruction of 3s State in Atomic-Hydrogen by Fast-Atom Impact on N2, Ar, and H2Physical Review A1972Hughes, Raymond H.
Cross Sections for the Production of Lyman-$$\alpha$$ Radiation by Fast-Proton Impact on $\mathrmH_2$Physical Review A1972Hughes, Raymond H.
Charge-Changing Collisions by 20-Kev to 120-Kev H(2s)-Atom Impact on N2, Ar, and HePhysical Review A1972Hughes, Raymond H.
Excitation of H Atoms to the 4s State by 10- to 35-keV Ground-State H-Atom Impact on H[sub 2] and N[sub 2]The Journal of chemical physics1972Hughes, Raymond H.
Excitation of H Atoms to the $n=3$ States by the Impact of 10 - to 35-keV Ground-State H Atoms on He, Ne, Ar, $\mathrmH_2$, $\mathrmO_2$, and $\mathrmN_2$Physical Review A1972Hughes, Raymond H.
Excitation of the $n=4$ Level of $\mathrmHe^+$ by Electron Impact on HePhysical Review A1972Hughes, Raymond H.
An Operator Domain Paradox and Relativistic Correction to Energy-LevelsAmerican Journal of Physics1972Lieber, Michael
Variational Principles for Three-Body Breakup ScatteringPhysical Review D1972Lieber, Michael
Measurement of the Speed of LightAmerican Journal of Physics1972Richardson, Charles B.
Poincar[e-acute]'s Rendiconti Paper on Relativity. Part IIIAmerican Journal of Physics1972Schwartz, Herman M.
Poincar[e-acute]'s Rendiconti Paper On Relativity. Part IIAmerican Journal of Physics1972Schwartz, Herman M.
Electron Capture into the $n=2$ States of Hydrogen by Fast Proton Impact on GasesPhysical Review A1971Hughes, Raymond H.
On Wyler's derivation of the fine-structure constantLettere Al Nuovo Cimento1971Schwartz, Herman M.
Poincar[e-acute]'s Rendiconti Paper on Relativity. Part IAmerican Journal of Physics1971Schwartz, Herman M.
A New Method of Clock Synchronization without Light SignalsAmerican Journal of Physics1971Schwartz, Herman M.
Snowplowing in a Plasma Rail GunPhysics of Fluids1971Zinke, Otto H.
Detection of Weak Light SignalsJournal of the Optical Society of America1970Anderson, Richard J.
X-Ray Diffraction Study of Liquid Silicon TetrachlorideJournal of Chemical Physics1970Clayton, Glen T.
Production of H Atoms in 3s State by Impact of Fast Ground-State H Atoms on N2Physical Review A1970Hughes, Raymond H.
Electron Capture into the $n=3$ States of H by Fast $\mathrmH^+$ Impact on GasesPhysical Review A1970Hughes, Raymond H.
Production of N = 3 and N = 4 States of Atomic Hydrogen by Electron Impact on H2Journal of Chemical Physics1970Hughes, Raymond H.
Generalization of an Elementary Formula in Relativistic Kinematics due to PauliAmerican Journal of Physics1970Schwartz, Herman M.
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Noninteracting ParticlesAmerican Journal of Physics1970Zinke, Otto H.
Excitation of 31,3d and 41,3f Levels of Helium by Direct Electron Impact and 41p-]41,3f Collisional TransferPhysical Review1969Anderson, Richard J.
Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Cesium FluoridePhysical Review1969Day, Stephen M.
Excitation of 31,3d and 41,3f Levels of Helium by Direct Electron Impact and 41p-]41,3f Collisional TransferPhysical Review1969Hughes, Raymond H.
Further Comments on IrreversibilityPhysics Letters A1968Hobson, Arthur S.
Some Total Electron-Capture Cross Sections for H2+ and H3+ Impact on Ne and H3+ on ArJournal of Chemical Physics1968Hughes, Raymond H.
Elimination of the Monopole Term in the Expansion of the Magnetic Vector PotentialAmerican Journal of Physics1968Zinke, Otto H.
X-Ray Diffraction Study of Liquid BromineThe Journal of Chemical Physics1967Clayton, Glen T.
Determination of Electron and Molecular Radial Distribution Functions for Liquid Carbon Tetrachloride by X-Ray DiffractionThe Journal of Chemical Physics1967Clayton, Glen T.
X-Ray-Diffraction Study of Carbon Tetrafluoride in the Liquid StateThe Journal of Chemical Physics1966Clayton, Glen T.
A Simple Furnace for Growing Metal CrystalsAmerican Journal of Physics1964Clayton, Glen T.
X-Ray Diffraction Study of Liquid Mercury-Indium AlloysThe Journal of Chemical Physics1961Clayton, Glen T.
Open Book Examination as a Deterrence to CheatingAmerican Journal of Physics1961Ham, Lloyd B.
Determination of Atomic Distributions in Liquid Lead-Bismuth Alloys by Neutron and X-Ray DiffractionJournal of Chemical Physics1960Sharrah, Paul C.
Compton Backscattered Photons in Precision Proportional Counter SpectrometryReview of Scientific Instruments1956Robinson, Berol L.
Gamma Rays in the Decay of Barium-131Physical Review1956Robinson, Berol L.
L-K-Capture Ratios, Mean L-Fluorescence Yields, and Transition Energies in Orbital Electron-CaptureReviews of Modern Physics1955Robinson, Berol L.
The Half-Life of Emanation-220Journal of Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry1955Robinson, Berol L.
K and L X-Ray Intensities in Cesium-131 DecayPhysical Review1955Robinson, Berol L.
Electromagnetic Radiations of Cs-132Physical Review1955Robinson, Berol L.
Concerning the Frequencies Resulting from DistortionAmerican Journal of Physics1953Robinson, Berol L.
Neutron Diffraction and Atomic Distribution in Liquid Lead and Liquid Bismuth at Two TemperaturesJournal of Chemical Physics1953Sharrah, Paul C.
Preparation of Pictorial Material for Classroom useAmerican Journal of Physics1952Harvalik, Zaboj V.
A Modified Cotton BalanceAmerican Journal of Physics1951Harvalik, Zaboj V.
Subjective Spectral Band Limits Under Controlled ConditionsJournal of the Optical Society of America1950Harvalik, Zaboj V.
Simple Method to Seal Liquids of High Vapor Pressure into Glass or Quartz CapillariesReview of Scientific Instruments1950Harvalik, Zaboj V.
Electronic Image Converter and Its use in ChromatographyAnalytical Chemistry1950Harvalik, Zaboj V.
An Electronic Magnifier for Observation of Infra-Red and UltravioletAmerican Journal of Physics1950Harvalik, Zaboj V.
The Establishment of Mean Points of Transition between Spectral BandsPhysical Review1950Harvalik, Zaboj V.
Acoustical Impedance and Absorption CoefficientsAmerican Journal of Physics1949Ham, Lloyd B.
Some Properties and X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of some Inorganic Salts Crystallized by the Critical Temperature of Water as SolventPhysical Review1949Harvalik, Zaboj V.
A Microwave PolarimeterReview of Scientific Instruments1949Harvalik, Zaboj V.
An Electronic Eyepiece for Spectroscopy of Near Infra-RedReview of Scientific Instruments1948Harvalik, Zaboj V.
A Modified Fitch Thermal Conductivity ApparatusReview of Scientific Instruments1947Harvalik, Zaboj V.
Atomic and Electronic Distributions in Liquid Nitrogen, Nitric Oxide and Nitrous OxideJournal of Chemical Physics1943Sharrah, Paul C.
The Diffraction of X-Rays by Liquid OxygenJournal of Chemical Physics1942Sharrah, Paul C.
Loudness and IntensityAmerican Journal of Physics1941Ham, Lloyd B.
Vibratory Characteristics of VibraframAcoustical Society of America Journal1940Ham, Lloyd B.
A Low Frequency AlternatorReview of Scientific Instruments1940Roberds, Wesley M.
Some Experiments in Mechanics for the Elementary LaboratoryThe American Physics Teacher1937Roberds, Wesley M.
Some Simple Experiments on Optical ResolutionAmerican Journal of Physics1937Roberds, Wesley M.
High Frequency Conductance of Pyrex Glass in the Presence of VaporsPhysics1935Roberds, Wesley M.
Individualized instruction for superior students in introductory college physicsScience Education1934Roberds, Wesley M.
a Vacuum Tube Relay and Race TimerReview of Scientific Instruments1931Roberds, Wesley M.
An Apparatus for Studying the Nature of MagnetismReview of Scientific Instruments1930Roberds, Wesley M.
An Experimental X-Ray TubeReview of Scientific Instruments1930Roberds, Wesley M.
The Effect of Corona Current on the Cooling of a Hot WirePhysical Review1929Parsons, Samuel R.
An application of the vacuum tube oscillatorJournal of the Optical Society of America1927Crofutt, Charles B.
The Resistance of Copper Wires at Very High FrequenciesPhysical Review1927Roberds, Wesley M.
The L Absorption Limits of Tungsten: Photometric MeasurementsPhysical Review1926Crofutt, Charles B.
Heat Transfer in the Annular Space Between Two Coaxial CylindersPhysical Review1926Parsons, Samuel R.
The K and L Absorption and Emission Spectra of TungstenPhysical Review1924Crofutt, Charles B.
The Current-Voltage Relation in the CoronaPhysical Review1924Parsons, Samuel R.
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